class documentation

class FunctionFilterContext(DataContext): (source)

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This context will only take variables that are functions.

Method allows Should allow names according to the DataContext; and only functions as values.

Inherited from DataContext:

Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __eq__ Don't allow objects of different classes to be equal.
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method checkpoint Make a shallow copy of the context.
Method keys Returns the list of keys available in the context.
Class Variable name Undocumented
Class Variable subcontext Undocumented

Inherited from ListenableMixin (via DataContext):

Method deferred_events Context manager that sets defer_events to False
Instance Variable defer_events Undocumented
Method _add_deferred_event Defer this event.
Method _defer_events_changed Undocumented
Method _defer_events_changed_refire Undocumented
Method _fire_event Fire an ItemsModifiedEvent.
Class Variable _deferred_events Undocumented

Inherited from PersistableMixin (via DataContext):

Static Method load Unpickle the context from a file
Method save Pickle the data context out to a file
def allows(self, value, name=None): (source)

Should allow names according to the DataContext; and only functions as values.