module documentation


Class BaseModelAdminChecks No class docstring; 23/27 methods documented
Class InlineModelAdminChecks No class docstring; 4/7 methods documented
Class ModelAdminChecks No class docstring; 15/20 methods documented
Function check_admin_app Undocumented
Function check_dependencies Check that the admin's dependencies are correctly installed.
Function must_be Undocumented
Function must_inherit_from Undocumented
Function refer_to_missing_field Undocumented
Function _contains_subclass Return whether or not a dotted class path (or a subclass of that class) is found in a list of candidate paths.
Function _issubclass issubclass() variant that doesn't raise an exception if cls isn't a class.
def check_admin_app(app_configs, **kwargs): (source)


def check_dependencies(**kwargs): (source)

Check that the admin's dependencies are correctly installed.

def must_be(type, option, obj, id): (source)


def must_inherit_from(parent, option, obj, id): (source)


def refer_to_missing_field(field, option, obj, id): (source)


def _contains_subclass(class_path, candidate_paths): (source)

Return whether or not a dotted class path (or a subclass of that class) is found in a list of candidate paths.

def _issubclass(cls, classinfo): (source)

issubclass() variant that doesn't raise an exception if cls isn't a class.