module documentation


Class Bool No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 2/2 methods, 0/1 static method documented
Function BoolS Creates a boolean symbol (i.e., a variable).
Function BoolV Undocumented
Function cleanup Undocumented
Function constraint_to_si Convert a constraint to SI if possible.
Function If Undocumented
Function is_false Undocumented
Function is_true Undocumented
Function ite_cases Return an expression of if-then-else trees which expresses a series of alternatives
Function ite_dict Return an expression of if-then-else trees which expresses a switch tree :param i: The variable which may take on multiple values affecting the final result :param d: A dict mapping possible values for i to values which the result could be :param default: A default value that the expression should take on if `i` matches none of the keys of `d` :return: An expression encoding the result of the above...
Function reverse_ite_cases Given an expression created by `ite_cases`, produce the cases that generated it :param ast: :return:
Variable And Undocumented
Variable false Undocumented
Variable l Undocumented
Variable Not Undocumented
Variable Or Undocumented
Variable true Undocumented
Variable _boolv_cache Undocumented
def BoolS(name, explicit_name=None): (source)

Creates a boolean symbol (i.e., a variable). :param name: The name of the symbol :param explicit_name: If False, an identifier is appended to the name to ensure uniqueness. :return: A Bool object representing this symbol.

def BoolV(val): (source)


def cleanup(): (source)


def constraint_to_si(expr): (source)

Convert a constraint to SI if possible. :param expr: :return:

def If(*args): (source)


def is_false(e, exact=None): (source)


def is_true(e, exact=None): (source)


def ite_cases(cases, default): (source)

Return an expression of if-then-else trees which expresses a series of alternatives :param cases: A list of tuples (c, v). `c` is the condition under which `v` should be the result of the expression :param default: A default value that the expression should take on if none of the `c` conditions are satisfied :return: An expression encoding the result of the above

def ite_dict(i, d, default): (source)

Return an expression of if-then-else trees which expresses a switch tree :param i: The variable which may take on multiple values affecting the final result :param d: A dict mapping possible values for i to values which the result could be :param default: A default value that the expression should take on if `i` matches none of the keys of `d` :return: An expression encoding the result of the above

def reverse_ite_cases(ast): (source)

Given an expression created by `ite_cases`, produce the cases that generated it :param ast: :return:







_boolv_cache: dict = (source)
