module documentation

babel.util ~~~~~~~~~~ Various utility classes and functions. :copyright: (c) 2013-2023 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

Class FixedOffsetTimezone Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC.
Class TextWrapper Undocumented
Function distinct Yield all items in an iterable collection that are distinct.
Function parse_encoding Deduce the encoding of a source file from magic comment.
Function parse_future_flags Parse the compiler flags by :mod:`__future__` from the given Python code.
Function pathmatch Extended pathname pattern matching.
Function wraptext Simple wrapper around the ``textwrap.wrap`` function in the standard library. This version does not wrap lines on hyphens in words.
Variable missing Undocumented
Variable PYTHON_FUTURE_IMPORT_re Undocumented
Variable PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re Undocumented
Function _cmp Undocumented
Type Variable _T Undocumented
def distinct(iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> Generator[_T, None, None]: (source)

Yield all items in an iterable collection that are distinct. Unlike when using sets for a similar effect, the original ordering of the items in the collection is preserved by this function. >>> print(list(distinct([1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]))) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> print(list(distinct('foobar'))) ['f', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'] :param iterable: the iterable collection providing the data

def parse_encoding(fp: IO[bytes]) -> str|None: (source)

Deduce the encoding of a source file from magic comment. It does this in the same way as the `Python interpreter`__ .. __: The ``fp`` argument should be a seekable file object. (From Jeff Dairiki)

def parse_future_flags(fp: IO[bytes], encoding: str = 'latin-1') -> int: (source)

Parse the compiler flags by :mod:`__future__` from the given Python code.

def pathmatch(pattern: str, filename: str) -> bool: (source)

Extended pathname pattern matching. This function is similar to what is provided by the ``fnmatch`` module in the Python standard library, but: * can match complete (relative or absolute) path names, and not just file names, and * also supports a convenience pattern ("**") to match files at any directory level. Examples: >>> pathmatch('**.py', '') True >>> pathmatch('**.py', 'foo/bar/') True >>> pathmatch('**.py', 'templates/index.html') False >>> pathmatch('./foo/**.py', 'foo/bar/') True >>> pathmatch('./foo/**.py', 'bar/') False >>> pathmatch('^foo/**.py', 'foo/bar/') True >>> pathmatch('^foo/**.py', 'bar/') False >>> pathmatch('**/templates/*.html', 'templates/index.html') True >>> pathmatch('**/templates/*.html', 'templates/foo/bar.html') False :param pattern: the glob pattern :param filename: the path name of the file to match against

def wraptext(text: str, width: int = 70, initial_indent: str = '', subsequent_indent: str = '') -> list[str]: (source)

Simple wrapper around the ``textwrap.wrap`` function in the standard library. This version does not wrap lines on hyphens in words. :param text: the text to wrap :param width: the maximum line width :param initial_indent: string that will be prepended to the first line of wrapped output :param subsequent_indent: string that will be prepended to all lines save the first of wrapped output






def _cmp(a: Any, b: Any): (source)


