class documentation

class EventType(bb.Union): (source)

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The type of the event with description. This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar AdminAlertingAlertStateChangedType EventType.admin_alerting_alert_state_changed: (admin_alerting) Changed an alert state :ivar AdminAlertingChangedAlertConfigType EventType.admin_alerting_changed_alert_config: (admin_alerting) Changed an alert setting :ivar AdminAlertingTriggeredAlertType EventType.admin_alerting_triggered_alert: (admin_alerting) Triggered security alert :ivar AppBlockedByPermissionsType EventType.app_blocked_by_permissions: (apps) Failed to connect app for member :ivar AppLinkTeamType EventType.app_link_team: (apps) Linked app for team :ivar AppLinkUserType EventType.app_link_user: (apps) Linked app for member :ivar AppUnlinkTeamType EventType.app_unlink_team: (apps) Unlinked app for team :ivar AppUnlinkUserType EventType.app_unlink_user: (apps) Unlinked app for member :ivar IntegrationConnectedType EventType.integration_connected: (apps) Connected integration for member :ivar IntegrationDisconnectedType EventType.integration_disconnected: (apps) Disconnected integration for member :ivar FileAddCommentType EventType.file_add_comment: (comments) Added file comment :ivar FileChangeCommentSubscriptionType EventType.file_change_comment_subscription: (comments) Subscribed to or unsubscribed from comment notifications for file :ivar FileDeleteCommentType EventType.file_delete_comment: (comments) Deleted file comment :ivar FileEditCommentType EventType.file_edit_comment: (comments) Edited file comment :ivar FileLikeCommentType EventType.file_like_comment: (comments) Liked file comment (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar FileResolveCommentType EventType.file_resolve_comment: (comments) Resolved file comment :ivar FileUnlikeCommentType EventType.file_unlike_comment: (comments) Unliked file comment (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar FileUnresolveCommentType EventType.file_unresolve_comment: (comments) Unresolved file comment :ivar GovernancePolicyAddFoldersType EventType.governance_policy_add_folders: (data_governance) Added folders to policy :ivar GovernancePolicyAddFolderFailedType EventType.governance_policy_add_folder_failed: (data_governance) Couldn't add a folder to a policy :ivar GovernancePolicyContentDisposedType EventType.governance_policy_content_disposed: (data_governance) Content disposed :ivar GovernancePolicyCreateType EventType.governance_policy_create: (data_governance) Activated a new policy :ivar GovernancePolicyDeleteType EventType.governance_policy_delete: (data_governance) Deleted a policy :ivar GovernancePolicyEditDetailsType EventType.governance_policy_edit_details: (data_governance) Edited policy :ivar GovernancePolicyEditDurationType EventType.governance_policy_edit_duration: (data_governance) Changed policy duration :ivar GovernancePolicyExportCreatedType EventType.governance_policy_export_created: (data_governance) Created a policy download :ivar GovernancePolicyExportRemovedType EventType.governance_policy_export_removed: (data_governance) Removed a policy download :ivar GovernancePolicyRemoveFoldersType EventType.governance_policy_remove_folders: (data_governance) Removed folders from policy :ivar GovernancePolicyReportCreatedType EventType.governance_policy_report_created: (data_governance) Created a summary report for a policy :ivar GovernancePolicyZipPartDownloadedType EventType.governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded: (data_governance) Downloaded content from a policy :ivar LegalHoldsActivateAHoldType EventType.legal_holds_activate_a_hold: (data_governance) Activated a hold :ivar LegalHoldsAddMembersType EventType.legal_holds_add_members: (data_governance) Added members to a hold :ivar LegalHoldsChangeHoldDetailsType EventType.legal_holds_change_hold_details: (data_governance) Edited details for a hold :ivar LegalHoldsChangeHoldNameType EventType.legal_holds_change_hold_name: (data_governance) Renamed a hold :ivar LegalHoldsExportAHoldType EventType.legal_holds_export_a_hold: (data_governance) Exported hold :ivar LegalHoldsExportCancelledType EventType.legal_holds_export_cancelled: (data_governance) Canceled export for a hold :ivar LegalHoldsExportDownloadedType EventType.legal_holds_export_downloaded: (data_governance) Downloaded export for a hold :ivar LegalHoldsExportRemovedType EventType.legal_holds_export_removed: (data_governance) Removed export for a hold :ivar LegalHoldsReleaseAHoldType EventType.legal_holds_release_a_hold: (data_governance) Released a hold :ivar LegalHoldsRemoveMembersType EventType.legal_holds_remove_members: (data_governance) Removed members from a hold :ivar LegalHoldsReportAHoldType EventType.legal_holds_report_a_hold: (data_governance) Created a summary report for a hold :ivar DeviceChangeIpDesktopType EventType.device_change_ip_desktop: (devices) Changed IP address associated with active desktop session :ivar DeviceChangeIpMobileType EventType.device_change_ip_mobile: (devices) Changed IP address associated with active mobile session :ivar DeviceChangeIpWebType EventType.device_change_ip_web: (devices) Changed IP address associated with active web session :ivar DeviceDeleteOnUnlinkFailType EventType.device_delete_on_unlink_fail: (devices) Failed to delete all files from unlinked device :ivar DeviceDeleteOnUnlinkSuccessType EventType.device_delete_on_unlink_success: (devices) Deleted all files from unlinked device :ivar DeviceLinkFailType EventType.device_link_fail: (devices) Failed to link device :ivar DeviceLinkSuccessType EventType.device_link_success: (devices) Linked device :ivar DeviceManagementDisabledType EventType.device_management_disabled: (devices) Disabled device management (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar DeviceManagementEnabledType EventType.device_management_enabled: (devices) Enabled device management (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar DeviceSyncBackupStatusChangedType EventType.device_sync_backup_status_changed: (devices) Enabled/disabled backup for computer :ivar DeviceUnlinkType EventType.device_unlink: (devices) Disconnected device :ivar DropboxPasswordsExportedType EventType.dropbox_passwords_exported: (devices) Exported passwords :ivar DropboxPasswordsNewDeviceEnrolledType EventType.dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled: (devices) Enrolled new Dropbox Passwords device :ivar EmmRefreshAuthTokenType EventType.emm_refresh_auth_token: (devices) Refreshed auth token used for setting up EMM :ivar ExternalDriveBackupEligibilityStatusCheckedType EventType.external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked: (devices) Checked external drive backup eligibility status :ivar ExternalDriveBackupStatusChangedType EventType.external_drive_backup_status_changed: (devices) Modified external drive backup :ivar AccountCaptureChangeAvailabilityType EventType.account_capture_change_availability: (domains) Granted/revoked option to enable account capture on team domains :ivar AccountCaptureMigrateAccountType EventType.account_capture_migrate_account: (domains) Account-captured user migrated account to team :ivar AccountCaptureNotificationEmailsSentType EventType.account_capture_notification_emails_sent: (domains) Sent account capture email to all unmanaged members :ivar AccountCaptureRelinquishAccountType EventType.account_capture_relinquish_account: (domains) Account-captured user changed account email to personal email :ivar DisabledDomainInvitesType EventType.disabled_domain_invites: (domains) Disabled domain invites (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar DomainInvitesApproveRequestToJoinTeamType EventType.domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team: (domains) Approved user's request to join team :ivar DomainInvitesDeclineRequestToJoinTeamType EventType.domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team: (domains) Declined user's request to join team :ivar DomainInvitesEmailExistingUsersType EventType.domain_invites_email_existing_users: (domains) Sent domain invites to existing domain accounts (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar DomainInvitesRequestToJoinTeamType EventType.domain_invites_request_to_join_team: (domains) Requested to join team :ivar DomainInvitesSetInviteNewUserPrefToNoType EventType.domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no: (domains) Disabled "Automatically invite new users" (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar DomainInvitesSetInviteNewUserPrefToYesType EventType.domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes: (domains) Enabled "Automatically invite new users" (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar DomainVerificationAddDomainFailType EventType.domain_verification_add_domain_fail: (domains) Failed to verify team domain :ivar DomainVerificationAddDomainSuccessType EventType.domain_verification_add_domain_success: (domains) Verified team domain :ivar DomainVerificationRemoveDomainType EventType.domain_verification_remove_domain: (domains) Removed domain from list of verified team domains :ivar EnabledDomainInvitesType EventType.enabled_domain_invites: (domains) Enabled domain invites (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar ApplyNamingConventionType EventType.apply_naming_convention: (file_operations) Applied naming convention :ivar CreateFolderType EventType.create_folder: (file_operations) Created folders (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar FileAddType EventType.file_add: (file_operations) Added files and/or folders :ivar FileCopyType EventType.file_copy: (file_operations) Copied files and/or folders :ivar FileDeleteType EventType.file_delete: (file_operations) Deleted files and/or folders :ivar FileDownloadType EventType.file_download: (file_operations) Downloaded files and/or folders :ivar FileEditType EventType.file_edit: (file_operations) Edited files :ivar FileGetCopyReferenceType EventType.file_get_copy_reference: (file_operations) Created copy reference to file/folder :ivar FileLockingLockStatusChangedType EventType.file_locking_lock_status_changed: (file_operations) Locked/unlocked editing for a file :ivar FileMoveType EventType.file_move: (file_operations) Moved files and/or folders :ivar FilePermanentlyDeleteType EventType.file_permanently_delete: (file_operations) Permanently deleted files and/or folders :ivar FilePreviewType EventType.file_preview: (file_operations) Previewed files and/or folders :ivar FileRenameType EventType.file_rename: (file_operations) Renamed files and/or folders :ivar FileRestoreType EventType.file_restore: (file_operations) Restored deleted files and/or folders :ivar FileRevertType EventType.file_revert: (file_operations) Reverted files to previous version :ivar FileRollbackChangesType EventType.file_rollback_changes: (file_operations) Rolled back file actions :ivar FileSaveCopyReferenceType EventType.file_save_copy_reference: (file_operations) Saved file/folder using copy reference :ivar FolderOverviewDescriptionChangedType EventType.folder_overview_description_changed: (file_operations) Updated folder overview :ivar FolderOverviewItemPinnedType EventType.folder_overview_item_pinned: (file_operations) Pinned item to folder overview :ivar FolderOverviewItemUnpinnedType EventType.folder_overview_item_unpinned: (file_operations) Unpinned item from folder overview :ivar ObjectLabelAddedType EventType.object_label_added: (file_operations) Added a label :ivar ObjectLabelRemovedType EventType.object_label_removed: (file_operations) Removed a label :ivar ObjectLabelUpdatedValueType EventType.object_label_updated_value: (file_operations) Updated a label's value :ivar OrganizeFolderWithTidyType EventType.organize_folder_with_tidy: (file_operations) Organized a folder with multi-file organize :ivar RewindFolderType EventType.rewind_folder: (file_operations) Rewound a folder :ivar UndoNamingConventionType EventType.undo_naming_convention: (file_operations) Reverted naming convention :ivar UndoOrganizeFolderWithTidyType EventType.undo_organize_folder_with_tidy: (file_operations) Removed multi-file organize :ivar UserTagsAddedType EventType.user_tags_added: (file_operations) Tagged a file :ivar UserTagsRemovedType EventType.user_tags_removed: (file_operations) Removed tags :ivar EmailIngestReceiveFileType EventType.email_ingest_receive_file: (file_requests) Received files via Email to Dropbox :ivar FileRequestChangeType EventType.file_request_change: (file_requests) Changed file request :ivar FileRequestCloseType EventType.file_request_close: (file_requests) Closed file request :ivar FileRequestCreateType EventType.file_request_create: (file_requests) Created file request :ivar FileRequestDeleteType EventType.file_request_delete: (file_requests) Delete file request :ivar FileRequestReceiveFileType EventType.file_request_receive_file: (file_requests) Received files for file request :ivar GroupAddExternalIdType EventType.group_add_external_id: (groups) Added external ID for group :ivar GroupAddMemberType EventType.group_add_member: (groups) Added team members to group :ivar GroupChangeExternalIdType EventType.group_change_external_id: (groups) Changed external ID for group :ivar GroupChangeManagementTypeType EventType.group_change_management_type: (groups) Changed group management type :ivar GroupChangeMemberRoleType EventType.group_change_member_role: (groups) Changed manager permissions of group member :ivar GroupCreateType EventType.group_create: (groups) Created group :ivar GroupDeleteType EventType.group_delete: (groups) Deleted group :ivar GroupDescriptionUpdatedType EventType.group_description_updated: (groups) Updated group (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar GroupJoinPolicyUpdatedType EventType.group_join_policy_updated: (groups) Updated group join policy (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar GroupMovedType EventType.group_moved: (groups) Moved group (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar GroupRemoveExternalIdType EventType.group_remove_external_id: (groups) Removed external ID for group :ivar GroupRemoveMemberType EventType.group_remove_member: (groups) Removed team members from group :ivar GroupRenameType EventType.group_rename: (groups) Renamed group :ivar AccountLockOrUnlockedType EventType.account_lock_or_unlocked: (logins) Unlocked/locked account after failed sign in attempts :ivar EmmErrorType EventType.emm_error: (logins) Failed to sign in via EMM (deprecated, replaced by 'Failed to sign in') :ivar GuestAdminSignedInViaTrustedTeamsType EventType.guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams: (logins) Started trusted team admin session :ivar GuestAdminSignedOutViaTrustedTeamsType EventType.guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams: (logins) Ended trusted team admin session :ivar LoginFailType EventType.login_fail: (logins) Failed to sign in :ivar LoginSuccessType EventType.login_success: (logins) Signed in :ivar LogoutType EventType.logout: (logins) Signed out :ivar ResellerSupportSessionEndType EventType.reseller_support_session_end: (logins) Ended reseller support session :ivar ResellerSupportSessionStartType EventType.reseller_support_session_start: (logins) Started reseller support session :ivar SignInAsSessionEndType EventType.sign_in_as_session_end: (logins) Ended admin sign-in-as session :ivar SignInAsSessionStartType EventType.sign_in_as_session_start: (logins) Started admin sign-in-as session :ivar SsoErrorType EventType.sso_error: (logins) Failed to sign in via SSO (deprecated, replaced by 'Failed to sign in') :ivar CreateTeamInviteLinkType EventType.create_team_invite_link: (members) Created team invite link :ivar DeleteTeamInviteLinkType EventType.delete_team_invite_link: (members) Deleted team invite link :ivar MemberAddExternalIdType EventType.member_add_external_id: (members) Added an external ID for team member :ivar MemberAddNameType EventType.member_add_name: (members) Added team member name :ivar MemberChangeAdminRoleType EventType.member_change_admin_role: (members) Changed team member admin role :ivar MemberChangeEmailType EventType.member_change_email: (members) Changed team member email :ivar MemberChangeExternalIdType EventType.member_change_external_id: (members) Changed the external ID for team member :ivar MemberChangeMembershipTypeType EventType.member_change_membership_type: (members) Changed membership type (limited/full) of member (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar MemberChangeNameType EventType.member_change_name: (members) Changed team member name :ivar MemberChangeResellerRoleType EventType.member_change_reseller_role: (members) Changed team member reseller role :ivar MemberChangeStatusType EventType.member_change_status: (members) Changed member status (invited, joined, suspended, etc.) :ivar MemberDeleteManualContactsType EventType.member_delete_manual_contacts: (members) Cleared manually added contacts :ivar MemberDeleteProfilePhotoType EventType.member_delete_profile_photo: (members) Deleted team member profile photo :ivar MemberPermanentlyDeleteAccountContentsType EventType.member_permanently_delete_account_contents: (members) Permanently deleted contents of deleted team member account :ivar MemberRemoveExternalIdType EventType.member_remove_external_id: (members) Removed the external ID for team member :ivar MemberSetProfilePhotoType EventType.member_set_profile_photo: (members) Set team member profile photo :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsAddCustomQuotaType EventType.member_space_limits_add_custom_quota: (members) Set custom member space limit :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsChangeCustomQuotaType EventType.member_space_limits_change_custom_quota: (members) Changed custom member space limit :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsChangeStatusType EventType.member_space_limits_change_status: (members) Changed space limit status :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsRemoveCustomQuotaType EventType.member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota: (members) Removed custom member space limit :ivar MemberSuggestType EventType.member_suggest: (members) Suggested person to add to team :ivar MemberTransferAccountContentsType EventType.member_transfer_account_contents: (members) Transferred contents of deleted member account to another member :ivar PendingSecondaryEmailAddedType EventType.pending_secondary_email_added: (members) Added pending secondary email :ivar SecondaryEmailDeletedType EventType.secondary_email_deleted: (members) Deleted secondary email :ivar SecondaryEmailVerifiedType EventType.secondary_email_verified: (members) Verified secondary email :ivar SecondaryMailsPolicyChangedType EventType.secondary_mails_policy_changed: (members) Secondary mails policy changed :ivar BinderAddPageType EventType.binder_add_page: (paper) Added Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderAddSectionType EventType.binder_add_section: (paper) Added Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderRemovePageType EventType.binder_remove_page: (paper) Removed Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderRemoveSectionType EventType.binder_remove_section: (paper) Removed Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderRenamePageType EventType.binder_rename_page: (paper) Renamed Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderRenameSectionType EventType.binder_rename_section: (paper) Renamed Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderReorderPageType EventType.binder_reorder_page: (paper) Reordered Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar BinderReorderSectionType EventType.binder_reorder_section: (paper) Reordered Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') :ivar PaperContentAddMemberType EventType.paper_content_add_member: (paper) Added users and/or groups to Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperContentAddToFolderType EventType.paper_content_add_to_folder: (paper) Added Paper doc/folder to folder :ivar PaperContentArchiveType EventType.paper_content_archive: (paper) Archived Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperContentCreateType EventType.paper_content_create: (paper) Created Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperContentPermanentlyDeleteType EventType.paper_content_permanently_delete: (paper) Permanently deleted Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperContentRemoveFromFolderType EventType.paper_content_remove_from_folder: (paper) Removed Paper doc/folder from folder :ivar PaperContentRemoveMemberType EventType.paper_content_remove_member: (paper) Removed users and/or groups from Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperContentRenameType EventType.paper_content_rename: (paper) Renamed Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperContentRestoreType EventType.paper_content_restore: (paper) Restored archived Paper doc/folder :ivar PaperDocAddCommentType EventType.paper_doc_add_comment: (paper) Added Paper doc comment :ivar PaperDocChangeMemberRoleType EventType.paper_doc_change_member_role: (paper) Changed member permissions for Paper doc :ivar PaperDocChangeSharingPolicyType EventType.paper_doc_change_sharing_policy: (paper) Changed sharing setting for Paper doc :ivar PaperDocChangeSubscriptionType EventType.paper_doc_change_subscription: (paper) Followed/unfollowed Paper doc :ivar PaperDocDeletedType EventType.paper_doc_deleted: (paper) Archived Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperDocDeleteCommentType EventType.paper_doc_delete_comment: (paper) Deleted Paper doc comment :ivar PaperDocDownloadType EventType.paper_doc_download: (paper) Downloaded Paper doc in specific format :ivar PaperDocEditType EventType.paper_doc_edit: (paper) Edited Paper doc :ivar PaperDocEditCommentType EventType.paper_doc_edit_comment: (paper) Edited Paper doc comment :ivar PaperDocFollowedType EventType.paper_doc_followed: (paper) Followed Paper doc (deprecated, replaced by 'Followed/unfollowed Paper doc') :ivar PaperDocMentionType EventType.paper_doc_mention: (paper) Mentioned user in Paper doc :ivar PaperDocOwnershipChangedType EventType.paper_doc_ownership_changed: (paper) Transferred ownership of Paper doc :ivar PaperDocRequestAccessType EventType.paper_doc_request_access: (paper) Requested access to Paper doc :ivar PaperDocResolveCommentType EventType.paper_doc_resolve_comment: (paper) Resolved Paper doc comment :ivar PaperDocRevertType EventType.paper_doc_revert: (paper) Restored Paper doc to previous version :ivar PaperDocSlackShareType EventType.paper_doc_slack_share: (paper) Shared Paper doc via Slack :ivar PaperDocTeamInviteType EventType.paper_doc_team_invite: (paper) Shared Paper doc with users and/or groups (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperDocTrashedType EventType.paper_doc_trashed: (paper) Deleted Paper doc :ivar PaperDocUnresolveCommentType EventType.paper_doc_unresolve_comment: (paper) Unresolved Paper doc comment :ivar PaperDocUntrashedType EventType.paper_doc_untrashed: (paper) Restored Paper doc :ivar PaperDocViewType EventType.paper_doc_view: (paper) Viewed Paper doc :ivar PaperExternalViewAllowType EventType.paper_external_view_allow: (paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to anyone (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperExternalViewDefaultTeamType EventType.paper_external_view_default_team: (paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to default team (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperExternalViewForbidType EventType.paper_external_view_forbid: (paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to team-only (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperFolderChangeSubscriptionType EventType.paper_folder_change_subscription: (paper) Followed/unfollowed Paper folder :ivar PaperFolderDeletedType EventType.paper_folder_deleted: (paper) Archived Paper folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperFolderFollowedType EventType.paper_folder_followed: (paper) Followed Paper folder (deprecated, replaced by 'Followed/unfollowed Paper folder') :ivar PaperFolderTeamInviteType EventType.paper_folder_team_invite: (paper) Shared Paper folder with users and/or groups (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperPublishedLinkChangePermissionType EventType.paper_published_link_change_permission: (paper) Changed permissions for published doc :ivar PaperPublishedLinkCreateType EventType.paper_published_link_create: (paper) Published doc :ivar PaperPublishedLinkDisabledType EventType.paper_published_link_disabled: (paper) Unpublished doc :ivar PaperPublishedLinkViewType EventType.paper_published_link_view: (paper) Viewed published doc :ivar PasswordChangeType EventType.password_change: (passwords) Changed password :ivar PasswordResetType EventType.password_reset: (passwords) Reset password :ivar PasswordResetAllType EventType.password_reset_all: (passwords) Reset all team member passwords :ivar ClassificationCreateReportType EventType.classification_create_report: (reports) Created Classification report :ivar ClassificationCreateReportFailType EventType.classification_create_report_fail: (reports) Couldn't create Classification report :ivar EmmCreateExceptionsReportType EventType.emm_create_exceptions_report: (reports) Created EMM-excluded users report :ivar EmmCreateUsageReportType EventType.emm_create_usage_report: (reports) Created EMM mobile app usage report :ivar ExportMembersReportType EventType.export_members_report: (reports) Created member data report :ivar ExportMembersReportFailType EventType.export_members_report_fail: (reports) Failed to create members data report :ivar ExternalSharingCreateReportType EventType.external_sharing_create_report: (reports) Created External sharing report :ivar ExternalSharingReportFailedType EventType.external_sharing_report_failed: (reports) Couldn't create External sharing report :ivar NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportType EventType.no_expiration_link_gen_create_report: (reports) Report created: Links created with no expiration :ivar NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedType EventType.no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed: (reports) Couldn't create report: Links created with no expiration :ivar NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportType EventType.no_password_link_gen_create_report: (reports) Report created: Links created without passwords :ivar NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedType EventType.no_password_link_gen_report_failed: (reports) Couldn't create report: Links created without passwords :ivar NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportType EventType.no_password_link_view_create_report: (reports) Report created: Views of links without passwords :ivar NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedType EventType.no_password_link_view_report_failed: (reports) Couldn't create report: Views of links without passwords :ivar OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportType EventType.outdated_link_view_create_report: (reports) Report created: Views of old links :ivar OutdatedLinkViewReportFailedType EventType.outdated_link_view_report_failed: (reports) Couldn't create report: Views of old links :ivar PaperAdminExportStartType EventType.paper_admin_export_start: (reports) Exported all team Paper docs :ivar SmartSyncCreateAdminPrivilegeReportType EventType.smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report: (reports) Created Smart Sync non-admin devices report :ivar TeamActivityCreateReportType EventType.team_activity_create_report: (reports) Created team activity report :ivar TeamActivityCreateReportFailType EventType.team_activity_create_report_fail: (reports) Couldn't generate team activity report :ivar CollectionShareType EventType.collection_share: (sharing) Shared album :ivar FileTransfersFileAddType EventType.file_transfers_file_add: (sharing) Transfer files added :ivar FileTransfersTransferDeleteType EventType.file_transfers_transfer_delete: (sharing) Deleted transfer :ivar FileTransfersTransferDownloadType EventType.file_transfers_transfer_download: (sharing) Transfer downloaded :ivar FileTransfersTransferSendType EventType.file_transfers_transfer_send: (sharing) Sent transfer :ivar FileTransfersTransferViewType EventType.file_transfers_transfer_view: (sharing) Viewed transfer :ivar NoteAclInviteOnlyType EventType.note_acl_invite_only: (sharing) Changed Paper doc to invite-only (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar NoteAclLinkType EventType.note_acl_link: (sharing) Changed Paper doc to link-accessible (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar NoteAclTeamLinkType EventType.note_acl_team_link: (sharing) Changed Paper doc to link-accessible for team (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar NoteSharedType EventType.note_shared: (sharing) Shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar NoteShareReceiveType EventType.note_share_receive: (sharing) Shared received Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar OpenNoteSharedType EventType.open_note_shared: (sharing) Opened shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfAddGroupType EventType.sf_add_group: (sharing) Added team to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfAllowNonMembersToViewSharedLinksType EventType.sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links: (sharing) Allowed non-collaborators to view links to files in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfExternalInviteWarnType EventType.sf_external_invite_warn: (sharing) Set team members to see warning before sharing folders outside team (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfFbInviteType EventType.sf_fb_invite: (sharing) Invited Facebook users to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfFbInviteChangeRoleType EventType.sf_fb_invite_change_role: (sharing) Changed Facebook user's role in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfFbUninviteType EventType.sf_fb_uninvite: (sharing) Uninvited Facebook user from shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfInviteGroupType EventType.sf_invite_group: (sharing) Invited group to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfTeamGrantAccessType EventType.sf_team_grant_access: (sharing) Granted access to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfTeamInviteType EventType.sf_team_invite: (sharing) Invited team members to shared folder (deprecated, replaced by 'Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder') :ivar SfTeamInviteChangeRoleType EventType.sf_team_invite_change_role: (sharing) Changed team member's role in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfTeamJoinType EventType.sf_team_join: (sharing) Joined team member's shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfTeamJoinFromOobLinkType EventType.sf_team_join_from_oob_link: (sharing) Joined team member's shared folder from link (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SfTeamUninviteType EventType.sf_team_uninvite: (sharing) Unshared folder with team member (deprecated, replaced by 'Removed invitee from shared file/folder before invite was accepted') :ivar SharedContentAddInviteesType EventType.shared_content_add_invitees: (sharing) Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentAddLinkExpiryType EventType.shared_content_add_link_expiry: (sharing) Added expiration date to link for shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentAddLinkPasswordType EventType.shared_content_add_link_password: (sharing) Added password to link for shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentAddMemberType EventType.shared_content_add_member: (sharing) Added users and/or groups to shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentChangeDownloadsPolicyType EventType.shared_content_change_downloads_policy: (sharing) Changed whether members can download shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentChangeInviteeRoleType EventType.shared_content_change_invitee_role: (sharing) Changed access type of invitee to shared file/folder before invite was accepted :ivar SharedContentChangeLinkAudienceType EventType.shared_content_change_link_audience: (sharing) Changed link audience of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentChangeLinkExpiryType EventType.shared_content_change_link_expiry: (sharing) Changed link expiration of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentChangeLinkPasswordType EventType.shared_content_change_link_password: (sharing) Changed link password of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentChangeMemberRoleType EventType.shared_content_change_member_role: (sharing) Changed access type of shared file/folder member :ivar SharedContentChangeViewerInfoPolicyType EventType.shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy: (sharing) Changed whether members can see who viewed shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentClaimInvitationType EventType.shared_content_claim_invitation: (sharing) Acquired membership of shared file/folder by accepting invite :ivar SharedContentCopyType EventType.shared_content_copy: (sharing) Copied shared file/folder to own Dropbox :ivar SharedContentDownloadType EventType.shared_content_download: (sharing) Downloaded shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentRelinquishMembershipType EventType.shared_content_relinquish_membership: (sharing) Left shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentRemoveInviteesType EventType.shared_content_remove_invitees: (sharing) Removed invitee from shared file/folder before invite was accepted :ivar SharedContentRemoveLinkExpiryType EventType.shared_content_remove_link_expiry: (sharing) Removed link expiration date of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentRemoveLinkPasswordType EventType.shared_content_remove_link_password: (sharing) Removed link password of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar SharedContentRemoveMemberType EventType.shared_content_remove_member: (sharing) Removed user/group from shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentRequestAccessType EventType.shared_content_request_access: (sharing) Requested access to shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentRestoreInviteesType EventType.shared_content_restore_invitees: (sharing) Restored shared file/folder invitees :ivar SharedContentRestoreMemberType EventType.shared_content_restore_member: (sharing) Restored users and/or groups to membership of shared file/folder :ivar SharedContentUnshareType EventType.shared_content_unshare: (sharing) Unshared file/folder by clearing membership :ivar SharedContentViewType EventType.shared_content_view: (sharing) Previewed shared file/folder :ivar SharedFolderChangeLinkPolicyType EventType.shared_folder_change_link_policy: (sharing) Changed who can access shared folder via link :ivar SharedFolderChangeMembersInheritancePolicyType EventType.shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy: (sharing) Changed whether shared folder inherits members from parent folder :ivar SharedFolderChangeMembersManagementPolicyType EventType.shared_folder_change_members_management_policy: (sharing) Changed who can add/remove members of shared folder :ivar SharedFolderChangeMembersPolicyType EventType.shared_folder_change_members_policy: (sharing) Changed who can become member of shared folder :ivar SharedFolderCreateType EventType.shared_folder_create: (sharing) Created shared folder :ivar SharedFolderDeclineInvitationType EventType.shared_folder_decline_invitation: (sharing) Declined team member's invite to shared folder :ivar SharedFolderMountType EventType.shared_folder_mount: (sharing) Added shared folder to own Dropbox :ivar SharedFolderNestType EventType.shared_folder_nest: (sharing) Changed parent of shared folder :ivar SharedFolderTransferOwnershipType EventType.shared_folder_transfer_ownership: (sharing) Transferred ownership of shared folder to another member :ivar SharedFolderUnmountType EventType.shared_folder_unmount: (sharing) Deleted shared folder from Dropbox :ivar SharedLinkAddExpiryType EventType.shared_link_add_expiry: (sharing) Added shared link expiration date :ivar SharedLinkChangeExpiryType EventType.shared_link_change_expiry: (sharing) Changed shared link expiration date :ivar SharedLinkChangeVisibilityType EventType.shared_link_change_visibility: (sharing) Changed visibility of shared link :ivar SharedLinkCopyType EventType.shared_link_copy: (sharing) Added file/folder to Dropbox from shared link :ivar SharedLinkCreateType EventType.shared_link_create: (sharing) Created shared link :ivar SharedLinkDisableType EventType.shared_link_disable: (sharing) Removed shared link :ivar SharedLinkDownloadType EventType.shared_link_download: (sharing) Downloaded file/folder from shared link :ivar SharedLinkRemoveExpiryType EventType.shared_link_remove_expiry: (sharing) Removed shared link expiration date :ivar SharedLinkSettingsAddExpirationType EventType.shared_link_settings_add_expiration: (sharing) Added an expiration date to the shared link :ivar SharedLinkSettingsAddPasswordType EventType.shared_link_settings_add_password: (sharing) Added a password to the shared link :ivar SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadDisabledType EventType.shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled: (sharing) Disabled downloads :ivar SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadEnabledType EventType.shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled: (sharing) Enabled downloads :ivar SharedLinkSettingsChangeAudienceType EventType.shared_link_settings_change_audience: (sharing) Changed the audience of the shared link :ivar SharedLinkSettingsChangeExpirationType EventType.shared_link_settings_change_expiration: (sharing) Changed the expiration date of the shared link :ivar SharedLinkSettingsChangePasswordType EventType.shared_link_settings_change_password: (sharing) Changed the password of the shared link :ivar SharedLinkSettingsRemoveExpirationType EventType.shared_link_settings_remove_expiration: (sharing) Removed the expiration date from the shared link :ivar SharedLinkSettingsRemovePasswordType EventType.shared_link_settings_remove_password: (sharing) Removed the password from the shared link :ivar SharedLinkShareType EventType.shared_link_share: (sharing) Added members as audience of shared link :ivar SharedLinkViewType EventType.shared_link_view: (sharing) Opened shared link :ivar SharedNoteOpenedType EventType.shared_note_opened: (sharing) Opened shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar ShmodelDisableDownloadsType EventType.shmodel_disable_downloads: (sharing) Disabled downloads for link (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar ShmodelEnableDownloadsType EventType.shmodel_enable_downloads: (sharing) Enabled downloads for link (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar ShmodelGroupShareType EventType.shmodel_group_share: (sharing) Shared link with group (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar ShowcaseAccessGrantedType EventType.showcase_access_granted: (showcase) Granted access to showcase :ivar ShowcaseAddMemberType EventType.showcase_add_member: (showcase) Added member to showcase :ivar ShowcaseArchivedType EventType.showcase_archived: (showcase) Archived showcase :ivar ShowcaseCreatedType EventType.showcase_created: (showcase) Created showcase :ivar ShowcaseDeleteCommentType EventType.showcase_delete_comment: (showcase) Deleted showcase comment :ivar ShowcaseEditedType EventType.showcase_edited: (showcase) Edited showcase :ivar ShowcaseEditCommentType EventType.showcase_edit_comment: (showcase) Edited showcase comment :ivar ShowcaseFileAddedType EventType.showcase_file_added: (showcase) Added file to showcase :ivar ShowcaseFileDownloadType EventType.showcase_file_download: (showcase) Downloaded file from showcase :ivar ShowcaseFileRemovedType EventType.showcase_file_removed: (showcase) Removed file from showcase :ivar ShowcaseFileViewType EventType.showcase_file_view: (showcase) Viewed file in showcase :ivar ShowcasePermanentlyDeletedType EventType.showcase_permanently_deleted: (showcase) Permanently deleted showcase :ivar ShowcasePostCommentType EventType.showcase_post_comment: (showcase) Added showcase comment :ivar ShowcaseRemoveMemberType EventType.showcase_remove_member: (showcase) Removed member from showcase :ivar ShowcaseRenamedType EventType.showcase_renamed: (showcase) Renamed showcase :ivar ShowcaseRequestAccessType EventType.showcase_request_access: (showcase) Requested access to showcase :ivar ShowcaseResolveCommentType EventType.showcase_resolve_comment: (showcase) Resolved showcase comment :ivar ShowcaseRestoredType EventType.showcase_restored: (showcase) Unarchived showcase :ivar ShowcaseTrashedType EventType.showcase_trashed: (showcase) Deleted showcase :ivar ShowcaseTrashedDeprecatedType EventType.showcase_trashed_deprecated: (showcase) Deleted showcase (old version) (deprecated, replaced by 'Deleted showcase') :ivar ShowcaseUnresolveCommentType EventType.showcase_unresolve_comment: (showcase) Unresolved showcase comment :ivar ShowcaseUntrashedType EventType.showcase_untrashed: (showcase) Restored showcase :ivar ShowcaseUntrashedDeprecatedType EventType.showcase_untrashed_deprecated: (showcase) Restored showcase (old version) (deprecated, replaced by 'Restored showcase') :ivar ShowcaseViewType EventType.showcase_view: (showcase) Viewed showcase :ivar SsoAddCertType EventType.sso_add_cert: (sso) Added X.509 certificate for SSO :ivar SsoAddLoginUrlType EventType.sso_add_login_url: (sso) Added sign-in URL for SSO :ivar SsoAddLogoutUrlType EventType.sso_add_logout_url: (sso) Added sign-out URL for SSO :ivar SsoChangeCertType EventType.sso_change_cert: (sso) Changed X.509 certificate for SSO :ivar SsoChangeLoginUrlType EventType.sso_change_login_url: (sso) Changed sign-in URL for SSO :ivar SsoChangeLogoutUrlType EventType.sso_change_logout_url: (sso) Changed sign-out URL for SSO :ivar SsoChangeSamlIdentityModeType EventType.sso_change_saml_identity_mode: (sso) Changed SAML identity mode for SSO :ivar SsoRemoveCertType EventType.sso_remove_cert: (sso) Removed X.509 certificate for SSO :ivar SsoRemoveLoginUrlType EventType.sso_remove_login_url: (sso) Removed sign-in URL for SSO :ivar SsoRemoveLogoutUrlType EventType.sso_remove_logout_url: (sso) Removed sign-out URL for SSO :ivar TeamFolderChangeStatusType EventType.team_folder_change_status: (team_folders) Changed archival status of team folder :ivar TeamFolderCreateType EventType.team_folder_create: (team_folders) Created team folder in active status :ivar TeamFolderDowngradeType EventType.team_folder_downgrade: (team_folders) Downgraded team folder to regular shared folder :ivar TeamFolderPermanentlyDeleteType EventType.team_folder_permanently_delete: (team_folders) Permanently deleted archived team folder :ivar TeamFolderRenameType EventType.team_folder_rename: (team_folders) Renamed active/archived team folder :ivar TeamSelectiveSyncSettingsChangedType EventType.team_selective_sync_settings_changed: (team_folders) Changed sync default :ivar AccountCaptureChangePolicyType EventType.account_capture_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed account capture setting on team domain :ivar AdminEmailRemindersChangedType EventType.admin_email_reminders_changed: (team_policies) Changed admin reminder settings for requests to join the team :ivar AllowDownloadDisabledType EventType.allow_download_disabled: (team_policies) Disabled downloads (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar AllowDownloadEnabledType EventType.allow_download_enabled: (team_policies) Enabled downloads (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar AppPermissionsChangedType EventType.app_permissions_changed: (team_policies) Changed app permissions :ivar CameraUploadsPolicyChangedType EventType.camera_uploads_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed camera uploads setting for team :ivar CaptureTranscriptPolicyChangedType EventType.capture_transcript_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed Capture transcription policy for team :ivar ClassificationChangePolicyType EventType.classification_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed classification policy for team :ivar ComputerBackupPolicyChangedType EventType.computer_backup_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed computer backup policy for team :ivar ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedType EventType.content_administration_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed content management setting :ivar DataPlacementRestrictionChangePolicyType EventType.data_placement_restriction_change_policy: (team_policies) Set restrictions on data center locations where team data resides :ivar DataPlacementRestrictionSatisfyPolicyType EventType.data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy: (team_policies) Completed restrictions on data center locations where team data resides :ivar DeviceApprovalsAddExceptionType EventType.device_approvals_add_exception: (team_policies) Added members to device approvals exception list :ivar DeviceApprovalsChangeDesktopPolicyType EventType.device_approvals_change_desktop_policy: (team_policies) Set/removed limit on number of computers member can link to team Dropbox account :ivar DeviceApprovalsChangeMobilePolicyType EventType.device_approvals_change_mobile_policy: (team_policies) Set/removed limit on number of mobile devices member can link to team Dropbox account :ivar DeviceApprovalsChangeOverageActionType EventType.device_approvals_change_overage_action: (team_policies) Changed device approvals setting when member is over limit :ivar DeviceApprovalsChangeUnlinkActionType EventType.device_approvals_change_unlink_action: (team_policies) Changed device approvals setting when member unlinks approved device :ivar DeviceApprovalsRemoveExceptionType EventType.device_approvals_remove_exception: (team_policies) Removed members from device approvals exception list :ivar DirectoryRestrictionsAddMembersType EventType.directory_restrictions_add_members: (team_policies) Added members to directory restrictions list :ivar DirectoryRestrictionsRemoveMembersType EventType.directory_restrictions_remove_members: (team_policies) Removed members from directory restrictions list :ivar DropboxPasswordsPolicyChangedType EventType.dropbox_passwords_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed Dropbox Passwords policy for team :ivar EmailIngestPolicyChangedType EventType.email_ingest_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed email to Dropbox policy for team :ivar EmmAddExceptionType EventType.emm_add_exception: (team_policies) Added members to EMM exception list :ivar EmmChangePolicyType EventType.emm_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled enterprise mobility management for members :ivar EmmRemoveExceptionType EventType.emm_remove_exception: (team_policies) Removed members from EMM exception list :ivar ExtendedVersionHistoryChangePolicyType EventType.extended_version_history_change_policy: (team_policies) Accepted/opted out of extended version history :ivar ExternalDriveBackupPolicyChangedType EventType.external_drive_backup_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed external drive backup policy for team :ivar FileCommentsChangePolicyType EventType.file_comments_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled commenting on team files :ivar FileLockingPolicyChangedType EventType.file_locking_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed file locking policy for team :ivar FileProviderMigrationPolicyChangedType EventType.file_provider_migration_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed File Provider Migration policy for team :ivar FileRequestsChangePolicyType EventType.file_requests_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled file requests :ivar FileRequestsEmailsEnabledType EventType.file_requests_emails_enabled: (team_policies) Enabled file request emails for everyone (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar FileRequestsEmailsRestrictedToTeamOnlyType EventType.file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only: (team_policies) Enabled file request emails for team (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar FileTransfersPolicyChangedType EventType.file_transfers_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed file transfers policy for team :ivar FolderLinkRestrictionPolicyChangedType EventType.folder_link_restriction_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed folder link restrictions policy for team :ivar GoogleSsoChangePolicyType EventType.google_sso_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Google single sign-on for team :ivar GroupUserManagementChangePolicyType EventType.group_user_management_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed who can create groups :ivar IntegrationPolicyChangedType EventType.integration_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed integration policy for team :ivar InviteAcceptanceEmailPolicyChangedType EventType.invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed invite accept email policy for team :ivar MemberRequestsChangePolicyType EventType.member_requests_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether users can find team when not invited :ivar MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedType EventType.member_send_invite_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed member send invite policy for team :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsAddExceptionType EventType.member_space_limits_add_exception: (team_policies) Added members to member space limit exception list :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsChangeCapsTypePolicyType EventType.member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy: (team_policies) Changed member space limit type for team :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsChangePolicyType EventType.member_space_limits_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed team default member space limit :ivar MemberSpaceLimitsRemoveExceptionType EventType.member_space_limits_remove_exception: (team_policies) Removed members from member space limit exception list :ivar MemberSuggestionsChangePolicyType EventType.member_suggestions_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled option for team members to suggest people to add to team :ivar MicrosoftOfficeAddinChangePolicyType EventType.microsoft_office_addin_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Microsoft Office add-in :ivar NetworkControlChangePolicyType EventType.network_control_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled network control :ivar PaperChangeDeploymentPolicyType EventType.paper_change_deployment_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether Dropbox Paper, when enabled, is deployed to all members or to specific members :ivar PaperChangeMemberLinkPolicyType EventType.paper_change_member_link_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether non-members can view Paper docs with link (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar PaperChangeMemberPolicyType EventType.paper_change_member_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether members can share Paper docs outside team, and if docs are accessible only by team members or anyone by default :ivar PaperChangePolicyType EventType.paper_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Dropbox Paper for team :ivar PaperDefaultFolderPolicyChangedType EventType.paper_default_folder_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed Paper Default Folder Policy setting for team :ivar PaperDesktopPolicyChangedType EventType.paper_desktop_policy_changed: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Paper Desktop for team :ivar PaperEnabledUsersGroupAdditionType EventType.paper_enabled_users_group_addition: (team_policies) Added users to Paper-enabled users list :ivar PaperEnabledUsersGroupRemovalType EventType.paper_enabled_users_group_removal: (team_policies) Removed users from Paper-enabled users list :ivar PasswordStrengthRequirementsChangePolicyType EventType.password_strength_requirements_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed team password strength requirements :ivar PermanentDeleteChangePolicyType EventType.permanent_delete_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled ability of team members to permanently delete content :ivar ResellerSupportChangePolicyType EventType.reseller_support_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled reseller support :ivar RewindPolicyChangedType EventType.rewind_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed Rewind policy for team :ivar SendForSignaturePolicyChangedType EventType.send_for_signature_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed send for signature policy for team :ivar SharingChangeFolderJoinPolicyType EventType.sharing_change_folder_join_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether team members can join shared folders owned outside team :ivar SharingChangeLinkAllowChangeExpirationPolicyType EventType.sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy: (team_policies) Changed the allow remove or change expiration policy for the links shared outside of the team :ivar SharingChangeLinkDefaultExpirationPolicyType EventType.sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy: (team_policies) Changed the default expiration for the links shared outside of the team :ivar SharingChangeLinkEnforcePasswordPolicyType EventType.sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy: (team_policies) Changed the password requirement for the links shared outside of the team :ivar SharingChangeLinkPolicyType EventType.sharing_change_link_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether members can share links outside team, and if links are accessible only by team members or anyone by default :ivar SharingChangeMemberPolicyType EventType.sharing_change_member_policy: (team_policies) Changed whether members can share files/folders outside team :ivar ShowcaseChangeDownloadPolicyType EventType.showcase_change_download_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled downloading files from Dropbox Showcase for team :ivar ShowcaseChangeEnabledPolicyType EventType.showcase_change_enabled_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Dropbox Showcase for team :ivar ShowcaseChangeExternalSharingPolicyType EventType.showcase_change_external_sharing_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled sharing Dropbox Showcase externally for team :ivar SmarterSmartSyncPolicyChangedType EventType.smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed automatic Smart Sync setting for team :ivar SmartSyncChangePolicyType EventType.smart_sync_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed default Smart Sync setting for team members :ivar SmartSyncNotOptOutType EventType.smart_sync_not_opt_out: (team_policies) Opted team into Smart Sync :ivar SmartSyncOptOutType EventType.smart_sync_opt_out: (team_policies) Opted team out of Smart Sync :ivar SsoChangePolicyType EventType.sso_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed single sign-on setting for team :ivar TeamBrandingPolicyChangedType EventType.team_branding_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed team branding policy for team :ivar TeamExtensionsPolicyChangedType EventType.team_extensions_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed App Integrations setting for team :ivar TeamSelectiveSyncPolicyChangedType EventType.team_selective_sync_policy_changed: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Team Selective Sync for team :ivar TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedType EventType.team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed: (team_policies) Edited the approved list for sharing externally :ivar TfaAddExceptionType EventType.tfa_add_exception: (team_policies) Added members to two factor authentication exception list :ivar TfaChangePolicyType EventType.tfa_change_policy: (team_policies) Changed two-step verification setting for team :ivar TfaRemoveExceptionType EventType.tfa_remove_exception: (team_policies) Removed members from two factor authentication exception list :ivar TwoAccountChangePolicyType EventType.two_account_change_policy: (team_policies) Enabled/disabled option for members to link personal Dropbox account and team account to same computer :ivar ViewerInfoPolicyChangedType EventType.viewer_info_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed team policy for viewer info :ivar WatermarkingPolicyChangedType EventType.watermarking_policy_changed: (team_policies) Changed watermarking policy for team :ivar WebSessionsChangeActiveSessionLimitType EventType.web_sessions_change_active_session_limit: (team_policies) Changed limit on active sessions per member :ivar WebSessionsChangeFixedLengthPolicyType EventType.web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy: (team_policies) Changed how long members can stay signed in to :ivar WebSessionsChangeIdleLengthPolicyType EventType.web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy: (team_policies) Changed how long team members can be idle while signed in to :ivar DataResidencyMigrationRequestSuccessfulType EventType.data_residency_migration_request_successful: (team_profile) Requested data residency migration for team data :ivar DataResidencyMigrationRequestUnsuccessfulType EventType.data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful: (team_profile) Request for data residency migration for team data has failed :ivar TeamMergeFromType EventType.team_merge_from: (team_profile) Merged another team into this team :ivar TeamMergeToType EventType.team_merge_to: (team_profile) Merged this team into another team :ivar TeamProfileAddBackgroundType EventType.team_profile_add_background: (team_profile) Added team background to display on shared link headers :ivar TeamProfileAddLogoType EventType.team_profile_add_logo: (team_profile) Added team logo to display on shared link headers :ivar TeamProfileChangeBackgroundType EventType.team_profile_change_background: (team_profile) Changed team background displayed on shared link headers :ivar TeamProfileChangeDefaultLanguageType EventType.team_profile_change_default_language: (team_profile) Changed default language for team :ivar TeamProfileChangeLogoType EventType.team_profile_change_logo: (team_profile) Changed team logo displayed on shared link headers :ivar TeamProfileChangeNameType EventType.team_profile_change_name: (team_profile) Changed team name :ivar TeamProfileRemoveBackgroundType EventType.team_profile_remove_background: (team_profile) Removed team background displayed on shared link headers :ivar TeamProfileRemoveLogoType EventType.team_profile_remove_logo: (team_profile) Removed team logo displayed on shared link headers :ivar TfaAddBackupPhoneType EventType.tfa_add_backup_phone: (tfa) Added backup phone for two-step verification :ivar TfaAddSecurityKeyType EventType.tfa_add_security_key: (tfa) Added security key for two-step verification :ivar TfaChangeBackupPhoneType EventType.tfa_change_backup_phone: (tfa) Changed backup phone for two-step verification :ivar TfaChangeStatusType EventType.tfa_change_status: (tfa) Enabled/disabled/changed two-step verification setting :ivar TfaRemoveBackupPhoneType EventType.tfa_remove_backup_phone: (tfa) Removed backup phone for two-step verification :ivar TfaRemoveSecurityKeyType EventType.tfa_remove_security_key: (tfa) Removed security key for two-step verification :ivar TfaResetType EventType.tfa_reset: (tfa) Reset two-step verification for team member :ivar ChangedEnterpriseAdminRoleType EventType.changed_enterprise_admin_role: (trusted_teams) Changed enterprise admin role :ivar ChangedEnterpriseConnectedTeamStatusType EventType.changed_enterprise_connected_team_status: (trusted_teams) Changed enterprise-connected team status :ivar EndedEnterpriseAdminSessionType EventType.ended_enterprise_admin_session: (trusted_teams) Ended enterprise admin session :ivar EndedEnterpriseAdminSessionDeprecatedType EventType.ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated: (trusted_teams) Ended enterprise admin session (deprecated, replaced by 'Ended enterprise admin session') :ivar EnterpriseSettingsLockingType EventType.enterprise_settings_locking: (trusted_teams) Changed who can update a setting :ivar GuestAdminChangeStatusType EventType.guest_admin_change_status: (trusted_teams) Changed guest team admin status :ivar StartedEnterpriseAdminSessionType EventType.started_enterprise_admin_session: (trusted_teams) Started enterprise admin session :ivar TeamMergeRequestAcceptedType EventType.team_merge_request_accepted: (trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request :ivar TeamMergeRequestAcceptedShownToPrimaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team: (trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Accepted a team merge request') :ivar TeamMergeRequestAcceptedShownToSecondaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team: (trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Accepted a team merge request') :ivar TeamMergeRequestAutoCanceledType EventType.team_merge_request_auto_canceled: (trusted_teams) Automatically canceled team merge request :ivar TeamMergeRequestCanceledType EventType.team_merge_request_canceled: (trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request :ivar TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToPrimaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team: (trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Canceled a team merge request') :ivar TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToSecondaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team: (trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Canceled a team merge request') :ivar TeamMergeRequestExpiredType EventType.team_merge_request_expired: (trusted_teams) Team merge request expired :ivar TeamMergeRequestExpiredShownToPrimaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team: (trusted_teams) Team merge request expired (deprecated, replaced by 'Team merge request expired') :ivar TeamMergeRequestExpiredShownToSecondaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team: (trusted_teams) Team merge request expired (deprecated, replaced by 'Team merge request expired') :ivar TeamMergeRequestRejectedShownToPrimaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team: (trusted_teams) Rejected a team merge request (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar TeamMergeRequestRejectedShownToSecondaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team: (trusted_teams) Rejected a team merge request (deprecated, no longer logged) :ivar TeamMergeRequestReminderType EventType.team_merge_request_reminder: (trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder :ivar TeamMergeRequestReminderShownToPrimaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team: (trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder (deprecated, replaced by 'Sent a team merge request reminder') :ivar TeamMergeRequestReminderShownToSecondaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team: (trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder (deprecated, replaced by 'Sent a team merge request reminder') :ivar TeamMergeRequestRevokedType EventType.team_merge_request_revoked: (trusted_teams) Canceled the team merge :ivar TeamMergeRequestSentShownToPrimaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team: (trusted_teams) Requested to merge their Dropbox team into yours :ivar TeamMergeRequestSentShownToSecondaryTeamType EventType.team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team: (trusted_teams) Requested to merge your team into another Dropbox team

Class Method account_capture_change_availability Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_change_availability`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method account_capture_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method account_capture_migrate_account Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_migrate_account`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method account_capture_notification_emails_sent Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_notification_emails_sent`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method account_capture_relinquish_account Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_relinquish_account`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method account_lock_or_unlocked Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_lock_or_unlocked`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method admin_alerting_alert_state_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_alerting_alert_state_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method admin_alerting_changed_alert_config Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_alerting_changed_alert_config`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method admin_alerting_triggered_alert Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_alerting_triggered_alert`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method admin_email_reminders_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_email_reminders_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method allow_download_disabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``allow_download_disabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method allow_download_enabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``allow_download_enabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method app_blocked_by_permissions Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_blocked_by_permissions`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method app_link_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_link_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method app_link_user Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_link_user`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method app_permissions_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_permissions_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method app_unlink_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_unlink_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method app_unlink_user Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_unlink_user`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method apply_naming_convention Create an instance of this class set to the ``apply_naming_convention`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_add_page Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_add_page`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_add_section Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_add_section`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_remove_page Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_remove_page`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_remove_section Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_remove_section`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_rename_page Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_rename_page`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_rename_section Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_rename_section`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_reorder_page Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_reorder_page`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method binder_reorder_section Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_reorder_section`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method camera_uploads_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``camera_uploads_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method capture_transcript_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``capture_transcript_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method changed_enterprise_admin_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``changed_enterprise_admin_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method changed_enterprise_connected_team_status Create an instance of this class set to the ``changed_enterprise_connected_team_status`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method classification_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``classification_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method classification_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``classification_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method classification_create_report_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``classification_create_report_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method collection_share Create an instance of this class set to the ``collection_share`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method computer_backup_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``computer_backup_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method content_administration_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``content_administration_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method create_folder Create an instance of this class set to the ``create_folder`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method create_team_invite_link Create an instance of this class set to the ``create_team_invite_link`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method data_placement_restriction_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_placement_restriction_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method data_residency_migration_request_successful Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_residency_migration_request_successful`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method delete_team_invite_link Create an instance of this class set to the ``delete_team_invite_link`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_approvals_add_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_approvals_change_desktop_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_desktop_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_approvals_change_mobile_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_mobile_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_approvals_change_overage_action Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_overage_action`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_approvals_change_unlink_action Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_unlink_action`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_approvals_remove_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_change_ip_desktop Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_change_ip_desktop`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_change_ip_mobile Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_change_ip_mobile`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_change_ip_web Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_change_ip_web`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_delete_on_unlink_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_delete_on_unlink_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_delete_on_unlink_success Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_delete_on_unlink_success`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_link_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_link_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_link_success Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_link_success`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_management_disabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_management_disabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_management_enabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_management_enabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_sync_backup_status_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_sync_backup_status_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method device_unlink Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_unlink`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method directory_restrictions_add_members Create an instance of this class set to the ``directory_restrictions_add_members`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method directory_restrictions_remove_members Create an instance of this class set to the ``directory_restrictions_remove_members`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method disabled_domain_invites Create an instance of this class set to the ``disabled_domain_invites`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_invites_email_existing_users Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_email_existing_users`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_invites_request_to_join_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_request_to_join_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_verification_add_domain_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_verification_add_domain_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_verification_add_domain_success Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_verification_add_domain_success`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method domain_verification_remove_domain Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_verification_remove_domain`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method dropbox_passwords_exported Create an instance of this class set to the ``dropbox_passwords_exported`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled Create an instance of this class set to the ``dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method dropbox_passwords_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``dropbox_passwords_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method email_ingest_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``email_ingest_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method email_ingest_receive_file Create an instance of this class set to the ``email_ingest_receive_file`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_add_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_create_exceptions_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_create_exceptions_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_create_usage_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_create_usage_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_error Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_error`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_refresh_auth_token Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_refresh_auth_token`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method emm_remove_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method enabled_domain_invites Create an instance of this class set to the ``enabled_domain_invites`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method ended_enterprise_admin_session Create an instance of this class set to the ``ended_enterprise_admin_session`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated Create an instance of this class set to the ``ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method enterprise_settings_locking Create an instance of this class set to the ``enterprise_settings_locking`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method export_members_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``export_members_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method export_members_report_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``export_members_report_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method extended_version_history_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``extended_version_history_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method external_drive_backup_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_drive_backup_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method external_drive_backup_status_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_drive_backup_status_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method external_sharing_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_sharing_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method external_sharing_report_failed Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_sharing_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_add Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_add`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_add_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_add_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_change_comment_subscription Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_change_comment_subscription`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_comments_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_comments_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_copy Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_copy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_delete_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_delete_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_download Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_download`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_edit Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_edit`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_edit_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_edit_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_get_copy_reference Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_get_copy_reference`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_like_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_like_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_locking_lock_status_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_locking_lock_status_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_locking_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_locking_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_move Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_move`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_permanently_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_permanently_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_preview Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_preview`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_provider_migration_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_provider_migration_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_rename Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_rename`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_request_change Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_change`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_request_close Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_close`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_request_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_request_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_request_receive_file Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_receive_file`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_requests_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_requests_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_requests_emails_enabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_requests_emails_enabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_resolve_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_resolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_restore Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_restore`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_revert Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_revert`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_rollback_changes Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_rollback_changes`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_save_copy_reference Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_save_copy_reference`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_transfers_file_add Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_file_add`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_transfers_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_transfers_transfer_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_transfers_transfer_download Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_download`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_transfers_transfer_send Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_send`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_transfers_transfer_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_unlike_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_unlike_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method file_unresolve_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_unresolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method folder_link_restriction_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_link_restriction_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method folder_overview_description_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_overview_description_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method folder_overview_item_pinned Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_overview_item_pinned`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method folder_overview_item_unpinned Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_overview_item_unpinned`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method google_sso_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``google_sso_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_add_folder_failed Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_add_folder_failed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_add_folders Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_add_folders`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_content_disposed Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_content_disposed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_edit_details Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_edit_details`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_edit_duration Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_edit_duration`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_export_created Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_export_created`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_export_removed Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_export_removed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_remove_folders Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_remove_folders`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_report_created Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_report_created`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_add_external_id Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_add_external_id`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_add_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_add_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_change_external_id Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_change_external_id`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_change_management_type Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_change_management_type`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_change_member_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_change_member_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_description_updated Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_description_updated`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_join_policy_updated Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_join_policy_updated`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_moved Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_moved`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_remove_external_id Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_remove_external_id`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_remove_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_rename Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_rename`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method group_user_management_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_user_management_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method guest_admin_change_status Create an instance of this class set to the ``guest_admin_change_status`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams Create an instance of this class set to the ``guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams Create an instance of this class set to the ``guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method integration_connected Create an instance of this class set to the ``integration_connected`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method integration_disconnected Create an instance of this class set to the ``integration_disconnected`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method integration_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``integration_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_activate_a_hold Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_activate_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_add_members Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_add_members`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_change_hold_details Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_change_hold_details`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_change_hold_name Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_change_hold_name`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_export_a_hold Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_export_cancelled Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_cancelled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_export_downloaded Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_downloaded`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_export_removed Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_removed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_release_a_hold Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_release_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_remove_members Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_remove_members`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method legal_holds_report_a_hold Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_report_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method login_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``login_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method login_success Create an instance of this class set to the ``login_success`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method logout Create an instance of this class set to the ``logout`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_add_external_id Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_add_external_id`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_add_name Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_add_name`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_admin_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_admin_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_email Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_email`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_external_id Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_external_id`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_membership_type Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_membership_type`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_name Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_name`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_reseller_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_reseller_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_change_status Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_status`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_delete_manual_contacts Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_delete_manual_contacts`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_delete_profile_photo Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_delete_profile_photo`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_permanently_delete_account_contents Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_permanently_delete_account_contents`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_remove_external_id Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_remove_external_id`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_requests_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_requests_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_send_invite_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_send_invite_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_set_profile_photo Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_set_profile_photo`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_add_custom_quota Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_add_custom_quota`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_add_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_change_custom_quota Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_custom_quota`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_change_status Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_status`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_space_limits_remove_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_suggest Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_suggest`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_suggestions_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_suggestions_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method member_transfer_account_contents Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_transfer_account_contents`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method microsoft_office_addin_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``microsoft_office_addin_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method network_control_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``network_control_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method no_expiration_link_gen_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_expiration_link_gen_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method no_password_link_gen_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_gen_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method no_password_link_gen_report_failed Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_gen_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method no_password_link_view_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_view_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method no_password_link_view_report_failed Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_view_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method note_acl_invite_only Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_acl_invite_only`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method note_acl_link Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_acl_link`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method note_acl_team_link Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_acl_team_link`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method note_share_receive Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_share_receive`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method note_shared Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_shared`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method object_label_added Create an instance of this class set to the ``object_label_added`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method object_label_removed Create an instance of this class set to the ``object_label_removed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method object_label_updated_value Create an instance of this class set to the ``object_label_updated_value`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method open_note_shared Create an instance of this class set to the ``open_note_shared`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method organize_folder_with_tidy Create an instance of this class set to the ``organize_folder_with_tidy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method outdated_link_view_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``outdated_link_view_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method outdated_link_view_report_failed Create an instance of this class set to the ``outdated_link_view_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_admin_export_start Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_admin_export_start`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_change_deployment_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_deployment_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_change_member_link_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_member_link_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_change_member_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_member_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_add_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_add_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_add_to_folder Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_add_to_folder`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_archive Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_archive`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_permanently_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_permanently_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_remove_from_folder Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_remove_from_folder`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_remove_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_rename Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_rename`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_content_restore Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_restore`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_default_folder_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_default_folder_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_desktop_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_desktop_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_add_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_add_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_change_member_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_change_member_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_change_sharing_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_change_sharing_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_change_subscription Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_change_subscription`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_delete_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_delete_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_deleted Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_deleted`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_download Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_download`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_edit Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_edit`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_edit_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_edit_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_followed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_followed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_mention Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_mention`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_ownership_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_ownership_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_request_access Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_request_access`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_resolve_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_resolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_revert Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_revert`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_slack_share Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_slack_share`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_team_invite Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_team_invite`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_trashed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_trashed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_unresolve_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_unresolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_untrashed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_untrashed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_doc_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_enabled_users_group_addition Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_enabled_users_group_addition`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_enabled_users_group_removal Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_enabled_users_group_removal`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_external_view_allow Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_external_view_allow`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_external_view_default_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_external_view_default_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_external_view_forbid Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_external_view_forbid`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_folder_change_subscription Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_change_subscription`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_folder_deleted Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_deleted`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_folder_followed Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_followed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_folder_team_invite Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_team_invite`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_published_link_change_permission Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_change_permission`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_published_link_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_published_link_disabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_disabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method paper_published_link_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method password_change Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_change`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method password_reset Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_reset`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method password_reset_all Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_reset_all`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method password_strength_requirements_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_strength_requirements_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method pending_secondary_email_added Create an instance of this class set to the ``pending_secondary_email_added`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method permanent_delete_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``permanent_delete_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method reseller_support_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``reseller_support_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method reseller_support_session_end Create an instance of this class set to the ``reseller_support_session_end`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method reseller_support_session_start Create an instance of this class set to the ``reseller_support_session_start`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method rewind_folder Create an instance of this class set to the ``rewind_folder`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method rewind_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``rewind_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method secondary_email_deleted Create an instance of this class set to the ``secondary_email_deleted`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method secondary_email_verified Create an instance of this class set to the ``secondary_email_verified`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method secondary_mails_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``secondary_mails_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method send_for_signature_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``send_for_signature_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_add_group Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_add_group`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_external_invite_warn Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_external_invite_warn`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_fb_invite Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_fb_invite`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_fb_invite_change_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_fb_invite_change_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_fb_uninvite Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_fb_uninvite`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_invite_group Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_invite_group`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_team_grant_access Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_grant_access`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_team_invite Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_invite`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_team_invite_change_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_invite_change_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_team_join Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_join`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_team_join_from_oob_link Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_join_from_oob_link`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sf_team_uninvite Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_uninvite`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_add_invitees Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_invitees`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_add_link_expiry Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_link_expiry`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_add_link_password Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_link_password`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_add_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_downloads_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_downloads_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_invitee_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_invitee_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_link_audience Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_link_audience`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_link_expiry Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_link_expiry`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_link_password Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_link_password`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_member_role Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_member_role`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_claim_invitation Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_claim_invitation`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_copy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_copy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_download Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_download`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_relinquish_membership Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_relinquish_membership`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_remove_invitees Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_invitees`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_remove_link_expiry Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_link_expiry`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_remove_link_password Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_link_password`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_remove_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_request_access Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_request_access`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_restore_invitees Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_restore_invitees`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_restore_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_restore_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_unshare Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_unshare`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_content_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_change_link_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_link_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_change_members_management_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_members_management_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_change_members_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_members_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_decline_invitation Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_decline_invitation`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_mount Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_mount`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_nest Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_nest`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_transfer_ownership Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_transfer_ownership`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_folder_unmount Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_unmount`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_add_expiry Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_add_expiry`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_change_expiry Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_change_expiry`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_change_visibility Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_change_visibility`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_copy Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_copy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_disable Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_disable`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_download Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_download`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_remove_expiry Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_remove_expiry`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_add_expiration Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_add_expiration`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_add_password Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_add_password`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_change_audience Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_change_audience`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_change_expiration Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_change_expiration`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_change_password Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_change_password`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_remove_expiration Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_remove_expiration`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_settings_remove_password Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_remove_password`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_share Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_share`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_link_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shared_note_opened Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_note_opened`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sharing_change_folder_join_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_folder_join_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sharing_change_link_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sharing_change_member_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_member_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shmodel_disable_downloads Create an instance of this class set to the ``shmodel_disable_downloads`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shmodel_enable_downloads Create an instance of this class set to the ``shmodel_enable_downloads`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method shmodel_group_share Create an instance of this class set to the ``shmodel_group_share`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_access_granted Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_access_granted`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_add_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_add_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_archived Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_archived`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_change_download_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_change_download_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_change_enabled_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_change_enabled_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_change_external_sharing_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_change_external_sharing_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_created Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_created`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_delete_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_delete_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_edit_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_edit_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_edited Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_edited`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_file_added Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_added`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_file_download Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_download`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_file_removed Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_removed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_file_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_permanently_deleted Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_permanently_deleted`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_post_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_post_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_remove_member Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_renamed Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_renamed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_request_access Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_request_access`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_resolve_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_resolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_restored Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_restored`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_trashed Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_trashed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_trashed_deprecated Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_trashed_deprecated`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_unresolve_comment Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_unresolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_untrashed Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_untrashed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_untrashed_deprecated Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_untrashed_deprecated`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method showcase_view Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_view`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sign_in_as_session_end Create an instance of this class set to the ``sign_in_as_session_end`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sign_in_as_session_start Create an instance of this class set to the ``sign_in_as_session_start`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method smart_sync_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method smart_sync_not_opt_out Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_not_opt_out`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method smart_sync_opt_out Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_opt_out`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_add_cert Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_add_cert`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_add_login_url Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_add_login_url`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_add_logout_url Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_add_logout_url`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_change_cert Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_cert`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_change_login_url Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_login_url`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_change_logout_url Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_logout_url`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_change_saml_identity_mode Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_saml_identity_mode`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_error Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_error`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_remove_cert Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_remove_cert`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_remove_login_url Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_remove_login_url`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method sso_remove_logout_url Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_remove_logout_url`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method started_enterprise_admin_session Create an instance of this class set to the ``started_enterprise_admin_session`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_activity_create_report Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_activity_create_report`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_activity_create_report_fail Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_activity_create_report_fail`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_branding_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_branding_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_extensions_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_extensions_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_folder_change_status Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_change_status`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_folder_create Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_create`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_folder_downgrade Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_downgrade`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_folder_permanently_delete Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_permanently_delete`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_folder_rename Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_rename`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_from Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_from`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_accepted Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_accepted`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_auto_canceled Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_auto_canceled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_canceled Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_canceled`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_expired Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_expired`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_reminder Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_reminder`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_revoked Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_revoked`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_merge_to Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_to`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_add_background Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_add_background`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_add_logo Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_add_logo`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_change_background Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_background`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_change_default_language Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_default_language`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_change_logo Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_logo`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_change_name Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_name`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_remove_background Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_remove_background`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_profile_remove_logo Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_remove_logo`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_selective_sync_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_selective_sync_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_selective_sync_settings_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_selective_sync_settings_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_add_backup_phone Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_add_backup_phone`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_add_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_add_security_key Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_add_security_key`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_change_backup_phone Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_change_backup_phone`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_change_status Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_change_status`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_remove_backup_phone Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_remove_backup_phone`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_remove_exception Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_remove_security_key Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_remove_security_key`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method tfa_reset Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_reset`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method two_account_change_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``two_account_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method undo_naming_convention Create an instance of this class set to the ``undo_naming_convention`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method undo_organize_folder_with_tidy Create an instance of this class set to the ``undo_organize_folder_with_tidy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method user_tags_added Create an instance of this class set to the ``user_tags_added`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method user_tags_removed Create an instance of this class set to the ``user_tags_removed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method viewer_info_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``viewer_info_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method watermarking_policy_changed Create an instance of this class set to the ``watermarking_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method web_sessions_change_active_session_limit Create an instance of this class set to the ``web_sessions_change_active_session_limit`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy Create an instance of this class set to the ``web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy`` tag with value ``val``.
Method get_account_capture_change_availability (domains) Granted/revoked option to enable account capture on team domains
Method get_account_capture_change_policy (team_policies) Changed account capture setting on team domain
Method get_account_capture_migrate_account (domains) Account-captured user migrated account to team
Method get_account_capture_notification_emails_sent (domains) Sent account capture email to all unmanaged members
Method get_account_capture_relinquish_account (domains) Account-captured user changed account email to personal email
Method get_account_lock_or_unlocked (logins) Unlocked/locked account after failed sign in attempts
Method get_admin_alerting_alert_state_changed (admin_alerting) Changed an alert state
Method get_admin_alerting_changed_alert_config (admin_alerting) Changed an alert setting
Method get_admin_alerting_triggered_alert (admin_alerting) Triggered security alert
Method get_admin_email_reminders_changed (team_policies) Changed admin reminder settings for requests to join the team
Method get_allow_download_disabled (team_policies) Disabled downloads (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_allow_download_enabled (team_policies) Enabled downloads (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_app_blocked_by_permissions (apps) Failed to connect app for member
Method get_app_link_team (apps) Linked app for team
Method get_app_link_user (apps) Linked app for member
Method get_app_permissions_changed (team_policies) Changed app permissions
Method get_app_unlink_team (apps) Unlinked app for team
Method get_app_unlink_user (apps) Unlinked app for member
Method get_apply_naming_convention (file_operations) Applied naming convention
Method get_binder_add_page (paper) Added Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_add_section (paper) Added Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_remove_page (paper) Removed Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_remove_section (paper) Removed Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_rename_page (paper) Renamed Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_rename_section (paper) Renamed Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_reorder_page (paper) Reordered Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_binder_reorder_section (paper) Reordered Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files')
Method get_camera_uploads_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed camera uploads setting for team
Method get_capture_transcript_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed Capture transcription policy for team
Method get_changed_enterprise_admin_role (trusted_teams) Changed enterprise admin role
Method get_changed_enterprise_connected_team_status (trusted_teams) Changed enterprise-connected team status
Method get_classification_change_policy (team_policies) Changed classification policy for team
Method get_classification_create_report (reports) Created Classification report
Method get_classification_create_report_fail (reports) Couldn't create Classification report
Method get_collection_share (sharing) Shared album
Method get_computer_backup_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed computer backup policy for team
Method get_content_administration_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed content management setting
Method get_create_folder (file_operations) Created folders (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_create_team_invite_link (members) Created team invite link
Method get_data_placement_restriction_change_policy (team_policies) Set restrictions on data center locations where team data resides
Method get_data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy (team_policies) Completed restrictions on data center locations where team data resides
Method get_data_residency_migration_request_successful (team_profile) Requested data residency migration for team data
Method get_data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful (team_profile) Request for data residency migration for team data has failed
Method get_delete_team_invite_link (members) Deleted team invite link
Method get_device_approvals_add_exception (team_policies) Added members to device approvals exception list
Method get_device_approvals_change_desktop_policy (team_policies) Set/removed limit on number of computers member can link to team Dropbox account
Method get_device_approvals_change_mobile_policy (team_policies) Set/removed limit on number of mobile devices member can link to team Dropbox account
Method get_device_approvals_change_overage_action (team_policies) Changed device approvals setting when member is over limit
Method get_device_approvals_change_unlink_action (team_policies) Changed device approvals setting when member unlinks approved device
Method get_device_approvals_remove_exception (team_policies) Removed members from device approvals exception list
Method get_device_change_ip_desktop (devices) Changed IP address associated with active desktop session
Method get_device_change_ip_mobile (devices) Changed IP address associated with active mobile session
Method get_device_change_ip_web (devices) Changed IP address associated with active web session
Method get_device_delete_on_unlink_fail (devices) Failed to delete all files from unlinked device
Method get_device_delete_on_unlink_success (devices) Deleted all files from unlinked device
Method get_device_link_fail (devices) Failed to link device
Method get_device_link_success (devices) Linked device
Method get_device_management_disabled (devices) Disabled device management (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_device_management_enabled (devices) Enabled device management (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_device_sync_backup_status_changed (devices) Enabled/disabled backup for computer
Method get_device_unlink (devices) Disconnected device
Method get_directory_restrictions_add_members (team_policies) Added members to directory restrictions list
Method get_directory_restrictions_remove_members (team_policies) Removed members from directory restrictions list
Method get_disabled_domain_invites (domains) Disabled domain invites (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team (domains) Approved user's request to join team
Method get_domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team (domains) Declined user's request to join team
Method get_domain_invites_email_existing_users (domains) Sent domain invites to existing domain accounts (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_domain_invites_request_to_join_team (domains) Requested to join team
Method get_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no (domains) Disabled "Automatically invite new users" (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes (domains) Enabled "Automatically invite new users" (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_domain_verification_add_domain_fail (domains) Failed to verify team domain
Method get_domain_verification_add_domain_success (domains) Verified team domain
Method get_domain_verification_remove_domain (domains) Removed domain from list of verified team domains
Method get_dropbox_passwords_exported (devices) Exported passwords
Method get_dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled (devices) Enrolled new Dropbox Passwords device
Method get_dropbox_passwords_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed Dropbox Passwords policy for team
Method get_email_ingest_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed email to Dropbox policy for team
Method get_email_ingest_receive_file (file_requests) Received files via Email to Dropbox
Method get_emm_add_exception (team_policies) Added members to EMM exception list
Method get_emm_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled enterprise mobility management for members
Method get_emm_create_exceptions_report (reports) Created EMM-excluded users report
Method get_emm_create_usage_report (reports) Created EMM mobile app usage report
Method get_emm_error (logins) Failed to sign in via EMM (deprecated, replaced by 'Failed to sign in')
Method get_emm_refresh_auth_token (devices) Refreshed auth token used for setting up EMM
Method get_emm_remove_exception (team_policies) Removed members from EMM exception list
Method get_enabled_domain_invites (domains) Enabled domain invites (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_ended_enterprise_admin_session (trusted_teams) Ended enterprise admin session
Method get_ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated (trusted_teams) Ended enterprise admin session (deprecated, replaced by 'Ended enterprise admin session')
Method get_enterprise_settings_locking (trusted_teams) Changed who can update a setting
Method get_export_members_report (reports) Created member data report
Method get_export_members_report_fail (reports) Failed to create members data report
Method get_extended_version_history_change_policy (team_policies) Accepted/opted out of extended version history
Method get_external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked (devices) Checked external drive backup eligibility status
Method get_external_drive_backup_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed external drive backup policy for team
Method get_external_drive_backup_status_changed (devices) Modified external drive backup
Method get_external_sharing_create_report (reports) Created External sharing report
Method get_external_sharing_report_failed (reports) Couldn't create External sharing report
Method get_file_add (file_operations) Added files and/or folders
Method get_file_add_comment (comments) Added file comment
Method get_file_change_comment_subscription (comments) Subscribed to or unsubscribed from comment notifications for file
Method get_file_comments_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled commenting on team files
Method get_file_copy (file_operations) Copied files and/or folders
Method get_file_delete (file_operations) Deleted files and/or folders
Method get_file_delete_comment (comments) Deleted file comment
Method get_file_download (file_operations) Downloaded files and/or folders
Method get_file_edit (file_operations) Edited files
Method get_file_edit_comment (comments) Edited file comment
Method get_file_get_copy_reference (file_operations) Created copy reference to file/folder
Method get_file_like_comment (comments) Liked file comment (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_file_locking_lock_status_changed (file_operations) Locked/unlocked editing for a file
Method get_file_locking_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed file locking policy for team
Method get_file_move (file_operations) Moved files and/or folders
Method get_file_permanently_delete (file_operations) Permanently deleted files and/or folders
Method get_file_preview (file_operations) Previewed files and/or folders
Method get_file_provider_migration_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed File Provider Migration policy for team
Method get_file_rename (file_operations) Renamed files and/or folders
Method get_file_request_change (file_requests) Changed file request
Method get_file_request_close (file_requests) Closed file request
Method get_file_request_create (file_requests) Created file request
Method get_file_request_delete (file_requests) Delete file request
Method get_file_request_receive_file (file_requests) Received files for file request
Method get_file_requests_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled file requests
Method get_file_requests_emails_enabled (team_policies) Enabled file request emails for everyone (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only (team_policies) Enabled file request emails for team (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_file_resolve_comment (comments) Resolved file comment
Method get_file_restore (file_operations) Restored deleted files and/or folders
Method get_file_revert (file_operations) Reverted files to previous version
Method get_file_rollback_changes (file_operations) Rolled back file actions
Method get_file_save_copy_reference (file_operations) Saved file/folder using copy reference
Method get_file_transfers_file_add (sharing) Transfer files added
Method get_file_transfers_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed file transfers policy for team
Method get_file_transfers_transfer_delete (sharing) Deleted transfer
Method get_file_transfers_transfer_download (sharing) Transfer downloaded
Method get_file_transfers_transfer_send (sharing) Sent transfer
Method get_file_transfers_transfer_view (sharing) Viewed transfer
Method get_file_unlike_comment (comments) Unliked file comment (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_file_unresolve_comment (comments) Unresolved file comment
Method get_folder_link_restriction_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed folder link restrictions policy for team
Method get_folder_overview_description_changed (file_operations) Updated folder overview
Method get_folder_overview_item_pinned (file_operations) Pinned item to folder overview
Method get_folder_overview_item_unpinned (file_operations) Unpinned item from folder overview
Method get_google_sso_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Google single sign-on for team
Method get_governance_policy_add_folder_failed (data_governance) Couldn't add a folder to a policy
Method get_governance_policy_add_folders (data_governance) Added folders to policy
Method get_governance_policy_content_disposed (data_governance) Content disposed
Method get_governance_policy_create (data_governance) Activated a new policy
Method get_governance_policy_delete (data_governance) Deleted a policy
Method get_governance_policy_edit_details (data_governance) Edited policy
Method get_governance_policy_edit_duration (data_governance) Changed policy duration
Method get_governance_policy_export_created (data_governance) Created a policy download
Method get_governance_policy_export_removed (data_governance) Removed a policy download
Method get_governance_policy_remove_folders (data_governance) Removed folders from policy
Method get_governance_policy_report_created (data_governance) Created a summary report for a policy
Method get_governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded (data_governance) Downloaded content from a policy
Method get_group_add_external_id (groups) Added external ID for group
Method get_group_add_member (groups) Added team members to group
Method get_group_change_external_id (groups) Changed external ID for group
Method get_group_change_management_type (groups) Changed group management type
Method get_group_change_member_role (groups) Changed manager permissions of group member
Method get_group_create (groups) Created group
Method get_group_delete (groups) Deleted group
Method get_group_description_updated (groups) Updated group (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_group_join_policy_updated (groups) Updated group join policy (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_group_moved (groups) Moved group (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_group_remove_external_id (groups) Removed external ID for group
Method get_group_remove_member (groups) Removed team members from group
Method get_group_rename (groups) Renamed group
Method get_group_user_management_change_policy (team_policies) Changed who can create groups
Method get_guest_admin_change_status (trusted_teams) Changed guest team admin status
Method get_guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams (logins) Started trusted team admin session
Method get_guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams (logins) Ended trusted team admin session
Method get_integration_connected (apps) Connected integration for member
Method get_integration_disconnected (apps) Disconnected integration for member
Method get_integration_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed integration policy for team
Method get_invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed invite accept email policy for team
Method get_legal_holds_activate_a_hold (data_governance) Activated a hold
Method get_legal_holds_add_members (data_governance) Added members to a hold
Method get_legal_holds_change_hold_details (data_governance) Edited details for a hold
Method get_legal_holds_change_hold_name (data_governance) Renamed a hold
Method get_legal_holds_export_a_hold (data_governance) Exported hold
Method get_legal_holds_export_cancelled (data_governance) Canceled export for a hold
Method get_legal_holds_export_downloaded (data_governance) Downloaded export for a hold
Method get_legal_holds_export_removed (data_governance) Removed export for a hold
Method get_legal_holds_release_a_hold (data_governance) Released a hold
Method get_legal_holds_remove_members (data_governance) Removed members from a hold
Method get_legal_holds_report_a_hold (data_governance) Created a summary report for a hold
Method get_login_fail (logins) Failed to sign in
Method get_login_success (logins) Signed in
Method get_logout (logins) Signed out
Method get_member_add_external_id (members) Added an external ID for team member
Method get_member_add_name (members) Added team member name
Method get_member_change_admin_role (members) Changed team member admin role
Method get_member_change_email (members) Changed team member email
Method get_member_change_external_id (members) Changed the external ID for team member
Method get_member_change_membership_type (members) Changed membership type (limited/full) of member (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_member_change_name (members) Changed team member name
Method get_member_change_reseller_role (members) Changed team member reseller role
Method get_member_change_status (members) Changed member status (invited, joined, suspended, etc.)
Method get_member_delete_manual_contacts (members) Cleared manually added contacts
Method get_member_delete_profile_photo (members) Deleted team member profile photo
Method get_member_permanently_delete_account_contents (members) Permanently deleted contents of deleted team member account
Method get_member_remove_external_id (members) Removed the external ID for team member
Method get_member_requests_change_policy (team_policies) Changed whether users can find team when not invited
Method get_member_send_invite_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed member send invite policy for team
Method get_member_set_profile_photo (members) Set team member profile photo
Method get_member_space_limits_add_custom_quota (members) Set custom member space limit
Method get_member_space_limits_add_exception (team_policies) Added members to member space limit exception list
Method get_member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy (team_policies) Changed member space limit type for team
Method get_member_space_limits_change_custom_quota (members) Changed custom member space limit
Method get_member_space_limits_change_policy (team_policies) Changed team default member space limit
Method get_member_space_limits_change_status (members) Changed space limit status
Method get_member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota (members) Removed custom member space limit
Method get_member_space_limits_remove_exception (team_policies) Removed members from member space limit exception list
Method get_member_suggest (members) Suggested person to add to team
Method get_member_suggestions_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled option for team members to suggest people to add to team
Method get_member_transfer_account_contents (members) Transferred contents of deleted member account to another member
Method get_microsoft_office_addin_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Microsoft Office add-in
Method get_network_control_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled network control
Method get_no_expiration_link_gen_create_report (reports) Report created: Links created with no expiration
Method get_no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed (reports) Couldn't create report: Links created with no expiration
Method get_no_password_link_gen_create_report (reports) Report created: Links created without passwords
Method get_no_password_link_gen_report_failed (reports) Couldn't create report: Links created without passwords
Method get_no_password_link_view_create_report (reports) Report created: Views of links without passwords
Method get_no_password_link_view_report_failed (reports) Couldn't create report: Views of links without passwords
Method get_note_acl_invite_only (sharing) Changed Paper doc to invite-only (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_note_acl_link (sharing) Changed Paper doc to link-accessible (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_note_acl_team_link (sharing) Changed Paper doc to link-accessible for team (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_note_share_receive (sharing) Shared received Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_note_shared (sharing) Shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_object_label_added (file_operations) Added a label
Method get_object_label_removed (file_operations) Removed a label
Method get_object_label_updated_value (file_operations) Updated a label's value
Method get_open_note_shared (sharing) Opened shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_organize_folder_with_tidy (file_operations) Organized a folder with multi-file organize
Method get_outdated_link_view_create_report (reports) Report created: Views of old links
Method get_outdated_link_view_report_failed (reports) Couldn't create report: Views of old links
Method get_paper_admin_export_start (reports) Exported all team Paper docs
Method get_paper_change_deployment_policy (team_policies) Changed whether Dropbox Paper, when enabled, is deployed to all members or to specific members
Method get_paper_change_member_link_policy (team_policies) Changed whether non-members can view Paper docs with link (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_change_member_policy (team_policies) Changed whether members can share Paper docs outside team, and if docs are accessible only by team members or anyone by default
Method get_paper_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Dropbox Paper for team
Method get_paper_content_add_member (paper) Added users and/or groups to Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_content_add_to_folder (paper) Added Paper doc/folder to folder
Method get_paper_content_archive (paper) Archived Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_content_create (paper) Created Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_content_permanently_delete (paper) Permanently deleted Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_content_remove_from_folder (paper) Removed Paper doc/folder from folder
Method get_paper_content_remove_member (paper) Removed users and/or groups from Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_content_rename (paper) Renamed Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_content_restore (paper) Restored archived Paper doc/folder
Method get_paper_default_folder_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed Paper Default Folder Policy setting for team
Method get_paper_desktop_policy_changed (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Paper Desktop for team
Method get_paper_doc_add_comment (paper) Added Paper doc comment
Method get_paper_doc_change_member_role (paper) Changed member permissions for Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_change_sharing_policy (paper) Changed sharing setting for Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_change_subscription (paper) Followed/unfollowed Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_delete_comment (paper) Deleted Paper doc comment
Method get_paper_doc_deleted (paper) Archived Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_doc_download (paper) Downloaded Paper doc in specific format
Method get_paper_doc_edit (paper) Edited Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_edit_comment (paper) Edited Paper doc comment
Method get_paper_doc_followed (paper) Followed Paper doc (deprecated, replaced by 'Followed/unfollowed Paper doc')
Method get_paper_doc_mention (paper) Mentioned user in Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_ownership_changed (paper) Transferred ownership of Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_request_access (paper) Requested access to Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_resolve_comment (paper) Resolved Paper doc comment
Method get_paper_doc_revert (paper) Restored Paper doc to previous version
Method get_paper_doc_slack_share (paper) Shared Paper doc via Slack
Method get_paper_doc_team_invite (paper) Shared Paper doc with users and/or groups (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_doc_trashed (paper) Deleted Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_unresolve_comment (paper) Unresolved Paper doc comment
Method get_paper_doc_untrashed (paper) Restored Paper doc
Method get_paper_doc_view (paper) Viewed Paper doc
Method get_paper_enabled_users_group_addition (team_policies) Added users to Paper-enabled users list
Method get_paper_enabled_users_group_removal (team_policies) Removed users from Paper-enabled users list
Method get_paper_external_view_allow (paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to anyone (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_external_view_default_team (paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to default team (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_external_view_forbid (paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to team-only (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_folder_change_subscription (paper) Followed/unfollowed Paper folder
Method get_paper_folder_deleted (paper) Archived Paper folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_folder_followed (paper) Followed Paper folder (deprecated, replaced by 'Followed/unfollowed Paper folder')
Method get_paper_folder_team_invite (paper) Shared Paper folder with users and/or groups (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_paper_published_link_change_permission (paper) Changed permissions for published doc
Method get_paper_published_link_create (paper) Published doc
Method get_paper_published_link_disabled (paper) Unpublished doc
Method get_paper_published_link_view (paper) Viewed published doc
Method get_password_change (passwords) Changed password
Method get_password_reset (passwords) Reset password
Method get_password_reset_all (passwords) Reset all team member passwords
Method get_password_strength_requirements_change_policy (team_policies) Changed team password strength requirements
Method get_pending_secondary_email_added (members) Added pending secondary email
Method get_permanent_delete_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled ability of team members to permanently delete content
Method get_reseller_support_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled reseller support
Method get_reseller_support_session_end (logins) Ended reseller support session
Method get_reseller_support_session_start (logins) Started reseller support session
Method get_rewind_folder (file_operations) Rewound a folder
Method get_rewind_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed Rewind policy for team
Method get_secondary_email_deleted (members) Deleted secondary email
Method get_secondary_email_verified (members) Verified secondary email
Method get_secondary_mails_policy_changed (members) Secondary mails policy changed
Method get_send_for_signature_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed send for signature policy for team
Method get_sf_add_group (sharing) Added team to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links (sharing) Allowed non-collaborators to view links to files in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_external_invite_warn (sharing) Set team members to see warning before sharing folders outside team (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_fb_invite (sharing) Invited Facebook users to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_fb_invite_change_role (sharing) Changed Facebook user's role in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_fb_uninvite (sharing) Uninvited Facebook user from shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_invite_group (sharing) Invited group to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_team_grant_access (sharing) Granted access to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_team_invite (sharing) Invited team members to shared folder (deprecated, replaced by 'Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder')
Method get_sf_team_invite_change_role (sharing) Changed team member's role in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_team_join (sharing) Joined team member's shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_team_join_from_oob_link (sharing) Joined team member's shared folder from link (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sf_team_uninvite (sharing) Unshared folder with team member (deprecated, replaced by 'Removed invitee from shared file/folder before invite was accepted')
Method get_shared_content_add_invitees (sharing) Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_add_link_expiry (sharing) Added expiration date to link for shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_add_link_password (sharing) Added password to link for shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_add_member (sharing) Added users and/or groups to shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_change_downloads_policy (sharing) Changed whether members can download shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_change_invitee_role (sharing) Changed access type of invitee to shared file/folder before invite was accepted
Method get_shared_content_change_link_audience (sharing) Changed link audience of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_change_link_expiry (sharing) Changed link expiration of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_change_link_password (sharing) Changed link password of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_change_member_role (sharing) Changed access type of shared file/folder member
Method get_shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy (sharing) Changed whether members can see who viewed shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_claim_invitation (sharing) Acquired membership of shared file/folder by accepting invite
Method get_shared_content_copy (sharing) Copied shared file/folder to own Dropbox
Method get_shared_content_download (sharing) Downloaded shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_relinquish_membership (sharing) Left shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_remove_invitees (sharing) Removed invitee from shared file/folder before invite was accepted
Method get_shared_content_remove_link_expiry (sharing) Removed link expiration date of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_remove_link_password (sharing) Removed link password of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shared_content_remove_member (sharing) Removed user/group from shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_request_access (sharing) Requested access to shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_restore_invitees (sharing) Restored shared file/folder invitees
Method get_shared_content_restore_member (sharing) Restored users and/or groups to membership of shared file/folder
Method get_shared_content_unshare (sharing) Unshared file/folder by clearing membership
Method get_shared_content_view (sharing) Previewed shared file/folder
Method get_shared_folder_change_link_policy (sharing) Changed who can access shared folder via link
Method get_shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy (sharing) Changed whether shared folder inherits members from parent folder
Method get_shared_folder_change_members_management_policy (sharing) Changed who can add/remove members of shared folder
Method get_shared_folder_change_members_policy (sharing) Changed who can become member of shared folder
Method get_shared_folder_create (sharing) Created shared folder
Method get_shared_folder_decline_invitation (sharing) Declined team member's invite to shared folder
Method get_shared_folder_mount (sharing) Added shared folder to own Dropbox
Method get_shared_folder_nest (sharing) Changed parent of shared folder
Method get_shared_folder_transfer_ownership (sharing) Transferred ownership of shared folder to another member
Method get_shared_folder_unmount (sharing) Deleted shared folder from Dropbox
Method get_shared_link_add_expiry (sharing) Added shared link expiration date
Method get_shared_link_change_expiry (sharing) Changed shared link expiration date
Method get_shared_link_change_visibility (sharing) Changed visibility of shared link
Method get_shared_link_copy (sharing) Added file/folder to Dropbox from shared link
Method get_shared_link_create (sharing) Created shared link
Method get_shared_link_disable (sharing) Removed shared link
Method get_shared_link_download (sharing) Downloaded file/folder from shared link
Method get_shared_link_remove_expiry (sharing) Removed shared link expiration date
Method get_shared_link_settings_add_expiration (sharing) Added an expiration date to the shared link
Method get_shared_link_settings_add_password (sharing) Added a password to the shared link
Method get_shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled (sharing) Disabled downloads
Method get_shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled (sharing) Enabled downloads
Method get_shared_link_settings_change_audience (sharing) Changed the audience of the shared link
Method get_shared_link_settings_change_expiration (sharing) Changed the expiration date of the shared link
Method get_shared_link_settings_change_password (sharing) Changed the password of the shared link
Method get_shared_link_settings_remove_expiration (sharing) Removed the expiration date from the shared link
Method get_shared_link_settings_remove_password (sharing) Removed the password from the shared link
Method get_shared_link_share (sharing) Added members as audience of shared link
Method get_shared_link_view (sharing) Opened shared link
Method get_shared_note_opened (sharing) Opened shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_sharing_change_folder_join_policy (team_policies) Changed whether team members can join shared folders owned outside team
Method get_sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy (team_policies) Changed the allow remove or change expiration policy for the links shared outside of the team
Method get_sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy (team_policies) Changed the default expiration for the links shared outside of the team
Method get_sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy (team_policies) Changed the password requirement for the links shared outside of the team
Method get_sharing_change_link_policy (team_policies) Changed whether members can share links outside team, and if links are accessible only by team members or anyone by default
Method get_sharing_change_member_policy (team_policies) Changed whether members can share files/folders outside team
Method get_shmodel_disable_downloads (sharing) Disabled downloads for link (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shmodel_enable_downloads (sharing) Enabled downloads for link (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_shmodel_group_share (sharing) Shared link with group (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_showcase_access_granted (showcase) Granted access to showcase
Method get_showcase_add_member (showcase) Added member to showcase
Method get_showcase_archived (showcase) Archived showcase
Method get_showcase_change_download_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled downloading files from Dropbox Showcase for team
Method get_showcase_change_enabled_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Dropbox Showcase for team
Method get_showcase_change_external_sharing_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled sharing Dropbox Showcase externally for team
Method get_showcase_created (showcase) Created showcase
Method get_showcase_delete_comment (showcase) Deleted showcase comment
Method get_showcase_edit_comment (showcase) Edited showcase comment
Method get_showcase_edited (showcase) Edited showcase
Method get_showcase_file_added (showcase) Added file to showcase
Method get_showcase_file_download (showcase) Downloaded file from showcase
Method get_showcase_file_removed (showcase) Removed file from showcase
Method get_showcase_file_view (showcase) Viewed file in showcase
Method get_showcase_permanently_deleted (showcase) Permanently deleted showcase
Method get_showcase_post_comment (showcase) Added showcase comment
Method get_showcase_remove_member (showcase) Removed member from showcase
Method get_showcase_renamed (showcase) Renamed showcase
Method get_showcase_request_access (showcase) Requested access to showcase
Method get_showcase_resolve_comment (showcase) Resolved showcase comment
Method get_showcase_restored (showcase) Unarchived showcase
Method get_showcase_trashed (showcase) Deleted showcase
Method get_showcase_trashed_deprecated (showcase) Deleted showcase (old version) (deprecated, replaced by 'Deleted showcase')
Method get_showcase_unresolve_comment (showcase) Unresolved showcase comment
Method get_showcase_untrashed (showcase) Restored showcase
Method get_showcase_untrashed_deprecated (showcase) Restored showcase (old version) (deprecated, replaced by 'Restored showcase')
Method get_showcase_view (showcase) Viewed showcase
Method get_sign_in_as_session_end (logins) Ended admin sign-in-as session
Method get_sign_in_as_session_start (logins) Started admin sign-in-as session
Method get_smart_sync_change_policy (team_policies) Changed default Smart Sync setting for team members
Method get_smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report (reports) Created Smart Sync non-admin devices report
Method get_smart_sync_not_opt_out (team_policies) Opted team into Smart Sync
Method get_smart_sync_opt_out (team_policies) Opted team out of Smart Sync
Method get_smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed automatic Smart Sync setting for team
Method get_sso_add_cert (sso) Added X.509 certificate for SSO
Method get_sso_add_login_url (sso) Added sign-in URL for SSO
Method get_sso_add_logout_url (sso) Added sign-out URL for SSO
Method get_sso_change_cert (sso) Changed X.509 certificate for SSO
Method get_sso_change_login_url (sso) Changed sign-in URL for SSO
Method get_sso_change_logout_url (sso) Changed sign-out URL for SSO
Method get_sso_change_policy (team_policies) Changed single sign-on setting for team
Method get_sso_change_saml_identity_mode (sso) Changed SAML identity mode for SSO
Method get_sso_error (logins) Failed to sign in via SSO (deprecated, replaced by 'Failed to sign in')
Method get_sso_remove_cert (sso) Removed X.509 certificate for SSO
Method get_sso_remove_login_url (sso) Removed sign-in URL for SSO
Method get_sso_remove_logout_url (sso) Removed sign-out URL for SSO
Method get_started_enterprise_admin_session (trusted_teams) Started enterprise admin session
Method get_team_activity_create_report (reports) Created team activity report
Method get_team_activity_create_report_fail (reports) Couldn't generate team activity report
Method get_team_branding_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed team branding policy for team
Method get_team_extensions_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed App Integrations setting for team
Method get_team_folder_change_status (team_folders) Changed archival status of team folder
Method get_team_folder_create (team_folders) Created team folder in active status
Method get_team_folder_downgrade (team_folders) Downgraded team folder to regular shared folder
Method get_team_folder_permanently_delete (team_folders) Permanently deleted archived team folder
Method get_team_folder_rename (team_folders) Renamed active/archived team folder
Method get_team_merge_from (team_profile) Merged another team into this team
Method get_team_merge_request_accepted (trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request
Method get_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team (trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Accepted a team merge request')
Method get_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team (trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Accepted a team merge request')
Method get_team_merge_request_auto_canceled (trusted_teams) Automatically canceled team merge request
Method get_team_merge_request_canceled (trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request
Method get_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team (trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Canceled a team merge request')
Method get_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team (trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Canceled a team merge request')
Method get_team_merge_request_expired (trusted_teams) Team merge request expired
Method get_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team (trusted_teams) Team merge request expired (deprecated, replaced by 'Team merge request expired')
Method get_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team (trusted_teams) Team merge request expired (deprecated, replaced by 'Team merge request expired')
Method get_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team (trusted_teams) Rejected a team merge request (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team (trusted_teams) Rejected a team merge request (deprecated, no longer logged)
Method get_team_merge_request_reminder (trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder
Method get_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team (trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder (deprecated, replaced by 'Sent a team merge request reminder')
Method get_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team (trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder (deprecated, replaced by 'Sent a team merge request reminder')
Method get_team_merge_request_revoked (trusted_teams) Canceled the team merge
Method get_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team (trusted_teams) Requested to merge their Dropbox team into yours
Method get_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team (trusted_teams) Requested to merge your team into another Dropbox team
Method get_team_merge_to (team_profile) Merged this team into another team
Method get_team_profile_add_background (team_profile) Added team background to display on shared link headers
Method get_team_profile_add_logo (team_profile) Added team logo to display on shared link headers
Method get_team_profile_change_background (team_profile) Changed team background displayed on shared link headers
Method get_team_profile_change_default_language (team_profile) Changed default language for team
Method get_team_profile_change_logo (team_profile) Changed team logo displayed on shared link headers
Method get_team_profile_change_name (team_profile) Changed team name
Method get_team_profile_remove_background (team_profile) Removed team background displayed on shared link headers
Method get_team_profile_remove_logo (team_profile) Removed team logo displayed on shared link headers
Method get_team_selective_sync_policy_changed (team_policies) Enabled/disabled Team Selective Sync for team
Method get_team_selective_sync_settings_changed (team_folders) Changed sync default
Method get_team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed (team_policies) Edited the approved list for sharing externally
Method get_tfa_add_backup_phone (tfa) Added backup phone for two-step verification
Method get_tfa_add_exception (team_policies) Added members to two factor authentication exception list
Method get_tfa_add_security_key (tfa) Added security key for two-step verification
Method get_tfa_change_backup_phone (tfa) Changed backup phone for two-step verification
Method get_tfa_change_policy (team_policies) Changed two-step verification setting for team
Method get_tfa_change_status (tfa) Enabled/disabled/changed two-step verification setting
Method get_tfa_remove_backup_phone (tfa) Removed backup phone for two-step verification
Method get_tfa_remove_exception (team_policies) Removed members from two factor authentication exception list
Method get_tfa_remove_security_key (tfa) Removed security key for two-step verification
Method get_tfa_reset (tfa) Reset two-step verification for team member
Method get_two_account_change_policy (team_policies) Enabled/disabled option for members to link personal Dropbox account and team account to same computer
Method get_undo_naming_convention (file_operations) Reverted naming convention
Method get_undo_organize_folder_with_tidy (file_operations) Removed multi-file organize
Method get_user_tags_added (file_operations) Tagged a file
Method get_user_tags_removed (file_operations) Removed tags
Method get_viewer_info_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed team policy for viewer info
Method get_watermarking_policy_changed (team_policies) Changed watermarking policy for team
Method get_web_sessions_change_active_session_limit (team_policies) Changed limit on active sessions per member
Method get_web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy (team_policies) Changed how long members can stay signed in to
Method get_web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy (team_policies) Changed how long team members can be idle while signed in to
Method is_account_capture_change_availability Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_change_availability``.
Method is_account_capture_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_change_policy``.
Method is_account_capture_migrate_account Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_migrate_account``.
Method is_account_capture_notification_emails_sent Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_notification_emails_sent``.
Method is_account_capture_relinquish_account Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_relinquish_account``.
Method is_account_lock_or_unlocked Check if the union tag is ``account_lock_or_unlocked``.
Method is_admin_alerting_alert_state_changed Check if the union tag is ``admin_alerting_alert_state_changed``.
Method is_admin_alerting_changed_alert_config Check if the union tag is ``admin_alerting_changed_alert_config``.
Method is_admin_alerting_triggered_alert Check if the union tag is ``admin_alerting_triggered_alert``.
Method is_admin_email_reminders_changed Check if the union tag is ``admin_email_reminders_changed``.
Method is_allow_download_disabled Check if the union tag is ``allow_download_disabled``.
Method is_allow_download_enabled Check if the union tag is ``allow_download_enabled``.
Method is_app_blocked_by_permissions Check if the union tag is ``app_blocked_by_permissions``.
Method is_app_link_team Check if the union tag is ``app_link_team``.
Method is_app_link_user Check if the union tag is ``app_link_user``.
Method is_app_permissions_changed Check if the union tag is ``app_permissions_changed``.
Method is_app_unlink_team Check if the union tag is ``app_unlink_team``.
Method is_app_unlink_user Check if the union tag is ``app_unlink_user``.
Method is_apply_naming_convention Check if the union tag is ``apply_naming_convention``.
Method is_binder_add_page Check if the union tag is ``binder_add_page``.
Method is_binder_add_section Check if the union tag is ``binder_add_section``.
Method is_binder_remove_page Check if the union tag is ``binder_remove_page``.
Method is_binder_remove_section Check if the union tag is ``binder_remove_section``.
Method is_binder_rename_page Check if the union tag is ``binder_rename_page``.
Method is_binder_rename_section Check if the union tag is ``binder_rename_section``.
Method is_binder_reorder_page Check if the union tag is ``binder_reorder_page``.
Method is_binder_reorder_section Check if the union tag is ``binder_reorder_section``.
Method is_camera_uploads_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``camera_uploads_policy_changed``.
Method is_capture_transcript_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``capture_transcript_policy_changed``.
Method is_changed_enterprise_admin_role Check if the union tag is ``changed_enterprise_admin_role``.
Method is_changed_enterprise_connected_team_status Check if the union tag is ``changed_enterprise_connected_team_status``.
Method is_classification_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``classification_change_policy``.
Method is_classification_create_report Check if the union tag is ``classification_create_report``.
Method is_classification_create_report_fail Check if the union tag is ``classification_create_report_fail``.
Method is_collection_share Check if the union tag is ``collection_share``.
Method is_computer_backup_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``computer_backup_policy_changed``.
Method is_content_administration_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``content_administration_policy_changed``.
Method is_create_folder Check if the union tag is ``create_folder``.
Method is_create_team_invite_link Check if the union tag is ``create_team_invite_link``.
Method is_data_placement_restriction_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``data_placement_restriction_change_policy``.
Method is_data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy Check if the union tag is ``data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy``.
Method is_data_residency_migration_request_successful Check if the union tag is ``data_residency_migration_request_successful``.
Method is_data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful Check if the union tag is ``data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful``.
Method is_delete_team_invite_link Check if the union tag is ``delete_team_invite_link``.
Method is_device_approvals_add_exception Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_add_exception``.
Method is_device_approvals_change_desktop_policy Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_desktop_policy``.
Method is_device_approvals_change_mobile_policy Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_mobile_policy``.
Method is_device_approvals_change_overage_action Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_overage_action``.
Method is_device_approvals_change_unlink_action Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_unlink_action``.
Method is_device_approvals_remove_exception Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_remove_exception``.
Method is_device_change_ip_desktop Check if the union tag is ``device_change_ip_desktop``.
Method is_device_change_ip_mobile Check if the union tag is ``device_change_ip_mobile``.
Method is_device_change_ip_web Check if the union tag is ``device_change_ip_web``.
Method is_device_delete_on_unlink_fail Check if the union tag is ``device_delete_on_unlink_fail``.
Method is_device_delete_on_unlink_success Check if the union tag is ``device_delete_on_unlink_success``.
Method is_device_link_fail Check if the union tag is ``device_link_fail``.
Method is_device_link_success Check if the union tag is ``device_link_success``.
Method is_device_management_disabled Check if the union tag is ``device_management_disabled``.
Method is_device_management_enabled Check if the union tag is ``device_management_enabled``.
Method is_device_sync_backup_status_changed Check if the union tag is ``device_sync_backup_status_changed``.
Method is_device_unlink Check if the union tag is ``device_unlink``.
Method is_directory_restrictions_add_members Check if the union tag is ``directory_restrictions_add_members``.
Method is_directory_restrictions_remove_members Check if the union tag is ``directory_restrictions_remove_members``.
Method is_disabled_domain_invites Check if the union tag is ``disabled_domain_invites``.
Method is_domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team``.
Method is_domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team``.
Method is_domain_invites_email_existing_users Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_email_existing_users``.
Method is_domain_invites_request_to_join_team Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_request_to_join_team``.
Method is_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no``.
Method is_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes``.
Method is_domain_verification_add_domain_fail Check if the union tag is ``domain_verification_add_domain_fail``.
Method is_domain_verification_add_domain_success Check if the union tag is ``domain_verification_add_domain_success``.
Method is_domain_verification_remove_domain Check if the union tag is ``domain_verification_remove_domain``.
Method is_dropbox_passwords_exported Check if the union tag is ``dropbox_passwords_exported``.
Method is_dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled Check if the union tag is ``dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled``.
Method is_dropbox_passwords_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``dropbox_passwords_policy_changed``.
Method is_email_ingest_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``email_ingest_policy_changed``.
Method is_email_ingest_receive_file Check if the union tag is ``email_ingest_receive_file``.
Method is_emm_add_exception Check if the union tag is ``emm_add_exception``.
Method is_emm_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``emm_change_policy``.
Method is_emm_create_exceptions_report Check if the union tag is ``emm_create_exceptions_report``.
Method is_emm_create_usage_report Check if the union tag is ``emm_create_usage_report``.
Method is_emm_error Check if the union tag is ``emm_error``.
Method is_emm_refresh_auth_token Check if the union tag is ``emm_refresh_auth_token``.
Method is_emm_remove_exception Check if the union tag is ``emm_remove_exception``.
Method is_enabled_domain_invites Check if the union tag is ``enabled_domain_invites``.
Method is_ended_enterprise_admin_session Check if the union tag is ``ended_enterprise_admin_session``.
Method is_ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated Check if the union tag is ``ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated``.
Method is_enterprise_settings_locking Check if the union tag is ``enterprise_settings_locking``.
Method is_export_members_report Check if the union tag is ``export_members_report``.
Method is_export_members_report_fail Check if the union tag is ``export_members_report_fail``.
Method is_extended_version_history_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``extended_version_history_change_policy``.
Method is_external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked Check if the union tag is ``external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked``.
Method is_external_drive_backup_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``external_drive_backup_policy_changed``.
Method is_external_drive_backup_status_changed Check if the union tag is ``external_drive_backup_status_changed``.
Method is_external_sharing_create_report Check if the union tag is ``external_sharing_create_report``.
Method is_external_sharing_report_failed Check if the union tag is ``external_sharing_report_failed``.
Method is_file_add Check if the union tag is ``file_add``.
Method is_file_add_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_add_comment``.
Method is_file_change_comment_subscription Check if the union tag is ``file_change_comment_subscription``.
Method is_file_comments_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``file_comments_change_policy``.
Method is_file_copy Check if the union tag is ``file_copy``.
Method is_file_delete Check if the union tag is ``file_delete``.
Method is_file_delete_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_delete_comment``.
Method is_file_download Check if the union tag is ``file_download``.
Method is_file_edit Check if the union tag is ``file_edit``.
Method is_file_edit_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_edit_comment``.
Method is_file_get_copy_reference Check if the union tag is ``file_get_copy_reference``.
Method is_file_like_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_like_comment``.
Method is_file_locking_lock_status_changed Check if the union tag is ``file_locking_lock_status_changed``.
Method is_file_locking_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``file_locking_policy_changed``.
Method is_file_move Check if the union tag is ``file_move``.
Method is_file_permanently_delete Check if the union tag is ``file_permanently_delete``.
Method is_file_preview Check if the union tag is ``file_preview``.
Method is_file_provider_migration_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``file_provider_migration_policy_changed``.
Method is_file_rename Check if the union tag is ``file_rename``.
Method is_file_request_change Check if the union tag is ``file_request_change``.
Method is_file_request_close Check if the union tag is ``file_request_close``.
Method is_file_request_create Check if the union tag is ``file_request_create``.
Method is_file_request_delete Check if the union tag is ``file_request_delete``.
Method is_file_request_receive_file Check if the union tag is ``file_request_receive_file``.
Method is_file_requests_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``file_requests_change_policy``.
Method is_file_requests_emails_enabled Check if the union tag is ``file_requests_emails_enabled``.
Method is_file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only Check if the union tag is ``file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only``.
Method is_file_resolve_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_resolve_comment``.
Method is_file_restore Check if the union tag is ``file_restore``.
Method is_file_revert Check if the union tag is ``file_revert``.
Method is_file_rollback_changes Check if the union tag is ``file_rollback_changes``.
Method is_file_save_copy_reference Check if the union tag is ``file_save_copy_reference``.
Method is_file_transfers_file_add Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_file_add``.
Method is_file_transfers_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_policy_changed``.
Method is_file_transfers_transfer_delete Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_delete``.
Method is_file_transfers_transfer_download Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_download``.
Method is_file_transfers_transfer_send Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_send``.
Method is_file_transfers_transfer_view Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_view``.
Method is_file_unlike_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_unlike_comment``.
Method is_file_unresolve_comment Check if the union tag is ``file_unresolve_comment``.
Method is_folder_link_restriction_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``folder_link_restriction_policy_changed``.
Method is_folder_overview_description_changed Check if the union tag is ``folder_overview_description_changed``.
Method is_folder_overview_item_pinned Check if the union tag is ``folder_overview_item_pinned``.
Method is_folder_overview_item_unpinned Check if the union tag is ``folder_overview_item_unpinned``.
Method is_google_sso_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``google_sso_change_policy``.
Method is_governance_policy_add_folder_failed Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_add_folder_failed``.
Method is_governance_policy_add_folders Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_add_folders``.
Method is_governance_policy_content_disposed Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_content_disposed``.
Method is_governance_policy_create Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_create``.
Method is_governance_policy_delete Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_delete``.
Method is_governance_policy_edit_details Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_edit_details``.
Method is_governance_policy_edit_duration Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_edit_duration``.
Method is_governance_policy_export_created Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_export_created``.
Method is_governance_policy_export_removed Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_export_removed``.
Method is_governance_policy_remove_folders Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_remove_folders``.
Method is_governance_policy_report_created Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_report_created``.
Method is_governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded``.
Method is_group_add_external_id Check if the union tag is ``group_add_external_id``.
Method is_group_add_member Check if the union tag is ``group_add_member``.
Method is_group_change_external_id Check if the union tag is ``group_change_external_id``.
Method is_group_change_management_type Check if the union tag is ``group_change_management_type``.
Method is_group_change_member_role Check if the union tag is ``group_change_member_role``.
Method is_group_create Check if the union tag is ``group_create``.
Method is_group_delete Check if the union tag is ``group_delete``.
Method is_group_description_updated Check if the union tag is ``group_description_updated``.
Method is_group_join_policy_updated Check if the union tag is ``group_join_policy_updated``.
Method is_group_moved Check if the union tag is ``group_moved``.
Method is_group_remove_external_id Check if the union tag is ``group_remove_external_id``.
Method is_group_remove_member Check if the union tag is ``group_remove_member``.
Method is_group_rename Check if the union tag is ``group_rename``.
Method is_group_user_management_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``group_user_management_change_policy``.
Method is_guest_admin_change_status Check if the union tag is ``guest_admin_change_status``.
Method is_guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams Check if the union tag is ``guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams``.
Method is_guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams Check if the union tag is ``guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams``.
Method is_integration_connected Check if the union tag is ``integration_connected``.
Method is_integration_disconnected Check if the union tag is ``integration_disconnected``.
Method is_integration_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``integration_policy_changed``.
Method is_invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed``.
Method is_legal_holds_activate_a_hold Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_activate_a_hold``.
Method is_legal_holds_add_members Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_add_members``.
Method is_legal_holds_change_hold_details Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_change_hold_details``.
Method is_legal_holds_change_hold_name Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_change_hold_name``.
Method is_legal_holds_export_a_hold Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_a_hold``.
Method is_legal_holds_export_cancelled Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_cancelled``.
Method is_legal_holds_export_downloaded Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_downloaded``.
Method is_legal_holds_export_removed Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_removed``.
Method is_legal_holds_release_a_hold Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_release_a_hold``.
Method is_legal_holds_remove_members Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_remove_members``.
Method is_legal_holds_report_a_hold Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_report_a_hold``.
Method is_login_fail Check if the union tag is ``login_fail``.
Method is_login_success Check if the union tag is ``login_success``.
Method is_logout Check if the union tag is ``logout``.
Method is_member_add_external_id Check if the union tag is ``member_add_external_id``.
Method is_member_add_name Check if the union tag is ``member_add_name``.
Method is_member_change_admin_role Check if the union tag is ``member_change_admin_role``.
Method is_member_change_email Check if the union tag is ``member_change_email``.
Method is_member_change_external_id Check if the union tag is ``member_change_external_id``.
Method is_member_change_membership_type Check if the union tag is ``member_change_membership_type``.
Method is_member_change_name Check if the union tag is ``member_change_name``.
Method is_member_change_reseller_role Check if the union tag is ``member_change_reseller_role``.
Method is_member_change_status Check if the union tag is ``member_change_status``.
Method is_member_delete_manual_contacts Check if the union tag is ``member_delete_manual_contacts``.
Method is_member_delete_profile_photo Check if the union tag is ``member_delete_profile_photo``.
Method is_member_permanently_delete_account_contents Check if the union tag is ``member_permanently_delete_account_contents``.
Method is_member_remove_external_id Check if the union tag is ``member_remove_external_id``.
Method is_member_requests_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``member_requests_change_policy``.
Method is_member_send_invite_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``member_send_invite_policy_changed``.
Method is_member_set_profile_photo Check if the union tag is ``member_set_profile_photo``.
Method is_member_space_limits_add_custom_quota Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_add_custom_quota``.
Method is_member_space_limits_add_exception Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_add_exception``.
Method is_member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy``.
Method is_member_space_limits_change_custom_quota Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_custom_quota``.
Method is_member_space_limits_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_policy``.
Method is_member_space_limits_change_status Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_status``.
Method is_member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota``.
Method is_member_space_limits_remove_exception Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_remove_exception``.
Method is_member_suggest Check if the union tag is ``member_suggest``.
Method is_member_suggestions_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``member_suggestions_change_policy``.
Method is_member_transfer_account_contents Check if the union tag is ``member_transfer_account_contents``.
Method is_microsoft_office_addin_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``microsoft_office_addin_change_policy``.
Method is_network_control_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``network_control_change_policy``.
Method is_no_expiration_link_gen_create_report Check if the union tag is ``no_expiration_link_gen_create_report``.
Method is_no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed Check if the union tag is ``no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed``.
Method is_no_password_link_gen_create_report Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_gen_create_report``.
Method is_no_password_link_gen_report_failed Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_gen_report_failed``.
Method is_no_password_link_view_create_report Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_view_create_report``.
Method is_no_password_link_view_report_failed Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_view_report_failed``.
Method is_note_acl_invite_only Check if the union tag is ``note_acl_invite_only``.
Method is_note_acl_link Check if the union tag is ``note_acl_link``.
Method is_note_acl_team_link Check if the union tag is ``note_acl_team_link``.
Method is_note_share_receive Check if the union tag is ``note_share_receive``.
Method is_note_shared Check if the union tag is ``note_shared``.
Method is_object_label_added Check if the union tag is ``object_label_added``.
Method is_object_label_removed Check if the union tag is ``object_label_removed``.
Method is_object_label_updated_value Check if the union tag is ``object_label_updated_value``.
Method is_open_note_shared Check if the union tag is ``open_note_shared``.
Method is_organize_folder_with_tidy Check if the union tag is ``organize_folder_with_tidy``.
Method is_other Check if the union tag is ``other``.
Method is_outdated_link_view_create_report Check if the union tag is ``outdated_link_view_create_report``.
Method is_outdated_link_view_report_failed Check if the union tag is ``outdated_link_view_report_failed``.
Method is_paper_admin_export_start Check if the union tag is ``paper_admin_export_start``.
Method is_paper_change_deployment_policy Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_deployment_policy``.
Method is_paper_change_member_link_policy Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_member_link_policy``.
Method is_paper_change_member_policy Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_member_policy``.
Method is_paper_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_policy``.
Method is_paper_content_add_member Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_add_member``.
Method is_paper_content_add_to_folder Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_add_to_folder``.
Method is_paper_content_archive Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_archive``.
Method is_paper_content_create Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_create``.
Method is_paper_content_permanently_delete Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_permanently_delete``.
Method is_paper_content_remove_from_folder Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_remove_from_folder``.
Method is_paper_content_remove_member Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_remove_member``.
Method is_paper_content_rename Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_rename``.
Method is_paper_content_restore Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_restore``.
Method is_paper_default_folder_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``paper_default_folder_policy_changed``.
Method is_paper_desktop_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``paper_desktop_policy_changed``.
Method is_paper_doc_add_comment Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_add_comment``.
Method is_paper_doc_change_member_role Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_change_member_role``.
Method is_paper_doc_change_sharing_policy Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_change_sharing_policy``.
Method is_paper_doc_change_subscription Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_change_subscription``.
Method is_paper_doc_delete_comment Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_delete_comment``.
Method is_paper_doc_deleted Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_deleted``.
Method is_paper_doc_download Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_download``.
Method is_paper_doc_edit Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_edit``.
Method is_paper_doc_edit_comment Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_edit_comment``.
Method is_paper_doc_followed Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_followed``.
Method is_paper_doc_mention Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_mention``.
Method is_paper_doc_ownership_changed Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_ownership_changed``.
Method is_paper_doc_request_access Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_request_access``.
Method is_paper_doc_resolve_comment Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_resolve_comment``.
Method is_paper_doc_revert Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_revert``.
Method is_paper_doc_slack_share Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_slack_share``.
Method is_paper_doc_team_invite Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_team_invite``.
Method is_paper_doc_trashed Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_trashed``.
Method is_paper_doc_unresolve_comment Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_unresolve_comment``.
Method is_paper_doc_untrashed Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_untrashed``.
Method is_paper_doc_view Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_view``.
Method is_paper_enabled_users_group_addition Check if the union tag is ``paper_enabled_users_group_addition``.
Method is_paper_enabled_users_group_removal Check if the union tag is ``paper_enabled_users_group_removal``.
Method is_paper_external_view_allow Check if the union tag is ``paper_external_view_allow``.
Method is_paper_external_view_default_team Check if the union tag is ``paper_external_view_default_team``.
Method is_paper_external_view_forbid Check if the union tag is ``paper_external_view_forbid``.
Method is_paper_folder_change_subscription Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_change_subscription``.
Method is_paper_folder_deleted Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_deleted``.
Method is_paper_folder_followed Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_followed``.
Method is_paper_folder_team_invite Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_team_invite``.
Method is_paper_published_link_change_permission Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_change_permission``.
Method is_paper_published_link_create Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_create``.
Method is_paper_published_link_disabled Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_disabled``.
Method is_paper_published_link_view Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_view``.
Method is_password_change Check if the union tag is ``password_change``.
Method is_password_reset Check if the union tag is ``password_reset``.
Method is_password_reset_all Check if the union tag is ``password_reset_all``.
Method is_password_strength_requirements_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``password_strength_requirements_change_policy``.
Method is_pending_secondary_email_added Check if the union tag is ``pending_secondary_email_added``.
Method is_permanent_delete_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``permanent_delete_change_policy``.
Method is_reseller_support_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``reseller_support_change_policy``.
Method is_reseller_support_session_end Check if the union tag is ``reseller_support_session_end``.
Method is_reseller_support_session_start Check if the union tag is ``reseller_support_session_start``.
Method is_rewind_folder Check if the union tag is ``rewind_folder``.
Method is_rewind_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``rewind_policy_changed``.
Method is_secondary_email_deleted Check if the union tag is ``secondary_email_deleted``.
Method is_secondary_email_verified Check if the union tag is ``secondary_email_verified``.
Method is_secondary_mails_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``secondary_mails_policy_changed``.
Method is_send_for_signature_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``send_for_signature_policy_changed``.
Method is_sf_add_group Check if the union tag is ``sf_add_group``.
Method is_sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links Check if the union tag is ``sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links``.
Method is_sf_external_invite_warn Check if the union tag is ``sf_external_invite_warn``.
Method is_sf_fb_invite Check if the union tag is ``sf_fb_invite``.
Method is_sf_fb_invite_change_role Check if the union tag is ``sf_fb_invite_change_role``.
Method is_sf_fb_uninvite Check if the union tag is ``sf_fb_uninvite``.
Method is_sf_invite_group Check if the union tag is ``sf_invite_group``.
Method is_sf_team_grant_access Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_grant_access``.
Method is_sf_team_invite Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_invite``.
Method is_sf_team_invite_change_role Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_invite_change_role``.
Method is_sf_team_join Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_join``.
Method is_sf_team_join_from_oob_link Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_join_from_oob_link``.
Method is_sf_team_uninvite Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_uninvite``.
Method is_shared_content_add_invitees Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_invitees``.
Method is_shared_content_add_link_expiry Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_link_expiry``.
Method is_shared_content_add_link_password Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_link_password``.
Method is_shared_content_add_member Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_member``.
Method is_shared_content_change_downloads_policy Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_downloads_policy``.
Method is_shared_content_change_invitee_role Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_invitee_role``.
Method is_shared_content_change_link_audience Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_link_audience``.
Method is_shared_content_change_link_expiry Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_link_expiry``.
Method is_shared_content_change_link_password Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_link_password``.
Method is_shared_content_change_member_role Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_member_role``.
Method is_shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy``.
Method is_shared_content_claim_invitation Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_claim_invitation``.
Method is_shared_content_copy Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_copy``.
Method is_shared_content_download Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_download``.
Method is_shared_content_relinquish_membership Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_relinquish_membership``.
Method is_shared_content_remove_invitees Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_invitees``.
Method is_shared_content_remove_link_expiry Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_link_expiry``.
Method is_shared_content_remove_link_password Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_link_password``.
Method is_shared_content_remove_member Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_member``.
Method is_shared_content_request_access Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_request_access``.
Method is_shared_content_restore_invitees Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_restore_invitees``.
Method is_shared_content_restore_member Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_restore_member``.
Method is_shared_content_unshare Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_unshare``.
Method is_shared_content_view Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_view``.
Method is_shared_folder_change_link_policy Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_link_policy``.
Method is_shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy``.
Method is_shared_folder_change_members_management_policy Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_members_management_policy``.
Method is_shared_folder_change_members_policy Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_members_policy``.
Method is_shared_folder_create Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_create``.
Method is_shared_folder_decline_invitation Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_decline_invitation``.
Method is_shared_folder_mount Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_mount``.
Method is_shared_folder_nest Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_nest``.
Method is_shared_folder_transfer_ownership Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_transfer_ownership``.
Method is_shared_folder_unmount Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_unmount``.
Method is_shared_link_add_expiry Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_add_expiry``.
Method is_shared_link_change_expiry Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_change_expiry``.
Method is_shared_link_change_visibility Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_change_visibility``.
Method is_shared_link_copy Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_copy``.
Method is_shared_link_create Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_create``.
Method is_shared_link_disable Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_disable``.
Method is_shared_link_download Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_download``.
Method is_shared_link_remove_expiry Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_remove_expiry``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_add_expiration Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_add_expiration``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_add_password Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_add_password``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_change_audience Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_change_audience``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_change_expiration Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_change_expiration``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_change_password Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_change_password``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_remove_expiration Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_remove_expiration``.
Method is_shared_link_settings_remove_password Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_remove_password``.
Method is_shared_link_share Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_share``.
Method is_shared_link_view Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_view``.
Method is_shared_note_opened Check if the union tag is ``shared_note_opened``.
Method is_sharing_change_folder_join_policy Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_folder_join_policy``.
Method is_sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy``.
Method is_sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy``.
Method is_sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy``.
Method is_sharing_change_link_policy Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_policy``.
Method is_sharing_change_member_policy Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_member_policy``.
Method is_shmodel_disable_downloads Check if the union tag is ``shmodel_disable_downloads``.
Method is_shmodel_enable_downloads Check if the union tag is ``shmodel_enable_downloads``.
Method is_shmodel_group_share Check if the union tag is ``shmodel_group_share``.
Method is_showcase_access_granted Check if the union tag is ``showcase_access_granted``.
Method is_showcase_add_member Check if the union tag is ``showcase_add_member``.
Method is_showcase_archived Check if the union tag is ``showcase_archived``.
Method is_showcase_change_download_policy Check if the union tag is ``showcase_change_download_policy``.
Method is_showcase_change_enabled_policy Check if the union tag is ``showcase_change_enabled_policy``.
Method is_showcase_change_external_sharing_policy Check if the union tag is ``showcase_change_external_sharing_policy``.
Method is_showcase_created Check if the union tag is ``showcase_created``.
Method is_showcase_delete_comment Check if the union tag is ``showcase_delete_comment``.
Method is_showcase_edit_comment Check if the union tag is ``showcase_edit_comment``.
Method is_showcase_edited Check if the union tag is ``showcase_edited``.
Method is_showcase_file_added Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_added``.
Method is_showcase_file_download Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_download``.
Method is_showcase_file_removed Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_removed``.
Method is_showcase_file_view Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_view``.
Method is_showcase_permanently_deleted Check if the union tag is ``showcase_permanently_deleted``.
Method is_showcase_post_comment Check if the union tag is ``showcase_post_comment``.
Method is_showcase_remove_member Check if the union tag is ``showcase_remove_member``.
Method is_showcase_renamed Check if the union tag is ``showcase_renamed``.
Method is_showcase_request_access Check if the union tag is ``showcase_request_access``.
Method is_showcase_resolve_comment Check if the union tag is ``showcase_resolve_comment``.
Method is_showcase_restored Check if the union tag is ``showcase_restored``.
Method is_showcase_trashed Check if the union tag is ``showcase_trashed``.
Method is_showcase_trashed_deprecated Check if the union tag is ``showcase_trashed_deprecated``.
Method is_showcase_unresolve_comment Check if the union tag is ``showcase_unresolve_comment``.
Method is_showcase_untrashed Check if the union tag is ``showcase_untrashed``.
Method is_showcase_untrashed_deprecated Check if the union tag is ``showcase_untrashed_deprecated``.
Method is_showcase_view Check if the union tag is ``showcase_view``.
Method is_sign_in_as_session_end Check if the union tag is ``sign_in_as_session_end``.
Method is_sign_in_as_session_start Check if the union tag is ``sign_in_as_session_start``.
Method is_smart_sync_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_change_policy``.
Method is_smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report``.
Method is_smart_sync_not_opt_out Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_not_opt_out``.
Method is_smart_sync_opt_out Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_opt_out``.
Method is_smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed``.
Method is_sso_add_cert Check if the union tag is ``sso_add_cert``.
Method is_sso_add_login_url Check if the union tag is ``sso_add_login_url``.
Method is_sso_add_logout_url Check if the union tag is ``sso_add_logout_url``.
Method is_sso_change_cert Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_cert``.
Method is_sso_change_login_url Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_login_url``.
Method is_sso_change_logout_url Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_logout_url``.
Method is_sso_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_policy``.
Method is_sso_change_saml_identity_mode Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_saml_identity_mode``.
Method is_sso_error Check if the union tag is ``sso_error``.
Method is_sso_remove_cert Check if the union tag is ``sso_remove_cert``.
Method is_sso_remove_login_url Check if the union tag is ``sso_remove_login_url``.
Method is_sso_remove_logout_url Check if the union tag is ``sso_remove_logout_url``.
Method is_started_enterprise_admin_session Check if the union tag is ``started_enterprise_admin_session``.
Method is_team_activity_create_report Check if the union tag is ``team_activity_create_report``.
Method is_team_activity_create_report_fail Check if the union tag is ``team_activity_create_report_fail``.
Method is_team_branding_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``team_branding_policy_changed``.
Method is_team_extensions_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``team_extensions_policy_changed``.
Method is_team_folder_change_status Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_change_status``.
Method is_team_folder_create Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_create``.
Method is_team_folder_downgrade Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_downgrade``.
Method is_team_folder_permanently_delete Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_permanently_delete``.
Method is_team_folder_rename Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_rename``.
Method is_team_merge_from Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_from``.
Method is_team_merge_request_accepted Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_accepted``.
Method is_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_auto_canceled Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_auto_canceled``.
Method is_team_merge_request_canceled Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_canceled``.
Method is_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_expired Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_expired``.
Method is_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_reminder Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_reminder``.
Method is_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_revoked Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_revoked``.
Method is_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team``.
Method is_team_merge_to Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_to``.
Method is_team_profile_add_background Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_add_background``.
Method is_team_profile_add_logo Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_add_logo``.
Method is_team_profile_change_background Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_background``.
Method is_team_profile_change_default_language Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_default_language``.
Method is_team_profile_change_logo Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_logo``.
Method is_team_profile_change_name Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_name``.
Method is_team_profile_remove_background Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_remove_background``.
Method is_team_profile_remove_logo Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_remove_logo``.
Method is_team_selective_sync_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``team_selective_sync_policy_changed``.
Method is_team_selective_sync_settings_changed Check if the union tag is ``team_selective_sync_settings_changed``.
Method is_team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed Check if the union tag is ``team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed``.
Method is_tfa_add_backup_phone Check if the union tag is ``tfa_add_backup_phone``.
Method is_tfa_add_exception Check if the union tag is ``tfa_add_exception``.
Method is_tfa_add_security_key Check if the union tag is ``tfa_add_security_key``.
Method is_tfa_change_backup_phone Check if the union tag is ``tfa_change_backup_phone``.
Method is_tfa_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``tfa_change_policy``.
Method is_tfa_change_status Check if the union tag is ``tfa_change_status``.
Method is_tfa_remove_backup_phone Check if the union tag is ``tfa_remove_backup_phone``.
Method is_tfa_remove_exception Check if the union tag is ``tfa_remove_exception``.
Method is_tfa_remove_security_key Check if the union tag is ``tfa_remove_security_key``.
Method is_tfa_reset Check if the union tag is ``tfa_reset``.
Method is_two_account_change_policy Check if the union tag is ``two_account_change_policy``.
Method is_undo_naming_convention Check if the union tag is ``undo_naming_convention``.
Method is_undo_organize_folder_with_tidy Check if the union tag is ``undo_organize_folder_with_tidy``.
Method is_user_tags_added Check if the union tag is ``user_tags_added``.
Method is_user_tags_removed Check if the union tag is ``user_tags_removed``.
Method is_viewer_info_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``viewer_info_policy_changed``.
Method is_watermarking_policy_changed Check if the union tag is ``watermarking_policy_changed``.
Method is_web_sessions_change_active_session_limit Check if the union tag is ``web_sessions_change_active_session_limit``.
Method is_web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy Check if the union tag is ``web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy``.
Method is_web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy Check if the union tag is ``web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy``.
Class Variable other Undocumented
Method _process_custom_annotations Undocumented
Class Variable _catch_all Undocumented
def account_capture_change_availability(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_change_availability`` tag with value ``val``. :param AccountCaptureChangeAvailabilityType val: :rtype: EventType

def account_capture_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param AccountCaptureChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def account_capture_migrate_account(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_migrate_account`` tag with value ``val``. :param AccountCaptureMigrateAccountType val: :rtype: EventType

def account_capture_notification_emails_sent(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_notification_emails_sent`` tag with value ``val``. :param AccountCaptureNotificationEmailsSentType val: :rtype: EventType

def account_capture_relinquish_account(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_capture_relinquish_account`` tag with value ``val``. :param AccountCaptureRelinquishAccountType val: :rtype: EventType

def account_lock_or_unlocked(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``account_lock_or_unlocked`` tag with value ``val``. :param AccountLockOrUnlockedType val: :rtype: EventType

def admin_alerting_alert_state_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_alerting_alert_state_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param AdminAlertingAlertStateChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def admin_alerting_changed_alert_config(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_alerting_changed_alert_config`` tag with value ``val``. :param AdminAlertingChangedAlertConfigType val: :rtype: EventType

def admin_alerting_triggered_alert(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_alerting_triggered_alert`` tag with value ``val``. :param AdminAlertingTriggeredAlertType val: :rtype: EventType

def admin_email_reminders_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``admin_email_reminders_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param AdminEmailRemindersChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def allow_download_disabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``allow_download_disabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param AllowDownloadDisabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def allow_download_enabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``allow_download_enabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param AllowDownloadEnabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def app_blocked_by_permissions(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_blocked_by_permissions`` tag with value ``val``. :param AppBlockedByPermissionsType val: :rtype: EventType

def app_link_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_link_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param AppLinkTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def app_link_user(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_link_user`` tag with value ``val``. :param AppLinkUserType val: :rtype: EventType

def app_permissions_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_permissions_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param AppPermissionsChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def app_unlink_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_unlink_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param AppUnlinkTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def app_unlink_user(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``app_unlink_user`` tag with value ``val``. :param AppUnlinkUserType val: :rtype: EventType

def apply_naming_convention(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``apply_naming_convention`` tag with value ``val``. :param ApplyNamingConventionType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_add_page(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_add_page`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderAddPageType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_add_section(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_add_section`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderAddSectionType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_remove_page(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_remove_page`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderRemovePageType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_remove_section(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_remove_section`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderRemoveSectionType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_rename_page(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_rename_page`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderRenamePageType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_rename_section(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_rename_section`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderRenameSectionType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_reorder_page(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_reorder_page`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderReorderPageType val: :rtype: EventType

def binder_reorder_section(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``binder_reorder_section`` tag with value ``val``. :param BinderReorderSectionType val: :rtype: EventType

def camera_uploads_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``camera_uploads_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param CameraUploadsPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def capture_transcript_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``capture_transcript_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param CaptureTranscriptPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def changed_enterprise_admin_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``changed_enterprise_admin_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param ChangedEnterpriseAdminRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def changed_enterprise_connected_team_status(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``changed_enterprise_connected_team_status`` tag with value ``val``. :param ChangedEnterpriseConnectedTeamStatusType val: :rtype: EventType

def classification_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``classification_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param ClassificationChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def classification_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``classification_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param ClassificationCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def classification_create_report_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``classification_create_report_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param ClassificationCreateReportFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def collection_share(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``collection_share`` tag with value ``val``. :param CollectionShareType val: :rtype: EventType

def computer_backup_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``computer_backup_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ComputerBackupPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def content_administration_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``content_administration_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def create_folder(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``create_folder`` tag with value ``val``. :param CreateFolderType val: :rtype: EventType

def create_team_invite_link(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``create_team_invite_link`` tag with value ``val``. :param CreateTeamInviteLinkType val: :rtype: EventType

def data_placement_restriction_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_placement_restriction_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param DataPlacementRestrictionChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param DataPlacementRestrictionSatisfyPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def data_residency_migration_request_successful(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_residency_migration_request_successful`` tag with value ``val``. :param DataResidencyMigrationRequestSuccessfulType val: :rtype: EventType

def data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful`` tag with value ``val``. :param DataResidencyMigrationRequestUnsuccessfulType val: :rtype: EventType

def delete_team_invite_link(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``delete_team_invite_link`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeleteTeamInviteLinkType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_approvals_add_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceApprovalsAddExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_approvals_change_desktop_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_desktop_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceApprovalsChangeDesktopPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_approvals_change_mobile_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_mobile_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceApprovalsChangeMobilePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_approvals_change_overage_action(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_overage_action`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceApprovalsChangeOverageActionType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_approvals_change_unlink_action(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_change_unlink_action`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceApprovalsChangeUnlinkActionType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_approvals_remove_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_approvals_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceApprovalsRemoveExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_change_ip_desktop(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_change_ip_desktop`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceChangeIpDesktopType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_change_ip_mobile(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_change_ip_mobile`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceChangeIpMobileType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_change_ip_web(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_change_ip_web`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceChangeIpWebType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_delete_on_unlink_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_delete_on_unlink_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceDeleteOnUnlinkFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_delete_on_unlink_success(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_delete_on_unlink_success`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceDeleteOnUnlinkSuccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_link_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_link_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceLinkFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_link_success(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_link_success`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceLinkSuccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_management_disabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_management_disabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceManagementDisabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_management_enabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_management_enabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceManagementEnabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_sync_backup_status_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_sync_backup_status_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceSyncBackupStatusChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def device_unlink(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``device_unlink`` tag with value ``val``. :param DeviceUnlinkType val: :rtype: EventType

def directory_restrictions_add_members(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``directory_restrictions_add_members`` tag with value ``val``. :param DirectoryRestrictionsAddMembersType val: :rtype: EventType

def directory_restrictions_remove_members(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``directory_restrictions_remove_members`` tag with value ``val``. :param DirectoryRestrictionsRemoveMembersType val: :rtype: EventType

def disabled_domain_invites(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``disabled_domain_invites`` tag with value ``val``. :param DisabledDomainInvitesType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainInvitesApproveRequestToJoinTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainInvitesDeclineRequestToJoinTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_invites_email_existing_users(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_email_existing_users`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainInvitesEmailExistingUsersType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_invites_request_to_join_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_request_to_join_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainInvitesRequestToJoinTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainInvitesSetInviteNewUserPrefToNoType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainInvitesSetInviteNewUserPrefToYesType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_verification_add_domain_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_verification_add_domain_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainVerificationAddDomainFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_verification_add_domain_success(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_verification_add_domain_success`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainVerificationAddDomainSuccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def domain_verification_remove_domain(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``domain_verification_remove_domain`` tag with value ``val``. :param DomainVerificationRemoveDomainType val: :rtype: EventType

def dropbox_passwords_exported(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``dropbox_passwords_exported`` tag with value ``val``. :param DropboxPasswordsExportedType val: :rtype: EventType

def dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled`` tag with value ``val``. :param DropboxPasswordsNewDeviceEnrolledType val: :rtype: EventType

def dropbox_passwords_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``dropbox_passwords_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param DropboxPasswordsPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def email_ingest_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``email_ingest_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmailIngestPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def email_ingest_receive_file(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``email_ingest_receive_file`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmailIngestReceiveFileType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_add_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmAddExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_create_exceptions_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_create_exceptions_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmCreateExceptionsReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_create_usage_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_create_usage_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmCreateUsageReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_error(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_error`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmErrorType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_refresh_auth_token(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_refresh_auth_token`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmRefreshAuthTokenType val: :rtype: EventType

def emm_remove_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``emm_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param EmmRemoveExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def enabled_domain_invites(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``enabled_domain_invites`` tag with value ``val``. :param EnabledDomainInvitesType val: :rtype: EventType

def ended_enterprise_admin_session(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``ended_enterprise_admin_session`` tag with value ``val``. :param EndedEnterpriseAdminSessionType val: :rtype: EventType

def ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated`` tag with value ``val``. :param EndedEnterpriseAdminSessionDeprecatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def enterprise_settings_locking(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``enterprise_settings_locking`` tag with value ``val``. :param EnterpriseSettingsLockingType val: :rtype: EventType

def export_members_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``export_members_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExportMembersReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def export_members_report_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``export_members_report_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExportMembersReportFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def extended_version_history_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``extended_version_history_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExtendedVersionHistoryChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExternalDriveBackupEligibilityStatusCheckedType val: :rtype: EventType

def external_drive_backup_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_drive_backup_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExternalDriveBackupPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def external_drive_backup_status_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_drive_backup_status_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExternalDriveBackupStatusChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def external_sharing_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_sharing_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExternalSharingCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def external_sharing_report_failed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``external_sharing_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ExternalSharingReportFailedType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_add(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_add`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileAddType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_add_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_add_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileAddCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_change_comment_subscription(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_change_comment_subscription`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileChangeCommentSubscriptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_comments_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_comments_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileCommentsChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_copy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_copy`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileCopyType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_delete_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_delete_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileDeleteCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_download(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_download`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileDownloadType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_edit(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_edit`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileEditType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_edit_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_edit_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileEditCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_get_copy_reference(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_get_copy_reference`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileGetCopyReferenceType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_like_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_like_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileLikeCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_locking_lock_status_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_locking_lock_status_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileLockingLockStatusChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_locking_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_locking_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileLockingPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_move(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_move`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileMoveType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_permanently_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_permanently_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param FilePermanentlyDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_preview(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_preview`` tag with value ``val``. :param FilePreviewType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_provider_migration_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_provider_migration_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileProviderMigrationPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_rename(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_rename`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRenameType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_request_change(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_change`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestChangeType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_request_close(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_close`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestCloseType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_request_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_request_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_request_receive_file(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_request_receive_file`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestReceiveFileType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_requests_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_requests_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestsChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_requests_emails_enabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_requests_emails_enabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestsEmailsEnabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRequestsEmailsRestrictedToTeamOnlyType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_resolve_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_resolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileResolveCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_restore(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_restore`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRestoreType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_revert(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_revert`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRevertType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_rollback_changes(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_rollback_changes`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileRollbackChangesType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_save_copy_reference(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_save_copy_reference`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileSaveCopyReferenceType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_transfers_file_add(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_file_add`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileTransfersFileAddType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_transfers_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileTransfersPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_transfers_transfer_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileTransfersTransferDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_transfers_transfer_download(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_download`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileTransfersTransferDownloadType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_transfers_transfer_send(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_send`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileTransfersTransferSendType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_transfers_transfer_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_transfers_transfer_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileTransfersTransferViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_unlike_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_unlike_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileUnlikeCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def file_unresolve_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``file_unresolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param FileUnresolveCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def folder_link_restriction_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_link_restriction_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param FolderLinkRestrictionPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def folder_overview_description_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_overview_description_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param FolderOverviewDescriptionChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def folder_overview_item_pinned(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_overview_item_pinned`` tag with value ``val``. :param FolderOverviewItemPinnedType val: :rtype: EventType

def folder_overview_item_unpinned(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``folder_overview_item_unpinned`` tag with value ``val``. :param FolderOverviewItemUnpinnedType val: :rtype: EventType

def google_sso_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``google_sso_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param GoogleSsoChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_add_folder_failed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_add_folder_failed`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyAddFolderFailedType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_add_folders(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_add_folders`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyAddFoldersType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_content_disposed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_content_disposed`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyContentDisposedType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_edit_details(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_edit_details`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyEditDetailsType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_edit_duration(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_edit_duration`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyEditDurationType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_export_created(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_export_created`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyExportCreatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_export_removed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_export_removed`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyExportRemovedType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_remove_folders(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_remove_folders`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyRemoveFoldersType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_report_created(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_report_created`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyReportCreatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded`` tag with value ``val``. :param GovernancePolicyZipPartDownloadedType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_add_external_id(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_add_external_id`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupAddExternalIdType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_add_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_add_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupAddMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_change_external_id(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_change_external_id`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupChangeExternalIdType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_change_management_type(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_change_management_type`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupChangeManagementTypeType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_change_member_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_change_member_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupChangeMemberRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_description_updated(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_description_updated`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupDescriptionUpdatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_join_policy_updated(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_join_policy_updated`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupJoinPolicyUpdatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_moved(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_moved`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupMovedType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_remove_external_id(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_remove_external_id`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupRemoveExternalIdType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_remove_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupRemoveMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_rename(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_rename`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupRenameType val: :rtype: EventType

def group_user_management_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``group_user_management_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param GroupUserManagementChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def guest_admin_change_status(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``guest_admin_change_status`` tag with value ``val``. :param GuestAdminChangeStatusType val: :rtype: EventType

def guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams`` tag with value ``val``. :param GuestAdminSignedInViaTrustedTeamsType val: :rtype: EventType

def guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams`` tag with value ``val``. :param GuestAdminSignedOutViaTrustedTeamsType val: :rtype: EventType

def integration_connected(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``integration_connected`` tag with value ``val``. :param IntegrationConnectedType val: :rtype: EventType

def integration_disconnected(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``integration_disconnected`` tag with value ``val``. :param IntegrationDisconnectedType val: :rtype: EventType

def integration_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``integration_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param IntegrationPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param InviteAcceptanceEmailPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_activate_a_hold(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_activate_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsActivateAHoldType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_add_members(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_add_members`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsAddMembersType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_change_hold_details(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_change_hold_details`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsChangeHoldDetailsType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_change_hold_name(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_change_hold_name`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsChangeHoldNameType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_export_a_hold(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsExportAHoldType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_export_cancelled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_cancelled`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsExportCancelledType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_export_downloaded(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_downloaded`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsExportDownloadedType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_export_removed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_export_removed`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsExportRemovedType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_release_a_hold(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_release_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsReleaseAHoldType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_remove_members(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_remove_members`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsRemoveMembersType val: :rtype: EventType

def legal_holds_report_a_hold(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``legal_holds_report_a_hold`` tag with value ``val``. :param LegalHoldsReportAHoldType val: :rtype: EventType

def login_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``login_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param LoginFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def login_success(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``login_success`` tag with value ``val``. :param LoginSuccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def logout(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``logout`` tag with value ``val``. :param LogoutType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_add_external_id(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_add_external_id`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberAddExternalIdType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_add_name(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_add_name`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberAddNameType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_admin_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_admin_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeAdminRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_email(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_email`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeEmailType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_external_id(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_external_id`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeExternalIdType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_membership_type(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_membership_type`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeMembershipTypeType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_name(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_name`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeNameType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_reseller_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_reseller_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeResellerRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_change_status(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_change_status`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberChangeStatusType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_delete_manual_contacts(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_delete_manual_contacts`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberDeleteManualContactsType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_delete_profile_photo(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_delete_profile_photo`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberDeleteProfilePhotoType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_permanently_delete_account_contents(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_permanently_delete_account_contents`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberPermanentlyDeleteAccountContentsType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_remove_external_id(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_remove_external_id`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberRemoveExternalIdType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_requests_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_requests_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberRequestsChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_send_invite_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_send_invite_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_set_profile_photo(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_set_profile_photo`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSetProfilePhotoType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_add_custom_quota(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_add_custom_quota`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsAddCustomQuotaType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_add_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsAddExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsChangeCapsTypePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_change_custom_quota(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_custom_quota`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsChangeCustomQuotaType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_change_status(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_change_status`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsChangeStatusType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsRemoveCustomQuotaType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_space_limits_remove_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_space_limits_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSpaceLimitsRemoveExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_suggest(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_suggest`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSuggestType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_suggestions_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_suggestions_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberSuggestionsChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def member_transfer_account_contents(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``member_transfer_account_contents`` tag with value ``val``. :param MemberTransferAccountContentsType val: :rtype: EventType

def microsoft_office_addin_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``microsoft_office_addin_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param MicrosoftOfficeAddinChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def network_control_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``network_control_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param NetworkControlChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def no_expiration_link_gen_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_expiration_link_gen_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedType val: :rtype: EventType

def no_password_link_gen_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_gen_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def no_password_link_gen_report_failed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_gen_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedType val: :rtype: EventType

def no_password_link_view_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_view_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def no_password_link_view_report_failed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``no_password_link_view_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedType val: :rtype: EventType

def note_acl_invite_only(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_acl_invite_only`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoteAclInviteOnlyType val: :rtype: EventType

def note_acl_link(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_acl_link`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoteAclLinkType val: :rtype: EventType

def note_acl_team_link(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_acl_team_link`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoteAclTeamLinkType val: :rtype: EventType

def note_share_receive(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_share_receive`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoteShareReceiveType val: :rtype: EventType

def note_shared(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``note_shared`` tag with value ``val``. :param NoteSharedType val: :rtype: EventType

def object_label_added(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``object_label_added`` tag with value ``val``. :param ObjectLabelAddedType val: :rtype: EventType

def object_label_removed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``object_label_removed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ObjectLabelRemovedType val: :rtype: EventType

def object_label_updated_value(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``object_label_updated_value`` tag with value ``val``. :param ObjectLabelUpdatedValueType val: :rtype: EventType

def open_note_shared(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``open_note_shared`` tag with value ``val``. :param OpenNoteSharedType val: :rtype: EventType

def organize_folder_with_tidy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``organize_folder_with_tidy`` tag with value ``val``. :param OrganizeFolderWithTidyType val: :rtype: EventType

def outdated_link_view_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``outdated_link_view_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def outdated_link_view_report_failed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``outdated_link_view_report_failed`` tag with value ``val``. :param OutdatedLinkViewReportFailedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_admin_export_start(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_admin_export_start`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperAdminExportStartType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_change_deployment_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_deployment_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperChangeDeploymentPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_change_member_link_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_member_link_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperChangeMemberLinkPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_change_member_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_member_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperChangeMemberPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_add_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_add_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentAddMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_add_to_folder(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_add_to_folder`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentAddToFolderType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_archive(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_archive`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentArchiveType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_permanently_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_permanently_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentPermanentlyDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_remove_from_folder(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_remove_from_folder`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentRemoveFromFolderType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_remove_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentRemoveMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_rename(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_rename`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentRenameType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_content_restore(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_content_restore`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperContentRestoreType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_default_folder_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_default_folder_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDefaultFolderPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_desktop_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_desktop_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDesktopPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_add_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_add_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocAddCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_change_member_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_change_member_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocChangeMemberRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_change_sharing_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_change_sharing_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocChangeSharingPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_change_subscription(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_change_subscription`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocChangeSubscriptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_delete_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_delete_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocDeleteCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_deleted(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_deleted`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocDeletedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_download(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_download`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocDownloadType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_edit(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_edit`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocEditType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_edit_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_edit_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocEditCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_followed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_followed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocFollowedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_mention(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_mention`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocMentionType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_ownership_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_ownership_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocOwnershipChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_request_access(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_request_access`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocRequestAccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_resolve_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_resolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocResolveCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_revert(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_revert`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocRevertType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_slack_share(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_slack_share`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocSlackShareType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_team_invite(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_team_invite`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocTeamInviteType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_trashed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_trashed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocTrashedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_unresolve_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_unresolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocUnresolveCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_untrashed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_untrashed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocUntrashedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_doc_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_doc_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperDocViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_enabled_users_group_addition(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_enabled_users_group_addition`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperEnabledUsersGroupAdditionType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_enabled_users_group_removal(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_enabled_users_group_removal`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperEnabledUsersGroupRemovalType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_external_view_allow(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_external_view_allow`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperExternalViewAllowType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_external_view_default_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_external_view_default_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperExternalViewDefaultTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_external_view_forbid(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_external_view_forbid`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperExternalViewForbidType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_folder_change_subscription(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_change_subscription`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperFolderChangeSubscriptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_folder_deleted(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_deleted`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperFolderDeletedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_folder_followed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_followed`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperFolderFollowedType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_folder_team_invite(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_folder_team_invite`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperFolderTeamInviteType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_published_link_change_permission(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_change_permission`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperPublishedLinkChangePermissionType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_published_link_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperPublishedLinkCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_published_link_disabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_disabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperPublishedLinkDisabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def paper_published_link_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``paper_published_link_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param PaperPublishedLinkViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def password_change(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_change`` tag with value ``val``. :param PasswordChangeType val: :rtype: EventType

def password_reset(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_reset`` tag with value ``val``. :param PasswordResetType val: :rtype: EventType

def password_reset_all(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_reset_all`` tag with value ``val``. :param PasswordResetAllType val: :rtype: EventType

def password_strength_requirements_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``password_strength_requirements_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PasswordStrengthRequirementsChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def pending_secondary_email_added(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``pending_secondary_email_added`` tag with value ``val``. :param PendingSecondaryEmailAddedType val: :rtype: EventType

def permanent_delete_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``permanent_delete_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param PermanentDeleteChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def reseller_support_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``reseller_support_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param ResellerSupportChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def reseller_support_session_end(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``reseller_support_session_end`` tag with value ``val``. :param ResellerSupportSessionEndType val: :rtype: EventType

def reseller_support_session_start(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``reseller_support_session_start`` tag with value ``val``. :param ResellerSupportSessionStartType val: :rtype: EventType

def rewind_folder(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``rewind_folder`` tag with value ``val``. :param RewindFolderType val: :rtype: EventType

def rewind_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``rewind_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param RewindPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def secondary_email_deleted(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``secondary_email_deleted`` tag with value ``val``. :param SecondaryEmailDeletedType val: :rtype: EventType

def secondary_email_verified(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``secondary_email_verified`` tag with value ``val``. :param SecondaryEmailVerifiedType val: :rtype: EventType

def secondary_mails_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``secondary_mails_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param SecondaryMailsPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def send_for_signature_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``send_for_signature_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param SendForSignaturePolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_add_group(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_add_group`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfAddGroupType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfAllowNonMembersToViewSharedLinksType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_external_invite_warn(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_external_invite_warn`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfExternalInviteWarnType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_fb_invite(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_fb_invite`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfFbInviteType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_fb_invite_change_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_fb_invite_change_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfFbInviteChangeRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_fb_uninvite(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_fb_uninvite`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfFbUninviteType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_invite_group(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_invite_group`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfInviteGroupType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_team_grant_access(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_grant_access`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfTeamGrantAccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_team_invite(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_invite`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfTeamInviteType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_team_invite_change_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_invite_change_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfTeamInviteChangeRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_team_join(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_join`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfTeamJoinType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_team_join_from_oob_link(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_join_from_oob_link`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfTeamJoinFromOobLinkType val: :rtype: EventType

def sf_team_uninvite(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sf_team_uninvite`` tag with value ``val``. :param SfTeamUninviteType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_add_invitees(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_invitees`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentAddInviteesType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_add_link_expiry(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_link_expiry`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentAddLinkExpiryType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_add_link_password(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_link_password`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentAddLinkPasswordType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_add_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_add_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentAddMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_downloads_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_downloads_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeDownloadsPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_invitee_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_invitee_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeInviteeRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_link_audience(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_link_audience`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeLinkAudienceType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_link_expiry(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_link_expiry`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeLinkExpiryType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_link_password(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_link_password`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeLinkPasswordType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_member_role(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_member_role`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeMemberRoleType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentChangeViewerInfoPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_claim_invitation(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_claim_invitation`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentClaimInvitationType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_copy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_copy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentCopyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_download(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_download`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentDownloadType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_relinquish_membership(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_relinquish_membership`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRelinquishMembershipType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_remove_invitees(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_invitees`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRemoveInviteesType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_remove_link_expiry(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_link_expiry`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRemoveLinkExpiryType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_remove_link_password(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_link_password`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRemoveLinkPasswordType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_remove_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRemoveMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_request_access(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_request_access`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRequestAccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_restore_invitees(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_restore_invitees`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRestoreInviteesType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_restore_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_restore_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentRestoreMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_unshare(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_unshare`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentUnshareType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_content_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_content_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedContentViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_change_link_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_link_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderChangeLinkPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderChangeMembersInheritancePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_change_members_management_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_members_management_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderChangeMembersManagementPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_change_members_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_change_members_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderChangeMembersPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_decline_invitation(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_decline_invitation`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderDeclineInvitationType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_mount(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_mount`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderMountType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_nest(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_nest`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderNestType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_transfer_ownership(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_transfer_ownership`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderTransferOwnershipType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_folder_unmount(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_folder_unmount`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedFolderUnmountType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_add_expiry(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_add_expiry`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkAddExpiryType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_change_expiry(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_change_expiry`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkChangeExpiryType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_change_visibility(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_change_visibility`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkChangeVisibilityType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_copy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_copy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkCopyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_disable(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_disable`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkDisableType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_download(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_download`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkDownloadType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_remove_expiry(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_remove_expiry`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkRemoveExpiryType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_add_expiration(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_add_expiration`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsAddExpirationType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_add_password(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_add_password`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsAddPasswordType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadDisabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadEnabledType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_change_audience(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_change_audience`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsChangeAudienceType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_change_expiration(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_change_expiration`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsChangeExpirationType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_change_password(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_change_password`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsChangePasswordType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_remove_expiration(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_remove_expiration`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsRemoveExpirationType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_settings_remove_password(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_settings_remove_password`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkSettingsRemovePasswordType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_share(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_share`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkShareType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_link_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedLinkViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def shared_note_opened(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_note_opened`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharedNoteOpenedType val: :rtype: EventType

def sharing_change_folder_join_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_folder_join_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharingChangeFolderJoinPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharingChangeLinkAllowChangeExpirationPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharingChangeLinkDefaultExpirationPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharingChangeLinkEnforcePasswordPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def sharing_change_link_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_link_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharingChangeLinkPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def sharing_change_member_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sharing_change_member_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SharingChangeMemberPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def shmodel_disable_downloads(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shmodel_disable_downloads`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShmodelDisableDownloadsType val: :rtype: EventType

def shmodel_enable_downloads(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shmodel_enable_downloads`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShmodelEnableDownloadsType val: :rtype: EventType

def shmodel_group_share(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``shmodel_group_share`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShmodelGroupShareType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_access_granted(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_access_granted`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseAccessGrantedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_add_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_add_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseAddMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_archived(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_archived`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseArchivedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_change_download_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_change_download_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseChangeDownloadPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_change_enabled_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_change_enabled_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseChangeEnabledPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_change_external_sharing_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_change_external_sharing_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseChangeExternalSharingPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_created(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_created`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseCreatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_delete_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_delete_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseDeleteCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_edit_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_edit_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseEditCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_edited(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_edited`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseEditedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_file_added(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_added`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseFileAddedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_file_download(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_download`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseFileDownloadType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_file_removed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_removed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseFileRemovedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_file_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_file_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseFileViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_permanently_deleted(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_permanently_deleted`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcasePermanentlyDeletedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_post_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_post_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcasePostCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_remove_member(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_remove_member`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseRemoveMemberType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_renamed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_renamed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseRenamedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_request_access(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_request_access`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseRequestAccessType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_resolve_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_resolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseResolveCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_restored(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_restored`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseRestoredType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_trashed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_trashed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseTrashedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_trashed_deprecated(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_trashed_deprecated`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseTrashedDeprecatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_unresolve_comment(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_unresolve_comment`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseUnresolveCommentType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_untrashed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_untrashed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseUntrashedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_untrashed_deprecated(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_untrashed_deprecated`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseUntrashedDeprecatedType val: :rtype: EventType

def showcase_view(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``showcase_view`` tag with value ``val``. :param ShowcaseViewType val: :rtype: EventType

def sign_in_as_session_end(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sign_in_as_session_end`` tag with value ``val``. :param SignInAsSessionEndType val: :rtype: EventType

def sign_in_as_session_start(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sign_in_as_session_start`` tag with value ``val``. :param SignInAsSessionStartType val: :rtype: EventType

def smart_sync_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SmartSyncChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param SmartSyncCreateAdminPrivilegeReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def smart_sync_not_opt_out(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_not_opt_out`` tag with value ``val``. :param SmartSyncNotOptOutType val: :rtype: EventType

def smart_sync_opt_out(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``smart_sync_opt_out`` tag with value ``val``. :param SmartSyncOptOutType val: :rtype: EventType

def smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param SmarterSmartSyncPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_add_cert(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_add_cert`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoAddCertType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_add_login_url(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_add_login_url`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoAddLoginUrlType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_add_logout_url(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_add_logout_url`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoAddLogoutUrlType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_change_cert(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_cert`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoChangeCertType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_change_login_url(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_login_url`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoChangeLoginUrlType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_change_logout_url(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_logout_url`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoChangeLogoutUrlType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_change_saml_identity_mode(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_change_saml_identity_mode`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoChangeSamlIdentityModeType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_error(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_error`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoErrorType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_remove_cert(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_remove_cert`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoRemoveCertType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_remove_login_url(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_remove_login_url`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoRemoveLoginUrlType val: :rtype: EventType

def sso_remove_logout_url(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``sso_remove_logout_url`` tag with value ``val``. :param SsoRemoveLogoutUrlType val: :rtype: EventType

def started_enterprise_admin_session(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``started_enterprise_admin_session`` tag with value ``val``. :param StartedEnterpriseAdminSessionType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_activity_create_report(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_activity_create_report`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamActivityCreateReportType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_activity_create_report_fail(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_activity_create_report_fail`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamActivityCreateReportFailType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_branding_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_branding_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamBrandingPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_extensions_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_extensions_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamExtensionsPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_folder_change_status(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_change_status`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamFolderChangeStatusType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_folder_create(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_create`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamFolderCreateType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_folder_downgrade(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_downgrade`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamFolderDowngradeType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_folder_permanently_delete(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_permanently_delete`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamFolderPermanentlyDeleteType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_folder_rename(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_folder_rename`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamFolderRenameType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_from(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_from`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeFromType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_accepted(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_accepted`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestAcceptedType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestAcceptedShownToPrimaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestAcceptedShownToSecondaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_auto_canceled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_auto_canceled`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestAutoCanceledType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_canceled(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_canceled`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestCanceledType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToPrimaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToSecondaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_expired(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_expired`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestExpiredType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestExpiredShownToPrimaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestExpiredShownToSecondaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestRejectedShownToPrimaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestRejectedShownToSecondaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_reminder(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_reminder`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestReminderType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestReminderShownToPrimaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestReminderShownToSecondaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_revoked(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_revoked`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestRevokedType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestSentShownToPrimaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeRequestSentShownToSecondaryTeamType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_merge_to(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_merge_to`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamMergeToType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_add_background(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_add_background`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileAddBackgroundType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_add_logo(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_add_logo`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileAddLogoType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_change_background(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_background`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileChangeBackgroundType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_change_default_language(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_default_language`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileChangeDefaultLanguageType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_change_logo(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_logo`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileChangeLogoType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_change_name(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_change_name`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileChangeNameType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_remove_background(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_remove_background`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileRemoveBackgroundType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_profile_remove_logo(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_profile_remove_logo`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamProfileRemoveLogoType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_selective_sync_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_selective_sync_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamSelectiveSyncPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_selective_sync_settings_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_selective_sync_settings_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamSelectiveSyncSettingsChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_add_backup_phone(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_add_backup_phone`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaAddBackupPhoneType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_add_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_add_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaAddExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_add_security_key(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_add_security_key`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaAddSecurityKeyType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_change_backup_phone(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_change_backup_phone`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaChangeBackupPhoneType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_change_status(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_change_status`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaChangeStatusType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_remove_backup_phone(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_remove_backup_phone`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaRemoveBackupPhoneType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_remove_exception(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_remove_exception`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaRemoveExceptionType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_remove_security_key(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_remove_security_key`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaRemoveSecurityKeyType val: :rtype: EventType

def tfa_reset(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``tfa_reset`` tag with value ``val``. :param TfaResetType val: :rtype: EventType

def two_account_change_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``two_account_change_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param TwoAccountChangePolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def undo_naming_convention(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``undo_naming_convention`` tag with value ``val``. :param UndoNamingConventionType val: :rtype: EventType

def undo_organize_folder_with_tidy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``undo_organize_folder_with_tidy`` tag with value ``val``. :param UndoOrganizeFolderWithTidyType val: :rtype: EventType

def user_tags_added(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``user_tags_added`` tag with value ``val``. :param UserTagsAddedType val: :rtype: EventType

def user_tags_removed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``user_tags_removed`` tag with value ``val``. :param UserTagsRemovedType val: :rtype: EventType

def viewer_info_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``viewer_info_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param ViewerInfoPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def watermarking_policy_changed(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``watermarking_policy_changed`` tag with value ``val``. :param WatermarkingPolicyChangedType val: :rtype: EventType

def web_sessions_change_active_session_limit(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``web_sessions_change_active_session_limit`` tag with value ``val``. :param WebSessionsChangeActiveSessionLimitType val: :rtype: EventType

def web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param WebSessionsChangeFixedLengthPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy`` tag with value ``val``. :param WebSessionsChangeIdleLengthPolicyType val: :rtype: EventType

def get_account_capture_change_availability(self): (source)

(domains) Granted/revoked option to enable account capture on team domains Only call this if :meth:`is_account_capture_change_availability` is true. :rtype: AccountCaptureChangeAvailabilityType

def get_account_capture_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed account capture setting on team domain Only call this if :meth:`is_account_capture_change_policy` is true. :rtype: AccountCaptureChangePolicyType

def get_account_capture_migrate_account(self): (source)

(domains) Account-captured user migrated account to team Only call this if :meth:`is_account_capture_migrate_account` is true. :rtype: AccountCaptureMigrateAccountType

def get_account_capture_notification_emails_sent(self): (source)

(domains) Sent account capture email to all unmanaged members Only call this if :meth:`is_account_capture_notification_emails_sent` is true. :rtype: AccountCaptureNotificationEmailsSentType

def get_account_capture_relinquish_account(self): (source)

(domains) Account-captured user changed account email to personal email Only call this if :meth:`is_account_capture_relinquish_account` is true. :rtype: AccountCaptureRelinquishAccountType

def get_account_lock_or_unlocked(self): (source)

(logins) Unlocked/locked account after failed sign in attempts Only call this if :meth:`is_account_lock_or_unlocked` is true. :rtype: AccountLockOrUnlockedType

def get_admin_alerting_alert_state_changed(self): (source)

(admin_alerting) Changed an alert state Only call this if :meth:`is_admin_alerting_alert_state_changed` is true. :rtype: AdminAlertingAlertStateChangedType

def get_admin_alerting_changed_alert_config(self): (source)

(admin_alerting) Changed an alert setting Only call this if :meth:`is_admin_alerting_changed_alert_config` is true. :rtype: AdminAlertingChangedAlertConfigType

def get_admin_alerting_triggered_alert(self): (source)

(admin_alerting) Triggered security alert Only call this if :meth:`is_admin_alerting_triggered_alert` is true. :rtype: AdminAlertingTriggeredAlertType

def get_admin_email_reminders_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed admin reminder settings for requests to join the team Only call this if :meth:`is_admin_email_reminders_changed` is true. :rtype: AdminEmailRemindersChangedType

def get_allow_download_disabled(self): (source)

(team_policies) Disabled downloads (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_allow_download_disabled` is true. :rtype: AllowDownloadDisabledType

def get_allow_download_enabled(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled downloads (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_allow_download_enabled` is true. :rtype: AllowDownloadEnabledType

def get_app_blocked_by_permissions(self): (source)

(apps) Failed to connect app for member Only call this if :meth:`is_app_blocked_by_permissions` is true. :rtype: AppBlockedByPermissionsType

def get_app_link_team(self): (source)

(apps) Linked app for team Only call this if :meth:`is_app_link_team` is true. :rtype: AppLinkTeamType

def get_app_link_user(self): (source)

(apps) Linked app for member Only call this if :meth:`is_app_link_user` is true. :rtype: AppLinkUserType

def get_app_permissions_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed app permissions Only call this if :meth:`is_app_permissions_changed` is true. :rtype: AppPermissionsChangedType

def get_app_unlink_team(self): (source)

(apps) Unlinked app for team Only call this if :meth:`is_app_unlink_team` is true. :rtype: AppUnlinkTeamType

def get_app_unlink_user(self): (source)

(apps) Unlinked app for member Only call this if :meth:`is_app_unlink_user` is true. :rtype: AppUnlinkUserType

def get_apply_naming_convention(self): (source)

(file_operations) Applied naming convention Only call this if :meth:`is_apply_naming_convention` is true. :rtype: ApplyNamingConventionType

def get_binder_add_page(self): (source)

(paper) Added Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_add_page` is true. :rtype: BinderAddPageType

def get_binder_add_section(self): (source)

(paper) Added Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_add_section` is true. :rtype: BinderAddSectionType

def get_binder_remove_page(self): (source)

(paper) Removed Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_remove_page` is true. :rtype: BinderRemovePageType

def get_binder_remove_section(self): (source)

(paper) Removed Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_remove_section` is true. :rtype: BinderRemoveSectionType

def get_binder_rename_page(self): (source)

(paper) Renamed Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_rename_page` is true. :rtype: BinderRenamePageType

def get_binder_rename_section(self): (source)

(paper) Renamed Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_rename_section` is true. :rtype: BinderRenameSectionType

def get_binder_reorder_page(self): (source)

(paper) Reordered Binder page (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_reorder_page` is true. :rtype: BinderReorderPageType

def get_binder_reorder_section(self): (source)

(paper) Reordered Binder section (deprecated, replaced by 'Edited files') Only call this if :meth:`is_binder_reorder_section` is true. :rtype: BinderReorderSectionType

def get_camera_uploads_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed camera uploads setting for team Only call this if :meth:`is_camera_uploads_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: CameraUploadsPolicyChangedType

def get_capture_transcript_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed Capture transcription policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_capture_transcript_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: CaptureTranscriptPolicyChangedType

def get_changed_enterprise_admin_role(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Changed enterprise admin role Only call this if :meth:`is_changed_enterprise_admin_role` is true. :rtype: ChangedEnterpriseAdminRoleType

def get_changed_enterprise_connected_team_status(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Changed enterprise-connected team status Only call this if :meth:`is_changed_enterprise_connected_team_status` is true. :rtype: ChangedEnterpriseConnectedTeamStatusType

def get_classification_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed classification policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_classification_change_policy` is true. :rtype: ClassificationChangePolicyType

def get_classification_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created Classification report Only call this if :meth:`is_classification_create_report` is true. :rtype: ClassificationCreateReportType

def get_classification_create_report_fail(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't create Classification report Only call this if :meth:`is_classification_create_report_fail` is true. :rtype: ClassificationCreateReportFailType

def get_collection_share(self): (source)

(sharing) Shared album Only call this if :meth:`is_collection_share` is true. :rtype: CollectionShareType

def get_computer_backup_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed computer backup policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_computer_backup_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: ComputerBackupPolicyChangedType

def get_content_administration_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed content management setting Only call this if :meth:`is_content_administration_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedType

def get_create_folder(self): (source)

(file_operations) Created folders (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_create_folder` is true. :rtype: CreateFolderType

def get_create_team_invite_link(self): (source)

(members) Created team invite link Only call this if :meth:`is_create_team_invite_link` is true. :rtype: CreateTeamInviteLinkType

def get_data_placement_restriction_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Set restrictions on data center locations where team data resides Only call this if :meth:`is_data_placement_restriction_change_policy` is true. :rtype: DataPlacementRestrictionChangePolicyType

def get_data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Completed restrictions on data center locations where team data resides Only call this if :meth:`is_data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy` is true. :rtype: DataPlacementRestrictionSatisfyPolicyType

def get_data_residency_migration_request_successful(self): (source)

(team_profile) Requested data residency migration for team data Only call this if :meth:`is_data_residency_migration_request_successful` is true. :rtype: DataResidencyMigrationRequestSuccessfulType

def get_data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful(self): (source)

(team_profile) Request for data residency migration for team data has failed Only call this if :meth:`is_data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful` is true. :rtype: DataResidencyMigrationRequestUnsuccessfulType

def get_delete_team_invite_link(self): (source)

(members) Deleted team invite link Only call this if :meth:`is_delete_team_invite_link` is true. :rtype: DeleteTeamInviteLinkType

def get_device_approvals_add_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Added members to device approvals exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_device_approvals_add_exception` is true. :rtype: DeviceApprovalsAddExceptionType

def get_device_approvals_change_desktop_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Set/removed limit on number of computers member can link to team Dropbox account Only call this if :meth:`is_device_approvals_change_desktop_policy` is true. :rtype: DeviceApprovalsChangeDesktopPolicyType

def get_device_approvals_change_mobile_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Set/removed limit on number of mobile devices member can link to team Dropbox account Only call this if :meth:`is_device_approvals_change_mobile_policy` is true. :rtype: DeviceApprovalsChangeMobilePolicyType

def get_device_approvals_change_overage_action(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed device approvals setting when member is over limit Only call this if :meth:`is_device_approvals_change_overage_action` is true. :rtype: DeviceApprovalsChangeOverageActionType

def get_device_approvals_change_unlink_action(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed device approvals setting when member unlinks approved device Only call this if :meth:`is_device_approvals_change_unlink_action` is true. :rtype: DeviceApprovalsChangeUnlinkActionType

def get_device_approvals_remove_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Removed members from device approvals exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_device_approvals_remove_exception` is true. :rtype: DeviceApprovalsRemoveExceptionType

def get_device_change_ip_desktop(self): (source)

(devices) Changed IP address associated with active desktop session Only call this if :meth:`is_device_change_ip_desktop` is true. :rtype: DeviceChangeIpDesktopType

def get_device_change_ip_mobile(self): (source)

(devices) Changed IP address associated with active mobile session Only call this if :meth:`is_device_change_ip_mobile` is true. :rtype: DeviceChangeIpMobileType

def get_device_change_ip_web(self): (source)

(devices) Changed IP address associated with active web session Only call this if :meth:`is_device_change_ip_web` is true. :rtype: DeviceChangeIpWebType

def get_device_delete_on_unlink_fail(self): (source)

(devices) Failed to delete all files from unlinked device Only call this if :meth:`is_device_delete_on_unlink_fail` is true. :rtype: DeviceDeleteOnUnlinkFailType

def get_device_delete_on_unlink_success(self): (source)

(devices) Deleted all files from unlinked device Only call this if :meth:`is_device_delete_on_unlink_success` is true. :rtype: DeviceDeleteOnUnlinkSuccessType

def get_device_link_fail(self): (source)

(devices) Failed to link device Only call this if :meth:`is_device_link_fail` is true. :rtype: DeviceLinkFailType

def get_device_link_success(self): (source)

(devices) Linked device Only call this if :meth:`is_device_link_success` is true. :rtype: DeviceLinkSuccessType

def get_device_management_disabled(self): (source)

(devices) Disabled device management (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_device_management_disabled` is true. :rtype: DeviceManagementDisabledType

def get_device_management_enabled(self): (source)

(devices) Enabled device management (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_device_management_enabled` is true. :rtype: DeviceManagementEnabledType

def get_device_sync_backup_status_changed(self): (source)

(devices) Enabled/disabled backup for computer Only call this if :meth:`is_device_sync_backup_status_changed` is true. :rtype: DeviceSyncBackupStatusChangedType

def get_device_unlink(self): (source)

(devices) Disconnected device Only call this if :meth:`is_device_unlink` is true. :rtype: DeviceUnlinkType

def get_directory_restrictions_add_members(self): (source)

(team_policies) Added members to directory restrictions list Only call this if :meth:`is_directory_restrictions_add_members` is true. :rtype: DirectoryRestrictionsAddMembersType

def get_directory_restrictions_remove_members(self): (source)

(team_policies) Removed members from directory restrictions list Only call this if :meth:`is_directory_restrictions_remove_members` is true. :rtype: DirectoryRestrictionsRemoveMembersType

def get_disabled_domain_invites(self): (source)

(domains) Disabled domain invites (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_disabled_domain_invites` is true. :rtype: DisabledDomainInvitesType

def get_domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team(self): (source)

(domains) Approved user's request to join team Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team` is true. :rtype: DomainInvitesApproveRequestToJoinTeamType

def get_domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team(self): (source)

(domains) Declined user's request to join team Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team` is true. :rtype: DomainInvitesDeclineRequestToJoinTeamType

def get_domain_invites_email_existing_users(self): (source)

(domains) Sent domain invites to existing domain accounts (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_invites_email_existing_users` is true. :rtype: DomainInvitesEmailExistingUsersType

def get_domain_invites_request_to_join_team(self): (source)

(domains) Requested to join team Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_invites_request_to_join_team` is true. :rtype: DomainInvitesRequestToJoinTeamType

def get_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no(self): (source)

(domains) Disabled "Automatically invite new users" (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no` is true. :rtype: DomainInvitesSetInviteNewUserPrefToNoType

def get_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes(self): (source)

(domains) Enabled "Automatically invite new users" (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes` is true. :rtype: DomainInvitesSetInviteNewUserPrefToYesType

def get_domain_verification_add_domain_fail(self): (source)

(domains) Failed to verify team domain Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_verification_add_domain_fail` is true. :rtype: DomainVerificationAddDomainFailType

def get_domain_verification_add_domain_success(self): (source)

(domains) Verified team domain Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_verification_add_domain_success` is true. :rtype: DomainVerificationAddDomainSuccessType

def get_domain_verification_remove_domain(self): (source)

(domains) Removed domain from list of verified team domains Only call this if :meth:`is_domain_verification_remove_domain` is true. :rtype: DomainVerificationRemoveDomainType

def get_dropbox_passwords_exported(self): (source)

(devices) Exported passwords Only call this if :meth:`is_dropbox_passwords_exported` is true. :rtype: DropboxPasswordsExportedType

def get_dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled(self): (source)

(devices) Enrolled new Dropbox Passwords device Only call this if :meth:`is_dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled` is true. :rtype: DropboxPasswordsNewDeviceEnrolledType

def get_dropbox_passwords_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed Dropbox Passwords policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_dropbox_passwords_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: DropboxPasswordsPolicyChangedType

def get_email_ingest_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed email to Dropbox policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_email_ingest_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: EmailIngestPolicyChangedType

def get_email_ingest_receive_file(self): (source)

(file_requests) Received files via Email to Dropbox Only call this if :meth:`is_email_ingest_receive_file` is true. :rtype: EmailIngestReceiveFileType

def get_emm_add_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Added members to EMM exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_add_exception` is true. :rtype: EmmAddExceptionType

def get_emm_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled enterprise mobility management for members Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_change_policy` is true. :rtype: EmmChangePolicyType

def get_emm_create_exceptions_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created EMM-excluded users report Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_create_exceptions_report` is true. :rtype: EmmCreateExceptionsReportType

def get_emm_create_usage_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created EMM mobile app usage report Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_create_usage_report` is true. :rtype: EmmCreateUsageReportType

def get_emm_error(self): (source)

(logins) Failed to sign in via EMM (deprecated, replaced by 'Failed to sign in') Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_error` is true. :rtype: EmmErrorType

def get_emm_refresh_auth_token(self): (source)

(devices) Refreshed auth token used for setting up EMM Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_refresh_auth_token` is true. :rtype: EmmRefreshAuthTokenType

def get_emm_remove_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Removed members from EMM exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_emm_remove_exception` is true. :rtype: EmmRemoveExceptionType

def get_enabled_domain_invites(self): (source)

(domains) Enabled domain invites (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_enabled_domain_invites` is true. :rtype: EnabledDomainInvitesType

def get_ended_enterprise_admin_session(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Ended enterprise admin session Only call this if :meth:`is_ended_enterprise_admin_session` is true. :rtype: EndedEnterpriseAdminSessionType

def get_ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Ended enterprise admin session (deprecated, replaced by 'Ended enterprise admin session') Only call this if :meth:`is_ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated` is true. :rtype: EndedEnterpriseAdminSessionDeprecatedType

def get_enterprise_settings_locking(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Changed who can update a setting Only call this if :meth:`is_enterprise_settings_locking` is true. :rtype: EnterpriseSettingsLockingType

def get_export_members_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created member data report Only call this if :meth:`is_export_members_report` is true. :rtype: ExportMembersReportType

def get_export_members_report_fail(self): (source)

(reports) Failed to create members data report Only call this if :meth:`is_export_members_report_fail` is true. :rtype: ExportMembersReportFailType

def get_extended_version_history_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Accepted/opted out of extended version history Only call this if :meth:`is_extended_version_history_change_policy` is true. :rtype: ExtendedVersionHistoryChangePolicyType

def get_external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked(self): (source)

(devices) Checked external drive backup eligibility status Only call this if :meth:`is_external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked` is true. :rtype: ExternalDriveBackupEligibilityStatusCheckedType

def get_external_drive_backup_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed external drive backup policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_external_drive_backup_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: ExternalDriveBackupPolicyChangedType

def get_external_drive_backup_status_changed(self): (source)

(devices) Modified external drive backup Only call this if :meth:`is_external_drive_backup_status_changed` is true. :rtype: ExternalDriveBackupStatusChangedType

def get_external_sharing_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created External sharing report Only call this if :meth:`is_external_sharing_create_report` is true. :rtype: ExternalSharingCreateReportType

def get_external_sharing_report_failed(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't create External sharing report Only call this if :meth:`is_external_sharing_report_failed` is true. :rtype: ExternalSharingReportFailedType

def get_file_add(self): (source)

(file_operations) Added files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_add` is true. :rtype: FileAddType

def get_file_add_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Added file comment Only call this if :meth:`is_file_add_comment` is true. :rtype: FileAddCommentType

def get_file_change_comment_subscription(self): (source)

(comments) Subscribed to or unsubscribed from comment notifications for file Only call this if :meth:`is_file_change_comment_subscription` is true. :rtype: FileChangeCommentSubscriptionType

def get_file_comments_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled commenting on team files Only call this if :meth:`is_file_comments_change_policy` is true. :rtype: FileCommentsChangePolicyType

def get_file_copy(self): (source)

(file_operations) Copied files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_copy` is true. :rtype: FileCopyType

def get_file_delete(self): (source)

(file_operations) Deleted files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_delete` is true. :rtype: FileDeleteType

def get_file_delete_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Deleted file comment Only call this if :meth:`is_file_delete_comment` is true. :rtype: FileDeleteCommentType

def get_file_download(self): (source)

(file_operations) Downloaded files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_download` is true. :rtype: FileDownloadType

def get_file_edit(self): (source)

(file_operations) Edited files Only call this if :meth:`is_file_edit` is true. :rtype: FileEditType

def get_file_edit_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Edited file comment Only call this if :meth:`is_file_edit_comment` is true. :rtype: FileEditCommentType

def get_file_get_copy_reference(self): (source)

(file_operations) Created copy reference to file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_file_get_copy_reference` is true. :rtype: FileGetCopyReferenceType

def get_file_like_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Liked file comment (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_file_like_comment` is true. :rtype: FileLikeCommentType

def get_file_locking_lock_status_changed(self): (source)

(file_operations) Locked/unlocked editing for a file Only call this if :meth:`is_file_locking_lock_status_changed` is true. :rtype: FileLockingLockStatusChangedType

def get_file_locking_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed file locking policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_file_locking_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: FileLockingPolicyChangedType

def get_file_move(self): (source)

(file_operations) Moved files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_move` is true. :rtype: FileMoveType

def get_file_permanently_delete(self): (source)

(file_operations) Permanently deleted files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_permanently_delete` is true. :rtype: FilePermanentlyDeleteType

def get_file_preview(self): (source)

(file_operations) Previewed files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_preview` is true. :rtype: FilePreviewType

def get_file_provider_migration_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed File Provider Migration policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_file_provider_migration_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: FileProviderMigrationPolicyChangedType

def get_file_rename(self): (source)

(file_operations) Renamed files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_rename` is true. :rtype: FileRenameType

def get_file_request_change(self): (source)

(file_requests) Changed file request Only call this if :meth:`is_file_request_change` is true. :rtype: FileRequestChangeType

def get_file_request_close(self): (source)

(file_requests) Closed file request Only call this if :meth:`is_file_request_close` is true. :rtype: FileRequestCloseType

def get_file_request_create(self): (source)

(file_requests) Created file request Only call this if :meth:`is_file_request_create` is true. :rtype: FileRequestCreateType

def get_file_request_delete(self): (source)

(file_requests) Delete file request Only call this if :meth:`is_file_request_delete` is true. :rtype: FileRequestDeleteType

def get_file_request_receive_file(self): (source)

(file_requests) Received files for file request Only call this if :meth:`is_file_request_receive_file` is true. :rtype: FileRequestReceiveFileType

def get_file_requests_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled file requests Only call this if :meth:`is_file_requests_change_policy` is true. :rtype: FileRequestsChangePolicyType

def get_file_requests_emails_enabled(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled file request emails for everyone (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_file_requests_emails_enabled` is true. :rtype: FileRequestsEmailsEnabledType

def get_file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled file request emails for team (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only` is true. :rtype: FileRequestsEmailsRestrictedToTeamOnlyType

def get_file_resolve_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Resolved file comment Only call this if :meth:`is_file_resolve_comment` is true. :rtype: FileResolveCommentType

def get_file_restore(self): (source)

(file_operations) Restored deleted files and/or folders Only call this if :meth:`is_file_restore` is true. :rtype: FileRestoreType

def get_file_revert(self): (source)

(file_operations) Reverted files to previous version Only call this if :meth:`is_file_revert` is true. :rtype: FileRevertType

def get_file_rollback_changes(self): (source)

(file_operations) Rolled back file actions Only call this if :meth:`is_file_rollback_changes` is true. :rtype: FileRollbackChangesType

def get_file_save_copy_reference(self): (source)

(file_operations) Saved file/folder using copy reference Only call this if :meth:`is_file_save_copy_reference` is true. :rtype: FileSaveCopyReferenceType

def get_file_transfers_file_add(self): (source)

(sharing) Transfer files added Only call this if :meth:`is_file_transfers_file_add` is true. :rtype: FileTransfersFileAddType

def get_file_transfers_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed file transfers policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_file_transfers_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: FileTransfersPolicyChangedType

def get_file_transfers_transfer_delete(self): (source)

(sharing) Deleted transfer Only call this if :meth:`is_file_transfers_transfer_delete` is true. :rtype: FileTransfersTransferDeleteType

def get_file_transfers_transfer_download(self): (source)

(sharing) Transfer downloaded Only call this if :meth:`is_file_transfers_transfer_download` is true. :rtype: FileTransfersTransferDownloadType

def get_file_transfers_transfer_send(self): (source)

(sharing) Sent transfer Only call this if :meth:`is_file_transfers_transfer_send` is true. :rtype: FileTransfersTransferSendType

def get_file_transfers_transfer_view(self): (source)

(sharing) Viewed transfer Only call this if :meth:`is_file_transfers_transfer_view` is true. :rtype: FileTransfersTransferViewType

def get_file_unlike_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Unliked file comment (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_file_unlike_comment` is true. :rtype: FileUnlikeCommentType

def get_file_unresolve_comment(self): (source)

(comments) Unresolved file comment Only call this if :meth:`is_file_unresolve_comment` is true. :rtype: FileUnresolveCommentType

def get_folder_link_restriction_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed folder link restrictions policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_folder_link_restriction_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: FolderLinkRestrictionPolicyChangedType

def get_folder_overview_description_changed(self): (source)

(file_operations) Updated folder overview Only call this if :meth:`is_folder_overview_description_changed` is true. :rtype: FolderOverviewDescriptionChangedType

def get_folder_overview_item_pinned(self): (source)

(file_operations) Pinned item to folder overview Only call this if :meth:`is_folder_overview_item_pinned` is true. :rtype: FolderOverviewItemPinnedType

def get_folder_overview_item_unpinned(self): (source)

(file_operations) Unpinned item from folder overview Only call this if :meth:`is_folder_overview_item_unpinned` is true. :rtype: FolderOverviewItemUnpinnedType

def get_google_sso_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled Google single sign-on for team Only call this if :meth:`is_google_sso_change_policy` is true. :rtype: GoogleSsoChangePolicyType

def get_governance_policy_add_folder_failed(self): (source)

(data_governance) Couldn't add a folder to a policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_add_folder_failed` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyAddFolderFailedType

def get_governance_policy_add_folders(self): (source)

(data_governance) Added folders to policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_add_folders` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyAddFoldersType

def get_governance_policy_content_disposed(self): (source)

(data_governance) Content disposed Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_content_disposed` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyContentDisposedType

def get_governance_policy_create(self): (source)

(data_governance) Activated a new policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_create` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyCreateType

def get_governance_policy_delete(self): (source)

(data_governance) Deleted a policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_delete` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyDeleteType

def get_governance_policy_edit_details(self): (source)

(data_governance) Edited policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_edit_details` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyEditDetailsType

def get_governance_policy_edit_duration(self): (source)

(data_governance) Changed policy duration Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_edit_duration` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyEditDurationType

def get_governance_policy_export_created(self): (source)

(data_governance) Created a policy download Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_export_created` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyExportCreatedType

def get_governance_policy_export_removed(self): (source)

(data_governance) Removed a policy download Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_export_removed` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyExportRemovedType

def get_governance_policy_remove_folders(self): (source)

(data_governance) Removed folders from policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_remove_folders` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyRemoveFoldersType

def get_governance_policy_report_created(self): (source)

(data_governance) Created a summary report for a policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_report_created` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyReportCreatedType

def get_governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded(self): (source)

(data_governance) Downloaded content from a policy Only call this if :meth:`is_governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded` is true. :rtype: GovernancePolicyZipPartDownloadedType

def get_group_add_external_id(self): (source)

(groups) Added external ID for group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_add_external_id` is true. :rtype: GroupAddExternalIdType

def get_group_add_member(self): (source)

(groups) Added team members to group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_add_member` is true. :rtype: GroupAddMemberType

def get_group_change_external_id(self): (source)

(groups) Changed external ID for group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_change_external_id` is true. :rtype: GroupChangeExternalIdType

def get_group_change_management_type(self): (source)

(groups) Changed group management type Only call this if :meth:`is_group_change_management_type` is true. :rtype: GroupChangeManagementTypeType

def get_group_change_member_role(self): (source)

(groups) Changed manager permissions of group member Only call this if :meth:`is_group_change_member_role` is true. :rtype: GroupChangeMemberRoleType

def get_group_create(self): (source)

(groups) Created group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_create` is true. :rtype: GroupCreateType

def get_group_delete(self): (source)

(groups) Deleted group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_delete` is true. :rtype: GroupDeleteType

def get_group_description_updated(self): (source)

(groups) Updated group (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_group_description_updated` is true. :rtype: GroupDescriptionUpdatedType

def get_group_join_policy_updated(self): (source)

(groups) Updated group join policy (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_group_join_policy_updated` is true. :rtype: GroupJoinPolicyUpdatedType

def get_group_moved(self): (source)

(groups) Moved group (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_group_moved` is true. :rtype: GroupMovedType

def get_group_remove_external_id(self): (source)

(groups) Removed external ID for group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_remove_external_id` is true. :rtype: GroupRemoveExternalIdType

def get_group_remove_member(self): (source)

(groups) Removed team members from group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_remove_member` is true. :rtype: GroupRemoveMemberType

def get_group_rename(self): (source)

(groups) Renamed group Only call this if :meth:`is_group_rename` is true. :rtype: GroupRenameType

def get_group_user_management_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed who can create groups Only call this if :meth:`is_group_user_management_change_policy` is true. :rtype: GroupUserManagementChangePolicyType

def get_guest_admin_change_status(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Changed guest team admin status Only call this if :meth:`is_guest_admin_change_status` is true. :rtype: GuestAdminChangeStatusType

def get_guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams(self): (source)

(logins) Started trusted team admin session Only call this if :meth:`is_guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams` is true. :rtype: GuestAdminSignedInViaTrustedTeamsType

def get_guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams(self): (source)

(logins) Ended trusted team admin session Only call this if :meth:`is_guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams` is true. :rtype: GuestAdminSignedOutViaTrustedTeamsType

def get_integration_connected(self): (source)

(apps) Connected integration for member Only call this if :meth:`is_integration_connected` is true. :rtype: IntegrationConnectedType

def get_integration_disconnected(self): (source)

(apps) Disconnected integration for member Only call this if :meth:`is_integration_disconnected` is true. :rtype: IntegrationDisconnectedType

def get_integration_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed integration policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_integration_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: IntegrationPolicyChangedType

def get_invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed invite accept email policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: InviteAcceptanceEmailPolicyChangedType

def get_legal_holds_activate_a_hold(self): (source)

(data_governance) Activated a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_activate_a_hold` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsActivateAHoldType

def get_legal_holds_add_members(self): (source)

(data_governance) Added members to a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_add_members` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsAddMembersType

def get_legal_holds_change_hold_details(self): (source)

(data_governance) Edited details for a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_change_hold_details` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsChangeHoldDetailsType

def get_legal_holds_change_hold_name(self): (source)

(data_governance) Renamed a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_change_hold_name` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsChangeHoldNameType

def get_legal_holds_export_a_hold(self): (source)

(data_governance) Exported hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_export_a_hold` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsExportAHoldType

def get_legal_holds_export_cancelled(self): (source)

(data_governance) Canceled export for a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_export_cancelled` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsExportCancelledType

def get_legal_holds_export_downloaded(self): (source)

(data_governance) Downloaded export for a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_export_downloaded` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsExportDownloadedType

def get_legal_holds_export_removed(self): (source)

(data_governance) Removed export for a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_export_removed` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsExportRemovedType

def get_legal_holds_release_a_hold(self): (source)

(data_governance) Released a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_release_a_hold` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsReleaseAHoldType

def get_legal_holds_remove_members(self): (source)

(data_governance) Removed members from a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_remove_members` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsRemoveMembersType

def get_legal_holds_report_a_hold(self): (source)

(data_governance) Created a summary report for a hold Only call this if :meth:`is_legal_holds_report_a_hold` is true. :rtype: LegalHoldsReportAHoldType

def get_login_fail(self): (source)

(logins) Failed to sign in Only call this if :meth:`is_login_fail` is true. :rtype: LoginFailType

def get_login_success(self): (source)

(logins) Signed in Only call this if :meth:`is_login_success` is true. :rtype: LoginSuccessType

def get_logout(self): (source)

(logins) Signed out Only call this if :meth:`is_logout` is true. :rtype: LogoutType

def get_member_add_external_id(self): (source)

(members) Added an external ID for team member Only call this if :meth:`is_member_add_external_id` is true. :rtype: MemberAddExternalIdType

def get_member_add_name(self): (source)

(members) Added team member name Only call this if :meth:`is_member_add_name` is true. :rtype: MemberAddNameType

def get_member_change_admin_role(self): (source)

(members) Changed team member admin role Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_admin_role` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeAdminRoleType

def get_member_change_email(self): (source)

(members) Changed team member email Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_email` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeEmailType

def get_member_change_external_id(self): (source)

(members) Changed the external ID for team member Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_external_id` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeExternalIdType

def get_member_change_membership_type(self): (source)

(members) Changed membership type (limited/full) of member (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_membership_type` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeMembershipTypeType

def get_member_change_name(self): (source)

(members) Changed team member name Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_name` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeNameType

def get_member_change_reseller_role(self): (source)

(members) Changed team member reseller role Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_reseller_role` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeResellerRoleType

def get_member_change_status(self): (source)

(members) Changed member status (invited, joined, suspended, etc.) Only call this if :meth:`is_member_change_status` is true. :rtype: MemberChangeStatusType

def get_member_delete_manual_contacts(self): (source)

(members) Cleared manually added contacts Only call this if :meth:`is_member_delete_manual_contacts` is true. :rtype: MemberDeleteManualContactsType

def get_member_delete_profile_photo(self): (source)

(members) Deleted team member profile photo Only call this if :meth:`is_member_delete_profile_photo` is true. :rtype: MemberDeleteProfilePhotoType

def get_member_permanently_delete_account_contents(self): (source)

(members) Permanently deleted contents of deleted team member account Only call this if :meth:`is_member_permanently_delete_account_contents` is true. :rtype: MemberPermanentlyDeleteAccountContentsType

def get_member_remove_external_id(self): (source)

(members) Removed the external ID for team member Only call this if :meth:`is_member_remove_external_id` is true. :rtype: MemberRemoveExternalIdType

def get_member_requests_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether users can find team when not invited Only call this if :meth:`is_member_requests_change_policy` is true. :rtype: MemberRequestsChangePolicyType

def get_member_send_invite_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed member send invite policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_member_send_invite_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedType

def get_member_set_profile_photo(self): (source)

(members) Set team member profile photo Only call this if :meth:`is_member_set_profile_photo` is true. :rtype: MemberSetProfilePhotoType

def get_member_space_limits_add_custom_quota(self): (source)

(members) Set custom member space limit Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_add_custom_quota` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsAddCustomQuotaType

def get_member_space_limits_add_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Added members to member space limit exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_add_exception` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsAddExceptionType

def get_member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed member space limit type for team Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsChangeCapsTypePolicyType

def get_member_space_limits_change_custom_quota(self): (source)

(members) Changed custom member space limit Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_change_custom_quota` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsChangeCustomQuotaType

def get_member_space_limits_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed team default member space limit Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_change_policy` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsChangePolicyType

def get_member_space_limits_change_status(self): (source)

(members) Changed space limit status Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_change_status` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsChangeStatusType

def get_member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota(self): (source)

(members) Removed custom member space limit Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsRemoveCustomQuotaType

def get_member_space_limits_remove_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Removed members from member space limit exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_member_space_limits_remove_exception` is true. :rtype: MemberSpaceLimitsRemoveExceptionType

def get_member_suggest(self): (source)

(members) Suggested person to add to team Only call this if :meth:`is_member_suggest` is true. :rtype: MemberSuggestType

def get_member_suggestions_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled option for team members to suggest people to add to team Only call this if :meth:`is_member_suggestions_change_policy` is true. :rtype: MemberSuggestionsChangePolicyType

def get_member_transfer_account_contents(self): (source)

(members) Transferred contents of deleted member account to another member Only call this if :meth:`is_member_transfer_account_contents` is true. :rtype: MemberTransferAccountContentsType

def get_microsoft_office_addin_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled Microsoft Office add-in Only call this if :meth:`is_microsoft_office_addin_change_policy` is true. :rtype: MicrosoftOfficeAddinChangePolicyType

def get_network_control_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled network control Only call this if :meth:`is_network_control_change_policy` is true. :rtype: NetworkControlChangePolicyType

def get_no_expiration_link_gen_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Report created: Links created with no expiration Only call this if :meth:`is_no_expiration_link_gen_create_report` is true. :rtype: NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportType

def get_no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't create report: Links created with no expiration Only call this if :meth:`is_no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed` is true. :rtype: NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedType

def get_no_password_link_gen_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Report created: Links created without passwords Only call this if :meth:`is_no_password_link_gen_create_report` is true. :rtype: NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportType

def get_no_password_link_gen_report_failed(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't create report: Links created without passwords Only call this if :meth:`is_no_password_link_gen_report_failed` is true. :rtype: NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedType

def get_no_password_link_view_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Report created: Views of links without passwords Only call this if :meth:`is_no_password_link_view_create_report` is true. :rtype: NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportType

def get_no_password_link_view_report_failed(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't create report: Views of links without passwords Only call this if :meth:`is_no_password_link_view_report_failed` is true. :rtype: NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedType

def get_note_acl_invite_only(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed Paper doc to invite-only (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_note_acl_invite_only` is true. :rtype: NoteAclInviteOnlyType

def get_note_acl_link(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed Paper doc to link-accessible (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_note_acl_link` is true. :rtype: NoteAclLinkType

def get_note_acl_team_link(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed Paper doc to link-accessible for team (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_note_acl_team_link` is true. :rtype: NoteAclTeamLinkType

def get_note_share_receive(self): (source)

(sharing) Shared received Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_note_share_receive` is true. :rtype: NoteShareReceiveType

def get_note_shared(self): (source)

(sharing) Shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_note_shared` is true. :rtype: NoteSharedType

def get_object_label_added(self): (source)

(file_operations) Added a label Only call this if :meth:`is_object_label_added` is true. :rtype: ObjectLabelAddedType

def get_object_label_removed(self): (source)

(file_operations) Removed a label Only call this if :meth:`is_object_label_removed` is true. :rtype: ObjectLabelRemovedType

def get_object_label_updated_value(self): (source)

(file_operations) Updated a label's value Only call this if :meth:`is_object_label_updated_value` is true. :rtype: ObjectLabelUpdatedValueType

def get_open_note_shared(self): (source)

(sharing) Opened shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_open_note_shared` is true. :rtype: OpenNoteSharedType

def get_organize_folder_with_tidy(self): (source)

(file_operations) Organized a folder with multi-file organize Only call this if :meth:`is_organize_folder_with_tidy` is true. :rtype: OrganizeFolderWithTidyType

def get_outdated_link_view_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Report created: Views of old links Only call this if :meth:`is_outdated_link_view_create_report` is true. :rtype: OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportType

def get_outdated_link_view_report_failed(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't create report: Views of old links Only call this if :meth:`is_outdated_link_view_report_failed` is true. :rtype: OutdatedLinkViewReportFailedType

def get_paper_admin_export_start(self): (source)

(reports) Exported all team Paper docs Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_admin_export_start` is true. :rtype: PaperAdminExportStartType

def get_paper_change_deployment_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether Dropbox Paper, when enabled, is deployed to all members or to specific members Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_change_deployment_policy` is true. :rtype: PaperChangeDeploymentPolicyType

def get_paper_change_member_link_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether non-members can view Paper docs with link (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_change_member_link_policy` is true. :rtype: PaperChangeMemberLinkPolicyType

def get_paper_change_member_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether members can share Paper docs outside team, and if docs are accessible only by team members or anyone by default Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_change_member_policy` is true. :rtype: PaperChangeMemberPolicyType

def get_paper_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled Dropbox Paper for team Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_change_policy` is true. :rtype: PaperChangePolicyType

def get_paper_content_add_member(self): (source)

(paper) Added users and/or groups to Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_add_member` is true. :rtype: PaperContentAddMemberType

def get_paper_content_add_to_folder(self): (source)

(paper) Added Paper doc/folder to folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_add_to_folder` is true. :rtype: PaperContentAddToFolderType

def get_paper_content_archive(self): (source)

(paper) Archived Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_archive` is true. :rtype: PaperContentArchiveType

def get_paper_content_create(self): (source)

(paper) Created Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_create` is true. :rtype: PaperContentCreateType

def get_paper_content_permanently_delete(self): (source)

(paper) Permanently deleted Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_permanently_delete` is true. :rtype: PaperContentPermanentlyDeleteType

def get_paper_content_remove_from_folder(self): (source)

(paper) Removed Paper doc/folder from folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_remove_from_folder` is true. :rtype: PaperContentRemoveFromFolderType

def get_paper_content_remove_member(self): (source)

(paper) Removed users and/or groups from Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_remove_member` is true. :rtype: PaperContentRemoveMemberType

def get_paper_content_rename(self): (source)

(paper) Renamed Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_rename` is true. :rtype: PaperContentRenameType

def get_paper_content_restore(self): (source)

(paper) Restored archived Paper doc/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_content_restore` is true. :rtype: PaperContentRestoreType

def get_paper_default_folder_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed Paper Default Folder Policy setting for team Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_default_folder_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: PaperDefaultFolderPolicyChangedType

def get_paper_desktop_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled Paper Desktop for team Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_desktop_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: PaperDesktopPolicyChangedType

def get_paper_doc_add_comment(self): (source)

(paper) Added Paper doc comment Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_add_comment` is true. :rtype: PaperDocAddCommentType

def get_paper_doc_change_member_role(self): (source)

(paper) Changed member permissions for Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_change_member_role` is true. :rtype: PaperDocChangeMemberRoleType

def get_paper_doc_change_sharing_policy(self): (source)

(paper) Changed sharing setting for Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_change_sharing_policy` is true. :rtype: PaperDocChangeSharingPolicyType

def get_paper_doc_change_subscription(self): (source)

(paper) Followed/unfollowed Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_change_subscription` is true. :rtype: PaperDocChangeSubscriptionType

def get_paper_doc_delete_comment(self): (source)

(paper) Deleted Paper doc comment Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_delete_comment` is true. :rtype: PaperDocDeleteCommentType

def get_paper_doc_deleted(self): (source)

(paper) Archived Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_deleted` is true. :rtype: PaperDocDeletedType

def get_paper_doc_download(self): (source)

(paper) Downloaded Paper doc in specific format Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_download` is true. :rtype: PaperDocDownloadType

def get_paper_doc_edit(self): (source)

(paper) Edited Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_edit` is true. :rtype: PaperDocEditType

def get_paper_doc_edit_comment(self): (source)

(paper) Edited Paper doc comment Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_edit_comment` is true. :rtype: PaperDocEditCommentType

def get_paper_doc_followed(self): (source)

(paper) Followed Paper doc (deprecated, replaced by 'Followed/unfollowed Paper doc') Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_followed` is true. :rtype: PaperDocFollowedType

def get_paper_doc_mention(self): (source)

(paper) Mentioned user in Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_mention` is true. :rtype: PaperDocMentionType

def get_paper_doc_ownership_changed(self): (source)

(paper) Transferred ownership of Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_ownership_changed` is true. :rtype: PaperDocOwnershipChangedType

def get_paper_doc_request_access(self): (source)

(paper) Requested access to Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_request_access` is true. :rtype: PaperDocRequestAccessType

def get_paper_doc_resolve_comment(self): (source)

(paper) Resolved Paper doc comment Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_resolve_comment` is true. :rtype: PaperDocResolveCommentType

def get_paper_doc_revert(self): (source)

(paper) Restored Paper doc to previous version Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_revert` is true. :rtype: PaperDocRevertType

def get_paper_doc_slack_share(self): (source)

(paper) Shared Paper doc via Slack Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_slack_share` is true. :rtype: PaperDocSlackShareType

def get_paper_doc_team_invite(self): (source)

(paper) Shared Paper doc with users and/or groups (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_team_invite` is true. :rtype: PaperDocTeamInviteType

def get_paper_doc_trashed(self): (source)

(paper) Deleted Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_trashed` is true. :rtype: PaperDocTrashedType

def get_paper_doc_unresolve_comment(self): (source)

(paper) Unresolved Paper doc comment Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_unresolve_comment` is true. :rtype: PaperDocUnresolveCommentType

def get_paper_doc_untrashed(self): (source)

(paper) Restored Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_untrashed` is true. :rtype: PaperDocUntrashedType

def get_paper_doc_view(self): (source)

(paper) Viewed Paper doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_doc_view` is true. :rtype: PaperDocViewType

def get_paper_enabled_users_group_addition(self): (source)

(team_policies) Added users to Paper-enabled users list Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_enabled_users_group_addition` is true. :rtype: PaperEnabledUsersGroupAdditionType

def get_paper_enabled_users_group_removal(self): (source)

(team_policies) Removed users from Paper-enabled users list Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_enabled_users_group_removal` is true. :rtype: PaperEnabledUsersGroupRemovalType

def get_paper_external_view_allow(self): (source)

(paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to anyone (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_external_view_allow` is true. :rtype: PaperExternalViewAllowType

def get_paper_external_view_default_team(self): (source)

(paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to default team (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_external_view_default_team` is true. :rtype: PaperExternalViewDefaultTeamType

def get_paper_external_view_forbid(self): (source)

(paper) Changed Paper external sharing setting to team-only (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_external_view_forbid` is true. :rtype: PaperExternalViewForbidType

def get_paper_folder_change_subscription(self): (source)

(paper) Followed/unfollowed Paper folder Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_folder_change_subscription` is true. :rtype: PaperFolderChangeSubscriptionType

def get_paper_folder_deleted(self): (source)

(paper) Archived Paper folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_folder_deleted` is true. :rtype: PaperFolderDeletedType

def get_paper_folder_followed(self): (source)

(paper) Followed Paper folder (deprecated, replaced by 'Followed/unfollowed Paper folder') Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_folder_followed` is true. :rtype: PaperFolderFollowedType

def get_paper_folder_team_invite(self): (source)

(paper) Shared Paper folder with users and/or groups (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_folder_team_invite` is true. :rtype: PaperFolderTeamInviteType

def get_paper_published_link_change_permission(self): (source)

(paper) Changed permissions for published doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_published_link_change_permission` is true. :rtype: PaperPublishedLinkChangePermissionType

def get_paper_published_link_create(self): (source)

(paper) Published doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_published_link_create` is true. :rtype: PaperPublishedLinkCreateType

def get_paper_published_link_disabled(self): (source)

(paper) Unpublished doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_published_link_disabled` is true. :rtype: PaperPublishedLinkDisabledType

def get_paper_published_link_view(self): (source)

(paper) Viewed published doc Only call this if :meth:`is_paper_published_link_view` is true. :rtype: PaperPublishedLinkViewType

def get_password_change(self): (source)

(passwords) Changed password Only call this if :meth:`is_password_change` is true. :rtype: PasswordChangeType

def get_password_reset(self): (source)

(passwords) Reset password Only call this if :meth:`is_password_reset` is true. :rtype: PasswordResetType

def get_password_reset_all(self): (source)

(passwords) Reset all team member passwords Only call this if :meth:`is_password_reset_all` is true. :rtype: PasswordResetAllType

def get_password_strength_requirements_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed team password strength requirements Only call this if :meth:`is_password_strength_requirements_change_policy` is true. :rtype: PasswordStrengthRequirementsChangePolicyType

def get_pending_secondary_email_added(self): (source)

(members) Added pending secondary email Only call this if :meth:`is_pending_secondary_email_added` is true. :rtype: PendingSecondaryEmailAddedType

def get_permanent_delete_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled ability of team members to permanently delete content Only call this if :meth:`is_permanent_delete_change_policy` is true. :rtype: PermanentDeleteChangePolicyType

def get_reseller_support_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled reseller support Only call this if :meth:`is_reseller_support_change_policy` is true. :rtype: ResellerSupportChangePolicyType

def get_reseller_support_session_end(self): (source)

(logins) Ended reseller support session Only call this if :meth:`is_reseller_support_session_end` is true. :rtype: ResellerSupportSessionEndType

def get_reseller_support_session_start(self): (source)

(logins) Started reseller support session Only call this if :meth:`is_reseller_support_session_start` is true. :rtype: ResellerSupportSessionStartType

def get_rewind_folder(self): (source)

(file_operations) Rewound a folder Only call this if :meth:`is_rewind_folder` is true. :rtype: RewindFolderType

def get_rewind_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed Rewind policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_rewind_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: RewindPolicyChangedType

def get_secondary_email_deleted(self): (source)

(members) Deleted secondary email Only call this if :meth:`is_secondary_email_deleted` is true. :rtype: SecondaryEmailDeletedType

def get_secondary_email_verified(self): (source)

(members) Verified secondary email Only call this if :meth:`is_secondary_email_verified` is true. :rtype: SecondaryEmailVerifiedType

def get_secondary_mails_policy_changed(self): (source)

(members) Secondary mails policy changed Only call this if :meth:`is_secondary_mails_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: SecondaryMailsPolicyChangedType

def get_send_for_signature_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed send for signature policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_send_for_signature_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: SendForSignaturePolicyChangedType

def get_sf_add_group(self): (source)

(sharing) Added team to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_add_group` is true. :rtype: SfAddGroupType

def get_sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links(self): (source)

(sharing) Allowed non-collaborators to view links to files in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links` is true. :rtype: SfAllowNonMembersToViewSharedLinksType

def get_sf_external_invite_warn(self): (source)

(sharing) Set team members to see warning before sharing folders outside team (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_external_invite_warn` is true. :rtype: SfExternalInviteWarnType

def get_sf_fb_invite(self): (source)

(sharing) Invited Facebook users to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_fb_invite` is true. :rtype: SfFbInviteType

def get_sf_fb_invite_change_role(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed Facebook user's role in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_fb_invite_change_role` is true. :rtype: SfFbInviteChangeRoleType

def get_sf_fb_uninvite(self): (source)

(sharing) Uninvited Facebook user from shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_fb_uninvite` is true. :rtype: SfFbUninviteType

def get_sf_invite_group(self): (source)

(sharing) Invited group to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_invite_group` is true. :rtype: SfInviteGroupType

def get_sf_team_grant_access(self): (source)

(sharing) Granted access to shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_team_grant_access` is true. :rtype: SfTeamGrantAccessType

def get_sf_team_invite(self): (source)

(sharing) Invited team members to shared folder (deprecated, replaced by 'Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder') Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_team_invite` is true. :rtype: SfTeamInviteType

def get_sf_team_invite_change_role(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed team member's role in shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_team_invite_change_role` is true. :rtype: SfTeamInviteChangeRoleType

def get_sf_team_join(self): (source)

(sharing) Joined team member's shared folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_team_join` is true. :rtype: SfTeamJoinType

def get_sf_team_join_from_oob_link(self): (source)

(sharing) Joined team member's shared folder from link (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_team_join_from_oob_link` is true. :rtype: SfTeamJoinFromOobLinkType

def get_sf_team_uninvite(self): (source)

(sharing) Unshared folder with team member (deprecated, replaced by 'Removed invitee from shared file/folder before invite was accepted') Only call this if :meth:`is_sf_team_uninvite` is true. :rtype: SfTeamUninviteType

def get_shared_content_add_invitees(self): (source)

(sharing) Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_add_invitees` is true. :rtype: SharedContentAddInviteesType

def get_shared_content_add_link_expiry(self): (source)

(sharing) Added expiration date to link for shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_add_link_expiry` is true. :rtype: SharedContentAddLinkExpiryType

def get_shared_content_add_link_password(self): (source)

(sharing) Added password to link for shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_add_link_password` is true. :rtype: SharedContentAddLinkPasswordType

def get_shared_content_add_member(self): (source)

(sharing) Added users and/or groups to shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_add_member` is true. :rtype: SharedContentAddMemberType

def get_shared_content_change_downloads_policy(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed whether members can download shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_downloads_policy` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeDownloadsPolicyType

def get_shared_content_change_invitee_role(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed access type of invitee to shared file/folder before invite was accepted Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_invitee_role` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeInviteeRoleType

def get_shared_content_change_link_audience(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed link audience of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_link_audience` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeLinkAudienceType

def get_shared_content_change_link_expiry(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed link expiration of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_link_expiry` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeLinkExpiryType

def get_shared_content_change_link_password(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed link password of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_link_password` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeLinkPasswordType

def get_shared_content_change_member_role(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed access type of shared file/folder member Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_member_role` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeMemberRoleType

def get_shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed whether members can see who viewed shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy` is true. :rtype: SharedContentChangeViewerInfoPolicyType

def get_shared_content_claim_invitation(self): (source)

(sharing) Acquired membership of shared file/folder by accepting invite Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_claim_invitation` is true. :rtype: SharedContentClaimInvitationType

def get_shared_content_copy(self): (source)

(sharing) Copied shared file/folder to own Dropbox Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_copy` is true. :rtype: SharedContentCopyType

def get_shared_content_download(self): (source)

(sharing) Downloaded shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_download` is true. :rtype: SharedContentDownloadType

def get_shared_content_relinquish_membership(self): (source)

(sharing) Left shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_relinquish_membership` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRelinquishMembershipType

def get_shared_content_remove_invitees(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed invitee from shared file/folder before invite was accepted Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_remove_invitees` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRemoveInviteesType

def get_shared_content_remove_link_expiry(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed link expiration date of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_remove_link_expiry` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRemoveLinkExpiryType

def get_shared_content_remove_link_password(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed link password of shared file/folder (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_remove_link_password` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRemoveLinkPasswordType

def get_shared_content_remove_member(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed user/group from shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_remove_member` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRemoveMemberType

def get_shared_content_request_access(self): (source)

(sharing) Requested access to shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_request_access` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRequestAccessType

def get_shared_content_restore_invitees(self): (source)

(sharing) Restored shared file/folder invitees Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_restore_invitees` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRestoreInviteesType

def get_shared_content_restore_member(self): (source)

(sharing) Restored users and/or groups to membership of shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_restore_member` is true. :rtype: SharedContentRestoreMemberType

def get_shared_content_unshare(self): (source)

(sharing) Unshared file/folder by clearing membership Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_unshare` is true. :rtype: SharedContentUnshareType

def get_shared_content_view(self): (source)

(sharing) Previewed shared file/folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_content_view` is true. :rtype: SharedContentViewType

def get_shared_folder_change_link_policy(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed who can access shared folder via link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_change_link_policy` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderChangeLinkPolicyType

def get_shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed whether shared folder inherits members from parent folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderChangeMembersInheritancePolicyType

def get_shared_folder_change_members_management_policy(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed who can add/remove members of shared folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_change_members_management_policy` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderChangeMembersManagementPolicyType

def get_shared_folder_change_members_policy(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed who can become member of shared folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_change_members_policy` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderChangeMembersPolicyType

def get_shared_folder_create(self): (source)

(sharing) Created shared folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_create` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderCreateType

def get_shared_folder_decline_invitation(self): (source)

(sharing) Declined team member's invite to shared folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_decline_invitation` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderDeclineInvitationType

def get_shared_folder_mount(self): (source)

(sharing) Added shared folder to own Dropbox Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_mount` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderMountType

def get_shared_folder_nest(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed parent of shared folder Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_nest` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderNestType

def get_shared_folder_transfer_ownership(self): (source)

(sharing) Transferred ownership of shared folder to another member Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_transfer_ownership` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderTransferOwnershipType

def get_shared_folder_unmount(self): (source)

(sharing) Deleted shared folder from Dropbox Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_folder_unmount` is true. :rtype: SharedFolderUnmountType

def get_shared_link_add_expiry(self): (source)

(sharing) Added shared link expiration date Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_add_expiry` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkAddExpiryType

def get_shared_link_change_expiry(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed shared link expiration date Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_change_expiry` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkChangeExpiryType

def get_shared_link_change_visibility(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed visibility of shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_change_visibility` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkChangeVisibilityType

def get_shared_link_copy(self): (source)

(sharing) Added file/folder to Dropbox from shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_copy` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkCopyType

def get_shared_link_create(self): (source)

(sharing) Created shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_create` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkCreateType

def get_shared_link_disable(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_disable` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkDisableType

def get_shared_link_download(self): (source)

(sharing) Downloaded file/folder from shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_download` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkDownloadType

def get_shared_link_remove_expiry(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed shared link expiration date Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_remove_expiry` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkRemoveExpiryType

def get_shared_link_settings_add_expiration(self): (source)

(sharing) Added an expiration date to the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_add_expiration` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsAddExpirationType

def get_shared_link_settings_add_password(self): (source)

(sharing) Added a password to the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_add_password` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsAddPasswordType

def get_shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled(self): (source)

(sharing) Disabled downloads Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadDisabledType

def get_shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled(self): (source)

(sharing) Enabled downloads Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadEnabledType

def get_shared_link_settings_change_audience(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed the audience of the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_change_audience` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsChangeAudienceType

def get_shared_link_settings_change_expiration(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed the expiration date of the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_change_expiration` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsChangeExpirationType

def get_shared_link_settings_change_password(self): (source)

(sharing) Changed the password of the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_change_password` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsChangePasswordType

def get_shared_link_settings_remove_expiration(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed the expiration date from the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_remove_expiration` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsRemoveExpirationType

def get_shared_link_settings_remove_password(self): (source)

(sharing) Removed the password from the shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_settings_remove_password` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkSettingsRemovePasswordType

def get_shared_link_share(self): (source)

(sharing) Added members as audience of shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_share` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkShareType

def get_shared_link_view(self): (source)

(sharing) Opened shared link Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_link_view` is true. :rtype: SharedLinkViewType

def get_shared_note_opened(self): (source)

(sharing) Opened shared Paper doc (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shared_note_opened` is true. :rtype: SharedNoteOpenedType

def get_sharing_change_folder_join_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether team members can join shared folders owned outside team Only call this if :meth:`is_sharing_change_folder_join_policy` is true. :rtype: SharingChangeFolderJoinPolicyType

def get_sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed the allow remove or change expiration policy for the links shared outside of the team Only call this if :meth:`is_sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy` is true. :rtype: SharingChangeLinkAllowChangeExpirationPolicyType

def get_sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed the default expiration for the links shared outside of the team Only call this if :meth:`is_sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy` is true. :rtype: SharingChangeLinkDefaultExpirationPolicyType

def get_sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed the password requirement for the links shared outside of the team Only call this if :meth:`is_sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy` is true. :rtype: SharingChangeLinkEnforcePasswordPolicyType

def get_sharing_change_link_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether members can share links outside team, and if links are accessible only by team members or anyone by default Only call this if :meth:`is_sharing_change_link_policy` is true. :rtype: SharingChangeLinkPolicyType

def get_sharing_change_member_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed whether members can share files/folders outside team Only call this if :meth:`is_sharing_change_member_policy` is true. :rtype: SharingChangeMemberPolicyType

def get_shmodel_disable_downloads(self): (source)

(sharing) Disabled downloads for link (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shmodel_disable_downloads` is true. :rtype: ShmodelDisableDownloadsType

def get_shmodel_enable_downloads(self): (source)

(sharing) Enabled downloads for link (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shmodel_enable_downloads` is true. :rtype: ShmodelEnableDownloadsType

def get_shmodel_group_share(self): (source)

(sharing) Shared link with group (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_shmodel_group_share` is true. :rtype: ShmodelGroupShareType

def get_showcase_access_granted(self): (source)

(showcase) Granted access to showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_access_granted` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseAccessGrantedType

def get_showcase_add_member(self): (source)

(showcase) Added member to showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_add_member` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseAddMemberType

def get_showcase_archived(self): (source)

(showcase) Archived showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_archived` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseArchivedType

def get_showcase_change_download_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled downloading files from Dropbox Showcase for team Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_change_download_policy` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseChangeDownloadPolicyType

def get_showcase_change_enabled_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled Dropbox Showcase for team Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_change_enabled_policy` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseChangeEnabledPolicyType

def get_showcase_change_external_sharing_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled sharing Dropbox Showcase externally for team Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_change_external_sharing_policy` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseChangeExternalSharingPolicyType

def get_showcase_created(self): (source)

(showcase) Created showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_created` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseCreatedType

def get_showcase_delete_comment(self): (source)

(showcase) Deleted showcase comment Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_delete_comment` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseDeleteCommentType

def get_showcase_edit_comment(self): (source)

(showcase) Edited showcase comment Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_edit_comment` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseEditCommentType

def get_showcase_edited(self): (source)

(showcase) Edited showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_edited` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseEditedType

def get_showcase_file_added(self): (source)

(showcase) Added file to showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_file_added` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseFileAddedType

def get_showcase_file_download(self): (source)

(showcase) Downloaded file from showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_file_download` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseFileDownloadType

def get_showcase_file_removed(self): (source)

(showcase) Removed file from showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_file_removed` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseFileRemovedType

def get_showcase_file_view(self): (source)

(showcase) Viewed file in showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_file_view` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseFileViewType

def get_showcase_permanently_deleted(self): (source)

(showcase) Permanently deleted showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_permanently_deleted` is true. :rtype: ShowcasePermanentlyDeletedType

def get_showcase_post_comment(self): (source)

(showcase) Added showcase comment Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_post_comment` is true. :rtype: ShowcasePostCommentType

def get_showcase_remove_member(self): (source)

(showcase) Removed member from showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_remove_member` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseRemoveMemberType

def get_showcase_renamed(self): (source)

(showcase) Renamed showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_renamed` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseRenamedType

def get_showcase_request_access(self): (source)

(showcase) Requested access to showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_request_access` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseRequestAccessType

def get_showcase_resolve_comment(self): (source)

(showcase) Resolved showcase comment Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_resolve_comment` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseResolveCommentType

def get_showcase_restored(self): (source)

(showcase) Unarchived showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_restored` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseRestoredType

def get_showcase_trashed(self): (source)

(showcase) Deleted showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_trashed` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseTrashedType

def get_showcase_trashed_deprecated(self): (source)

(showcase) Deleted showcase (old version) (deprecated, replaced by 'Deleted showcase') Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_trashed_deprecated` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseTrashedDeprecatedType

def get_showcase_unresolve_comment(self): (source)

(showcase) Unresolved showcase comment Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_unresolve_comment` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseUnresolveCommentType

def get_showcase_untrashed(self): (source)

(showcase) Restored showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_untrashed` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseUntrashedType

def get_showcase_untrashed_deprecated(self): (source)

(showcase) Restored showcase (old version) (deprecated, replaced by 'Restored showcase') Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_untrashed_deprecated` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseUntrashedDeprecatedType

def get_showcase_view(self): (source)

(showcase) Viewed showcase Only call this if :meth:`is_showcase_view` is true. :rtype: ShowcaseViewType

def get_sign_in_as_session_end(self): (source)

(logins) Ended admin sign-in-as session Only call this if :meth:`is_sign_in_as_session_end` is true. :rtype: SignInAsSessionEndType

def get_sign_in_as_session_start(self): (source)

(logins) Started admin sign-in-as session Only call this if :meth:`is_sign_in_as_session_start` is true. :rtype: SignInAsSessionStartType

def get_smart_sync_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed default Smart Sync setting for team members Only call this if :meth:`is_smart_sync_change_policy` is true. :rtype: SmartSyncChangePolicyType

def get_smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created Smart Sync non-admin devices report Only call this if :meth:`is_smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report` is true. :rtype: SmartSyncCreateAdminPrivilegeReportType

def get_smart_sync_not_opt_out(self): (source)

(team_policies) Opted team into Smart Sync Only call this if :meth:`is_smart_sync_not_opt_out` is true. :rtype: SmartSyncNotOptOutType

def get_smart_sync_opt_out(self): (source)

(team_policies) Opted team out of Smart Sync Only call this if :meth:`is_smart_sync_opt_out` is true. :rtype: SmartSyncOptOutType

def get_smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed automatic Smart Sync setting for team Only call this if :meth:`is_smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: SmarterSmartSyncPolicyChangedType

def get_sso_add_cert(self): (source)

(sso) Added X.509 certificate for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_add_cert` is true. :rtype: SsoAddCertType

def get_sso_add_login_url(self): (source)

(sso) Added sign-in URL for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_add_login_url` is true. :rtype: SsoAddLoginUrlType

def get_sso_add_logout_url(self): (source)

(sso) Added sign-out URL for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_add_logout_url` is true. :rtype: SsoAddLogoutUrlType

def get_sso_change_cert(self): (source)

(sso) Changed X.509 certificate for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_change_cert` is true. :rtype: SsoChangeCertType

def get_sso_change_login_url(self): (source)

(sso) Changed sign-in URL for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_change_login_url` is true. :rtype: SsoChangeLoginUrlType

def get_sso_change_logout_url(self): (source)

(sso) Changed sign-out URL for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_change_logout_url` is true. :rtype: SsoChangeLogoutUrlType

def get_sso_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed single sign-on setting for team Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_change_policy` is true. :rtype: SsoChangePolicyType

def get_sso_change_saml_identity_mode(self): (source)

(sso) Changed SAML identity mode for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_change_saml_identity_mode` is true. :rtype: SsoChangeSamlIdentityModeType

def get_sso_error(self): (source)

(logins) Failed to sign in via SSO (deprecated, replaced by 'Failed to sign in') Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_error` is true. :rtype: SsoErrorType

def get_sso_remove_cert(self): (source)

(sso) Removed X.509 certificate for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_remove_cert` is true. :rtype: SsoRemoveCertType

def get_sso_remove_login_url(self): (source)

(sso) Removed sign-in URL for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_remove_login_url` is true. :rtype: SsoRemoveLoginUrlType

def get_sso_remove_logout_url(self): (source)

(sso) Removed sign-out URL for SSO Only call this if :meth:`is_sso_remove_logout_url` is true. :rtype: SsoRemoveLogoutUrlType

def get_started_enterprise_admin_session(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Started enterprise admin session Only call this if :meth:`is_started_enterprise_admin_session` is true. :rtype: StartedEnterpriseAdminSessionType

def get_team_activity_create_report(self): (source)

(reports) Created team activity report Only call this if :meth:`is_team_activity_create_report` is true. :rtype: TeamActivityCreateReportType

def get_team_activity_create_report_fail(self): (source)

(reports) Couldn't generate team activity report Only call this if :meth:`is_team_activity_create_report_fail` is true. :rtype: TeamActivityCreateReportFailType

def get_team_branding_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed team branding policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_branding_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: TeamBrandingPolicyChangedType

def get_team_extensions_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed App Integrations setting for team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_extensions_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: TeamExtensionsPolicyChangedType

def get_team_folder_change_status(self): (source)

(team_folders) Changed archival status of team folder Only call this if :meth:`is_team_folder_change_status` is true. :rtype: TeamFolderChangeStatusType

def get_team_folder_create(self): (source)

(team_folders) Created team folder in active status Only call this if :meth:`is_team_folder_create` is true. :rtype: TeamFolderCreateType

def get_team_folder_downgrade(self): (source)

(team_folders) Downgraded team folder to regular shared folder Only call this if :meth:`is_team_folder_downgrade` is true. :rtype: TeamFolderDowngradeType

def get_team_folder_permanently_delete(self): (source)

(team_folders) Permanently deleted archived team folder Only call this if :meth:`is_team_folder_permanently_delete` is true. :rtype: TeamFolderPermanentlyDeleteType

def get_team_folder_rename(self): (source)

(team_folders) Renamed active/archived team folder Only call this if :meth:`is_team_folder_rename` is true. :rtype: TeamFolderRenameType

def get_team_merge_from(self): (source)

(team_profile) Merged another team into this team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_from` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeFromType

def get_team_merge_request_accepted(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_accepted` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestAcceptedType

def get_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Accepted a team merge request') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestAcceptedShownToPrimaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Accepted a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Accepted a team merge request') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestAcceptedShownToSecondaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_auto_canceled(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Automatically canceled team merge request Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_auto_canceled` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestAutoCanceledType

def get_team_merge_request_canceled(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_canceled` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestCanceledType

def get_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Canceled a team merge request') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToPrimaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Canceled a team merge request (deprecated, replaced by 'Canceled a team merge request') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToSecondaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_expired(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Team merge request expired Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_expired` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestExpiredType

def get_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Team merge request expired (deprecated, replaced by 'Team merge request expired') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestExpiredShownToPrimaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Team merge request expired (deprecated, replaced by 'Team merge request expired') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestExpiredShownToSecondaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Rejected a team merge request (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestRejectedShownToPrimaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Rejected a team merge request (deprecated, no longer logged) Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestRejectedShownToSecondaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_reminder(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_reminder` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestReminderType

def get_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder (deprecated, replaced by 'Sent a team merge request reminder') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestReminderShownToPrimaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Sent a team merge request reminder (deprecated, replaced by 'Sent a team merge request reminder') Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestReminderShownToSecondaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_revoked(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Canceled the team merge Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_revoked` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestRevokedType

def get_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Requested to merge their Dropbox team into yours Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestSentShownToPrimaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

(trusted_teams) Requested to merge your team into another Dropbox team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeRequestSentShownToSecondaryTeamType

def get_team_merge_to(self): (source)

(team_profile) Merged this team into another team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_merge_to` is true. :rtype: TeamMergeToType

def get_team_profile_add_background(self): (source)

(team_profile) Added team background to display on shared link headers Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_add_background` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileAddBackgroundType

def get_team_profile_add_logo(self): (source)

(team_profile) Added team logo to display on shared link headers Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_add_logo` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileAddLogoType

def get_team_profile_change_background(self): (source)

(team_profile) Changed team background displayed on shared link headers Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_change_background` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileChangeBackgroundType

def get_team_profile_change_default_language(self): (source)

(team_profile) Changed default language for team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_change_default_language` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileChangeDefaultLanguageType

def get_team_profile_change_logo(self): (source)

(team_profile) Changed team logo displayed on shared link headers Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_change_logo` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileChangeLogoType

def get_team_profile_change_name(self): (source)

(team_profile) Changed team name Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_change_name` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileChangeNameType

def get_team_profile_remove_background(self): (source)

(team_profile) Removed team background displayed on shared link headers Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_remove_background` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileRemoveBackgroundType

def get_team_profile_remove_logo(self): (source)

(team_profile) Removed team logo displayed on shared link headers Only call this if :meth:`is_team_profile_remove_logo` is true. :rtype: TeamProfileRemoveLogoType

def get_team_selective_sync_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled Team Selective Sync for team Only call this if :meth:`is_team_selective_sync_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: TeamSelectiveSyncPolicyChangedType

def get_team_selective_sync_settings_changed(self): (source)

(team_folders) Changed sync default Only call this if :meth:`is_team_selective_sync_settings_changed` is true. :rtype: TeamSelectiveSyncSettingsChangedType

def get_team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Edited the approved list for sharing externally Only call this if :meth:`is_team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed` is true. :rtype: TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedType

def get_tfa_add_backup_phone(self): (source)

(tfa) Added backup phone for two-step verification Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_add_backup_phone` is true. :rtype: TfaAddBackupPhoneType

def get_tfa_add_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Added members to two factor authentication exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_add_exception` is true. :rtype: TfaAddExceptionType

def get_tfa_add_security_key(self): (source)

(tfa) Added security key for two-step verification Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_add_security_key` is true. :rtype: TfaAddSecurityKeyType

def get_tfa_change_backup_phone(self): (source)

(tfa) Changed backup phone for two-step verification Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_change_backup_phone` is true. :rtype: TfaChangeBackupPhoneType

def get_tfa_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed two-step verification setting for team Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_change_policy` is true. :rtype: TfaChangePolicyType

def get_tfa_change_status(self): (source)

(tfa) Enabled/disabled/changed two-step verification setting Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_change_status` is true. :rtype: TfaChangeStatusType

def get_tfa_remove_backup_phone(self): (source)

(tfa) Removed backup phone for two-step verification Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_remove_backup_phone` is true. :rtype: TfaRemoveBackupPhoneType

def get_tfa_remove_exception(self): (source)

(team_policies) Removed members from two factor authentication exception list Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_remove_exception` is true. :rtype: TfaRemoveExceptionType

def get_tfa_remove_security_key(self): (source)

(tfa) Removed security key for two-step verification Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_remove_security_key` is true. :rtype: TfaRemoveSecurityKeyType

def get_tfa_reset(self): (source)

(tfa) Reset two-step verification for team member Only call this if :meth:`is_tfa_reset` is true. :rtype: TfaResetType

def get_two_account_change_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Enabled/disabled option for members to link personal Dropbox account and team account to same computer Only call this if :meth:`is_two_account_change_policy` is true. :rtype: TwoAccountChangePolicyType

def get_undo_naming_convention(self): (source)

(file_operations) Reverted naming convention Only call this if :meth:`is_undo_naming_convention` is true. :rtype: UndoNamingConventionType

def get_undo_organize_folder_with_tidy(self): (source)

(file_operations) Removed multi-file organize Only call this if :meth:`is_undo_organize_folder_with_tidy` is true. :rtype: UndoOrganizeFolderWithTidyType

def get_user_tags_added(self): (source)

(file_operations) Tagged a file Only call this if :meth:`is_user_tags_added` is true. :rtype: UserTagsAddedType

def get_user_tags_removed(self): (source)

(file_operations) Removed tags Only call this if :meth:`is_user_tags_removed` is true. :rtype: UserTagsRemovedType

def get_viewer_info_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed team policy for viewer info Only call this if :meth:`is_viewer_info_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: ViewerInfoPolicyChangedType

def get_watermarking_policy_changed(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed watermarking policy for team Only call this if :meth:`is_watermarking_policy_changed` is true. :rtype: WatermarkingPolicyChangedType

def get_web_sessions_change_active_session_limit(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed limit on active sessions per member Only call this if :meth:`is_web_sessions_change_active_session_limit` is true. :rtype: WebSessionsChangeActiveSessionLimitType

def get_web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed how long members can stay signed in to Only call this if :meth:`is_web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy` is true. :rtype: WebSessionsChangeFixedLengthPolicyType

def get_web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy(self): (source)

(team_policies) Changed how long team members can be idle while signed in to Only call this if :meth:`is_web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy` is true. :rtype: WebSessionsChangeIdleLengthPolicyType

def is_account_capture_change_availability(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_change_availability``. :rtype: bool

def is_account_capture_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_account_capture_migrate_account(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_migrate_account``. :rtype: bool

def is_account_capture_notification_emails_sent(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_notification_emails_sent``. :rtype: bool

def is_account_capture_relinquish_account(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``account_capture_relinquish_account``. :rtype: bool

def is_account_lock_or_unlocked(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``account_lock_or_unlocked``. :rtype: bool

def is_admin_alerting_alert_state_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``admin_alerting_alert_state_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_admin_alerting_changed_alert_config(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``admin_alerting_changed_alert_config``. :rtype: bool

def is_admin_alerting_triggered_alert(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``admin_alerting_triggered_alert``. :rtype: bool

def is_admin_email_reminders_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``admin_email_reminders_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_allow_download_disabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``allow_download_disabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_allow_download_enabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``allow_download_enabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_app_blocked_by_permissions(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``app_blocked_by_permissions``. :rtype: bool

def is_app_link_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``app_link_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_app_link_user(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``app_link_user``. :rtype: bool

def is_app_permissions_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``app_permissions_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_app_unlink_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``app_unlink_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_app_unlink_user(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``app_unlink_user``. :rtype: bool

def is_apply_naming_convention(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``apply_naming_convention``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_add_page(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_add_page``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_add_section(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_add_section``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_remove_page(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_remove_page``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_remove_section(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_remove_section``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_rename_page(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_rename_page``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_rename_section(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_rename_section``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_reorder_page(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_reorder_page``. :rtype: bool

def is_binder_reorder_section(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``binder_reorder_section``. :rtype: bool

def is_camera_uploads_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``camera_uploads_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_capture_transcript_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``capture_transcript_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_changed_enterprise_admin_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``changed_enterprise_admin_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_changed_enterprise_connected_team_status(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``changed_enterprise_connected_team_status``. :rtype: bool

def is_classification_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``classification_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_classification_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``classification_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_classification_create_report_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``classification_create_report_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_collection_share(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``collection_share``. :rtype: bool

def is_computer_backup_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``computer_backup_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_content_administration_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``content_administration_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_create_folder(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``create_folder``. :rtype: bool

def is_create_team_invite_link(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``create_team_invite_link``. :rtype: bool

def is_data_placement_restriction_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``data_placement_restriction_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``data_placement_restriction_satisfy_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_data_residency_migration_request_successful(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``data_residency_migration_request_successful``. :rtype: bool

def is_data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``data_residency_migration_request_unsuccessful``. :rtype: bool

def is_delete_team_invite_link(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``delete_team_invite_link``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_approvals_add_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_add_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_approvals_change_desktop_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_desktop_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_approvals_change_mobile_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_mobile_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_approvals_change_overage_action(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_overage_action``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_approvals_change_unlink_action(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_change_unlink_action``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_approvals_remove_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_approvals_remove_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_change_ip_desktop(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_change_ip_desktop``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_change_ip_mobile(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_change_ip_mobile``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_change_ip_web(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_change_ip_web``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_delete_on_unlink_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_delete_on_unlink_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_delete_on_unlink_success(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_delete_on_unlink_success``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_link_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_link_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_link_success(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_link_success``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_management_disabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_management_disabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_management_enabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_management_enabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_sync_backup_status_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_sync_backup_status_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_device_unlink(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``device_unlink``. :rtype: bool

def is_directory_restrictions_add_members(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``directory_restrictions_add_members``. :rtype: bool

def is_directory_restrictions_remove_members(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``directory_restrictions_remove_members``. :rtype: bool

def is_disabled_domain_invites(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``disabled_domain_invites``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_approve_request_to_join_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_decline_request_to_join_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_invites_email_existing_users(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_email_existing_users``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_invites_request_to_join_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_request_to_join_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_no``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_invites_set_invite_new_user_pref_to_yes``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_verification_add_domain_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_verification_add_domain_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_verification_add_domain_success(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_verification_add_domain_success``. :rtype: bool

def is_domain_verification_remove_domain(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``domain_verification_remove_domain``. :rtype: bool

def is_dropbox_passwords_exported(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``dropbox_passwords_exported``. :rtype: bool

def is_dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``dropbox_passwords_new_device_enrolled``. :rtype: bool

def is_dropbox_passwords_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``dropbox_passwords_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_email_ingest_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``email_ingest_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_email_ingest_receive_file(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``email_ingest_receive_file``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_add_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_add_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_create_exceptions_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_create_exceptions_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_create_usage_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_create_usage_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_error(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_error``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_refresh_auth_token(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_refresh_auth_token``. :rtype: bool

def is_emm_remove_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``emm_remove_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_enabled_domain_invites(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``enabled_domain_invites``. :rtype: bool

def is_ended_enterprise_admin_session(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``ended_enterprise_admin_session``. :rtype: bool

def is_ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated``. :rtype: bool

def is_enterprise_settings_locking(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``enterprise_settings_locking``. :rtype: bool

def is_export_members_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``export_members_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_export_members_report_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``export_members_report_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_extended_version_history_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``extended_version_history_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``external_drive_backup_eligibility_status_checked``. :rtype: bool

def is_external_drive_backup_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``external_drive_backup_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_external_drive_backup_status_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``external_drive_backup_status_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_external_sharing_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``external_sharing_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_external_sharing_report_failed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``external_sharing_report_failed``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_add(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_add``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_add_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_add_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_change_comment_subscription(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_change_comment_subscription``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_comments_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_comments_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_copy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_copy``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_delete_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_delete_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_download(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_download``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_edit(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_edit``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_edit_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_edit_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_get_copy_reference(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_get_copy_reference``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_like_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_like_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_locking_lock_status_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_locking_lock_status_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_locking_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_locking_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_move(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_move``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_permanently_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_permanently_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_preview(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_preview``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_provider_migration_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_provider_migration_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_rename(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_rename``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_request_change(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_request_change``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_request_close(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_request_close``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_request_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_request_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_request_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_request_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_request_receive_file(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_request_receive_file``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_requests_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_requests_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_requests_emails_enabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_requests_emails_enabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_requests_emails_restricted_to_team_only``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_resolve_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_resolve_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_restore(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_restore``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_revert(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_revert``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_rollback_changes(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_rollback_changes``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_save_copy_reference(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_save_copy_reference``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_transfers_file_add(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_file_add``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_transfers_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_transfers_transfer_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_transfers_transfer_download(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_download``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_transfers_transfer_send(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_send``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_transfers_transfer_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_transfers_transfer_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_unlike_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_unlike_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_unresolve_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_unresolve_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_folder_link_restriction_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``folder_link_restriction_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_folder_overview_description_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``folder_overview_description_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_folder_overview_item_pinned(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``folder_overview_item_pinned``. :rtype: bool

def is_folder_overview_item_unpinned(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``folder_overview_item_unpinned``. :rtype: bool

def is_google_sso_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``google_sso_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_add_folder_failed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_add_folder_failed``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_add_folders(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_add_folders``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_content_disposed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_content_disposed``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_edit_details(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_edit_details``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_edit_duration(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_edit_duration``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_export_created(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_export_created``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_export_removed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_export_removed``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_remove_folders(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_remove_folders``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_report_created(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_report_created``. :rtype: bool

def is_governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``governance_policy_zip_part_downloaded``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_add_external_id(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_add_external_id``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_add_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_add_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_change_external_id(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_change_external_id``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_change_management_type(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_change_management_type``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_change_member_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_change_member_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_description_updated(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_description_updated``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_join_policy_updated(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_join_policy_updated``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_moved(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_moved``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_remove_external_id(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_remove_external_id``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_remove_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_remove_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_rename(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_rename``. :rtype: bool

def is_group_user_management_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``group_user_management_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_guest_admin_change_status(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``guest_admin_change_status``. :rtype: bool

def is_guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams``. :rtype: bool

def is_guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams``. :rtype: bool

def is_integration_connected(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``integration_connected``. :rtype: bool

def is_integration_disconnected(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``integration_disconnected``. :rtype: bool

def is_integration_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``integration_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``invite_acceptance_email_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_activate_a_hold(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_activate_a_hold``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_add_members(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_add_members``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_change_hold_details(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_change_hold_details``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_change_hold_name(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_change_hold_name``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_export_a_hold(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_a_hold``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_export_cancelled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_cancelled``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_export_downloaded(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_downloaded``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_export_removed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_export_removed``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_release_a_hold(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_release_a_hold``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_remove_members(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_remove_members``. :rtype: bool

def is_legal_holds_report_a_hold(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``legal_holds_report_a_hold``. :rtype: bool

def is_login_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``login_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_login_success(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``login_success``. :rtype: bool

def is_logout(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``logout``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_add_external_id(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_add_external_id``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_add_name(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_add_name``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_admin_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_admin_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_email(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_email``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_external_id(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_external_id``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_membership_type(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_membership_type``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_name(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_name``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_reseller_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_reseller_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_change_status(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_change_status``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_delete_manual_contacts(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_delete_manual_contacts``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_delete_profile_photo(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_delete_profile_photo``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_permanently_delete_account_contents(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_permanently_delete_account_contents``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_remove_external_id(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_remove_external_id``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_requests_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_requests_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_send_invite_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_send_invite_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_set_profile_photo(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_set_profile_photo``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_add_custom_quota(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_add_custom_quota``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_add_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_add_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_caps_type_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_change_custom_quota(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_custom_quota``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_change_status(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_change_status``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_remove_custom_quota``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_space_limits_remove_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_space_limits_remove_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_suggest(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_suggest``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_suggestions_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_suggestions_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_member_transfer_account_contents(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``member_transfer_account_contents``. :rtype: bool

def is_microsoft_office_addin_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``microsoft_office_addin_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_network_control_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``network_control_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_expiration_link_gen_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_expiration_link_gen_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_expiration_link_gen_report_failed``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_password_link_gen_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_gen_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_password_link_gen_report_failed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_gen_report_failed``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_password_link_view_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_view_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_password_link_view_report_failed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_password_link_view_report_failed``. :rtype: bool

def is_note_acl_invite_only(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``note_acl_invite_only``. :rtype: bool

def is_note_acl_link(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``note_acl_link``. :rtype: bool

def is_note_acl_team_link(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``note_acl_team_link``. :rtype: bool

def is_note_share_receive(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``note_share_receive``. :rtype: bool

def is_note_shared(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``note_shared``. :rtype: bool

def is_object_label_added(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``object_label_added``. :rtype: bool

def is_object_label_removed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``object_label_removed``. :rtype: bool

def is_object_label_updated_value(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``object_label_updated_value``. :rtype: bool

def is_open_note_shared(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``open_note_shared``. :rtype: bool

def is_organize_folder_with_tidy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``organize_folder_with_tidy``. :rtype: bool

def is_other(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``other``. :rtype: bool

def is_outdated_link_view_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``outdated_link_view_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_outdated_link_view_report_failed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``outdated_link_view_report_failed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_admin_export_start(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_admin_export_start``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_change_deployment_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_deployment_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_change_member_link_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_member_link_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_change_member_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_member_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_add_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_add_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_add_to_folder(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_add_to_folder``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_archive(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_archive``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_permanently_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_permanently_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_remove_from_folder(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_remove_from_folder``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_remove_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_remove_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_rename(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_rename``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_content_restore(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_content_restore``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_default_folder_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_default_folder_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_desktop_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_desktop_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_add_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_add_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_change_member_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_change_member_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_change_sharing_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_change_sharing_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_change_subscription(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_change_subscription``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_delete_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_delete_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_deleted(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_deleted``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_download(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_download``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_edit(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_edit``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_edit_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_edit_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_followed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_followed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_mention(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_mention``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_ownership_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_ownership_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_request_access(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_request_access``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_resolve_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_resolve_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_revert(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_revert``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_slack_share(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_slack_share``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_team_invite(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_team_invite``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_trashed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_trashed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_unresolve_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_unresolve_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_untrashed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_untrashed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_doc_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_doc_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_enabled_users_group_addition(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_enabled_users_group_addition``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_enabled_users_group_removal(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_enabled_users_group_removal``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_external_view_allow(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_external_view_allow``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_external_view_default_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_external_view_default_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_external_view_forbid(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_external_view_forbid``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_folder_change_subscription(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_change_subscription``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_folder_deleted(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_deleted``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_folder_followed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_followed``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_folder_team_invite(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_folder_team_invite``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_published_link_change_permission(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_change_permission``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_published_link_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_published_link_disabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_disabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_paper_published_link_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``paper_published_link_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_password_change(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``password_change``. :rtype: bool

def is_password_reset(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``password_reset``. :rtype: bool

def is_password_reset_all(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``password_reset_all``. :rtype: bool

def is_password_strength_requirements_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``password_strength_requirements_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_pending_secondary_email_added(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``pending_secondary_email_added``. :rtype: bool

def is_permanent_delete_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``permanent_delete_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_reseller_support_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``reseller_support_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_reseller_support_session_end(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``reseller_support_session_end``. :rtype: bool

def is_reseller_support_session_start(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``reseller_support_session_start``. :rtype: bool

def is_rewind_folder(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``rewind_folder``. :rtype: bool

def is_rewind_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``rewind_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_secondary_email_deleted(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``secondary_email_deleted``. :rtype: bool

def is_secondary_email_verified(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``secondary_email_verified``. :rtype: bool

def is_secondary_mails_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``secondary_mails_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_send_for_signature_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``send_for_signature_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_add_group(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_add_group``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_allow_non_members_to_view_shared_links``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_external_invite_warn(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_external_invite_warn``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_fb_invite(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_fb_invite``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_fb_invite_change_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_fb_invite_change_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_fb_uninvite(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_fb_uninvite``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_invite_group(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_invite_group``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_team_grant_access(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_grant_access``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_team_invite(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_invite``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_team_invite_change_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_invite_change_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_team_join(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_join``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_team_join_from_oob_link(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_join_from_oob_link``. :rtype: bool

def is_sf_team_uninvite(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sf_team_uninvite``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_add_invitees(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_invitees``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_add_link_expiry(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_link_expiry``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_add_link_password(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_link_password``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_add_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_add_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_downloads_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_downloads_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_invitee_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_invitee_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_link_audience(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_link_audience``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_link_expiry(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_link_expiry``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_link_password(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_link_password``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_member_role(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_member_role``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_change_viewer_info_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_claim_invitation(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_claim_invitation``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_copy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_copy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_download(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_download``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_relinquish_membership(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_relinquish_membership``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_remove_invitees(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_invitees``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_remove_link_expiry(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_link_expiry``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_remove_link_password(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_link_password``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_remove_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_remove_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_request_access(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_request_access``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_restore_invitees(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_restore_invitees``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_restore_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_restore_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_unshare(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_unshare``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_content_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_content_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_change_link_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_link_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_members_inheritance_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_change_members_management_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_members_management_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_change_members_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_change_members_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_decline_invitation(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_decline_invitation``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_mount(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_mount``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_nest(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_nest``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_transfer_ownership(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_transfer_ownership``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_folder_unmount(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_folder_unmount``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_add_expiry(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_add_expiry``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_change_expiry(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_change_expiry``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_change_visibility(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_change_visibility``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_copy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_copy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_disable(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_disable``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_download(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_download``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_remove_expiry(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_remove_expiry``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_add_expiration(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_add_expiration``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_add_password(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_add_password``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_change_audience(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_change_audience``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_change_expiration(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_change_expiration``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_change_password(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_change_password``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_remove_expiration(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_remove_expiration``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_settings_remove_password(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_settings_remove_password``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_share(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_share``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_link_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_link_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_shared_note_opened(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shared_note_opened``. :rtype: bool

def is_sharing_change_folder_join_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_folder_join_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_allow_change_expiration_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_default_expiration_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_enforce_password_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_sharing_change_link_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_link_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_sharing_change_member_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sharing_change_member_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_shmodel_disable_downloads(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shmodel_disable_downloads``. :rtype: bool

def is_shmodel_enable_downloads(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shmodel_enable_downloads``. :rtype: bool

def is_shmodel_group_share(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``shmodel_group_share``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_access_granted(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_access_granted``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_add_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_add_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_archived(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_archived``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_change_download_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_change_download_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_change_enabled_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_change_enabled_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_change_external_sharing_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_change_external_sharing_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_created(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_created``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_delete_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_delete_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_edit_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_edit_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_edited(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_edited``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_file_added(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_added``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_file_download(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_download``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_file_removed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_removed``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_file_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_file_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_permanently_deleted(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_permanently_deleted``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_post_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_post_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_remove_member(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_remove_member``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_renamed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_renamed``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_request_access(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_request_access``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_resolve_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_resolve_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_restored(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_restored``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_trashed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_trashed``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_trashed_deprecated(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_trashed_deprecated``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_unresolve_comment(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_unresolve_comment``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_untrashed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_untrashed``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_untrashed_deprecated(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_untrashed_deprecated``. :rtype: bool

def is_showcase_view(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``showcase_view``. :rtype: bool

def is_sign_in_as_session_end(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sign_in_as_session_end``. :rtype: bool

def is_sign_in_as_session_start(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sign_in_as_session_start``. :rtype: bool

def is_smart_sync_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_create_admin_privilege_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_smart_sync_not_opt_out(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_not_opt_out``. :rtype: bool

def is_smart_sync_opt_out(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``smart_sync_opt_out``. :rtype: bool

def is_smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_add_cert(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_add_cert``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_add_login_url(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_add_login_url``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_add_logout_url(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_add_logout_url``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_change_cert(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_cert``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_change_login_url(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_login_url``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_change_logout_url(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_logout_url``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_change_saml_identity_mode(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_change_saml_identity_mode``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_error(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_error``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_remove_cert(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_remove_cert``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_remove_login_url(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_remove_login_url``. :rtype: bool

def is_sso_remove_logout_url(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``sso_remove_logout_url``. :rtype: bool

def is_started_enterprise_admin_session(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``started_enterprise_admin_session``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_activity_create_report(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_activity_create_report``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_activity_create_report_fail(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_activity_create_report_fail``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_branding_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_branding_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_extensions_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_extensions_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_folder_change_status(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_change_status``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_folder_create(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_create``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_folder_downgrade(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_downgrade``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_folder_permanently_delete(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_permanently_delete``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_folder_rename(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_folder_rename``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_from(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_from``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_accepted(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_accepted``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_primary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_accepted_shown_to_secondary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_auto_canceled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_auto_canceled``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_canceled(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_canceled``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_secondary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_expired(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_expired``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_primary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_expired_shown_to_secondary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_primary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_rejected_shown_to_secondary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_reminder(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_reminder``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_primary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_reminder_shown_to_secondary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_revoked(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_revoked``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_primary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_request_sent_shown_to_secondary_team``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_merge_to(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_merge_to``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_add_background(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_add_background``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_add_logo(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_add_logo``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_change_background(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_background``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_change_default_language(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_default_language``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_change_logo(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_logo``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_change_name(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_change_name``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_remove_background(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_remove_background``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_profile_remove_logo(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_profile_remove_logo``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_selective_sync_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_selective_sync_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_selective_sync_settings_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_selective_sync_settings_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_add_backup_phone(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_add_backup_phone``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_add_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_add_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_add_security_key(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_add_security_key``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_change_backup_phone(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_change_backup_phone``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_change_status(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_change_status``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_remove_backup_phone(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_remove_backup_phone``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_remove_exception(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_remove_exception``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_remove_security_key(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_remove_security_key``. :rtype: bool

def is_tfa_reset(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``tfa_reset``. :rtype: bool

def is_two_account_change_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``two_account_change_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_undo_naming_convention(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``undo_naming_convention``. :rtype: bool

def is_undo_organize_folder_with_tidy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``undo_organize_folder_with_tidy``. :rtype: bool

def is_user_tags_added(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``user_tags_added``. :rtype: bool

def is_user_tags_removed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``user_tags_removed``. :rtype: bool

def is_viewer_info_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``viewer_info_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_watermarking_policy_changed(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``watermarking_policy_changed``. :rtype: bool

def is_web_sessions_change_active_session_limit(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``web_sessions_change_active_session_limit``. :rtype: bool

def is_web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``web_sessions_change_fixed_length_policy``. :rtype: bool

def is_web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``web_sessions_change_idle_length_policy``. :rtype: bool


def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): (source)


_catch_all: str = (source)
