module documentation

Tests for Beautiful Soup's tree traversal methods. The tree traversal methods are the main advantage of using Beautiful Soup over just using a parser. Different parsers will build different Beautiful Soup trees given the same markup, but all Beautiful Soup trees can be traversed with the methods tested here.

Class ProximityTest Undocumented
Class SiblingTest Undocumented
Class TestDeprecatedArguments Undocumented
Class TestFind Basic tests of the find() method.
Class TestFindAll Basic tests of the find_all() method.
Class TestFindAllBasicNamespaces Undocumented
Class TestFindAllByAttribute Undocumented
Class TestFindAllByName Test ways of finding tags by tag name.
Class TestIndex Test Tag.index
Class TestNextOperations Undocumented
Class TestNextSibling Undocumented
Class TestParentOperations Test navigation and searching through an element's parents.
Class TestPreviousOperations Undocumented
Class TestPreviousSibling Undocumented
Class TestSmooth Test Tag.smooth.
Class TestTreeModification No class docstring; 3/45 methods documented