package documentation


Module base No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module fields Undocumented
Module models Undocumented
Module special Undocumented


Class AddConstraint Undocumented
Class AddField Add a field to a model.
Class AddIndex Add an index on a model.
Class AlterField Alter a field's database column (e.g. null, max_length) to the provided new field.
Class AlterIndexTogether Change the value of index_together to the target one. Input value of index_together must be a set of tuples.
Class AlterModelManagers Alter the model's managers.
Class AlterModelOptions Set new model options that don't directly affect the database schema (like verbose_name, permissions, ordering). Python code in migrations may still need them.
Class AlterModelTable Rename a model's table.
Class AlterOrderWithRespectTo Represent a change with the order_with_respect_to option.
Class AlterUniqueTogether Change the value of unique_together to the target one. Input value of unique_together must be a set of tuples.
Class CreateModel Create a model's table.
Class DeleteModel Drop a model's table.
Class RemoveConstraint Undocumented
Class RemoveField Remove a field from a model.
Class RemoveIndex Remove an index from a model.
Class RenameField Rename a field on the model. Might affect db_column too.
Class RenameIndex Rename an index.
Class RenameModel Rename a model.
Class RunPython Run Python code in a context suitable for doing versioned ORM operations.
Class RunSQL Run some raw SQL. A reverse SQL statement may be provided.
Class SeparateDatabaseAndState Take two lists of operations - ones that will be used for the database, and ones that will be used for the state change. This allows operations that don't support state change to have it applied, or have operations that affect the state or not the database, or so on.