package documentation

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Module apps Undocumented
Module authentication Provides various authentication policies.
Package authtoken Undocumented
Module checks Undocumented
Module compat The `compat` module provides support for backwards compatibility with older versions of Django/Python, and compatibility wrappers around optional packages.
Module decorators The most important decorator in this module is `@api_view`, which is used for writing function-based views with REST framework.
Module documentation Undocumented
Module exceptions Handled exceptions raised by REST framework.
Module fields No module docstring; 0/6 constant, 7/7 functions, 1/2 exception, 7/33 classes documented
Module filters Provides generic filtering backends that can be used to filter the results returned by list views.
Module generics Generic views that provide commonly needed behaviour.
Package management Undocumented
Module metadata The metadata API is used to allow customization of how `OPTIONS` requests are handled. We currently provide a single default implementation that returns some fairly ad-hoc information about the view.
Module mixins Basic building blocks for generic class based views.
Module negotiation Content negotiation deals with selecting an appropriate renderer given the incoming request. Typically this will be based on the request's Accept header.
Module pagination Pagination serializers determine the structure of the output that should be used for paginated responses.
Module parsers Parsers are used to parse the content of incoming HTTP requests.
Module permissions Provides a set of pluggable permission policies.
Module relations No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/1 function, 2/2 exceptions, 6/9 classes documented
Module renderers Renderers are used to serialize a response into specific media types.
Module request The Request class is used as a wrapper around the standard request object.
Module response The Response class in REST framework is similar to HTTPResponse, except that it is initialized with unrendered data, instead of a pre-rendered string.
Module reverse Provide urlresolver functions that return fully qualified URLs or view names
Module routers Routers provide a convenient and consistent way of automatically determining the URL conf for your API.
Package schemas rest_framework.schemas
Module serializers Serializers and ModelSerializers are similar to Forms and ModelForms. Unlike forms, they are not constrained to dealing with HTML output, and form encoded input.
Module settings Settings for REST framework are all namespaced in the REST_FRAMEWORK setting. For example your project's `` file might look like this:
Module status Descriptive HTTP status codes, for code readability.
Package templatetags Undocumented
Module test No module docstring; 0/2 function, 3/13 classes documented
Module throttling Provides various throttling policies.
Module urlpatterns No module docstring; 1/3 function documented
Module urls Login and logout views for the browsable API.
Package utils No package docstring; 9/12 modules documented
Module validators We perform uniqueness checks explicitly on the serializer class, rather the using Django's `.full_clean()`.
Module versioning No module docstring; 5/6 classes documented
Module views Provides an APIView class that is the base of all views in REST framework.
Module viewsets ViewSets are essentially just a type of class based view, that doesn't provide any method handlers, such as `get()`, `post()`, etc... but instead has actions, such as `list()`, `retrieve()`, `create()`, etc...


Exception RemovedInDRF315Warning Undocumented
Constant HTTP_HEADER_ENCODING Undocumented
Constant ISO_8601 Undocumented
Variable __author__ Undocumented
Variable __copyright__ Undocumented
Variable __license__ Undocumented
Variable __title__ Undocumented
Variable __version__ Undocumented
Variable default_app_config Undocumented
__title__: str = (source)


__version__: str = (source)


__author__: str = (source)


__license__: str = (source)


__copyright__: str = (source)


HTTP_HEADER_ENCODING: str = (source)


ISO_8601: str = (source)


default_app_config: str = (source)
