class documentation

class ContainerApiMixin: (source)

Known subclasses: docker.api.client.APIClient

View In Hierarchy


Method attach Attach to a container.
Method attach_socket Like ``attach``, but returns the underlying socket-like object for the HTTP request.
Method commit Commit a container to an image. Similar to the ``docker commit`` command.
Method containers List containers. Similar to the ``docker ps`` command.
Method create_container Creates a container. Parameters are similar to those for the ``docker run`` command except it doesn't support the attach options (``-a``).
Method create_container_config Undocumented
Method create_container_from_config Undocumented
Method create_endpoint_config Create an endpoint config dictionary to be used with :py:meth:`create_networking_config`.
Method create_host_config Create a dictionary for the ``host_config`` argument to :py:meth:`create_container`.
Method create_networking_config Create a networking config dictionary to be used as the ``networking_config`` parameter in :py:meth:`create_container`.
Method diff Inspect changes on a container's filesystem.
Method export Export the contents of a filesystem as a tar archive.
Method get_archive Retrieve a file or folder from a container in the form of a tar archive.
Method inspect_container Identical to the `docker inspect` command, but only for containers.
Method kill Kill a container or send a signal to a container.
Method logs Get logs from a container. Similar to the ``docker logs`` command.
Method pause Pauses all processes within a container.
Method port Lookup the public-facing port that is NAT-ed to ``private_port``. Identical to the ``docker port`` command.
Method prune_containers Delete stopped containers
Method put_archive Insert a file or folder in an existing container using a tar archive as source.
Method remove_container Remove a container. Similar to the ``docker rm`` command.
Method rename Rename a container. Similar to the ``docker rename`` command.
Method resize Resize the tty session.
Method restart Restart a container. Similar to the ``docker restart`` command.
Method start Start a container. Similar to the ``docker start`` command, but doesn't support attach options.
Method stats Stream statistics for a specific container. Similar to the ``docker stats`` command.
Method stop Stops a container. Similar to the ``docker stop`` command.
Method top Display the running processes of a container.
Method unpause Unpause all processes within a container.
Method update_container Update resource configs of one or more containers.
Method wait Block until a container stops, then return its exit code. Similar to the ``docker wait`` command.
def attach(self, container, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False, logs=False, demux=False): (source)

Attach to a container. The ``.logs()`` function is a wrapper around this method, which you can use instead if you want to fetch/stream container output without first retrieving the entire backlog. Args: container (str): The container to attach to. stdout (bool): Include stdout. stderr (bool): Include stderr. stream (bool): Return container output progressively as an iterator of strings, rather than a single string. logs (bool): Include the container's previous output. demux (bool): Keep stdout and stderr separate. Returns: By default, the container's output as a single string (two if ``demux=True``: one for stdout and one for stderr). If ``stream=True``, an iterator of output strings. If ``demux=True``, two iterators are returned: one for stdout and one for stderr. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def attach_socket(self, container, params=None, ws=False): (source)

Like ``attach``, but returns the underlying socket-like object for the HTTP request. Args: container (str): The container to attach to. params (dict): Dictionary of request parameters (e.g. ``stdout``, ``stderr``, ``stream``). For ``detachKeys``, ~/.docker/config.json is used by default. ws (bool): Use websockets instead of raw HTTP. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def commit(self, container, repository=None, tag=None, message=None, author=None, changes=None, conf=None): (source)

Commit a container to an image. Similar to the ``docker commit`` command. Args: container (str): The image hash of the container repository (str): The repository to push the image to tag (str): The tag to push message (str): A commit message author (str): The name of the author changes (str): Dockerfile instructions to apply while committing conf (dict): The configuration for the container. See the `Engine API documentation <>`_ for full details. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def containers(self, quiet=False, all=False, trunc=False, latest=False, since=None, before=None, limit=-1, size=False, filters=None): (source)

List containers. Similar to the ``docker ps`` command. Args: quiet (bool): Only display numeric Ids all (bool): Show all containers. Only running containers are shown by default trunc (bool): Truncate output latest (bool): Show only the latest created container, include non-running ones. since (str): Show only containers created since Id or Name, include non-running ones before (str): Show only container created before Id or Name, include non-running ones limit (int): Show `limit` last created containers, include non-running ones size (bool): Display sizes filters (dict): Filters to be processed on the image list. Available filters: - `exited` (int): Only containers with specified exit code - `status` (str): One of ``restarting``, ``running``, ``paused``, ``exited`` - `label` (str|list): format either ``"key"``, ``"key=value"`` or a list of such. - `id` (str): The id of the container. - `name` (str): The name of the container. - `ancestor` (str): Filter by container ancestor. Format of ``<image-name>[:tag]``, ``<image-id>``, or ``<image@digest>``. - `before` (str): Only containers created before a particular container. Give the container name or id. - `since` (str): Only containers created after a particular container. Give container name or id. A comprehensive list can be found in the documentation for `docker ps <>`_. Returns: A list of dicts, one per container Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def create_container(self, image, command=None, hostname=None, user=None, detach=False, stdin_open=False, tty=False, ports=None, environment=None, volumes=None, network_disabled=False, name=None, entrypoint=None, working_dir=None, domainname=None, host_config=None, mac_address=None, labels=None, stop_signal=None, networking_config=None, healthcheck=None, stop_timeout=None, runtime=None, use_config_proxy=True, platform=None): (source)

Creates a container. Parameters are similar to those for the ``docker run`` command except it doesn't support the attach options (``-a``). The arguments that are passed directly to this function are host-independent configuration options. Host-specific configuration is passed with the `host_config` argument. You'll normally want to use this method in combination with the :py:meth:`create_host_config` method to generate ``host_config``. **Port bindings** Port binding is done in two parts: first, provide a list of ports to open inside the container with the ``ports`` parameter, then declare bindings with the ``host_config`` parameter. For example: .. code-block:: python container_id = client.api.create_container( 'busybox', 'ls', ports=[1111, 2222], host_config=client.api.create_host_config(port_bindings={ 1111: 4567, 2222: None }) ) You can limit the host address on which the port will be exposed like such: .. code-block:: python client.api.create_host_config( port_bindings={1111: ('', 4567)} ) Or without host port assignment: .. code-block:: python client.api.create_host_config(port_bindings={1111: ('',)}) If you wish to use UDP instead of TCP (default), you need to declare ports as such in both the config and host config: .. code-block:: python container_id = client.api.create_container( 'busybox', 'ls', ports=[(1111, 'udp'), 2222], host_config=client.api.create_host_config(port_bindings={ '1111/udp': 4567, 2222: None }) ) To bind multiple host ports to a single container port, use the following syntax: .. code-block:: python client.api.create_host_config(port_bindings={ 1111: [1234, 4567] }) You can also bind multiple IPs to a single container port: .. code-block:: python client.api.create_host_config(port_bindings={ 1111: [ ('', 1234), ('', 1234) ] }) **Using volumes** Volume declaration is done in two parts. Provide a list of paths to use as mountpoints inside the container with the ``volumes`` parameter, and declare mappings from paths on the host in the ``host_config`` section. .. code-block:: python container_id = client.api.create_container( 'busybox', 'ls', volumes=['/mnt/vol1', '/mnt/vol2'], host_config=client.api.create_host_config(binds={ '/home/user1/': { 'bind': '/mnt/vol2', 'mode': 'rw', }, '/var/www': { 'bind': '/mnt/vol1', 'mode': 'ro', } }) ) You can alternatively specify binds as a list. This code is equivalent to the example above: .. code-block:: python container_id = client.api.create_container( 'busybox', 'ls', volumes=['/mnt/vol1', '/mnt/vol2'], host_config=client.api.create_host_config(binds=[ '/home/user1/:/mnt/vol2', '/var/www:/mnt/vol1:ro', ]) ) **Networking** You can specify networks to connect the container to by using the ``networking_config`` parameter. At the time of creation, you can only connect a container to a single networking, but you can create more connections by using :py:meth:`~connect_container_to_network`. For example: .. code-block:: python networking_config = client.api.create_networking_config({ 'network1': client.api.create_endpoint_config( ipv4_address='', aliases=['foo', 'bar'], links=['container2'] ) }) ctnr = client.api.create_container( img, command, networking_config=networking_config ) Args: image (str): The image to run command (str or list): The command to be run in the container hostname (str): Optional hostname for the container user (str or int): Username or UID detach (bool): Detached mode: run container in the background and return container ID stdin_open (bool): Keep STDIN open even if not attached tty (bool): Allocate a pseudo-TTY ports (list of ints): A list of port numbers environment (dict or list): A dictionary or a list of strings in the following format ``["PASSWORD=xxx"]`` or ``{"PASSWORD": "xxx"}``. volumes (str or list): List of paths inside the container to use as volumes. network_disabled (bool): Disable networking name (str): A name for the container entrypoint (str or list): An entrypoint working_dir (str): Path to the working directory domainname (str): The domain name to use for the container host_config (dict): A dictionary created with :py:meth:`create_host_config`. mac_address (str): The Mac Address to assign the container labels (dict or list): A dictionary of name-value labels (e.g. ``{"label1": "value1", "label2": "value2"}``) or a list of names of labels to set with empty values (e.g. ``["label1", "label2"]``) stop_signal (str): The stop signal to use to stop the container (e.g. ``SIGINT``). stop_timeout (int): Timeout to stop the container, in seconds. Default: 10 networking_config (dict): A networking configuration generated by :py:meth:`create_networking_config`. runtime (str): Runtime to use with this container. healthcheck (dict): Specify a test to perform to check that the container is healthy. use_config_proxy (bool): If ``True``, and if the docker client configuration file (``~/.docker/config.json`` by default) contains a proxy configuration, the corresponding environment variables will be set in the container being created. platform (str): Platform in the format ``os[/arch[/variant]]``. Returns: A dictionary with an image 'Id' key and a 'Warnings' key. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.ImageNotFound` If the specified image does not exist. :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def create_container_config(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)


def create_container_from_config(self, config, name=None, platform=None): (source)


def create_endpoint_config(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Create an endpoint config dictionary to be used with :py:meth:`create_networking_config`. Args: aliases (:py:class:`list`): A list of aliases for this endpoint. Names in that list can be used within the network to reach the container. Defaults to ``None``. links (dict): Mapping of links for this endpoint using the ``{'container': 'alias'}`` format. The alias is optional. Containers declared in this dict will be linked to this container using the provided alias. Defaults to ``None``. ipv4_address (str): The IP address of this container on the network, using the IPv4 protocol. Defaults to ``None``. ipv6_address (str): The IP address of this container on the network, using the IPv6 protocol. Defaults to ``None``. link_local_ips (:py:class:`list`): A list of link-local (IPv4/IPv6) addresses. driver_opt (dict): A dictionary of options to provide to the network driver. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (dict) An endpoint config. Example: >>> endpoint_config = client.api.create_endpoint_config( aliases=['web', 'app'], links={'app_db': 'db', 'another': None}, ipv4_address='' )

def create_host_config(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Create a dictionary for the ``host_config`` argument to :py:meth:`create_container`. Args: auto_remove (bool): enable auto-removal of the container on daemon side when the container's process exits. binds (dict): Volumes to bind. See :py:meth:`create_container` for more information. blkio_weight_device: Block IO weight (relative device weight) in the form of: ``[{"Path": "device_path", "Weight": weight}]``. blkio_weight: Block IO weight (relative weight), accepts a weight value between 10 and 1000. cap_add (list of str): Add kernel capabilities. For example, ``["SYS_ADMIN", "MKNOD"]``. cap_drop (list of str): Drop kernel capabilities. cpu_period (int): The length of a CPU period in microseconds. cpu_quota (int): Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period. cpu_shares (int): CPU shares (relative weight). cpuset_cpus (str): CPUs in which to allow execution (``0-3``, ``0,1``). cpuset_mems (str): Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution (``0-3``, ``0,1``). Only effective on NUMA systems. device_cgroup_rules (:py:class:`list`): A list of cgroup rules to apply to the container. device_read_bps: Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device in the form of: `[{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}]` device_read_iops: Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device. device_write_bps: Limit write rate (bytes per second) from a device. device_write_iops: Limit write rate (IO per second) from a device. devices (:py:class:`list`): Expose host devices to the container, as a list of strings in the form ``<path_on_host>:<path_in_container>:<cgroup_permissions>``. For example, ``/dev/sda:/dev/xvda:rwm`` allows the container to have read-write access to the host's ``/dev/sda`` via a node named ``/dev/xvda`` inside the container. device_requests (:py:class:`list`): Expose host resources such as GPUs to the container, as a list of :py:class:`docker.types.DeviceRequest` instances. dns (:py:class:`list`): Set custom DNS servers. dns_opt (:py:class:`list`): Additional options to be added to the container's ``resolv.conf`` file dns_search (:py:class:`list`): DNS search domains. extra_hosts (dict): Additional hostnames to resolve inside the container, as a mapping of hostname to IP address. group_add (:py:class:`list`): List of additional group names and/or IDs that the container process will run as. init (bool): Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes ipc_mode (str): Set the IPC mode for the container. isolation (str): Isolation technology to use. Default: ``None``. links (dict): Mapping of links using the ``{'container': 'alias'}`` format. The alias is optional. Containers declared in this dict will be linked to the new container using the provided alias. Default: ``None``. log_config (LogConfig): Logging configuration lxc_conf (dict): LXC config. mem_limit (float or str): Memory limit. Accepts float values (which represent the memory limit of the created container in bytes) or a string with a units identification char (``100000b``, ``1000k``, ``128m``, ``1g``). If a string is specified without a units character, bytes are assumed as an mem_reservation (float or str): Memory soft limit. mem_swappiness (int): Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts number between 0 and 100. memswap_limit (str or int): Maximum amount of memory + swap a container is allowed to consume. mounts (:py:class:`list`): Specification for mounts to be added to the container. More powerful alternative to ``binds``. Each item in the list is expected to be a :py:class:`docker.types.Mount` object. network_mode (str): One of: - ``bridge`` Create a new network stack for the container on the bridge network. - ``none`` No networking for this container. - ``container:<name|id>`` Reuse another container's network stack. - ``host`` Use the host network stack. This mode is incompatible with ``port_bindings``. oom_kill_disable (bool): Whether to disable OOM killer. oom_score_adj (int): An integer value containing the score given to the container in order to tune OOM killer preferences. pid_mode (str): If set to ``host``, use the host PID namespace inside the container. pids_limit (int): Tune a container's pids limit. Set ``-1`` for unlimited. port_bindings (dict): See :py:meth:`create_container` for more information. Imcompatible with ``host`` in ``network_mode``. privileged (bool): Give extended privileges to this container. publish_all_ports (bool): Publish all ports to the host. read_only (bool): Mount the container's root filesystem as read only. restart_policy (dict): Restart the container when it exits. Configured as a dictionary with keys: - ``Name`` One of ``on-failure``, or ``always``. - ``MaximumRetryCount`` Number of times to restart the container on failure. security_opt (:py:class:`list`): A list of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux. shm_size (str or int): Size of /dev/shm (e.g. ``1G``). storage_opt (dict): Storage driver options per container as a key-value mapping. sysctls (dict): Kernel parameters to set in the container. tmpfs (dict): Temporary filesystems to mount, as a dictionary mapping a path inside the container to options for that path. For example: .. code-block:: python { '/mnt/vol2': '', '/mnt/vol1': 'size=3G,uid=1000' } ulimits (:py:class:`list`): Ulimits to set inside the container, as a list of :py:class:`docker.types.Ulimit` instances. userns_mode (str): Sets the user namespace mode for the container when user namespace remapping option is enabled. Supported values are: ``host`` uts_mode (str): Sets the UTS namespace mode for the container. Supported values are: ``host`` volumes_from (:py:class:`list`): List of container names or IDs to get volumes from. runtime (str): Runtime to use with this container. Returns: (dict) A dictionary which can be passed to the ``host_config`` argument to :py:meth:`create_container`. Example: >>> client.api.create_host_config( ... privileged=True, ... cap_drop=['MKNOD'], ... volumes_from=['nostalgic_newton'], ... ) {'CapDrop': ['MKNOD'], 'LxcConf': None, 'Privileged': True, 'VolumesFrom': ['nostalgic_newton'], 'PublishAllPorts': False}

def create_networking_config(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Create a networking config dictionary to be used as the ``networking_config`` parameter in :py:meth:`create_container`. Args: endpoints_config (dict): A dictionary mapping network names to endpoint configurations generated by :py:meth:`create_endpoint_config`. Returns: (dict) A networking config. Example: >>> client.api.create_network('network1') >>> networking_config = client.api.create_networking_config({ 'network1': client.api.create_endpoint_config() }) >>> container = client.api.create_container( img, command, networking_config=networking_config )

def diff(self, container): (source)

Inspect changes on a container's filesystem. Args: container (str): The container to diff Returns: (str) Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def export(self, container, chunk_size=DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE): (source)

Export the contents of a filesystem as a tar archive. Args: container (str): The container to export chunk_size (int): The number of bytes returned by each iteration of the generator. If ``None``, data will be streamed as it is received. Default: 2 MB Returns: (generator): The archived filesystem data stream Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def get_archive(self, container, path, chunk_size=DEFAULT_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE, encode_stream=False): (source)

Retrieve a file or folder from a container in the form of a tar archive. Args: container (str): The container where the file is located path (str): Path to the file or folder to retrieve chunk_size (int): The number of bytes returned by each iteration of the generator. If ``None``, data will be streamed as it is received. Default: 2 MB encode_stream (bool): Determines if data should be encoded (gzip-compressed) during transmission. Default: False Returns: (tuple): First element is a raw tar data stream. Second element is a dict containing ``stat`` information on the specified ``path``. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. Example: >>> c = docker.APIClient() >>> f = open('./sh_bin.tar', 'wb') >>> bits, stat = c.api.get_archive(container, '/bin/sh') >>> print(stat) {'name': 'sh', 'size': 1075464, 'mode': 493, 'mtime': '2018-10-01T15:37:48-07:00', 'linkTarget': ''} >>> for chunk in bits: ... f.write(chunk) >>> f.close()

def inspect_container(self, container): (source)

Identical to the `docker inspect` command, but only for containers. Args: container (str): The container to inspect Returns: (dict): Similar to the output of `docker inspect`, but as a single dict Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def kill(self, container, signal=None): (source)

Kill a container or send a signal to a container. Args: container (str): The container to kill signal (str or int): The signal to send. Defaults to ``SIGKILL`` Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def logs(self, container, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False, timestamps=False, tail='all', since=None, follow=None, until=None): (source)

Get logs from a container. Similar to the ``docker logs`` command. The ``stream`` parameter makes the ``logs`` function return a blocking generator you can iterate over to retrieve log output as it happens. Args: container (str): The container to get logs from stdout (bool): Get ``STDOUT``. Default ``True`` stderr (bool): Get ``STDERR``. Default ``True`` stream (bool): Stream the response. Default ``False`` timestamps (bool): Show timestamps. Default ``False`` tail (str or int): Output specified number of lines at the end of logs. Either an integer of number of lines or the string ``all``. Default ``all`` since (datetime, int, or float): Show logs since a given datetime, integer epoch (in seconds) or float (in fractional seconds) follow (bool): Follow log output. Default ``False`` until (datetime, int, or float): Show logs that occurred before the given datetime, integer epoch (in seconds), or float (in fractional seconds) Returns: (generator or str) Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def pause(self, container): (source)

Pauses all processes within a container. Args: container (str): The container to pause Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def port(self, container, private_port): (source)

Lookup the public-facing port that is NAT-ed to ``private_port``. Identical to the ``docker port`` command. Args: container (str): The container to look up private_port (int): The private port to inspect Returns: (list of dict): The mapping for the host ports Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. Example: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -d -p 80:80 ubuntu:14.04 /bin/sleep 30 7174d6347063a83f412fad6124c99cffd25ffe1a0807eb4b7f9cec76ac8cb43b .. code-block:: python >>> client.api.port('7174d6347063', 80) [{'HostIp': '', 'HostPort': '80'}]

def prune_containers(self, filters=None): (source)

Delete stopped containers Args: filters (dict): Filters to process on the prune list. Returns: (dict): A dict containing a list of deleted container IDs and the amount of disk space reclaimed in bytes. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def put_archive(self, container, path, data): (source)

Insert a file or folder in an existing container using a tar archive as source. Args: container (str): The container where the file(s) will be extracted path (str): Path inside the container where the file(s) will be extracted. Must exist. data (bytes): tar data to be extracted Returns: (bool): True if the call succeeds. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def remove_container(self, container, v=False, link=False, force=False): (source)

Remove a container. Similar to the ``docker rm`` command. Args: container (str): The container to remove v (bool): Remove the volumes associated with the container link (bool): Remove the specified link and not the underlying container force (bool): Force the removal of a running container (uses ``SIGKILL``) Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def rename(self, container, name): (source)

Rename a container. Similar to the ``docker rename`` command. Args: container (str): ID of the container to rename name (str): New name for the container Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def resize(self, container, height, width): (source)

Resize the tty session. Args: container (str or dict): The container to resize height (int): Height of tty session width (int): Width of tty session Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def restart(self, container, timeout=10): (source)

Restart a container. Similar to the ``docker restart`` command. Args: container (str or dict): The container to restart. If a dict, the ``Id`` key is used. timeout (int): Number of seconds to try to stop for before killing the container. Once killed it will then be restarted. Default is 10 seconds. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def start(self, container, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Start a container. Similar to the ``docker start`` command, but doesn't support attach options. **Deprecation warning:** Passing configuration options in ``start`` is no longer supported. Users are expected to provide host config options in the ``host_config`` parameter of :py:meth:`~ContainerApiMixin.create_container`. Args: container (str): The container to start Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. :py:class:`docker.errors.DeprecatedMethod` If any argument besides ``container`` are provided. Example: >>> container = client.api.create_container( ... image='busybox:latest', ... command='/bin/sleep 30') >>> client.api.start(container=container.get('Id'))

def stats(self, container, decode=None, stream=True): (source)

Stream statistics for a specific container. Similar to the ``docker stats`` command. Args: container (str): The container to stream statistics from decode (bool): If set to true, stream will be decoded into dicts on the fly. Only applicable if ``stream`` is True. False by default. stream (bool): If set to false, only the current stats will be returned instead of a stream. True by default. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def stop(self, container, timeout=None): (source)

Stops a container. Similar to the ``docker stop`` command. Args: container (str): The container to stop timeout (int): Timeout in seconds to wait for the container to stop before sending a ``SIGKILL``. If None, then the StopTimeout value of the container will be used. Default: None Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def top(self, container, ps_args=None): (source)

Display the running processes of a container. Args: container (str): The container to inspect ps_args (str): An optional arguments passed to ps (e.g. ``aux``) Returns: (str): The output of the top Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def unpause(self, container): (source)

Unpause all processes within a container. Args: container (str): The container to unpause

def update_container(self, container, blkio_weight=None, cpu_period=None, cpu_quota=None, cpu_shares=None, cpuset_cpus=None, cpuset_mems=None, mem_limit=None, mem_reservation=None, memswap_limit=None, kernel_memory=None, restart_policy=None): (source)

Update resource configs of one or more containers. Args: container (str): The container to inspect blkio_weight (int): Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000 cpu_period (int): Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period cpu_quota (int): Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota cpu_shares (int): CPU shares (relative weight) cpuset_cpus (str): CPUs in which to allow execution cpuset_mems (str): MEMs in which to allow execution mem_limit (float or str): Memory limit mem_reservation (float or str): Memory soft limit memswap_limit (int or str): Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap kernel_memory (int or str): Kernel memory limit restart_policy (dict): Restart policy dictionary Returns: (dict): Dictionary containing a ``Warnings`` key. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.

def wait(self, container, timeout=None, condition=None): (source)

Block until a container stops, then return its exit code. Similar to the ``docker wait`` command. Args: container (str or dict): The container to wait on. If a dict, the ``Id`` key is used. timeout (int): Request timeout condition (str): Wait until a container state reaches the given condition, either ``not-running`` (default), ``next-exit``, or ``removed`` Returns: (dict): The API's response as a Python dictionary, including the container's exit code under the ``StatusCode`` attribute. Raises: :py:class:`requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout` If the timeout is exceeded. :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error.