class documentation

Test various methods of Tag which aren't so complicated they need their own classes.

Method test__should_pretty_print Undocumented
Method test_all_strings_ignores_special_string_containers Undocumented
Method test_all_text Tag.text and Tag.get_text(sep=u"") -> all child text, concatenated
Method test_attributes_come_out_in_alphabetical_order Undocumented
Method test_deprecated_member_access Undocumented
Method test_empty_tag_has_no_string Undocumented
Method test_get_text_ignores_special_string_containers Undocumented
Method test_has_attr has_attr() checks for the presence of an attribute.
Method test_lack_of_string Only a Tag containing a single text node has a .string.
Method test_len The length of a Tag is its number of children.
Method test_member_access_invokes_find Accessing a Python member .foo invokes find('foo')
Method test_string Undocumented
Method test_string_methods_inside_special_string_container_tags Undocumented
Method test_tag_with_multiple_children_has_no_string Undocumented
Method test_tag_with_recursive_string_has_string Undocumented

Inherited from SoupTest:

Method assert_selects Make sure that the given tags have the correct text.
Method assert_selects_ids Make sure that the given tags have the correct IDs.
Method assert_soup Parse some markup using Beautiful Soup and verify that the output markup is as expected.
Method assertConnectedness Ensure that next_element and previous_element are properly set for all descendants of the given element.
Method document_for Turn an HTML fragment into a document.
Method linkage_validator Ensure proper linkage throughout the document.
Method soup Build a Beautiful Soup object from markup.
Property default_builder Undocumented
def test__should_pretty_print(self): (source)


def test_all_strings_ignores_special_string_containers(self): (source)


def test_all_text(self): (source)

Tag.text and Tag.get_text(sep=u"") -> all child text, concatenated

def test_attributes_come_out_in_alphabetical_order(self): (source)


def test_deprecated_member_access(self): (source)


def test_empty_tag_has_no_string(self): (source)


def test_get_text_ignores_special_string_containers(self): (source)


def test_has_attr(self): (source)

has_attr() checks for the presence of an attribute. Please note note: has_attr() is different from __in__. has_attr() checks the tag's attributes and __in__ checks the tag's chidlren.

def test_lack_of_string(self): (source)

Only a Tag containing a single text node has a .string.

def test_len(self): (source)

The length of a Tag is its number of children.

def test_member_access_invokes_find(self): (source)

Accessing a Python member .foo invokes find('foo')

def test_string(self): (source)


def test_string_methods_inside_special_string_container_tags(self): (source)


def test_tag_with_multiple_children_has_no_string(self): (source)


def test_tag_with_recursive_string_has_string(self): (source)
