package documentation

Every available node class. .. seealso:: :doc:`ast documentation <green_tree_snakes:nodes>` All nodes inherit from :class:`~astroid.nodes.node_classes.NodeNG`.

Module as_string This module renders Astroid nodes as string
Module const Undocumented
Module node_classes Module for some node classes. More nodes in
Module node_ng Undocumented
Package scoped_nodes This module contains all classes that are considered a "scoped" node and anything related.
Module utils Undocumented
Module _base_nodes This module contains some base nodes that can be inherited for the different nodes.


Class AnnAssign Class representing an :class:`ast.AnnAssign` node.
Class Arguments Class representing an :class:`ast.arguments` node.
Class Assert Class representing an :class:`ast.Assert` node.
Class Assign Class representing an :class:`ast.Assign` node.
Class AssignAttr Variation of :class:`ast.Assign` representing assignment to an attribute.
Class AssignName Variation of :class:`ast.Assign` representing assignment to a name.
Class AsyncFor Class representing an :class:`ast.AsyncFor` node.
Class AsyncWith Asynchronous ``with`` built with the ``async`` keyword.
Class Attribute Class representing an :class:`ast.Attribute` node.
Class AugAssign Class representing an :class:`ast.AugAssign` node.
Class Await Class representing an :class:`ast.Await` node.
Class BinOp Class representing an :class:`ast.BinOp` node.
Class BoolOp Class representing an :class:`ast.BoolOp` node.
Class Break Class representing an :class:`ast.Break` node.
Class Call Class representing an :class:`ast.Call` node.
Class Compare Class representing an :class:`ast.Compare` node.
Class Comprehension Class representing an :class:`ast.comprehension` node.
Class Const Class representing any constant including num, str, bool, None, bytes.
Class Continue Class representing an :class:`ast.Continue` node.
Class Decorators A node representing a list of decorators.
Class DelAttr Variation of :class:`ast.Delete` representing deletion of an attribute.
Class Delete Class representing an :class:`ast.Delete` node.
Class DelName Variation of :class:`ast.Delete` representing deletion of a name.
Class Dict Class representing an :class:`ast.Dict` node.
Class DictUnpack Represents the unpacking of dicts into dicts using :pep:`448`.
Class Ellipsis Class representing an :class:`ast.Ellipsis` node.
Class EmptyNode Holds an arbitrary object in the :attr:`LocalsDictNodeNG.locals`.
Class EvaluatedObject Contains an object that has already been inferred
Class ExceptHandler Class representing an :class:`ast.ExceptHandler`. node.
Class Expr Class representing an :class:`ast.Expr` node.
Class ExtSlice Class representing an :class:`ast.ExtSlice` node.
Class For Class representing an :class:`ast.For` node.
Class FormattedValue Class representing an :class:`ast.FormattedValue` node.
Class Global Class representing an :class:`ast.Global` node.
Class If Class representing an :class:`ast.If` node.
Class IfExp Class representing an :class:`ast.IfExp` node. >>> import astroid >>> node = astroid.extract_node('value if condition else other') >>> node <IfExp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9dbe0>
Class Import Class representing an :class:`ast.Import` node. >>> import astroid >>> node = astroid.extract_node('import astroid') >>> node <Import l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4e5c0>
Class ImportFrom Class representing an :class:`ast.ImportFrom` node.
Class Index Class representing an :class:`ast.Index` node.
Class JoinedStr Represents a list of string expressions to be joined.
Class Keyword Class representing an :class:`ast.keyword` node.
Class List Class representing an :class:`ast.List` node.
Class Match Class representing a :class:`ast.Match` node.
Class MatchAs Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchAs` node.
Class MatchCase Class representing a :class:`ast.match_case` node.
Class MatchClass Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchClass` node.
Class MatchMapping Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchMapping` node.
Class MatchOr Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchOr` node.
Class MatchSequence Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchSequence` node.
Class MatchSingleton Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchSingleton` node.
Class MatchStar Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchStar` node.
Class MatchValue Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchValue` node.
Class Name Class representing an :class:`ast.Name` node.
Class NamedExpr Represents the assignment from the assignment expression
Class NodeNG A node of the new Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
Class Nonlocal Class representing an :class:`ast.Nonlocal` node.
Class Pass Class representing an :class:`ast.Pass` node.
Class Position Position with line and column information.
Class Raise Class representing an :class:`ast.Raise` node.
Class Return Class representing an :class:`ast.Return` node.
Class Set Class representing an :class:`ast.Set` node.
Class Slice Class representing an :class:`ast.Slice` node.
Class Starred Class representing an :class:`ast.Starred` node.
Class Statement Statement node adding a few attributes.
Class Subscript Class representing an :class:`ast.Subscript` node.
Class TryExcept Class representing an :class:`ast.TryExcept` node.
Class TryFinally Class representing an :class:`ast.TryFinally` node.
Class Tuple Class representing an :class:`ast.Tuple` node.
Class UnaryOp Class representing an :class:`ast.UnaryOp` node.
Class Unknown This node represents a node in a constructed AST where introspection is not possible. At the moment, it's only used in the args attribute of FunctionDef nodes where function signature introspection failed.
Class While Class representing an :class:`ast.While` node.
Class With Class representing an :class:`ast.With` node.
Class Yield Class representing an :class:`ast.Yield` node.
Class YieldFrom Class representing an :class:`ast.YieldFrom` node.
Function are_exclusive return true if the two given statements are mutually exclusive
Function const_factory Return an astroid node for a python value.
Function unpack_infer recursively generate nodes inferred by the given statement. If the inferred value is a list or a tuple, recurse on the elements
Constant ALL_NODE_CLASSES Undocumented
Constant CONST_CLS Undocumented


{list: List,
 tuple: Tuple,
 dict: Dict,
 set: Set,
 type(None): Const,
 type(NotImplemented): Const,
 type(...): Const,
def are_exclusive(stmt1, stmt2, exceptions: list[str]|None = None) -> bool: (source)

return true if the two given statements are mutually exclusive `exceptions` may be a list of exception names. If specified, discard If branches and check one of the statement is in an exception handler catching one of the given exceptions. algorithm : 1) index stmt1's parents 2) climb among stmt2's parents until we find a common parent 3) if the common parent is a If or TryExcept statement, look if nodes are in exclusive branches

def const_factory(value: Any) -> ConstFactoryResult: (source)

Return an astroid node for a python value.

def unpack_infer(stmt, context: InferenceContext|None = None): (source)

recursively generate nodes inferred by the given statement. If the inferred value is a list or a tuple, recurse on the elements