class documentation

class BackendZ3Parallel(BackendZ3): (source)

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Method __init__ Undocumented
Method abstract Undocumented
Method call Calls operation `op` on args `args` with this backend.
Method resolve Undocumented
Method simplify Undocumented
Method solver This function should return an instance of whatever object handles solving for this backend. For example, in Z3, this would be z3.Solver().
Static Method _translate Undocumented
Method _add This function adds constraints to the backend solver.
Method _background Undocumented
Method _batch_eval Evaluate one or multiple expressions.
Method _check Undocumented
Method _convert Converts `r` to something usable by this backend.
Method _eval This function returns up to `n` possible solutions for expression `expr`.
Method _max Return the maximum value of expr.
Method _min Return the minimum value of expr.
Method _results Undocumented
Method _simplify Undocumented
Method _synchronize Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache_objects Undocumented
Instance Variable _child Undocumented
Instance Variable _lock Undocumented

Inherited from BackendZ3:

Method add This function adds constraints to the backend solver.
Method BoolS Undocumented
Method BoolV Undocumented
Method BVS Undocumented
Method BVV Undocumented
Method clone_solver Undocumented
Method downsize Clears all caches associated with this backend.
Method FPS Undocumented
Method FPV Undocumented
Method StringS Undocumented
Method StringV Undocumented
Instance Variable reuse_z3_solver Undocumented
Property extra_bvs_data Undocumented
Static Method _abstract_fp_encoded_val Undocumented
Static Method _abstract_fp_val Undocumented
Static Method _op_add Undocumented
Static Method _op_and Undocumented
Static Method _op_div Undocumented
Static Method _op_mod Undocumented
Static Method _op_mul Undocumented
Static Method _op_or Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_Concat Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_Extract Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_IntToStr Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_LShR Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_Reverse Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_RotateLeft Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_RotateRight Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SDiv Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SGE Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SGT Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SignExt Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SLE Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SLT Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_SMod Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrConcat Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrContains Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrIndexOf Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrLen Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrPrefixOf Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrReplace Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrSubstr Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrSuffixOf Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_StrToInt Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_UGE Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_UGT Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_ULE Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_ULT Undocumented
Static Method _op_raw_ZeroExt Undocumented
Static Method _op_sub Undocumented
Static Method _op_xor Undocumented
Static Method _z3_ast_hash This is a better hashing function for z3 Ast objects. Z3_get_ast_hash() creates too many hash collisions.
Method _abstract Abstracts the BackendObject e to an AST.
Method _abstract_bv_val Undocumented
Method _abstract_internal Undocumented
Method _abstract_to_primitive Undocumented
Method _extrema _max if is_max else _min
Method _generic_model Converts a Z3 model to a name->primitive dict.
Method _identical This should return whether `a` is identical to `b`. This is the native version of ``identical()``.
Method _is_false The native version of is_false.
Method _is_true The native version of is_true.
Method _name This should return the name of an object.
Method _op_raw_And Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpAbs Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpAdd Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpDiv Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpEQ Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpFP Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpGEQ Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpGT Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpIsInf Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpIsNaN Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpLEQ Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpLT Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpMul Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpNeg Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpSqrt Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpSub Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpToFP Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpToFPUnsigned Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpToIEEEBV Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpToSBV Undocumented
Method _op_raw_fpToUBV Undocumented
Method _op_raw_If Undocumented
Method _op_raw_Not Undocumented
Method _op_raw_Or Undocumented
Method _op_raw_Xor Undocumented
Method _pop_from_ast_cache Undocumented
Method _primitive_from_model Undocumented
Method _satisfiable This function does a constraint check and returns a model for a solver.
Method _solution Return True if v is a solution of expr with the extra constraints, False otherwise.
Method _unsat_core This function returns the unsat core from the backend solver.
Class Variable _split_on Undocumented
Instance Variable _ast_cache_size Undocumented
Property _ast_cache Undocumented
Property _boolref_tactics Undocumented
Property _c_uint64_p Undocumented
Property _context Undocumented
Property _sym_cache Undocumented
Property _var_cache Undocumented

Inherited from Backend (via BackendZ3):

Method apply_annotation This should apply the annotation on the backend object, and return a new backend object.
Method batch_eval Evaluate one or multiple expressions.
Method cardinality This should return the maximum number of values that an expression can take on. This should be a strict *over* approximation.
Method check_satisfiability This function does a constraint check and returns the solvers state
Method convert Resolves a claripy.ast.Base into something usable by the backend.
Method convert_list Undocumented
Method default_op Undocumented
Method eval This function returns up to `n` possible solutions for expression `expr`.
Method handles Checks whether this backend can handle the expression.
Method has_false Should return False if `e` can possibly be False.
Method has_true Should return True if `e` can possible be True.
Method identical This should return whether `a` is identical to `b`. Of course, this isn't always clear. True should mean that it is definitely identical. False eans that, conservatively, it might not be.
Method is_false Should return True if e can be easily found to be False.
Method is_true Should return True if `e` can be easily found to be True.
Method max Return the maximum value of expr.
Method min Return the minimum value of `expr`.
Method multivalued Undocumented
Method name This should return the name of an expression.
Method satisfiable This function does a constraint check and checks if the solver is in a sat state.
Method singlevalued Undocumented
Method solution Return True if `v` is a solution of `expr` with the extra constraints, False otherwise.
Method unsat_core This function returns the unsat core from the backend solver.
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Property is_smt_backend Undocumented
Method _call _call
Method _cardinality This should return the maximum number of values that an expression can take on. This should be a strict *over* approximation.
Method _check_satisfiability This function does a constraint check and returns the solvers state
Method _has_false The native version of :func:`has_false`.
Method _has_true The native version of :func:`has_true`.
Method _make_expr_ops Fill up `self._op_expr` dict.
Method _make_raw_ops Undocumented
Instance Variable _false_cache Undocumented
Instance Variable _op_expr Undocumented
Instance Variable _op_raw Undocumented
Instance Variable _solver_required Undocumented
Instance Variable _tls Undocumented
Instance Variable _true_cache Undocumented
Property _object_cache Undocumented
def abstract(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def call(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Calls operation `op` on args `args` with this backend. :return: A backend object representing the result.

def resolve(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def simplify(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)
def solver(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

This function should return an instance of whatever object handles solving for this backend. For example, in Z3, this would be z3.Solver().

def _translate(*args): (source)


def _add(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

This function adds constraints to the backend solver. :param c: sequence of converted backend objects :param s: backend solver object :param bool track: True to enable constraint tracking, which is used in unsat_core().

def _background(self, f_name, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def _batch_eval(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Evaluate one or multiple expressions. :param exprs: A list of expressions to evaluate. :param n: Number of different solutions to return. :param extra_constraints: Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve. :param solver: A solver object, native to the backend, to assist in the evaluation. :param model_callback: a function that will be executed with recovered models (if any) :return: A list of up to n tuples, where each tuple is a solution for all expressions.

def _check(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def _convert(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Converts `r` to something usable by this backend.

def _eval(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

This function returns up to `n` possible solutions for expression `expr`. :param expr: An expression (backend object) to evaluate. :param n: A number of results to return. :param extra_constraints: Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve. :param solver: A solver object, native to the backend, to assist in the evaluation (for example, a z3.Solver). :param model_callback: a function that will be executed with recovered models (if any) :return: A sequence of up to n results (backend objects).

def _max(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Return the maximum value of expr. :param expr: expression (backend object) to evaluate :param solver: a solver object, native to the backend, to assist in the evaluation (for example, a z3.Solver) :param extra_constraints: extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve :param signed: Whether to solve for the maximum signed integer instead of the unsigned max :param model_callback: a function that will be executed with recovered models (if any) :return: the maximum possible value of expr (backend object)

def _min(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Return the minimum value of expr. :param expr: expression (backend object) to evaluate :param solver: a solver object, native to the backend, to assist in the evaluation (for example, a z3.Solver) :param extra_constraints: extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve :param signed: Whether to solve for the minimum signed integer instead of the unsigned min :param model_callback: a function that will be executed with recovered models (if any) :return: the minimum possible value of expr (backend object)

def _results(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def _simplify(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)
def _synchronize(self, f, *args, **kwargs): (source)


_cache_objects: bool = (source)

