module documentation


Class StringV Undocumented
Function IntToStr Return the string representation of `input_bvv`.
Function StrConcat Concatenate a sequence of strings.
Function StrContains Check if `substring` is contained in `input_string`.
Function StrIndexOf Return the index of the first occurrence of `substring` at or after the `startIndex`, or -1 if it is not found.
Function StrIsDigit Determine whether `input_string` is entirely numeric.
Function StrLen Return length of the `input_string` in bytes.
Function StrPrefixOf Check if `input_string` starts with `prefix`.
Function StrReplace Return string where the first occurrence of `pattern_to_be_replaced` is replaced with `replacement_pattern`.
Function StrSubstr Return the substring of length `count` starting at `start_idx`.
Function StrSuffixOf Check if `input_string` ends with `suffix`.
Function StrToInt Return the integer representation of `input_string`.
def IntToStr(input_bvv): (source)

Return the string representation of `input_bvv`. :param input_bvv: the integer to be expressed as a string :return: the string representation of the integer

def StrConcat(*args): (source)

Concatenate a sequence of strings. :param args: list of string that has to be concatenated :return: the concatenated string

def StrContains(input_string, substring): (source)

Check if `substring` is contained in `input_string`. :param input_string: the string we want to check :param substring: the string we want to check if it's contained inside the input_string :return: True if substring is contained in input_string else False

def StrIndexOf(input_string, substring, startIndex, bitlength): (source)

Return the index of the first occurrence of `substring` at or after the `startIndex`, or -1 if it is not found. :param input_string: the string we want to check :param substring: the substring we want to find the index :param startIndex: the index to start searching at :param bitlength: length of the bitvector representing the index of the substring :return BV: index of the substring or -1 in bitvector

def StrIsDigit(input_string): (source)

Determine whether `input_string` is entirely numeric. :param input_string: the string we want to check :return: True if the string is entirely numeric otherwise False

def StrLen(input_string, bitlength): (source)

Return length of the `input_string` in bytes. :param input_string: the string we want to calculate the length :param bitlength: length of the bitvector representing the length of the string :return: bitvector holding the size of the string in bytes

def StrPrefixOf(prefix, input_string): (source)

Check if `input_string` starts with `prefix`. :param prefix: prefix we want to check :param input_string: the string we want to check :return: True if the input_string starts with prefix else False

def StrReplace(initial_string, pattern_to_be_replaced, replacement_pattern): (source)

Return string where the first occurrence of `pattern_to_be_replaced` is replaced with `replacement_pattern`. :param initial_string: string in which the pattern needs to be replaced :param pattern_to_be_replaced: substring that has to be replaced inside initial_string :param replacement_pattern: pattern that has to be inserted in initial_string to replace pattern_to_be_replaced :return: string with replacement

def StrSubstr(start_idx, count, initial_string): (source)

Return the substring of length `count` starting at `start_idx`. :param start_idx: starting index of the substring :param count: length of the substring in bytes :param initial_string: original string :return: the substring

def StrSuffixOf(suffix, input_string): (source)

Check if `input_string` ends with `suffix`. :param suffix: suffix we want to check :param input_string: the string we want to check :return : True if the input_string ends with suffix else False

def StrToInt(input_string, bitlength): (source)

Return the integer representation of `input_string`. :param input_string: the string we want to transform in an integer :param bitlength: length of the bitvector representing the index of the substring :return BV: bitvector of the integer resulting from the string or -1 in bitvector if the string cannot be transformed into an integer