module documentation

babel.messages.jslexer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A simple JavaScript 1.5 lexer which is used for the JavaScript extractor. :copyright: (c) 2013-2023 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

Class Token Undocumented
Function get_rules Get a tokenization rule list given the passed syntax options.
Function indicates_division A helper function that helps the tokenizer to decide if the current token may be followed by a division operator.
Function tokenize Tokenize JavaScript/JSX source. Returns a generator of tokens.
Function unquote_string Unquote a string with JavaScript rules. The string has to start with string delimiters (``'``, ``"`` or the back-tick/grave accent (for template strings).)
Variable division_re Undocumented
Variable dotted_name_re Undocumented
Variable escapes Undocumented
Variable hex_escape_re Undocumented
Variable line_join_re Undocumented
Variable line_re Undocumented
Variable name_re Undocumented
Variable operators Undocumented
Variable regex_re Undocumented
Variable uni_escape_re Undocumented
Variable _rules Undocumented
def get_rules(jsx: bool, dotted: bool, template_string: bool) -> list[tuple[str|None, re.Pattern[str]]]: (source)

Get a tokenization rule list given the passed syntax options. Internal to this module.

def indicates_division(token: Token) -> bool: (source)

A helper function that helps the tokenizer to decide if the current token may be followed by a division operator.

def tokenize(source: str, jsx: bool = True, dotted: bool = True, template_string: bool = True, lineno: int = 1) -> Generator[Token, None, None]: (source)

Tokenize JavaScript/JSX source. Returns a generator of tokens. :param jsx: Enable (limited) JSX parsing. :param dotted: Read dotted names as single name token. :param template_string: Support ES6 template strings :param lineno: starting line number (optional)

def unquote_string(string: str) -> str: (source)

Unquote a string with JavaScript rules. The string has to start with string delimiters (``'``, ``"`` or the back-tick/grave accent (for template strings).)

division_re = (source)


dotted_name_re = (source)



hex_escape_re = (source)


line_join_re = (source)




operators: list[str] = (source)


regex_re = (source)


uni_escape_re = (source)


_rules: list[tuple[str|None, re.Pattern[str]]] = (source)
