class documentation

Represents a function definition. This can be in a #Module for plain functions or in a #Class for methods. The #decorations need to be introspected to understand if the function has a special purpose (e.g. is it a `@property`, `@classmethod` or `@staticmethod`?).

Class Variable args Undocumented
Class Variable decorations Undocumented
Class Variable modifiers Undocumented
Class Variable return_type Undocumented
Class Variable semantic_hints Undocumented

Inherited from ApiObject:

Method __post_init__ Undocumented
Method parent.setter Undocumented
Method sync_hierarchy Synchronize the hierarchy of this API object and all of it's children. This should be called when the #HasMembers.members are updated to ensure that all child objects reference the right #parent. Loaders are expected to return #ApiObject#s in a fully synchronized state such that the user does not have to call this method unless they are doing modifications to the tree.
Class Variable docstring Undocumented
Class Variable location Undocumented
Class Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable parent Returns the parent of the #HasMembers. Note that if you make any modifications to the API object tree, you will need to call #sync_hierarchy() afterwards because adding to #Class.members or #Module.members does not automatically keep the #parent property in sync.
Property path Returns a list of all of this API object's parents, from top to bottom. The list includes *self* as the last item.
Instance Variable _parent Undocumented




