package documentation


Module __pkginfo__ This module exists for compatibility reasons.
Package checkers Utilities methods and classes for checkers.
Package config No package docstring; 0/1 constant, 2/4 functions, 3/5 classes, 7/16 modules, 1/1 package documented
Module constants No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/26 constant, 2/2 functions, 0/1 class documented
Module epylint Emacs and Flymake compatible Pylint.
Module exceptions Exception classes raised by various operations within pylint.
Package extensions No package docstring; 1/1 function, 18/28 modules documented
Module graph Graph manipulation utilities.
Module interfaces Interfaces for Pylint objects.
Package lint Pylint [options] modules_or_packages.
Package message All the classes related to Message handling.
Package pyreverse Pyreverse.extensions.
Package reporters Utilities methods and classes for reporters.
Package testutils Functional/non regression tests for pylint.
Module typing A collection of typing utilities.
Package utils Some various utilities and helper classes, most of them used in the main pylint class.
Module __main__ Undocumented


Function modify_sys_path Modify sys path for execution as Python module.
Function run_epylint Run epylint.
Function run_pylint Run pylint.
Function run_pyreverse Run pyreverse.
Function run_symilar Run symilar.
Variable __version__ Undocumented
Function _run_pylint_config Run pylint-config.
__version__: str = (source)


def run_pylint(argv: Sequence[str]|None = None): (source)

Run pylint. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line

def _run_pylint_config(argv: Sequence[str]|None = None): (source)

Run pylint-config. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line

def run_epylint(argv: Sequence[str]|None = None) -> NoReturn: (source)

Run epylint. argv can be a list of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line

def run_pyreverse(argv: Sequence[str]|None = None) -> NoReturn: (source)

Run pyreverse. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line

def run_symilar(argv: Sequence[str]|None = None) -> NoReturn: (source)

Run symilar. argv can be a sequence of strings normally supplied as arguments on the command line

def modify_sys_path(): (source)

Modify sys path for execution as Python module. Strip out the current working directory from sys.path. Having the working directory in `sys.path` means that `pylint` might inadvertently import user code from modules having the same name as stdlib or pylint's own modules. CPython issue: - Remove the first entry. This will always be either "" or the working directory - Remove the working directory from the second and third entries if PYTHONPATH includes a ":" at the beginning or the end. Don't remove it if PYTHONPATH contains the cwd or '.' as the entry will only be added once. - Don't remove the working directory from the rest. It will be included if pylint is installed in an editable configuration (as the last item).