class documentation

A NavigableString representing an executable script (probably Javascript). Used to distinguish executable code from textual content.

Inherited from NavigableString:

Method __copy__ A copy of a NavigableString has the same contents and class as the original, but it is not connected to the parse tree.
Method __getattr__ text.string gives you text. This is for backwards compatibility for Navigable*String, but for CData* it lets you get the string without the CData wrapper.
Method __getnewargs__ Undocumented
Method __new__ Create a new NavigableString.
Method name.setter Prevent from ever being set.
Method output_ready Run the string through the provided formatter.
Constant PREFIX Undocumented
Constant SUFFIX Undocumented
Class Variable known_xml Undocumented
Class Variable strings Undocumented
Property name Since a NavigableString is not a Tag, it has no .name.
Method _all_strings Yield all strings of certain classes, possibly stripping them.

Inherited from PageElement (via NavigableString):

Method append Appends the given PageElement to the contents of this one.
Method extend Appends the given PageElements to this one's contents.
Method extract Destructively rips this element out of the tree.
Method find_all_next Find all PageElements that match the given criteria and appear later in the document than this PageElement.
Method find_all_previous Look backwards in the document from this PageElement and find all PageElements that match the given criteria.
Method find_next Find the first PageElement that matches the given criteria and appears later in the document than this PageElement.
Method find_next_sibling Find the closest sibling to this PageElement that matches the given criteria and appears later in the document.
Method find_next_siblings Find all siblings of this PageElement that match the given criteria and appear later in the document.
Method find_parent Find the closest parent of this PageElement that matches the given criteria.
Method find_parents Find all parents of this PageElement that match the given criteria.
Method find_previous Look backwards in the document from this PageElement and find the first PageElement that matches the given criteria.
Method find_previous_sibling Returns the closest sibling to this PageElement that matches the given criteria and appears earlier in the document.
Method find_previous_siblings Returns all siblings to this PageElement that match the given criteria and appear earlier in the document.
Method format_string Format the given string using the given formatter.
Method formatter_for_name Look up or create a Formatter for the given identifier, if necessary.
Method get_text Get all child strings of this PageElement, concatenated using the given separator.
Method insert Insert a new PageElement in the list of this PageElement's children.
Method insert_after Makes the given element(s) the immediate successor of this one.
Method insert_before Makes the given element(s) the immediate predecessor of this one.
Method nextGenerator Undocumented
Method nextSiblingGenerator Undocumented
Method parentGenerator Undocumented
Method previousGenerator Undocumented
Method previousSiblingGenerator Undocumented
Method replace_with Replace this PageElement with one or more PageElements, keeping the rest of the tree the same.
Method setup Sets up the initial relations between this element and other elements.
Method unwrap Replace this PageElement with its contents.
Method wrap Wrap this PageElement inside another one.
Class Variable default Undocumented
Class Variable nextSibling Undocumented
Class Variable previousSibling Undocumented
Class Variable text Undocumented
Instance Variable next_element Undocumented
Instance Variable next_sibling Undocumented
Instance Variable parent Undocumented
Instance Variable previous_element Undocumented
Instance Variable previous_sibling Undocumented
Property decomposed Check whether a PageElement has been decomposed.
Property next The PageElement, if any, that was parsed just after this one.
Property next_elements All PageElements that were parsed after this one.
Property next_siblings All PageElements that are siblings of this one but were parsed later.
Property parents All PageElements that are parents of this PageElement.
Property previous The PageElement, if any, that was parsed just before this one.
Property previous_elements All PageElements that were parsed before this one.
Property previous_siblings All PageElements that are siblings of this one but were parsed earlier.
Property stripped_strings Yield all strings in this PageElement, stripping them first.
Method _find_all Iterates over a generator looking for things that match.
Method _find_one Undocumented
Method _last_descendant Finds the last element beneath this object to be parsed.
Property _is_xml Is this element part of an XML tree or an HTML tree?