class documentation

class StringParamType(ParamType): (source)

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Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method convert Convert the value to the correct type. This is not called if the value is ``None`` (the missing value).
Class Variable name Undocumented

Inherited from ParamType:

Method __call__ Undocumented
Method fail Helper method to fail with an invalid value message.
Method get_metavar Returns the metavar default for this param if it provides one.
Method get_missing_message Optionally might return extra information about a missing parameter.
Method shell_complete Return a list of :class:`~click.shell_completion.CompletionItem` objects for the incomplete value. Most types do not provide completions, but some do, and this allows custom types to provide custom completions as well.
Method split_envvar_value Given a value from an environment variable this splits it up into small chunks depending on the defined envvar list splitter.
Method to_info_dict Gather information that could be useful for a tool generating user-facing documentation.
Class Variable arity Undocumented
Class Variable envvar_list_splitter Undocumented
Class Variable is_composite Undocumented
def __repr__(self): (source)


def convert(self, value, param, ctx): (source)

Convert the value to the correct type. This is not called if the value is ``None`` (the missing value). This must accept string values from the command line, as well as values that are already the correct type. It may also convert other compatible types. The ``param`` and ``ctx`` arguments may be ``None`` in certain situations, such as when converting prompt input. If the value cannot be converted, call :meth:`fail` with a descriptive message. :param value: The value to convert. :param param: The parameter that is using this type to convert its value. May be ``None``. :param ctx: The current context that arrived at this value. May be ``None``.

name: str = (source)
