class documentation

class LogConfig(DictType): (source)

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Configure logging for a container, when provided as an argument to :py:meth:`~docker.api.container.ContainerApiMixin.create_host_config`. You may refer to the `official logging driver documentation <>`_ for more information. Args: type (str): Indicate which log driver to use. A set of valid drivers is provided as part of the :py:attr:`LogConfig.types` enum. Other values may be accepted depending on the engine version and available logging plugins. config (dict): A driver-dependent configuration dictionary. Please refer to the driver's documentation for a list of valid config keys. Example: >>> from docker.types import LogConfig >>> lc = LogConfig(type=LogConfig.types.JSON, config={ ... 'max-size': '1g', ... 'labels': 'production_status,geo' ... }) >>> hc = client.create_host_config(log_config=lc) >>> container = client.create_container('busybox', 'true', ... host_config=hc) >>> client.inspect_container(container)['HostConfig']['LogConfig'] {'Type': 'json-file', 'Config': {'labels': 'production_status,geo', 'max-size': '1g'}}

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method set_config_value Set a the value for ``key`` to ``value`` inside the ``config`` dict.
Method type.setter Undocumented
Method unset_config Remove the ``key`` property from the ``config`` dict.
Property config Undocumented
Property type Undocumented
def __init__(self, **kwargs): (source)


def set_config_value(self, key, value): (source)

Set a the value for ``key`` to ``value`` inside the ``config`` dict.

def type(self, value): (source)


def unset_config(self, key): (source)

Remove the ``key`` property from the ``config`` dict.

