package documentation

Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation. The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse, pylint... Well, actually the development of this library is essentially governed by pylint's needs. It mimics the class defined in the python's _ast module with some additional methods and attributes. New nodes instances are not fully compatible with python's _ast. Instance attributes are added by a builder object, which can either generate extended ast (let's call them astroid ;) by visiting an existent ast tree or by inspecting living object. Methods are added by monkey patching ast classes. Main modules are: * nodes and scoped_nodes for more information about methods and attributes added to different node classes * the manager contains a high level object to get astroid trees from source files and living objects. It maintains a cache of previously constructed tree for quick access * builder contains the class responsible to build astroid trees

Module __pkginfo__ Undocumented
Module arguments No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module astroid_manager This file contain the global astroid MANAGER.
Module bases This module contains base classes and functions for the nodes and some inference utils.
Package brain No package docstring; 35/52 modules documented
Module builder The AstroidBuilder makes astroid from living object and / or from _ast.
Module const Undocumented
Module constraint Classes representing different types of constraints on inference values.
Module context Various context related utilities, including inference and call contexts.
Module decorators A few useful function/method decorators.
Module exceptions This module contains exceptions used in the astroid library.
Module filter_statements _filter_stmts and helper functions.
Module helpers Various helper utilities.
Module inference This module contains a set of functions to handle inference on astroid trees.
Module inference_tip Transform utilities (filters and decorator).
Package interpreter No package docstring; 2/2 modules, 0/1 package documented
Module manager astroid manager: avoid multiple astroid build of a same module when possible by providing a class responsible to get astroid representation from various source and using a cache of built modules)
Module mixins This module contains some mixins for the different nodes.
Module modutils Python modules manipulation utility functions.
Module node_classes Undocumented
Package nodes Every available node class.
Module objects Inference objects are a way to represent composite AST nodes, which are used only as inference results, so they can't be found in the original AST tree. For instance, inferring the following frozenset use, leads to an inferred FrozenSet:...
Module protocols This module contains a set of functions to handle python protocols for nodes where it makes sense.
Module raw_building this module contains a set of functions to create astroid trees from scratch (build_* functions) or from living object (object_build_* functions)
Module rebuilder This module contains utilities for rebuilding an _ast tree in order to get a single Astroid representation.
Module scoped_nodes Undocumented
Module test_utils Utility functions for test code that uses astroid ASTs as input.
Module transforms No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module typing No module docstring; 0/5 type alias, 0/1 type variable, 2/2 classes documented
Module util No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 2/5 functions, 4/4 classes documented
Module _ast No module docstring; 1/7 function, 0/2 class documented
Module _backport_stdlib_names Shim to support Python versions < 3.10 that don't have sys.stdlib_module_names
Module _cache No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/1 class documented