class documentation

Rate throttling of requests.

Method allow_request Return `True` if the request should be allowed, `False` otherwise.
Method get_ident Identify the machine making the request by parsing HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if present and number of proxies is > 0. If not use all of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if it is available, if not use REMOTE_ADDR.
Method wait Optionally, return a recommended number of seconds to wait before the next request.
def allow_request(self, request, view): (source)

Return `True` if the request should be allowed, `False` otherwise.

def get_ident(self, request): (source)

Identify the machine making the request by parsing HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if present and number of proxies is > 0. If not use all of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if it is available, if not use REMOTE_ADDR.

def wait(self): (source)

Optionally, return a recommended number of seconds to wait before the next request.