class documentation


Method check_expression_support Undocumented
Method convert_extent Undocumented
Method convert_extent3d Undocumented
Method geo_db_type Return the database column type for the geometry field on the spatial backend.
Method geo_quote_name Undocumented
Method geometry_columns Undocumented
Method get_area_att_for_field Undocumented
Method get_db_converters Undocumented
Method get_distance Return the distance parameters for the given geometry field, lookup value, and lookup type.
Method get_distance_att_for_field Undocumented
Method get_geom_placeholder Return the placeholder for the given geometry field with the given value. Depending on the spatial backend, the placeholder may contain a stored procedure call to the transformation function of the spatial backend.
Method get_geometry_converter Undocumented
Method spatial_aggregate_name Undocumented
Method spatial_function_name Undocumented
Method spatial_ref_sys Undocumented
Class Variable disallowed_aggregates Undocumented
Class Variable distance_expr_for_lookup Undocumented
Class Variable from_text Undocumented
Class Variable function_names Undocumented
Class Variable geom_func_prefix Undocumented
Class Variable mariadb Undocumented
Class Variable mysql Undocumented
Class Variable oracle Undocumented
Class Variable postgis Undocumented
Class Variable select Undocumented
Class Variable spatial_version Undocumented
Class Variable spatialite Undocumented
Class Variable unsupported_functions Undocumented
Property select_extent Undocumented
def check_expression_support(self, expression): (source)


def convert_extent3d(self, box, srid): (source)
def geo_quote_name(self, name): (source)
def get_db_converters(self, expression): (source)


def get_distance_att_for_field(self, field): (source)


def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler): (source)

Return the placeholder for the given geometry field with the given value. Depending on the spatial backend, the placeholder may contain a stored procedure call to the transformation function of the spatial backend.

def spatial_function_name(self, func_name): (source)
