package documentation

Package for retrieving data from typeshed.

Module finder This module is responsible for finding stub files.
Module parser This module is responsible for parsing a stub AST into a dictionary of names.
Module resolver Module responsible for resolving names to the module they come from.


Class ImportedInfo Undocumented
Class ImportedName Undocumented
Class NameInfo Undocumented
Class OverloadedName Undocumented
Class Resolver No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 1/4 method documented
Class SearchContext Undocumented
Function get_all_stub_files Return paths to all stub files for a given Python version.
Function get_search_context Return a context for finding stubs. This context can be passed to other functions in this file.
Function get_stub_ast Return the AST for the stub for the given module name.
Function get_stub_file Return the path to the stub file for this module, if any.
Function get_stub_names Given a module name, return a dictionary of names defined in that module.
Function parse_ast Undocumented
Type Alias NameDict Undocumented
Variable __version__ Undocumented
Variable ModulePath Undocumented
def get_stub_ast(module_name: str, *, search_context: Optional[SearchContext] = None) -> Optional[ast.AST]: (source)

Return the AST for the stub for the given module name.

def get_stub_file(module_name: str, *, search_context: Optional[SearchContext] = None) -> Optional[Path]: (source)

Return the path to the stub file for this module, if any.

def get_all_stub_files(search_context: Optional[SearchContext] = None) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Path]]: (source)

Return paths to all stub files for a given Python version. Return pairs of (module name, module path).

def get_search_context(*, typeshed: Optional[Path] = None, search_path: Optional[Sequence[Path]] = None, python_executable: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[PythonVersion] = None, platform: str = sys.platform, raise_on_warnings: bool = False) -> SearchContext: (source)

Return a context for finding stubs. This context can be passed to other functions in this file. Arguments: - typeshed: Path to typeshed. If this is not given, typeshed_client's own bundled copy of typeshed is used. - search_path: Sequence of directories in which to search for stubs. If this is not given, ``sys.path`` is used. - python_executable: Path to a Python executable that should be used to find the search_path. The default is to use ``sys.executable``. - version: Version of Python to use, as a two-tuple like (3, 9). - platform: Value to use for sys.platform in stubs, defaulting to the current process's value. - raise_on_warnings: Raise an error for any warnings encountered by the parser.

ModulePath = (source)


def get_stub_names(module_name: str, *, search_context: Optional[SearchContext] = None) -> Optional[NameDict]: (source)

Given a module name, return a dictionary of names defined in that module.

def parse_ast(ast: ast.AST, search_context: SearchContext, module_name: ModulePath, *, is_init: bool = False) -> NameDict: (source)


NameDict = (source)


Dict[str, NameInfo]
__version__: str = (source)
