class documentation

class InteractiveMigrationQuestioner(MigrationQuestioner): (source)

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Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ask_auto_now_add_addition Adding an auto_now_add field to a model.
Method ask_merge Should these migrations really be merged?
Method ask_not_null_addition Adding a NOT NULL field to a model.
Method ask_not_null_alteration Changing a NULL field to NOT NULL.
Method ask_rename Was this field really renamed?
Method ask_rename_model Was this model really renamed?
Method ask_unique_callable_default_addition Adding a unique field with a callable default.
Instance Variable prompt_output Undocumented
Method _ask_default Prompt for a default value.
Method _boolean_input Undocumented
Method _choice_input Undocumented

Inherited from MigrationQuestioner:

Method ask_initial Should we create an initial migration for the app?
Instance Variable defaults Undocumented
Instance Variable dry_run Undocumented
Instance Variable specified_apps Undocumented
def __init__(self, defaults=None, specified_apps=None, dry_run=None, prompt_output=None): (source)
def ask_auto_now_add_addition(self, field_name, model_name): (source)

Adding an auto_now_add field to a model.

def ask_merge(self, app_label): (source)

Should these migrations really be merged?

def ask_not_null_addition(self, field_name, model_name): (source)
def ask_not_null_alteration(self, field_name, model_name): (source)
def ask_rename(self, model_name, old_name, new_name, field_instance): (source)

Was this field really renamed?

def ask_rename_model(self, old_model_state, new_model_state): (source)
def ask_unique_callable_default_addition(self, field_name, model_name): (source)

Adding a unique field with a callable default.

prompt_output = (source)


def _ask_default(self, default=''): (source)

Prompt for a default value. The ``default`` argument allows providing a custom default value (as a string) which will be shown to the user and used as the return value if the user doesn't provide any other input.

def _boolean_input(self, question, default=None): (source)


def _choice_input(self, question, choices): (source)
