module documentation


Class ExplicitNamespacePackageFinder A finder for the explicit namespace packages.
Class Finder A finder is a class which knows how to find a particular module.
Class ImportlibFinder A finder based on the importlib module.
Class ModuleSpec Defines a class similar to PEP 420's ModuleSpec.
Class ModuleType Python module types used for ModuleSpec.
Class PathSpecFinder Finder based on importlib.machinery.PathFinder.
Class ZipFinder Finder that knows how to find a module inside zip files.
Function find_spec Find a spec for the given module.
Class _MetaPathFinder Undocumented
Function _find_spec_with_path Undocumented
Function _get_zipimporters Undocumented
Function _is_setuptools_namespace Undocumented
Function _search_zip Undocumented
Constant _SPEC_FINDERS Undocumented
Variable _EditableFinderClasses Undocumented
Variable _MetaPathFinderModuleTypes Undocumented
def find_spec(modpath: list[str], path: Sequence[str]|None = None) -> ModuleSpec: (source)

Find a spec for the given module. :type modpath: list or tuple :param modpath: split module's name (i.e name of a module or package split on '.'), with leading empty strings for explicit relative import :type path: list or None :param path: optional list of path where the module or package should be searched (use sys.path if nothing or None is given) :rtype: ModuleSpec :return: A module spec, which describes how the module was found and where.

def _find_spec_with_path(search_path: Sequence[str], modname: str, module_parts: list[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str]|None) -> tuple[Finder|_MetaPathFinder, ModuleSpec]: (source)


def _get_zipimporters() -> Iterator[tuple[str, zipimport.zipimporter]]: (source)


def _is_setuptools_namespace(location: pathlib.Path) -> bool: (source)



_EditableFinderClasses: set[str] = (source)


_MetaPathFinderModuleTypes: dict[str, ModuleType] = (source)
