module documentation


Function add_srs_entry Take a GDAL SpatialReference system and add its information to the `spatial_ref_sys` table of the spatial backend. Doing this enables database-level spatial transformations for the backend. Thus, this utility is useful for adding spatial reference systems not included by default with the backend:...
def add_srs_entry(srs, auth_name='EPSG', auth_srid=None, ref_sys_name=None, database=None): (source)

Take a GDAL SpatialReference system and add its information to the `spatial_ref_sys` table of the spatial backend. Doing this enables database-level spatial transformations for the backend. Thus, this utility is useful for adding spatial reference systems not included by default with the backend: >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import add_srs_entry >>> add_srs_entry(3857) Keyword Arguments: auth_name: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_name` field. Defaults to 'EPSG'. auth_srid: This keyword may be customized with the value of the `auth_srid` field. Defaults to the SRID determined by GDAL. ref_sys_name: For SpatiaLite users only, sets the value of the `ref_sys_name` field. Defaults to the name determined by GDAL. database: The name of the database connection to use; the default is the value of `django.db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS` (at the time of this writing, its value is 'default').