class documentation

class ConfigApiMixin: (source)

Known subclasses: docker.api.client.APIClient

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Method configs List configs
Method create_config Create a config
Method inspect_config Retrieve config metadata
Method remove_config Remove a config
def configs(self, filters=None): (source)

List configs Args: filters (dict): A map of filters to process on the configs list. Available filters: ``names`` Returns (list): A list of configs

def create_config(self, name, data, labels=None, templating=None): (source)

Create a config Args: name (string): Name of the config data (bytes): Config data to be stored labels (dict): A mapping of labels to assign to the config templating (dict): dictionary containing the name of the templating driver to be used expressed as { name: <templating_driver_name>} Returns (dict): ID of the newly created config

def inspect_config(self, id): (source)

Retrieve config metadata Args: id (string): Full ID of the config to inspect Returns (dict): A dictionary of metadata Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.NotFound` if no config with that ID exists

def remove_config(self, id): (source)

Remove a config Args: id (string): Full ID of the config to remove Returns (boolean): True if successful Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.NotFound` if no config with that ID exists