class documentation

class IAdaptedDataContext(IContext): (source)

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A context with adapters.

Method pop_adapter Remove the 'top' from the top of the adapter stack.
Method push_adapter Add an adapter to the 'top' of the adapter stack.
Class Variable adapters Undocumented

Inherited from IContext:

Method __contains__ Test whether the key is available in the context or not.
Method __delitem__ Remove the given key with [] access.
Method __getitem__ Get item with [] access.
Method __setitem__ Set item with [] access.
Method keys Returns the list of keys available in the context.
def pop_adapter(self): (source)

Remove the 'top' from the top of the adapter stack.

def push_adapter(self, adapter): (source)

Add an adapter to the 'top' of the adapter stack.

adapters = (source)
