class documentation

A group allows a command to have subcommands attached. This is the most common way to implement nesting in Click. :param name: The name of the group command. :param commands: A dict mapping names to :class:`Command` objects. Can also be a list of :class:`Command`, which will use :attr:`` to create the dict. :param attrs: Other command arguments described in :class:`MultiCommand`, :class:`Command`, and :class:`BaseCommand`. .. versionchanged:: 8.0 The ``commmands`` argument can be a list of command objects.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add_command Registers another :class:`Command` with this group. If the name is not provided, the name of the command is used.
Method command A shortcut decorator for declaring and attaching a command to the group. This takes the same arguments as :func:`command` and immediately registers the created command with this group by calling :meth:`add_command`.
Method get_command Given a context and a command name, this returns a :class:`Command` object if it exists or returns `None`.
Method group A shortcut decorator for declaring and attaching a group to the group. This takes the same arguments as :func:`group` and immediately registers the created group with this group by calling :meth:`add_command`.
Method list_commands Returns a list of subcommand names in the order they should appear.
Class Variable command_class Undocumented
Class Variable group_class Undocumented
Instance Variable commands Undocumented

Inherited from MultiCommand:

Method collect_usage_pieces Returns all the pieces that go into the usage line and returns it as a list of strings.
Method format_commands Extra format methods for multi methods that adds all the commands after the options.
Method format_options Writes all the options into the formatter if they exist.
Method invoke Given a context, this invokes the attached callback (if it exists) in the right way.
Method parse_args Given a context and a list of arguments this creates the parser and parses the arguments, then modifies the context as necessary. This is automatically invoked by :meth:`make_context`.
Method resolve_command Undocumented
Method result_callback Adds a result callback to the command. By default if a result callback is already registered this will chain them but this can be disabled with the `replace` parameter. The result callback is invoked with the return value of the subcommand (or the list of return values from all subcommands if chaining is enabled) as well as the parameters as they would be passed to the main callback.
Method shell_complete Return a list of completions for the incomplete value. Looks at the names of options, subcommands, and chained multi-commands.
Method to_info_dict Gather information that could be useful for a tool generating user-facing documentation. This traverses the entire structure below this command.
Class Variable allow_extra_args Undocumented
Class Variable allow_interspersed_args Undocumented
Instance Variable chain Undocumented
Instance Variable invoke_without_command Undocumented
Instance Variable no_args_is_help Undocumented
Instance Variable subcommand_metavar Undocumented
Instance Variable _result_callback Undocumented

Inherited from Command (via MultiCommand):

Method format_epilog Writes the epilog into the formatter if it exists.
Method format_help Writes the help into the formatter if it exists.
Method format_help_text Writes the help text to the formatter if it exists.
Method format_usage Writes the usage line into the formatter.
Method get_help Formats the help into a string and returns it.
Method get_help_option Returns the help option object.
Method get_help_option_names Returns the names for the help option.
Method get_params Undocumented
Method get_short_help_str Gets short help for the command or makes it by shortening the long help string.
Method get_usage Formats the usage line into a string and returns it.
Method make_parser Creates the underlying option parser for this command.
Instance Variable add_help_option Undocumented
Instance Variable callback Undocumented
Instance Variable deprecated Undocumented
Instance Variable epilog Undocumented
Instance Variable help Undocumented
Instance Variable hidden Undocumented
Instance Variable options_metavar Undocumented
Instance Variable params Undocumented
Instance Variable short_help Undocumented

Inherited from BaseCommand (via MultiCommand, Command):

Method __call__ Alias for :meth:`main`.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method main This is the way to invoke a script with all the bells and whistles as a command line application. This will always terminate the application after a call. If this is not wanted, ``SystemExit`` needs to be caught.
Method make_context This function when given an info name and arguments will kick off the parsing and create a new :class:`Context`. It does not invoke the actual command callback though.
Class Variable ignore_unknown_options Undocumented
Instance Variable context_settings Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Method _main_shell_completion Check if the shell is asking for tab completion, process that, then exit early. Called from :meth:`main` before the program is invoked.
def __init__(self, name=None, commands=None, **attrs): (source)


commands:t.Optional[t.Union[t.Dict[str, Command], t.Sequence[Command]]]Undocumented
def add_command(self, cmd, name=None): (source)

Registers another :class:`Command` with this group. If the name is not provided, the name of the command is used.

def command(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

A shortcut decorator for declaring and attaching a command to the group. This takes the same arguments as :func:`command` and immediately registers the created command with this group by calling :meth:`add_command`. To customize the command class used, set the :attr:`command_class` attribute. .. versionchanged:: 8.1 This decorator can be applied without parentheses. .. versionchanged:: 8.0 Added the :attr:`command_class` attribute.

t.Union[t.Callable[[t.Callable[..., t.Any]], Command], Command]Undocumented
def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): (source)

Given a context and a command name, this returns a :class:`Command` object if it exists or returns `None`.

def group(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

A shortcut decorator for declaring and attaching a group to the group. This takes the same arguments as :func:`group` and immediately registers the created group with this group by calling :meth:`add_command`. To customize the group class used, set the :attr:`group_class` attribute. .. versionchanged:: 8.1 This decorator can be applied without parentheses. .. versionchanged:: 8.0 Added the :attr:`group_class` attribute.

t.Union[t.Callable[[t.Callable[..., t.Any]], Group], Group]Undocumented
def list_commands(self, ctx): (source)

Returns a list of subcommand names in the order they should appear.

command_class: t.Optional[t.Type[Command]] = (source)


