package documentation

The root of JIRA package namespace.

Module client Jira Client module.
Module config Config handler.
Module exceptions Undocumented
Module jirashell Starts an interactive Jira session in an ipython terminal.
Module resilientsession No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 3/3 functions, 3/3 classes documented
Module resources Jira resource definitions.
Package utils Jira utils used internally.


Class Comment An issue comment.
Class Issue A Jira issue.
Class JIRA User interface to Jira.
Class Priority Priority that can be set on an issue.
Class Project A Jira project.
Class Role A role inside a project.
Class User A Jira user.
Class Watchers Watcher information on an issue.
Class Worklog Worklog on an issue.
Exception JIRAError General error raised for all problems in operation of the client.
Function get_jira Return a JIRA object by loading the connection details from the `config.ini` file.
Variable __version__ Undocumented
__version__ = (source)


def get_jira(profile: Optional[str] = None, url: str = 'http://localhost:2990', username: str = 'admin', password: str = 'admin', appid=None, autofix=False, verify: Union[bool, str] = True): (source)

Return a JIRA object by loading the connection details from the `config.ini` file. Args: profile (Optional[str]): The name of the section from config.ini file that stores server config url/username/password url (str): URL of the Jira server username (str): username to use for authentication password (str): password to use for authentication appid: appid autofix: autofix verify (Union[bool, str]): True to indicate whether SSL certificates should be verified or str path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with certificates of trusted CAs. (Default: ``True``) Returns: JIRA: an instance to a JIRA object. Raises: EnvironmentError Usage: >>> from jira.config import get_jira >>> >>> jira = get_jira(profile='jira') Also create a `config.ini` like this and put it in current directory, user home directory or PYTHONPATH. .. code-block:: none [jira] url= # only the `url` is mandatory user=... pass=... appid=... verify=...