package documentation

This is the Docutils (Python Documentation Utilities) package. Package Structure ================= Modules: - Contains component base classes, exception classes, and Docutils version information. - Contains the ``Publisher`` class and ``publish_*()`` convenience functions. - Runtime settings (command-line interface, configuration files) processing, for Docutils front-ends. - Provides a uniform API for low-level input and output. - Docutils document tree (doctree) node class library. - A finite state machine specialized for regular-expression-based text filters. Subpackages: - languages: Language-specific mappings of terms. - parsers: Syntax-specific input parser modules or packages. - readers: Context-specific input handlers which understand the data source and manage a parser. - transforms: Modules used by readers and writers to modify the Docutils document tree. - utils: Contains the ``Reporter`` system warning class and miscellaneous utilities used by readers, writers, and transforms. utils/ Contains a complete mapping of known URI addressing scheme names to descriptions. - utils/math: Contains functions for conversion of mathematical notation between different formats (LaTeX, MathML, text, ...). - writers: Format-specific output translators.

Module core Calling the ``publish_*`` convenience functions (or instantiating a `Publisher` object) with component names will result in default behavior. For custom behavior (setting component options), create custom component objects first, and pass *them* to ``publish_*``/`Publisher`...
Module examples This module contains practical examples of Docutils client code.
Module frontend Command-line and common processing for Docutils front-end tools.
Module io I/O classes provide a uniform API for low-level input and output. Subclasses exist for a variety of input/output mechanisms.
Package languages This package contains modules for language-dependent features of Docutils.
Module nodes Docutils document tree element class library.
Package parsers This package contains Docutils parser modules.
Package readers This package contains Docutils Reader modules.
Module statemachine A finite state machine specialized for regular-expression-based text filters, this module defines the following classes:
Package transforms This package contains modules for standard tree transforms available to Docutils components. Tree transforms serve a variety of purposes:
Package utils Miscellaneous utilities for the documentation utilities.
Package writers This package contains Docutils Writer modules.
Module __main__ Generic command line interface for the `docutils` package.


Class ApplicationError Undocumented
Class Component Base class for Docutils components.
Class DataError Undocumented
Class SettingsSpec Runtime setting specification base class.
Class TransformSpec Runtime transform specification base class.
Class VersionInfo Undocumented
Variable __version__ Docutils version identifier (complies with PEP 440)::
Variable __version_details__ Optional extra version details (e.g. 'snapshot 2005-05-29, r3410').
Variable __version_info__ Comprehensive version information tuple.
__version__: str = (source)

Docutils version identifier (complies with PEP 440):: major.minor[.micro][releaselevel[serial]][.dev] For version comparison operations, use `__version_info__` (see, below) rather than parsing the text of `__version__`.

__version_details__: str = (source)

Optional extra version details (e.g. 'snapshot 2005-05-29, r3410'). For development and release status, use `__version__ and `__version_info__`.

__version_info__ = (source)

Comprehensive version information tuple.