class documentation

class WithMaskAdapter(HasTraits): (source)

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Apply a mask to values in a context that are compatible.

Method __init__ If mask is not an array, ensure it is an array
Method adapt_getitem Get item from context
Method adapt_setitem Set item in context
Instance Variable mask Undocumented
Method _create_array Create an array with given fill_(default_)value and mask_value.
def __init__(self, mask, **traits): (source)

If mask is not an array, ensure it is an array

def adapt_getitem(self, context, name, value): (source)

Get item from context

def adapt_setitem(self, context, name, value): (source)

Set item in context

mask = (source)


def _create_array(self, mask_value, default_value=NaN): (source)

Create an array with given fill_(default_)value and mask_value.