module documentation


Class CaseInsensitiveMixin Mixin to allow case-insensitive comparison of JSON values on MySQL. MySQL handles strings used in JSON context using the utf8mb4_bin collation. Because utf8mb4_bin is a binary collation, comparison of JSON values is case-sensitive.
Class ContainedBy Undocumented
Class DataContains Undocumented
Class HasAnyKeys Undocumented
Class HasKey Undocumented
Class HasKeyLookup Undocumented
Class HasKeyOrArrayIndex Undocumented
Class HasKeys Undocumented
Class JSONExact Undocumented
Class JSONField Undocumented
Class JSONIContains Undocumented
Class KeyTextTransform Undocumented
Class KeyTransform Undocumented
Class KeyTransformEndsWith Undocumented
Class KeyTransformExact Undocumented
Class KeyTransformFactory Undocumented
Class KeyTransformGt Undocumented
Class KeyTransformGte Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIContains Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIEndsWith Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIExact Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIn Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIRegex Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIsNull Undocumented
Class KeyTransformIStartsWith Undocumented
Class KeyTransformLt Undocumented
Class KeyTransformLte Undocumented
Class KeyTransformNumericLookupMixin Undocumented
Class KeyTransformRegex Undocumented
Class KeyTransformStartsWith Undocumented
Class KeyTransformTextLookupMixin Mixin for combining with a lookup expecting a text lhs from a JSONField key lookup. On PostgreSQL, make use of the ->> operator instead of casting key values to text and performing the lookup on the resulting representation.
Function compile_json_path Undocumented
def compile_json_path(key_transforms, include_root=True): (source)
