class documentation

Implement a stack where elements can be pushed on and you can move back and forth. But no pop. Should mimic home / back / forward in a browser.

Method __call__ return the current element, or None
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method back move the position back and return the current element
Method bubble raise o to the top of the stack and return o. o must b in the stack
Method clear empty the stack
Method empty Undocumented
Method forward move the position forward and return the current element
Method home push the first element onto the top of the stack
Method push push object onto stack at current position - all elements occurring later than the current position are discarded
Method remove remove element o from the stack
Instance Variable _default Undocumented
Instance Variable _elements Undocumented
Instance Variable _pos Undocumented
def __call__(self): (source)

return the current element, or None

def __init__(self, default=None): (source)


def back(self): (source)

move the position back and return the current element

def bubble(self, o): (source)

raise o to the top of the stack and return o. o must b in the stack

def clear(self): (source)

empty the stack

def empty(self): (source)


def forward(self): (source)

move the position forward and return the current element

def home(self): (source)

push the first element onto the top of the stack

def push(self, o): (source)

push object onto stack at current position - all elements occurring later than the current position are discarded

def remove(self, o): (source)

remove element o from the stack

_default = (source)


_elements: list = (source)


_pos: int = (source)
