class documentation

Use this class to make requests to the Dropbox API using a user's access token. Methods of this class are meant to act on the corresponding user's Dropbox.

Inherited from _DropboxTransport:

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method __init__ :param str oauth2_access_token: OAuth2 access token for making client requests. :param int max_retries_on_error: On 5xx errors, the number of times to retry. :param Optional[int] max_retries_on_rate_limit: On 429 errors, the number of times to retry...
Method check_and_refresh_access_token Checks if access token needs to be refreshed and refreshes if possible :return:
Method clone Creates a new copy of the Dropbox client with the same defaults unless modified by arguments to clone()
Method close Cleans up all resources like the request session/network connection.
Method raise_dropbox_error_for_resp Checks for errors from a res and handles appropiately.
Method refresh_access_token Refreshes an access token via refresh token if available
Method request Makes a request to the Dropbox API and in the process validates that the route argument and result are the expected data types. The request_arg is converted to JSON based on the arg_data_type. Likewise, the response is deserialized from JSON and converted to an object based on the {result,error}_data_type.
Method request_json_object Makes a request to the Dropbox API, taking a JSON-serializable Python object as an argument, and returning one as a response.
Method request_json_string See :meth:`request_json_string_with_retry` for description of parameters.
Method request_json_string_with_retry See :meth:`request_json_object` for description of parameters.
Method with_path_root Creates a clone of the Dropbox instance with the Dropbox-API-Path-Root header as the appropriate serialized instance of PathRoot.
Method _get_route_url Returns the URL of the route.
Method _save_body_to_file Saves the body of an HTTP response to a file.
Constant _API_VERSION Undocumented
Constant _ROUTE_STYLE_DOWNLOAD Undocumented
Constant _ROUTE_STYLE_RPC Undocumented
Constant _ROUTE_STYLE_UPLOAD Undocumented
Instance Variable _app_key Undocumented
Instance Variable _app_secret Undocumented
Instance Variable _headers Undocumented
Instance Variable _host_map Undocumented
Instance Variable _logger Undocumented
Instance Variable _max_retries_on_error Undocumented
Instance Variable _max_retries_on_rate_limit Undocumented
Instance Variable _oauth2_access_token Undocumented
Instance Variable _oauth2_access_token_expiration Undocumented
Instance Variable _oauth2_refresh_token Undocumented
Instance Variable _raw_user_agent Undocumented
Instance Variable _scope Undocumented
Instance Variable _session Undocumented
Instance Variable _timeout Undocumented
Instance Variable _user_agent Undocumented

Inherited from DropboxBase (via _DropboxTransport):

Method account_set_profile_photo Sets a user's profile photo.
Method auth_token_from_oauth1 Creates an OAuth 2.0 access token from the supplied OAuth 1.0 access token.
Method auth_token_revoke Disables the access token used to authenticate the call. If there is a corresponding refresh token for the access token, this disables that refresh token, as well as any other access tokens for that refresh token.
Method check_app This endpoint performs App Authentication, validating the supplied app key and secret, and returns the supplied string, to allow you to test your code and connection to the Dropbox API. It has no other effect...
Method check_user This endpoint performs User Authentication, validating the supplied access token, and returns the supplied string, to allow you to test your code and connection to the Dropbox API. It has no other effect...
Method contacts_delete_manual_contacts Removes all manually added contacts. You'll still keep contacts who are on your team or who you imported. New contacts will be added when you share.
Method contacts_delete_manual_contacts_batch Removes manually added contacts from the given list.
Method file_properties_properties_add Add property groups to a Dropbox file. See :meth:`file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`file_properties_templates_add_for_team` to create new templates.
Method file_properties_properties_overwrite Overwrite property groups associated with a file. This endpoint should be used instead of :meth:`file_properties_properties_update` when property groups are being updated via a "snapshot" instead of via a "delta"...
Method file_properties_properties_remove Permanently removes the specified property group from the file. To remove specific property field key value pairs, see :meth:`file_properties_properties_update`. To update a template, see :meth:`file_properties_templates_update_for_user` or :meth:`file_properties_templates_update_for_team`...
Method file_properties_properties_search Search across property templates for particular property field values.
Method file_properties_properties_search_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`file_properties_properties_search`, use this to paginate through all search results.
Method file_properties_properties_update Add, update or remove properties associated with the supplied file and templates. This endpoint should be used instead of :meth:`file_properties_properties_overwrite` when property groups are being updated via a "delta" instead of via a "snapshot"...
Method file_properties_templates_add_for_user Add a template associated with a user. See :meth:`file_properties_properties_add` to add properties to a file. This endpoint can't be called on a team member or admin's behalf.
Method file_properties_templates_get_for_user Get the schema for a specified template. This endpoint can't be called on a team member or admin's behalf.
Method file_properties_templates_list_for_user Get the template identifiers for a team. To get the schema of each template use :meth:`file_properties_templates_get_for_user`. This endpoint can't be called on a team member or admin's behalf.
Method file_properties_templates_remove_for_user Permanently removes the specified template created from :meth:`file_properties_templates_add_for_user`. All properties associated with the template will also be removed. This action cannot be undone.
Method file_properties_templates_update_for_user Update a template associated with a user. This route can update the template name, the template description and add optional properties to templates. This endpoint can't be called on a team member or admin's behalf.
Method file_requests_count Returns the total number of file requests owned by this user. Includes both open and closed file requests.
Method file_requests_create Creates a file request for this user.
Method file_requests_delete Delete a batch of closed file requests.
Method file_requests_delete_all_closed Delete all closed file requests owned by this user.
Method file_requests_get Returns the specified file request.
Method file_requests_list Returns a list of file requests owned by this user. For apps with the app folder permission, this will only return file requests with destinations in the app folder.
Method file_requests_list_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`file_requests_list_v2`, use this to paginate through all file requests. The cursor must come from a previous call to :meth:`file_requests_list_v2` or :meth:`file_requests_list_continue`.
Method file_requests_list_v2 Returns a list of file requests owned by this user. For apps with the app folder permission, this will only return file requests with destinations in the app folder.
Method file_requests_update Update a file request.
Method files_alpha_get_metadata Returns the metadata for a file or folder. This is an alpha endpoint compatible with the properties API. Note: Metadata for the root folder is unsupported.
Method files_alpha_upload Create a new file with the contents provided in the request. Note that the behavior of this alpha endpoint is unstable and subject to change. Do not use this to upload a file larger than 150 MB. Instead, create an upload session with :meth:`files_upload_session_start`.
Method files_copy Copy a file or folder to a different location in the user's Dropbox. If the source path is a folder all its contents will be copied.
Method files_copy_batch Copy multiple files or folders to different locations at once in the user's Dropbox. This route will return job ID immediately and do the async copy job in background. Please use :meth:`files_copy_batch_check` to check the job status.
Method files_copy_batch_check Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_copy_batch`. If success, it returns list of results for each entry.
Method files_copy_batch_check_v2 Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_copy_batch_v2`. It returns list of results for each entry.
Method files_copy_batch_v2 Copy multiple files or folders to different locations at once in the user's Dropbox. This route will replace :meth:`files_copy_batch`. The main difference is this route will return status for each entry, while :meth:`files_copy_batch` raises failure if any entry fails...
Method files_copy_reference_get Get a copy reference to a file or folder. This reference string can be used to save that file or folder to another user's Dropbox by passing it to :meth:`files_copy_reference_save`.
Method files_copy_reference_save Save a copy reference returned by :meth:`files_copy_reference_get` to the user's Dropbox.
Method files_copy_v2 Copy a file or folder to a different location in the user's Dropbox. If the source path is a folder all its contents will be copied.
Method files_create_folder Create a folder at a given path.
Method files_create_folder_batch Create multiple folders at once. This route is asynchronous for large batches, which returns a job ID immediately and runs the create folder batch asynchronously. Otherwise, creates the folders and returns the result synchronously for smaller inputs...
Method files_create_folder_batch_check Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_create_folder_batch`. If success, it returns list of result for each entry.
Method files_create_folder_v2 Create a folder at a given path.
Method files_delete Delete the file or folder at a given path. If the path is a folder, all its contents will be deleted too. A successful response indicates that the file or folder was deleted. The returned metadata will be the corresponding :class:`dropbox...
Method files_delete_batch Delete multiple files/folders at once. This route is asynchronous, which returns a job ID immediately and runs the delete batch asynchronously. Use :meth:`files_delete_batch_check` to check the job status.
Method files_delete_batch_check Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_delete_batch`. If success, it returns list of result for each entry.
Method files_delete_v2 Delete the file or folder at a given path. If the path is a folder, all its contents will be deleted too. A successful response indicates that the file or folder was deleted. The returned metadata will be the corresponding :class:`dropbox...
Method files_download Download a file from a user's Dropbox.
Method files_download_to_file Download a file from a user's Dropbox.
Method files_download_zip Download a folder from the user's Dropbox, as a zip file. The folder must be less than 20 GB in size and any single file within must be less than 4 GB in size. The resulting zip must have fewer than 10,000 total file and folder entries, including the top level folder...
Method files_download_zip_to_file Download a folder from the user's Dropbox, as a zip file. The folder must be less than 20 GB in size and any single file within must be less than 4 GB in size. The resulting zip must have fewer than 10,000 total file and folder entries, including the top level folder...
Method files_export Export a file from a user's Dropbox. This route only supports exporting files that cannot be downloaded directly and whose ``ExportResult.file_metadata`` has ``ExportInfo.export_as`` populated.
Method files_export_to_file Export a file from a user's Dropbox. This route only supports exporting files that cannot be downloaded directly and whose ``ExportResult.file_metadata`` has ``ExportInfo.export_as`` populated.
Method files_get_file_lock_batch Return the lock metadata for the given list of paths.
Method files_get_metadata Returns the metadata for a file or folder. Note: Metadata for the root folder is unsupported.
Method files_get_preview Get a preview for a file. Currently, PDF previews are generated for files with the following extensions: .ai, .doc, .docm, .docx, .eps, .gdoc, .gslides, .odp, .odt, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx,...
Method files_get_preview_to_file Get a preview for a file. Currently, PDF previews are generated for files with the following extensions: .ai, .doc, .docm, .docx, .eps, .gdoc, .gslides, .odp, .odt, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx,...
Method files_get_temporary_link Get a temporary link to stream content of a file. This link will expire in four hours and afterwards you will get 410 Gone. This URL should not be used to display content directly in the browser. The Content-Type of the link is determined automatically by the file's mime type.
Method files_get_temporary_upload_link Get a one-time use temporary upload link to upload a file to a Dropbox location. This endpoint acts as a delayed :meth:`files_upload`. The returned temporary upload link may be used to make a POST request with the data to be uploaded...
Method files_get_thumbnail Get a thumbnail for an image. This method currently supports files with the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif, webp, ppm and bmp. Photos that are larger than 20MB in size won't be converted to a thumbnail.
Method files_get_thumbnail_batch Get thumbnails for a list of images. We allow up to 25 thumbnails in a single batch. This method currently supports files with the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif, webp, ppm and bmp...
Method files_get_thumbnail_to_file Get a thumbnail for an image. This method currently supports files with the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif, webp, ppm and bmp. Photos that are larger than 20MB in size won't be converted to a thumbnail.
Method files_get_thumbnail_to_file_v2 Get a thumbnail for an image. This method currently supports files with the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif, webp, ppm and bmp. Photos that are larger than 20MB in size won't be converted to a thumbnail.
Method files_get_thumbnail_v2 Get a thumbnail for an image. This method currently supports files with the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif, webp, ppm and bmp. Photos that are larger than 20MB in size won't be converted to a thumbnail.
Method files_list_folder Starts returning the contents of a folder. If the result's ``ListFolderResult.has_more`` field is ``True``, call :meth:`files_list_folder_continue` with the returned ``ListFolderResult.cursor`` to retrieve more entries...
Method files_list_folder_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`files_list_folder`, use this to paginate through all files and retrieve updates to the folder, following the same rules as documented for :meth:`files_list_folder`.
Method files_list_folder_get_latest_cursor A way to quickly get a cursor for the folder's state. Unlike :meth:`files_list_folder`, :meth:`files_list_folder_get_latest_cursor` doesn't return any entries. This endpoint is for app which only needs to know about new files and modifications and doesn't need to know about files that already exist in Dropbox.
Method files_list_folder_longpoll A longpoll endpoint to wait for changes on an account. In conjunction with :meth:`files_list_folder_continue`, this call gives you a low-latency way to monitor an account for file changes. The connection will block until there are changes available or a timeout occurs...
Method files_list_revisions Returns revisions for files based on a file path or a file id. The file path or file id is identified from the latest file entry at the given file path or id. This end point allows your app to query either by file path or file id by setting the mode parameter appropriately...
Method files_lock_file_batch Lock the files at the given paths. A locked file will be writable only by the lock holder. A successful response indicates that the file has been locked. Returns a list of the locked file paths and their metadata after this operation.
Method files_move Move a file or folder to a different location in the user's Dropbox. If the source path is a folder all its contents will be moved.
Method files_move_batch Move multiple files or folders to different locations at once in the user's Dropbox. This route will return job ID immediately and do the async moving job in background. Please use :meth:`files_move_batch_check` to check the job status.
Method files_move_batch_check Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_move_batch`. If success, it returns list of results for each entry.
Method files_move_batch_check_v2 Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_move_batch_v2`. It returns list of results for each entry.
Method files_move_batch_v2 Move multiple files or folders to different locations at once in the user's Dropbox. Note that we do not currently support case-only renaming. This route will replace :meth:`files_move_batch`. The main difference is this route will return status for each entry, while :meth:`files_move_batch` raises failure if any entry fails...
Method files_move_v2 Move a file or folder to a different location in the user's Dropbox. If the source path is a folder all its contents will be moved. Note that we do not currently support case-only renaming.
Method files_paper_create Creates a new Paper doc with the provided content.
Method files_paper_update Updates an existing Paper doc with the provided content.
Method files_permanently_delete Permanently delete the file or folder at a given path (see If the given file or folder is not yet deleted, this route will first delete it. It is possible for this route to successfully delete, then fail to permanently delete...
Method files_properties_add Route attributes: scope: files.metadata.write
Method files_properties_overwrite Route attributes: scope: files.metadata.write
Method files_properties_remove Route attributes: scope: files.metadata.write
Method files_properties_template_get Route attributes: scope:
Method files_properties_template_list Route attributes: scope:
Method files_properties_update Route attributes: scope: files.metadata.write
Method files_restore Restore a specific revision of a file to the given path.
Method files_save_url Save the data from a specified URL into a file in user's Dropbox. Note that the transfer from the URL must complete within 5 minutes, or the operation will time out and the job will fail. If the given path already exists, the file will be renamed to avoid the conflict (e...
Method files_save_url_check_job_status Check the status of a :meth:`files_save_url` job.
Method files_search Searches for files and folders. Note: Recent changes will be reflected in search results within a few seconds and older revisions of existing files may still match your query for up to a few days.
Method files_search_continue_v2 Fetches the next page of search results returned from :meth:`files_search_v2`. Note: :meth:`files_search_v2` along with :meth:`files_search_continue_v2` can only be used to retrieve a maximum of 10,000 matches...
Method files_search_v2 Searches for files and folders. Note: :meth:`files_search_v2` along with :meth:`files_search_continue_v2` can only be used to retrieve a maximum of 10,000 matches. Recent changes may not immediately be reflected in search results due to a short delay in indexing...
Method files_tags_add Add a tag to an item. A tag is a string. The strings are automatically converted to lowercase letters. No more than 20 tags can be added to a given item.
Method files_tags_get Get list of tags assigned to items.
Method files_tags_remove Remove a tag from an item.
Method files_unlock_file_batch Unlock the files at the given paths. A locked file can only be unlocked by the lock holder or, if a business account, a team admin. A successful response indicates that the file has been unlocked. Returns a list of the unlocked file paths and their metadata after this operation.
Method files_upload Create a new file with the contents provided in the request. Do not use this to upload a file larger than 150 MB. Instead, create an upload session with :meth:`files_upload_session_start`. Calls to this endpoint will count as data transport calls for any Dropbox Business teams with a limit on the number of data transport calls allowed per month...
Method files_upload_session_append Append more data to an upload session. A single request should not upload more than 150 MB. The maximum size of a file one can upload to an upload session is 350 GB. Calls to this endpoint will count as data transport calls for any Dropbox Business teams with a limit on the number of data transport calls allowed per month...
Method files_upload_session_append_v2 Append more data to an upload session. When the parameter close is set, this call will close the session. A single request should not upload more than 150 MB. The maximum size of a file one can upload to an upload session is 350 GB...
Method files_upload_session_finish Finish an upload session and save the uploaded data to the given file path. A single request should not upload more than 150 MB. The maximum size of a file one can upload to an upload session is 350 GB...
Method files_upload_session_finish_batch This route helps you commit many files at once into a user's Dropbox. Use :meth:`files_upload_session_start` and :meth:`files_upload_session_append_v2` to upload file contents. We recommend uploading many files in parallel to increase throughput...
Method files_upload_session_finish_batch_check Returns the status of an asynchronous job for :meth:`files_upload_session_finish_batch`. If success, it returns list of result for each entry.
Method files_upload_session_finish_batch_v2 This route helps you commit many files at once into a user's Dropbox. Use :meth:`files_upload_session_start` and :meth:`files_upload_session_append_v2` to upload file contents. We recommend uploading many files in parallel to increase throughput...
Method files_upload_session_start Upload sessions allow you to upload a single file in one or more requests, for example where the size of the file is greater than 150 MB. This call starts a new upload session with the given data. You can then use :meth:`files_upload_session_append_v2` to add more data and :meth:`files_upload_session_finish` to save all the data to a file in Dropbox...
Method files_upload_session_start_batch This route starts batch of upload_sessions. Please refer to `upload_session/start` usage. Calls to this endpoint will count as data transport calls for any Dropbox Business teams with a limit on the number of data transport calls allowed per month...
Method openid_userinfo This route is used for refreshing the info that is found in the id_token during the OIDC flow. This route doesn't require any arguments and will use the scopes approved for the given access token.
Method paper_docs_archive Marks the given Paper doc as archived. This action can be performed or undone by anyone with edit permissions to the doc. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_create Creates a new Paper doc with the provided content. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values...
Method paper_docs_download Exports and downloads Paper doc either as HTML or markdown. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values...
Method paper_docs_download_to_file Exports and downloads Paper doc either as HTML or markdown. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values...
Method paper_docs_folder_users_list Lists the users who are explicitly invited to the Paper folder in which the Paper doc is contained. For private folders all users (including owner) shared on the folder are listed and for team folders all non-team users shared on the folder are returned...
Method paper_docs_folder_users_list_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`paper_docs_folder_users_list`, use this to paginate through all users on the Paper folder. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_get_folder_info Retrieves folder information for the given Paper doc. This includes: - folder sharing policy; permissions for subfolders are set by the top-level folder. - full 'filepath', i.e. the list of folders (both folderId and folderName) from the root folder to the folder directly containing the Paper doc...
Method paper_docs_list Return the list of all Paper docs according to the argument specifications. To iterate over through the full pagination, pass the cursor to :meth:`paper_docs_list_continue`. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_list_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`paper_docs_list`, use this to paginate through all Paper doc. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_permanently_delete Permanently deletes the given Paper doc. This operation is final as the doc cannot be recovered. This action can be performed only by the doc owner. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_sharing_policy_get Gets the default sharing policy for the given Paper doc. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values...
Method paper_docs_sharing_policy_set Sets the default sharing policy for the given Paper doc. The default 'team_sharing_policy' can be changed only by teams, omit this field for personal accounts. The 'public_sharing_policy' policy can't be set to the value 'disabled' because this setting can be changed only via the team admin console...
Method paper_docs_update Updates an existing Paper doc with the provided content. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values...
Method paper_docs_users_add Allows an owner or editor to add users to a Paper doc or change their permissions using their email address or Dropbox account ID. The doc owner's permissions cannot be changed. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_users_list Lists all users who visited the Paper doc or users with explicit access. This call excludes users who have been removed. The list is sorted by the date of the visit or the share date. The list will include both users, the explicitly shared ones as well as those who came in using the Paper url link...
Method paper_docs_users_list_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`paper_docs_users_list`, use this to paginate through all users on the Paper doc. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_docs_users_remove Allows an owner or editor to remove users from a Paper doc using their email address or Dropbox account ID. The doc owner cannot be removed. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper...
Method paper_folders_create Create a new Paper folder with the provided info. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values...
Method sharing_add_file_member Adds specified members to a file.
Method sharing_add_folder_member Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared folder to add another member. For the new member to get access to all the functionality for this folder, you will need to call :meth:`sharing_mount_folder` on their behalf.
Method sharing_check_job_status Returns the status of an asynchronous job.
Method sharing_check_remove_member_job_status Returns the status of an asynchronous job for sharing a folder.
Method sharing_check_share_job_status Returns the status of an asynchronous job for sharing a folder.
Method sharing_create_shared_link Create a shared link. If a shared link already exists for the given path, that link is returned. Previously, it was technically possible to break a shared link by moving or renaming the corresponding file or folder...
Method sharing_create_shared_link_with_settings Create a shared link with custom settings. If no settings are given then the default visibility is ``RequestedVisibility.public`` (The resolved visibility, though, may depend on other aspects such as team and shared folder settings).
Method sharing_get_file_metadata Returns shared file metadata.
Method sharing_get_file_metadata_batch Returns shared file metadata.
Method sharing_get_folder_metadata Returns shared folder metadata by its folder ID.
Method sharing_get_shared_link_file Download the shared link's file from a user's Dropbox.
Method sharing_get_shared_link_file_to_file Download the shared link's file from a user's Dropbox.
Method sharing_get_shared_link_metadata Get the shared link's metadata.
Method sharing_get_shared_links Returns a list of :class:`dropbox.sharing.LinkMetadata` objects for this user, including collection links. If no path is given, returns a list of all shared links for the current user, including collection links, up to a maximum of 1000 links...
Method sharing_list_file_members Use to obtain the members who have been invited to a file, both inherited and uninherited members.
Method sharing_list_file_members_batch Get members of multiple files at once. The arguments to this route are more limited, and the limit on query result size per file is more strict. To customize the results more, use the individual file endpoint...
Method sharing_list_file_members_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`sharing_list_file_members` or :meth:`sharing_list_file_members_batch`, use this to paginate through all shared file members.
Method sharing_list_folder_members Returns shared folder membership by its folder ID.
Method sharing_list_folder_members_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`sharing_list_folder_members`, use this to paginate through all shared folder members.
Method sharing_list_folders Return the list of all shared folders the current user has access to.
Method sharing_list_folders_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`sharing_list_folders`, use this to paginate through all shared folders. The cursor must come from a previous call to :meth:`sharing_list_folders` or :meth:`sharing_list_folders_continue`.
Method sharing_list_mountable_folders Return the list of all shared folders the current user can mount or unmount.
Method sharing_list_mountable_folders_continue Once a cursor has been retrieved from :meth:`sharing_list_mountable_folders`, use this to paginate through all mountable shared folders. The cursor must come from a previous call to :meth:`sharing_list_mountable_folders` or :meth:`sharing_list_mountable_folders_continue`.
Method sharing_list_received_files Returns a list of all files shared with current user. Does not include files the user has received via shared folders, and does not include unclaimed invitations.
Method sharing_list_received_files_continue Get more results with a cursor from :meth:`sharing_list_received_files`.
Method sharing_list_shared_links List shared links of this user. If no path is given, returns a list of all shared links for the current user. For members of business teams using team space and member folders, returns all shared links in the team member's home folder unless the team space ID is specified in the request header...
Method sharing_modify_shared_link_settings Modify the shared link's settings. If the requested visibility conflict with the shared links policy of the team or the shared folder (in case the linked file is part of a shared folder) then the ``LinkPermissions...
Method sharing_mount_folder The current user mounts the designated folder. Mount a shared folder for a user after they have been added as a member. Once mounted, the shared folder will appear in their Dropbox.
Method sharing_relinquish_file_membership The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated file. Note that the current user may still have inherited access to this file through the parent folder.
Method sharing_relinquish_folder_membership The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated shared folder and will no longer have access to the folder. A folder owner cannot relinquish membership in their own folder. This will run synchronously if leave_a_copy is false, and asynchronously if leave_a_copy is true.
Method sharing_remove_file_member Identical to remove_file_member_2 but with less information returned.
Method sharing_remove_file_member_2 Removes a specified member from the file.
Method sharing_remove_folder_member Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared folder to remove another member.
Method sharing_revoke_shared_link Revoke a shared link. Note that even after revoking a shared link to a file, the file may be accessible if there are shared links leading to any of the file parent folders. To list all shared links that enable access to a specific file, you can use the :meth:`sharing_list_shared_links` with the file as the ``ListSharedLinksArg...
Method sharing_set_access_inheritance Change the inheritance policy of an existing Shared Folder. Only permitted for shared folders in a shared team root. If a ``ShareFolderLaunch.async_job_id`` is returned, you'll need to call :meth:`sharing_check_share_job_status` until the action completes to get the metadata for the folder.
Method sharing_share_folder Share a folder with collaborators. Most sharing will be completed synchronously. Large folders will be completed asynchronously. To make testing the async case repeatable, set `ShareFolderArg.force_async`...
Method sharing_transfer_folder Transfer ownership of a shared folder to a member of the shared folder. User must have ``AccessLevel.owner`` access to the shared folder to perform a transfer.
Method sharing_unmount_folder The current user unmounts the designated folder. They can re-mount the folder at a later time using :meth:`sharing_mount_folder`.
Method sharing_unshare_file Remove all members from this file. Does not remove inherited members.
Method sharing_unshare_folder Allows a shared folder owner to unshare the folder. You'll need to call :meth:`sharing_check_job_status` to determine if the action has completed successfully.
Method sharing_update_file_member Changes a member's access on a shared file.
Method sharing_update_folder_member Allows an owner or editor of a shared folder to update another member's permissions.
Method sharing_update_folder_policy Update the sharing policies for a shared folder. User must have ``AccessLevel.owner`` access to the shared folder to update its policies.
Method users_features_get_values Get a list of feature values that may be configured for the current account.
Method users_get_account Get information about a user's account.
Method users_get_account_batch Get information about multiple user accounts. At most 300 accounts may be queried per request.
Method users_get_current_account Get information about the current user's account.
Method users_get_space_usage Get the space usage information for the current user's account.