class documentation

class BuildApiMixin: (source)

Known subclasses: docker.api.client.APIClient

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Method build Similar to the ``docker build`` command. Either ``path`` or ``fileobj`` needs to be set. ``path`` can be a local path (to a directory containing a Dockerfile) or a remote URL. ``fileobj`` must be a readable file-like object to a Dockerfile.
Method prune_builds Delete the builder cache
Method _set_auth_headers Undocumented
Instance Variable _auth_configs Undocumented
def build(self, path=None, tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None, nocache=False, rm=False, timeout=None, custom_context=False, encoding=None, pull=False, forcerm=False, dockerfile=None, container_limits=None, decode=False, buildargs=None, gzip=False, shmsize=None, labels=None, cache_from=None, target=None, network_mode=None, squash=None, extra_hosts=None, platform=None, isolation=None, use_config_proxy=True): (source)

Similar to the ``docker build`` command. Either ``path`` or ``fileobj`` needs to be set. ``path`` can be a local path (to a directory containing a Dockerfile) or a remote URL. ``fileobj`` must be a readable file-like object to a Dockerfile. If you have a tar file for the Docker build context (including a Dockerfile) already, pass a readable file-like object to ``fileobj`` and also pass ``custom_context=True``. If the stream is compressed also, set ``encoding`` to the correct value (e.g ``gzip``). Example: >>> from io import BytesIO >>> from docker import APIClient >>> dockerfile = ''' ... # Shared Volume ... FROM busybox:buildroot-2014.02 ... VOLUME /data ... CMD ["/bin/sh"] ... ''' >>> f = BytesIO(dockerfile.encode('utf-8')) >>> cli = APIClient(base_url='tcp://') >>> response = [line for line in ... fileobj=f, rm=True, tag='yourname/volume' ... )] >>> response ['{"stream":" ---\u003e a9eb17255234\n"}', '{"stream":"Step 1 : VOLUME /data\n"}', '{"stream":" ---\u003e Running in abdc1e6896c6\n"}', '{"stream":" ---\u003e 713bca62012e\n"}', '{"stream":"Removing intermediate container abdc1e6896c6\n"}', '{"stream":"Step 2 : CMD [\"/bin/sh\"]\n"}', '{"stream":" ---\u003e Running in dba30f2a1a7e\n"}', '{"stream":" ---\u003e 032b8b2855fc\n"}', '{"stream":"Removing intermediate container dba30f2a1a7e\n"}', '{"stream":"Successfully built 032b8b2855fc\n"}'] Args: path (str): Path to the directory containing the Dockerfile fileobj: A file object to use as the Dockerfile. (Or a file-like object) tag (str): A tag to add to the final image quiet (bool): Whether to return the status nocache (bool): Don't use the cache when set to ``True`` rm (bool): Remove intermediate containers. The ``docker build`` command now defaults to ``--rm=true``, but we have kept the old default of `False` to preserve backward compatibility timeout (int): HTTP timeout custom_context (bool): Optional if using ``fileobj`` encoding (str): The encoding for a stream. Set to ``gzip`` for compressing pull (bool): Downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfiles forcerm (bool): Always remove intermediate containers, even after unsuccessful builds dockerfile (str): path within the build context to the Dockerfile gzip (bool): If set to ``True``, gzip compression/encoding is used buildargs (dict): A dictionary of build arguments container_limits (dict): A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process. Valid keys: - memory (int): set memory limit for build - memswap (int): Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap - cpushares (int): CPU shares (relative weight) - cpusetcpus (str): CPUs in which to allow execution, e.g., ``"0-3"``, ``"0,1"`` decode (bool): If set to ``True``, the returned stream will be decoded into dicts on the fly. Default ``False`` shmsize (int): Size of `/dev/shm` in bytes. The size must be greater than 0. If omitted the system uses 64MB labels (dict): A dictionary of labels to set on the image cache_from (:py:class:`list`): A list of images used for build cache resolution target (str): Name of the build-stage to build in a multi-stage Dockerfile network_mode (str): networking mode for the run commands during build squash (bool): Squash the resulting images layers into a single layer. extra_hosts (dict): Extra hosts to add to /etc/hosts in building containers, as a mapping of hostname to IP address. platform (str): Platform in the format ``os[/arch[/variant]]`` isolation (str): Isolation technology used during build. Default: `None`. use_config_proxy (bool): If ``True``, and if the docker client configuration file (``~/.docker/config.json`` by default) contains a proxy configuration, the corresponding environment variables will be set in the container being built. Returns: A generator for the build output. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. ``TypeError`` If neither ``path`` nor ``fileobj`` is specified.

def prune_builds(self): (source)

Delete the builder cache Returns: (dict): A dictionary containing information about the operation's result. The ``SpaceReclaimed`` key indicates the amount of bytes of disk space reclaimed. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def _set_auth_headers(self, headers): (source)


_auth_configs = (source)
