module documentation


Exception DebugFilesKeyError Raised from request.files during debugging. The idea is that it can provide a better error message than just a generic KeyError/BadRequest.
Exception FormDataRoutingRedirect This exception is raised in debug mode if a routing redirect would cause the browser to drop the method or body. This happens when method is not GET, HEAD or OPTIONS and the status code is not 307 or 308.
Exception UnexpectedUnicodeError Raised in places where we want some better error reporting for unexpected unicode or binary data.
Function attach_enctype_error_multidict Patch ``request.files.__getitem__`` to raise a descriptive error about ``enctype=multipart/form-data``.
Function explain_template_loading_attempts This should help developers understand what failed
Function _dump_loader_info Undocumented
def attach_enctype_error_multidict(request): (source)

Patch ``request.files.__getitem__`` to raise a descriptive error about ``enctype=multipart/form-data``. :param request: The request to patch. :meta private:

def explain_template_loading_attempts(app: Flask, template, attempts): (source)

This should help developers understand what failed

def _dump_loader_info(loader) -> t.Generator: (source)
