package documentation

Klara is a automatic test case generator

Module cli A central command line option to use for all tools
Package common Undocumented
Package contract Undocumented
Package core No package docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/1 class, 5/23 modules, 0/2 package documented
Package klara_z3 No package docstring; 2/4 modules, 0/2 package documented
Package scripts Undocumented
Module version Undocumented


Function initialize initialize klara to a different configuration :param config: a config object of type Klara.Config to fine tune configuration :param smt_disable: disable z3 solver support :return: None
Function parse parse python code as ast, apply analysis transformation and return modified tree :param source: python source file as string :param py2: True if `source` is python 2, False if it's in python 3 :return: a modified abstract syntax tree with inference support...
Function parse_node using :py:func:`tree_rewriter.extract_node` to extract special comment in the source. Please refer to the related doc for more info.
Constant MANAGER A Central manager responsible to cache result, and various common operation across module
def initialize(config=None, smt_disable=False): (source)

initialize klara to a different configuration :param config: a config object of type Klara.Config to fine tune configuration :param smt_disable: disable z3 solver support :return: None

MANAGER = (source)

A Central manager responsible to cache result, and various common operation across module

def parse(source, py2=False): (source)

parse python code as ast, apply analysis transformation and return modified tree :param source: python source file as string :param py2: True if `source` is python 2, False if it's in python 3 :return: a modified abstract syntax tree with inference support

def parse_node(source, py2=False): (source)

using :py:func:`tree_rewriter.extract_node` to extract special comment in the source. Please refer to the related doc for more info. :param str source: A piece of Python code that is parsed as a module. Will be passed through textwrap.dedent first. :param py2: flag to determine ast version :returns: The designated node from the parse tree, or a list of nodes, wrapped with namedtuple :rtype: namedtuple
