class documentation

class CheckRegistry: (source)

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Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_checks Undocumented
Method register Can be used as a function or a decorator. Register given function `f` labeled with given `tags`. The function should receive **kwargs and return list of Errors and Warnings.
Method run_checks Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
Method tag_exists Undocumented
Method tags_available Undocumented
Instance Variable deployment_checks Undocumented
Instance Variable registered_checks Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)


def get_checks(self, include_deployment_checks=False): (source)


def register(self, check=None, *tags, **kwargs): (source)

Can be used as a function or a decorator. Register given function `f` labeled with given `tags`. The function should receive **kwargs and return list of Errors and Warnings. Example:: registry = CheckRegistry() @registry.register('mytag', 'anothertag') def my_check(app_configs, **kwargs): # ... perform checks and collect `errors` ... return errors # or registry.register(my_check, 'mytag', 'anothertag')

def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False, databases=None): (source)

Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.

def tag_exists(self, tag, include_deployment_checks=False): (source)


def tags_available(self, deployment_checks=False): (source)


deployment_checks = (source)


registered_checks = (source)
