class documentation

BaseClass that is used for implementing with-statement Derived classes of this base class will override the 'get_indices' method to obtain the right set of indices, depending on the expected behavior of the mask. They could be several applications of masks: 1. Related to index of the context, 2. Related to names in the dictionary of the context, etc...

Method __enter__ Method to be overwritten for a mask class.
Method __exit__ Method to be overwritten for a mask class
Method __init__ Condition should be a string saying 'index < <value>'
Method get_indices This method will return the right set of indices in order to obtain the expected behavior of the mask.
Instance Variable context Undocumented
Instance Variable indices Undocumented
Instance Variable init_value_dict Undocumented
Instance Variable value_dict Undocumented
def __enter__(self): (source)

Method to be overwritten for a mask class. This is the block that is after the try statement, in the try-finally block obtained equivalent to the with statement.

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): (source)

Method to be overwritten for a mask class This is the block that is after the finally statement, in the try-finally block obtained equivalent to the with statement.

def __init__(self, context, condition, value_dict): (source)

Condition should be a string saying 'index < <value>'

def get_indices(self, condition, context=None): (source)

This method will return the right set of indices in order to obtain the expected behavior of the mask.

context = (source)


indices = (source)


init_value_dict: dict = (source)


value_dict = (source)
