package documentation

The Sphinx documentation toolchain.

Module addnodes Document tree nodes that Sphinx defines on top of those in Docutils.
Module application Sphinx application class and extensibility interface.
Package builders Builder superclass for all builders.
Package cmd Modules for command line executables.
Module config Build configuration file handling.
Module deprecation Sphinx deprecation classes and utilities.
Package directives Handlers for additional ReST directives.
Package domains Support for domains.
Package environment Global creation environment.
Module errors Contains SphinxError and a few subclasses.
Module events Sphinx core events.
Package ext Contains Sphinx features not activated by default.
Module extension Utilities for Sphinx extensions.
Module highlighting Highlight code blocks using Pygments.
Module io Input/Output files
Module jinja2glue Glue code for the jinja2 templating engine.
Package locale Locale utilities.
Module parsers A Base class for additional parsers.
Module project Utility function and classes for Sphinx projects.
Package pycode Utilities parsing and analyzing Python code.
Module pygments_styles Sphinx theme specific highlighting styles.
Module registry Sphinx component registry.
Module roles Handlers for additional ReST roles.
Package search Create a full-text search index for offline search.
Module setup_command Setuptools/distutils commands to assist the building of sphinx documentation.
Package testing Sphinx test utilities
Module theming Theming support for HTML builders.
Package transforms Docutils transforms used by Sphinx when reading documents.
Package util Utility functions for Sphinx.
Module versioning Implements the low-level algorithms Sphinx uses for versioning doctrees.
Package writers Custom docutils writers.
Module __main__ The Sphinx documentation toolchain.


Variable __version__ Undocumented
Variable package_dir Undocumented
Variable ret Undocumented
Variable version_info Undocumented
Variable _in_development Undocumented
__version__: str = (source)


version_info: tuple = (source)


package_dir = (source)


_in_development: bool = (source)

