module documentation


Class BaseAdminDocsView Base view for admindocs views.
Class BookmarkletsView Undocumented
Class ModelDetailView Undocumented
Class ModelIndexView Undocumented
Class TemplateDetailView Undocumented
Class TemplateFilterIndexView Undocumented
Class TemplateTagIndexView Undocumented
Class ViewDetailView Undocumented
Class ViewIndexView Undocumented
Function extract_views_from_urlpatterns Return a list of views from a list of urlpatterns.
Function get_readable_field_data_type Return the description for a given field type, if it exists. Fields' descriptions can contain format strings, which will be interpolated with the values of field.__dict__ before being output.
Function get_return_data_type Return a somewhat-helpful data type given a function name
Function simplify_regex Clean up urlpattern regexes into something more readable by humans. For example, turn "^(?P<sport_slug>\w+)/athletes/(?P<athlete_slug>\w+)/$" into "/<sport_slug>/athletes/<athlete_slug>/".
Constant MODEL_METHODS_EXCLUDE Undocumented
def extract_views_from_urlpatterns(urlpatterns, base='', namespace=None): (source)

Return a list of views from a list of urlpatterns. Each object in the returned list is a four-tuple: (view_func, regex, namespace, name)

def get_readable_field_data_type(field): (source)

Return the description for a given field type, if it exists. Fields' descriptions can contain format strings, which will be interpolated with the values of field.__dict__ before being output.

def get_return_data_type(func_name): (source)

Return a somewhat-helpful data type given a function name

def simplify_regex(pattern): (source)

Clean up urlpattern regexes into something more readable by humans. For example, turn "^(?P<sport_slug>\w+)/athletes/(?P<athlete_slug>\w+)/$" into "/<sport_slug>/athletes/<athlete_slug>/".

MODEL_METHODS_EXCLUDE: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


('_', 'add_', 'delete', 'save', 'set_')