class documentation

Serialize a QuerySet to XML.

Method end_object Called after handling all fields for an object.
Method end_serialization End serialization -- end the document.
Method handle_field Handle each field on an object (except for ForeignKeys and ManyToManyFields).
Method handle_fk_field Handle a ForeignKey (they need to be treated slightly differently from regular fields).
Method handle_m2m_field Handle a ManyToManyField. Related objects are only serialized as references to the object's PK (i.e. the related *data* is not dumped, just the relation).
Method indent Undocumented
Method start_object Called as each object is handled.
Method start_serialization Start serialization -- open the XML document and the root element.
Instance Variable xml Undocumented
Method _start_relational_field Output the <field> element for relational fields.

Inherited from Serializer:

Method getvalue Return the fully serialized queryset (or None if the output stream is not seekable).
Method serialize Serialize a queryset.
Class Variable internal_use_only Undocumented
Instance Variable first Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable selected_fields Undocumented
Instance Variable stream Undocumented
Instance Variable use_natural_foreign_keys Undocumented
Instance Variable use_natural_primary_keys Undocumented
def end_object(self, obj): (source)

Called after handling all fields for an object.

def end_serialization(self): (source)

End serialization -- end the document.

def handle_field(self, obj, field): (source)

Handle each field on an object (except for ForeignKeys and ManyToManyFields).

def handle_fk_field(self, obj, field): (source)

Handle a ForeignKey (they need to be treated slightly differently from regular fields).

def handle_m2m_field(self, obj, field): (source)

Handle a ManyToManyField. Related objects are only serialized as references to the object's PK (i.e. the related *data* is not dumped, just the relation).

def indent(self, level): (source)


def start_object(self, obj): (source)

Called as each object is handled.

def start_serialization(self): (source)

Start serialization -- open the XML document and the root element.


def _start_relational_field(self, field): (source)

Output the <field> element for relational fields.