class documentation


Method default_parser Find the default parser for the given encoding.
Method feed Run some incoming markup through some parsing process, populating the `BeautifulSoup` object in self.soup.
Method test_fragment_to_document See `TreeBuilder`.
Constant ALTERNATE_NAMES Undocumented
Class Variable features Undocumented
Class Variable is_xml Undocumented
Instance Variable parser Undocumented

Inherited from HTMLTreeBuilder:

Method set_up_substitutions Replace the declared encoding in a <meta> tag with a placeholder, to be substituted when the tag is output to a string.
Class Variable block_elements Undocumented
Class Variable empty_element_tags Undocumented

Inherited from LXMLTreeBuilderForXML (via HTMLTreeBuilder):

Method __init__ Constructor.
Method close Undocumented
Method comment Handle comments as Comment objects.
Method data Undocumented
Method doctype Undocumented
Method end Undocumented
Method initialize_soup Let the BeautifulSoup object know about the standard namespace mapping.
Method parser_for Instantiate an appropriate parser for the given encoding.
Method pi Undocumented
Method prepare_markup Run any preliminary steps necessary to make incoming markup acceptable to the parser.
Method start Undocumented
Constant CHUNK_SIZE Undocumented
Constant DEFAULT_NSMAPS Undocumented
Constant NAME Undocumented
Instance Variable active_namespace_prefixes Undocumented
Instance Variable nsmaps Undocumented
Instance Variable processing_instruction_class Undocumented
Instance Variable soup Undocumented
Method _getNsTag Undocumented
Method _prefix_for_namespace Find the currently active prefix for the given namespace.
Method _register_namespaces Let the BeautifulSoup object know about namespaces encountered while parsing the document.
Instance Variable _default_parser Undocumented

Inherited from TreeBuilder (via HTMLTreeBuilder, LXMLTreeBuilderForXML):

Method can_be_empty_element Might a tag with this name be an empty-element tag?
Method reset Do any work necessary to reset the underlying parser for a new document.
Constant TRACKS_LINE_NUMBERS Undocumented
Constant USE_DEFAULT Undocumented
Class Variable picklable Undocumented
Instance Variable cdata_list_attributes Undocumented
Instance Variable preserve_whitespace_tags Undocumented
Instance Variable store_line_numbers Undocumented
Instance Variable string_containers Undocumented
Method _replace_cdata_list_attribute_values When an attribute value is associated with a tag that can have multiple values for that attribute, convert the string value to a list of strings.
def default_parser(self, encoding): (source)

Find the default parser for the given encoding. :param encoding: A string. :return: Either a parser object or a class, which will be instantiated with default arguments.

def feed(self, markup): (source)

Run some incoming markup through some parsing process, populating the `BeautifulSoup` object in self.soup. This method is not implemented in TreeBuilder; it must be implemented in subclasses. :return: None.

def test_fragment_to_document(self, fragment): (source)
ALTERNATE_NAMES: list[str] = (source)

