package documentation


Module builder The ``E`` Element factory for generating XML documents.
Module cssselect CSS Selectors based on XPath.
Module doctestcompare lxml-based doctest output comparison.
Module ElementInclude Limited XInclude support for the ElementTree package.
Package html The ``lxml.html`` tool set for HTML handling.
Package includes Undocumented
Package isoschematron The ``lxml.isoschematron`` package implements ISO Schematron support on top of the pure-xslt 'skeleton' implementation.
Module pyclasslookup Undocumented
Module sax SAX-based adapter to copy trees from/to the Python standard library.
Package tests The lxml test suite for lxml, ElementTree and cElementTree.
Module usedoctest Doctest module for XML comparison.
Module _elementpath No module docstring; 0/3 variable, 1/12 function documented


Function get_include Returns a list of header include paths (for lxml itself, libxml2 and libxslt) needed to compile C code against lxml if it was built with statically linked libraries.
Variable __version__ Undocumented
__version__: str = (source)


def get_include(): (source)

Returns a list of header include paths (for lxml itself, libxml2 and libxslt) needed to compile C code against lxml if it was built with statically linked libraries.