class documentation

class DatasetSpecs: (source)

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Namespace that defines all specifications for a dataset's lifecycle hooks.

Method after_dataset_loaded Hook to be invoked after a dataset is loaded from the catalog.
Method after_dataset_saved Hook to be invoked after a dataset is saved in the catalog.
Method before_dataset_loaded Hook to be invoked before a dataset is loaded from the catalog.
Method before_dataset_saved Hook to be invoked before a dataset is saved to the catalog.
def after_dataset_loaded(self, dataset_name: str, data: Any, node: Node): (source)

Hook to be invoked after a dataset is loaded from the catalog.

dataset_name:strname of the dataset that was loaded from the catalog.
data:Anythe actual data that was loaded from the catalog.
node:NodeThe Node to run.
def after_dataset_saved(self, dataset_name: str, data: Any, node: Node): (source)

Hook to be invoked after a dataset is saved in the catalog.

dataset_name:strname of the dataset that was saved to the catalog.
data:Anythe actual data that was saved to the catalog.
node:NodeThe Node that ran.
def before_dataset_loaded(self, dataset_name: str, node: Node): (source)

Hook to be invoked before a dataset is loaded from the catalog.

dataset_name:strname of the dataset to be loaded from the catalog.
node:NodeThe Node to run.
def before_dataset_saved(self, dataset_name: str, data: Any, node: Node): (source)

Hook to be invoked before a dataset is saved to the catalog.

dataset_name:strname of the dataset to be saved to the catalog.
data:Anythe actual data to be saved to the catalog.
node:NodeThe Node that ran.