module documentation

`pytest <>`_ fixtures for easy use of Fabric test helpers. To get Fabric plus this module's dependencies (as well as those of the main `fabric.testing.base` module which these fixtures wrap), ``pip install fabric[pytest]``. The simplest way to get these fixtures loaded into your test suite so Pytest notices them is to import them into a ```` (`docs <>`_). For example, if you intend to use the `remote` and `client` fixtures:: from fabric.testing.fixtures import client, remote .. versionadded:: 2.1

Function client Mocks `~paramiko.client.SSHClient` for testing calls to ``connect()``.
Function connection Yields a `.Connection` object with mocked methods.
Function remote Fixture allowing setup of a mocked remote session & access to sub-mocks.
Function sftp Fixture allowing setup of a mocked remote SFTP session.
Function sftp_objs Wrapper for `sftp` which only yields the Transfer and SFTPClient.
Function transfer Wrapper for `sftp` which only yields the Transfer object.
def client(): (source)

Mocks `~paramiko.client.SSHClient` for testing calls to ``connect()``. Yields a mocked ``SSHClient`` instance. This fixture updates `~paramiko.client.SSHClient.get_transport` to return a mock that appears active on first check, then inactive after, matching most tests' needs by default: - `.Connection` instantiates, with a None ``.transport``. - Calls to ``.open()`` test ``.is_connected``, which returns ``False`` when ``.transport`` is falsey, and so the first open will call ``SSHClient.connect`` regardless. - ``.open()`` then sets ``.transport`` to ``SSHClient.get_transport()``, so ``Connection.transport`` is effectively ``client.get_transport.return_value``. - Subsequent activity will want to think the mocked SSHClient is "connected", meaning we want the mocked transport's ``.active`` to be ``True``. - This includes `.Connection.close`, which short-circuits if ``.is_connected``; having a statically ``True`` active flag means a full open -> close cycle will run without error. (Only tests that double-close or double-open should have issues here.) End result is that: - ``.is_connected`` behaves False after instantiation and before ``.open``, then True after ``.open`` - ``.close`` will work normally on 1st call - ``.close`` will behave "incorrectly" on subsequent calls (since it'll think connection is still live.) Tests that check the idempotency of ``.close`` will need to tweak their mock mid-test. For 'full' fake remote session interaction (i.e. stdout/err reading/writing, channel opens, etc) see `remote`. .. versionadded:: 2.1

def connection(): (source)

Yields a `.Connection` object with mocked methods. Specifically: - the hostname is set to ``"host"`` and the username to ``"user"``; - the primary API members (``, `.Connection.local`, etc) are replaced with ``mock.Mock`` instances; - the ``run.in_stream`` config option is set to ``False`` to avoid attempts to read from stdin (which typically plays poorly with pytest and other capturing test runners); .. versionadded:: 2.1

def remote(): (source)

Fixture allowing setup of a mocked remote session & access to sub-mocks. Yields a `.MockRemote` object (which may need to be updated via `.MockRemote.expect`, `.MockRemote.expect_sessions`, etc; otherwise a default session will be used) & calls `.MockRemote.sanity` and `.MockRemote.stop` on teardown. .. versionadded:: 2.1

def sftp(): (source)

Fixture allowing setup of a mocked remote SFTP session. Yields a 3-tuple of: Transfer() object, SFTPClient object, and mocked OS module. For many/most tests which only want the Transfer and/or SFTPClient objects, see `sftp_objs` and `transfer` which wrap this fixture. .. versionadded:: 2.1

def sftp_objs(sftp): (source)

Wrapper for `sftp` which only yields the Transfer and SFTPClient. .. versionadded:: 2.1

def transfer(sftp): (source)

Wrapper for `sftp` which only yields the Transfer object. .. versionadded:: 2.1