class documentation

class Transfer: (source)

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`.Connection`-wrapping class responsible for managing file upload/download. .. versionadded:: 2.0

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get Copy a file from wrapped connection's host to the local filesystem.
Method is_remote_dir Undocumented
Method put Upload a file from the local filesystem to the current connection.
Instance Variable connection Undocumented
Property sftp Undocumented
def __init__(self, connection): (source)


def get(self, remote, local=None, preserve_mode=True): (source)

Copy a file from wrapped connection's host to the local filesystem. :param str remote: Remote file to download. May be absolute, or relative to the remote working directory. .. note:: Most SFTP servers set the remote working directory to the connecting user's home directory, and (unlike most shells) do *not* expand tildes (``~``). For example, instead of saying ``get("~/tmp/archive.tgz")``, say ``get("tmp/archive.tgz")``. :param local: Local path to store downloaded file in, or a file-like object. **If None or another 'falsey'/empty value is given** (the default), the remote file is downloaded to the current working directory (as seen by `os.getcwd`) using its remote filename. (This is equivalent to giving ``"{basename}"``; see the below subsection on interpolation.) **If a string is given**, it should be a path to a local directory or file and is subject to similar behavior as that seen by common Unix utilities or OpenSSH's ``sftp`` or ``scp`` tools. For example, if the local path is a directory, the remote path's base filename will be added onto it (so ``get('foo/bar/file.txt', '/tmp/')`` would result in creation or overwriting of ``/tmp/file.txt``). This path will be **interpolated** with some useful parameters, using `str.format`: - The `.Connection` object's ``host``, ``user`` and ``port`` attributes. - The ``basename`` and ``dirname`` of the ``remote`` path, as derived by `os.path` (specifically, its ``posixpath`` flavor, so that the resulting values are useful on remote POSIX-compatible SFTP servers even if the local client is Windows). - Thus, for example, ``"/some/path/{user}@{host}/{basename}"`` will yield different local paths depending on the properties of both the connection and the remote path. .. note:: If nonexistent directories are present in this path (including the final path component, if it ends in `os.sep`) they will be created automatically using `os.makedirs`. **If a file-like object is given**, the contents of the remote file are simply written into it. :param bool preserve_mode: Whether to `os.chmod` the local file so it matches the remote file's mode (default: ``True``). :returns: A `.Result` object. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.6 Added ``local`` path interpolation of connection & remote file attributes. .. versionchanged:: 2.6 Create missing ``local`` directories automatically.

def is_remote_dir(self, path): (source)


def put(self, local, remote=None, preserve_mode=True): (source)

Upload a file from the local filesystem to the current connection. :param local: Local path of file to upload, or a file-like object. **If a string is given**, it should be a path to a local (regular) file (not a directory). .. note:: When dealing with nonexistent file paths, normal Python file handling concerns come into play - for example, trying to upload a nonexistent ``local`` path will typically result in an `OSError`. **If a file-like object is given**, its contents are written to the remote file path. :param str remote: Remote path to which the local file will be written. .. note:: Most SFTP servers set the remote working directory to the connecting user's home directory, and (unlike most shells) do *not* expand tildes (``~``). For example, instead of saying ``put("archive.tgz", "~/tmp/")``, say ``put("archive.tgz", "tmp/")``. In addition, this means that 'falsey'/empty values (such as the default value, ``None``) are allowed and result in uploading to the remote home directory. .. note:: When ``local`` is a file-like object, ``remote`` is required and must refer to a valid file path (not a directory). :param bool preserve_mode: Whether to ``chmod`` the remote file so it matches the local file's mode (default: ``True``). :returns: A `.Result` object. .. versionadded:: 2.0

connection = (source)

