module documentation

Part of the astor library for Python AST manipulation. License: 3-clause BSD Copyright (c) 2015 Patrick Maupin This module provides data and functions for mapping AST nodes to symbols and precedences.

Class Precedence Undocumented
Function get_op_precedence Given an AST node object, returns the precedence.
Function get_op_symbol Given an AST node object, returns a string containing the symbol.
Variable op_data Undocumented
Variable precedence_data Undocumented
Variable symbol_data Undocumented
def get_op_precedence(obj, precedence_data=precedence_data, type=type): (source)

Given an AST node object, returns the precedence.

def get_op_symbol(obj, fmt='%s', symbol_data=symbol_data, type=type): (source)

Given an AST node object, returns a string containing the symbol.

op_data = (source)


precedence_data = (source)


symbol_data = (source)
