module documentation

Helpers for dealing with HTML input.

Function is_html_input Undocumented
Function parse_html_dict Used to support dictionary values in HTML forms.
Function parse_html_list Used to support list values in HTML forms. Supports lists of primitives and/or dictionaries.
def is_html_input(dictionary): (source)


def parse_html_dict(dictionary, prefix=''): (source)

Used to support dictionary values in HTML forms. { 'profile.username': 'example', '': '', } --> { 'profile': { 'username': 'example', 'email': '' } }

def parse_html_list(dictionary, prefix='', default=None): (source)

Used to support list values in HTML forms. Supports lists of primitives and/or dictionaries. * List of primitives. { '[0]': 'abc', '[1]': 'def', '[2]': 'hij' } --> [ 'abc', 'def', 'hij' ] * List of dictionaries. { '[0]foo': 'abc', '[0]bar': 'def', '[1]foo': 'hij', '[1]bar': 'klm', } --> [ {'foo': 'abc', 'bar': 'def'}, {'foo': 'hij', 'bar': 'klm'} ] :returns a list of objects, or the value specified in ``default`` if the list is empty